USMB Coffee Shop IV

Mornin' Coffee Shop! 64, headed for 70 today here on the Gulf Coast.
Going away party last night for James, our head of security. He is headed for Orlando and the Motorcycle Maintenance Institute. We welcomed Lonny to the staff as #2 man on security/bar back. Now Lonny ain't quite as big as James, but at 6'2" and 285, I think he'll do fine. James is a former University of South Alabama defensive lineman. at 6'1" and 365, he is incredibly strong, surprisingly fast and could turn from the consummate diplomat to your worst nightmare as needed.

I will be wearing the black shirt in the near future as soon as I get my Alabama carry permit. I have picked up a new toy which I hope never comes in handy.

Have you considered a taser over a handgun? After 1983 and a guy committing suicide on my front bumper, the idea of deadly force just isn't a real option for me.
Have you considered a taser over a handgun? After 1983 and a guy committing suicide on my front bumper, the idea of deadly force just isn't a real option for me.

I can understand that. I've sometimes wondered if I would be able to pull the trigger if faced with a life threatening situation and I had a gun in hand. I honestly don't know. But I think I would prefer the distance that a gun allows and a taser wouldn't.
A ccw license allows us to carry weapons other than guns, such as canister sprays, stun guns, retractable cattle goads (my favorite, watch him shiver and shake on the ground), etc.
Have you considered a taser over a handgun? After 1983 and a guy committing suicide on my front bumper, the idea of deadly force just isn't a real option for me.
I have twice found myself capable and ready to use deadly force. In both instances, the fact that I was armed turned out to be sufficient to deter the threat.
I frequently carry large sums of cash from my business. The very fact that I own such a place makes me and mine targets. Add to that, angry people fueled by too much to drink and I feel that I need some kind of protection.
Bringing a taser to gun fight might not be the best choice.

Okay, I can't resist posting this scene from "Raiders of the Lost Ark"

Best scene ever. Did you know that this scene was meant to a few minutes long, but Harrison Ford had a really bad problem with the runs and he asked if the scene could be shortened as he didn't feel that he was well enough to film the full scene. This is what he came up with.

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