USMB Coffee Shop IV

Mrs. Liberty worked until 9pm at Home Depot and was back out the door at 7:30am for her next shift. I'm also going out the door to finish a few odds and ends jobs for customers. Time to put away most of the tools and pullout the snow removal equipment.
My buddy, the vet, got a pretty nice buck with his bow this morning from his stand in my lane. I figured he would because yesterday it was deer city around here. Had lots of nice deer photos on the trail cameras. Coming up on shotgun season pretty soon. I have one singled out to try and get if he shows his head around here then.
I asked Mrs. BBD this afternoon what we were going to have for supper. She said, "Whatever you feel like fixing." After a short bit of whining, I made a big pot of ham and beans. Turned out pretty good if I say so myself.
Geez that reminds me of my ma. She'd ask us kids something like, we'd be watching TV in the evening... "you want a bowl of ice cream? YES. Well it's in the freezer, go get yourself some"... cracked me up every time she did it... :lol:
Yes, I can see that one just fine. Maybe Peach and I have malware protection that blocked the first site? Who knows?

I just heard from Pogo and I hope I am not violating a confidence when I report that Hobbes is out of the tree and safely home. I am most relieved to take him off the vigil list. :)
Thank God.
Yes, indeed. How is the cat doing after the ordeal?
"And an additional word of caution: apparently drinking ice in liquid form is also a problem as statistic shows that more than 99% of those who consume it eventually died or will die.]"

That's interesting. Further research shows that people who drink unregulated ice in liquid form also die in the same amount.

Weird that.
"And an additional word of caution: apparently drinking ice in liquid form is also a problem as statistic shows that more than 99% of those who consume it eventually died or will die.]"

That's interesting. Further research shows that people who drink unregulated ice in liquid form also die in the same amount.

Weird that.
Are you talking about dry ice?
My brother in law's siblings have serious colitis. He doesn't have it though.

Do you know how to treat it?

Ulcerative colitis Treatments and drugs - Diseases and Conditions - Mayo Clinic

Colitis is inflammation of the inner lining of the colon. ... • There are numerous causes of colitis including infection, inflammatory bowel disease, ischemic, and microscopic colitis. • Blood in the stool is never normal and should not be ignored.

Colitis Symptoms and Treatment

You need a doctor if it's really colitis. Who diagnosed it?
Have a family member who has been diagnosed this week.

Maybe if she stops drinking the hard stuff, that will help, you think?
Have a family member who has been diagnosed this week.

Maybe if she stops drinking the hard stuff, that will help, you think?
The inlaws have changed a lot of things. They eat very light and bland foods. The SIL still drinks but she hasn't improved at all and this disease has aged her. That plus the alcohol.

It's hard to get someone to stop drinking if it's their lifestyle.
Have a family member who has been diagnosed this week.

Maybe if she stops drinking the hard stuff, that will help, you think?

I'm not aware of any known link between alcohol consumption and development of ulcerative colitis--I don't think they know why some people develop colitis--but they usually advise folks who have it not to drink alcohol because it aggravates the symptoms.
Yup. Unfortunate but there it is.
I wish her the best, she's not going to be any fun to be around. The SIL starts getting tipsy and is always talking about colitis and how bad she feels. We all listen but her husband gets irritated and tells her to stop talking about it all the time.
Oh boy. Thanks Sarah G. and Foxfyre. I will have my wife go online and do some studying. Not fun.
As the saying goes, "better late than never," I'd like to apologize to everyone in the CS for the recent stir I was part of. This has been such a great place for everyone to come and chat without drama, I feel bad for causing any... "I'm sorry," and a personal apology to Save_Liberty and Pogo. I hope my actions didn't ruin your CS participation.

Well, I am clueless as to what you are talking about, but so happy, as always, to see you again, 007. :eusa_dance:
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