USMB Coffee Shop IV

I asked Mrs. BBD this afternoon what we were going to have for supper. She said, "Whatever you feel like fixing." After a short bit of whining, I made a big pot of ham and beans. Turned out pretty good if I say so myself.
Self reliance is a wonderful thing! If I don't unwrap it, I'm not eating.

I have always been a better than average cook. I was single for over 6 years when I divorced the first wife and used to cook all the time. Knock on wood, and God forbid, but if Mrs. BBD suddenly died, I wouldn't starve to death.
I asked Mrs. BBD this afternoon what we were going to have for supper. She said, "Whatever you feel like fixing." After a short bit of whining, I made a big pot of ham and beans. Turned out pretty good if I say so myself.
Self reliance is a wonderful thing! If I don't unwrap it, I'm not eating.

I have always been a better than average cook. I was single for over 6 years when I divorced the first wife and used to cook all the time. Knock on wood, and God forbid, but if Mrs. BBD suddenly died, I wouldn't starve to death.

Hombre is not a better than average cook and shows little or no interest in learning to be a better one. But he can rustle up a few dishes that are at least edible, and sometimes when I am really REALLY not in the mood to cook and don't have the heart to ask him to go out, I appreciate it when he makes one of his few specialties. And I don't criticize in any way. :)

There was a brief period when he tried to retire when I was still working some very long and difficult hours. And he was keeping house and doing all the cooking. I ate some pretty strange things but again I never complained. Even he learned not to try to substitute worchestershire sauce for soy sauce though. :)
If you all are staying in because it's so cold, I hope you all stop by the CS and chat. You too Pogo and SaveLiberty. :)

You rang?

I was just having some catnip err...vegetables with Hobbes.

My apologies for using a rolled up newspaper 007. Thank you for extending the olive branch.

And that merits a Mama Fox ((hug)) too. :)
Rainy cold day here. After work I went to a customer's house I watch through the winter and went over everything with them. Bought a used Stihl brush trimmer, Stihl leaf blower and a Stihl weed trimmer from them too. Then it was off to get office supplies and level the light pole the young lady moved on Wednesday n her accident. Mrs. Liberty gets home in an hour and should be happy to see I made two quiches tonight.
If you all are staying in because it's so cold, I hope you all stop by the CS and chat. You too Pogo and SaveLiberty. :)

You rang?

I was just having some catnip err...vegetables with Hobbes.

My apologies for using a rolled up newspaper 007. Thank you for extending the olive branch.

And that merits a Mama Fox ((hug)) too. :)

I am here to give and receive those Foxfyre.

Splendid, because it's my favorite thing. :)
You make quiches Save? I'm impressed. There are very few quiche recipes that I don't care for, and it is one of my favorite entres or side dish, depending. . . .
Mrs. Liberty has a busy three days so I like to have something quick to eat for both of us. I just took them out and now they are cooling. Swiss and Colby jack with bacon, onion and green pepper. Plus all the normal stuff.
I asked Mrs. BBD this afternoon what we were going to have for supper. She said, "Whatever you feel like fixing." After a short bit of whining, I made a big pot of ham and beans. Turned out pretty good if I say so myself.
Self reliance is a wonderful thing! If I don't unwrap it, I'm not eating.

If I was a betting person--actually I AM a betting person--I would guess you're a pretty good cook, Nosmo. Most bachelor types who live alone are.
I asked Mrs. BBD this afternoon what we were going to have for supper. She said, "Whatever you feel like fixing." After a short bit of whining, I made a big pot of ham and beans. Turned out pretty good if I say so myself.
Self reliance is a wonderful thing! If I don't unwrap it, I'm not eating.

If I was a betting person--actually I AM a betting person--I would guess you're a pretty good cook, Nosmo. Most bachelor types who live alone are.
I can mess up a pot of chili, I can do the grill.

But I've been a room service guy for too long. I've been with the county, and therefore actually living at Pimplebutt for seven years now. Before that, I lived out of a suitcase as a field engineer. I know what to look for in a hotel, Barbecue joint, haute cuisine hotspot, greasy spoon and Hunky bar. I never learned to shop for myself without over buying and contributing to the compost heap. I can show you a good time in every east coast city from Boston to Virginia Beach.
I asked Mrs. BBD this afternoon what we were going to have for supper. She said, "Whatever you feel like fixing." After a short bit of whining, I made a big pot of ham and beans. Turned out pretty good if I say so myself.
Self reliance is a wonderful thing! If I don't unwrap it, I'm not eating.

If I was a betting person--actually I AM a betting person--I would guess you're a pretty good cook, Nosmo. Most bachelor types who live alone are.
I can mess up a pot of chili, I can do the grill.

But I've been a room service guy for too long. I've been with the county, and therefore actually living at Pimplebutt for seven years now. Before that, I lived out of a suitcase as a field engineer. I know what to look for in a hotel, Barbecue joint, haute cuisine hotspot, greasy spoon and Hunky bar. I never learned to shop for myself without over buying and contributing to the compost heap. I can show you a good time in every east coast city from Boston to Virginia Beach.

I believe you. And now that I think about it, I guess I know a lot of bachelor types--male and female--who almost never turn on the stove to cook something.
I asked Mrs. BBD this afternoon what we were going to have for supper. She said, "Whatever you feel like fixing." After a short bit of whining, I made a big pot of ham and beans. Turned out pretty good if I say so myself.
Love that stuff. I can cook but I don't like to spend a lot of time doing it. I've experimented with different sauces for just plain ole pasta. It's quick and tastes so good.

I found a great side dish from Green Giant, they have so many good ones like green beans, red potatoes and rosemary butter sauce. You just put the unopened bag in the microwave for 5 minutes and it is really good.

Here's some other ones:

Steamers-Bagged-Vegetables - GreenGiant
I asked Mrs. BBD this afternoon what we were going to have for supper. She said, "Whatever you feel like fixing." After a short bit of whining, I made a big pot of ham and beans. Turned out pretty good if I say so myself.
Self reliance is a wonderful thing! If I don't unwrap it, I'm not eating.

I have always been a better than average cook. I was single for over 6 years when I divorced the first wife and used to cook all the time. Knock on wood, and God forbid, but if Mrs. BBD suddenly died, I wouldn't starve to death.

Hombre is not a better than average cook and shows little or no interest in learning to be a better one. But he can rustle up a few dishes that are at least edible, and sometimes when I am really REALLY not in the mood to cook and don't have the heart to ask him to go out, I appreciate it when he makes one of his few specialties. And I don't criticize in any way. :)

There was a brief period when he tried to retire when I was still working some very long and difficult hours. And he was keeping house and doing all the cooking. I ate some pretty strange things but again I never complained. Even he learned not to try to substitute worchestershire sauce for soy sauce though. :)
My son in law used to cook for a very nice restaurant here when he was younger and he has given me a couple of good tips. Just adding lemon pepper to baked chicken gives it so much flavor. He makes good mac and cheese and smashed potatoes too.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Sheila's sore foot post surgery healing,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
GW's student/friend Sean, his injured brother, and their family,
Tresha and hubby,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.

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