USMB Coffee Shop IV

Sherry and I live in sunny Central Florida. Please don't hate us.....but it's sunny and 80 today. I'm gonna hang out by the pool later.

And I know....we suck. :)


Naw. You don't suck. You suck only if you don't let us come visit when we are up to our hoo ha's in ice and snow.

If it helps....I lived six years in Minneapolis. Or as me and the ex called it.....Ice Station Zebra. :lol:

I've seen enough ice and snow to last a lifetime. :)

Don't you miss having all four seasons even just a little bit?

I'm from Virginia and lived there most of my life. Having the 4 season there was beautiful and very nice. But at this point I don't miss cold weather very much.

However, if I lived anywhere else it would be the mountain west. I had family in Arizona and have traveled throughout most of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming.

I absolutely love that part of the Country.
The birthday girl loved her gift, and she even got a birthday cake after class tonight, baked by another Sensei. What a champion she is.


The beautiful birthday girl is on the right, blowing out her candles. This is the woman who is my inspiration. No one drives me like she does. I love her to bits!
It's always helpful to have a positive role model to inspire you to reach higher yourself. Is that you with the cake?
Sherry and I live in sunny Central Florida. Please don't hate us.....but it's sunny and 80 today. I'm gonna hang out by the pool later.

And I know....we suck. :)


Naw. You don't suck. You suck only if you don't let us come visit when we are up to our hoo ha's in ice and snow.

If it helps....I lived six years in Minneapolis. Or as me and the ex called it.....Ice Station Zebra. :lol:

I've seen enough ice and snow to last a lifetime. :)

Don't you miss having all four seasons even just a little bit?

I'm from Virginia and lived there most of my life. Having the 4 season there was beautiful and very nice. But at this point I don't miss cold weather very much.

However, if I lived anywhere else it would be the mountain west. I had family in Arizona and have traveled throughout most of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming.

I absolutely love that part of the Country.

It does have a certain something and those of us who live here do so mostly because we are drawn to that certain something. But it isn't for everybody, thank God, or we would be overrun with people. Just as you would be in Florida if everybody wanted to live there. :)
Good morning friends! I am taking a small break from getting all my ducks in a row for our cabin trip. I have two giant plastic storage bins filled games and I hope to play them all. We are board game aficionado. I packed the telescope as well, hopefully the cloud cover should lessen tonight. Yay! Cheers!
Must be standard cabin issue. We have a whole rack full of games and a nice telescope. I keep that stuff at the cabin, saves dragging it back and forth and we really only have time to indulge ourselves when we're up there, anyway.
Sherry and I live in sunny Central Florida. Please don't hate us.....but it's sunny and 80 today. I'm gonna hang out by the pool later.

And I know....we suck. :)


Naw. You don't suck. You suck only if you don't let us come visit when we are up to our hoo ha's in ice and snow.

If it helps....I lived six years in Minneapolis. Or as me and the ex called it.....Ice Station Zebra. :lol:

I've seen enough ice and snow to last a lifetime. :)

Don't you miss having all four seasons even just a little bit?

We still have the four seasons in the sunny states.
It's just that spring and fall are very, very short. :biggrin:
Sherry and I live in sunny Central Florida. Please don't hate us.....but it's sunny and 80 today. I'm gonna hang out by the pool later.

And I know....we suck. :)


Naw. You don't suck. You suck only if you don't let us come visit when we are up to our hoo ha's in ice and snow.

If it helps....I lived six years in Minneapolis. Or as me and the ex called it.....Ice Station Zebra. :lol:

I've seen enough ice and snow to last a lifetime. :)

Don't you miss having all four seasons even just a little bit?

I'm from Virginia and lived there most of my life. Having the 4 season there was beautiful and very nice. But at this point I don't miss cold weather very much.

However, if I lived anywhere else it would be the mountain west. I had family in Arizona and have traveled throughout most of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming.

I absolutely love that part of the Country.
If I had to move to the Lesser 48 permanently, I'd probably find my way to south-central NM. I love the Lake Roberts/Silver City are, right along the Continental Divide.
Sherry and I live in sunny Central Florida. Please don't hate us.....but it's sunny and 80 today. I'm gonna hang out by the pool later.

And I know....we suck. :)


Naw. You don't suck. You suck only if you don't let us come visit when we are up to our hoo ha's in ice and snow.

If it helps....I lived six years in Minneapolis. Or as me and the ex called it.....Ice Station Zebra. :lol:

I've seen enough ice and snow to last a lifetime. :)

Don't you miss having all four seasons even just a little bit?

We still have the four seasons in the sunny states.
It's just that spring and fall are very, very short. :biggrin:

Yep. Here we have spring, summer, fall, and a week sometime in December or January.
Good morning friends! I am taking a small break from getting all my ducks in a row for our cabin trip. I have two giant plastic storage bins filled games and I hope to play them all. We are board game aficionado. I packed the telescope as well, hopefully the cloud cover should lessen tonight. Yay! Cheers!
Must be standard cabin issue. We have a whole rack full of games and a nice telescope. I keep that stuff at the cabin, saves dragging it back and forth and we really only have time to indulge ourselves when we're up there, anyway.

We play games almost every weekend so I have to lug them around. lol
Sherry and I live in sunny Central Florida. Please don't hate us.....but it's sunny and 80 today. I'm gonna hang out by the pool later.

And I know....we suck. :)


Naw. You don't suck. You suck only if you don't let us come visit when we are up to our hoo ha's in ice and snow.

If it helps....I lived six years in Minneapolis. Or as me and the ex called it.....Ice Station Zebra. :lol:

I've seen enough ice and snow to last a lifetime. :)

Don't you miss having all four seasons even just a little bit?

I'm from Virginia and lived there most of my life. Having the 4 season there was beautiful and very nice. But at this point I don't miss cold weather very much.

However, if I lived anywhere else it would be the mountain west. I had family in Arizona and have traveled throughout most of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming.

I absolutely love that part of the Country.

It does have a certain something and those of us who live here do so mostly because we are drawn to that certain something. But it isn't for everybody, thank God, or we would be overrun with people. Just as you would be in Florida if everybody wanted to live there. :)

I bought some land in Wyoming with the thought of one day retiring out there.

You're right Foxy....either you love the mountain west or you do not. To me....that area is one of the most beautiful on Earth. I am envious of you, and Ringel and Jake. It's God's Country. :)
Naw. You don't suck. You suck only if you don't let us come visit when we are up to our hoo ha's in ice and snow.

If it helps....I lived six years in Minneapolis. Or as me and the ex called it.....Ice Station Zebra. :lol:

I've seen enough ice and snow to last a lifetime. :)

Don't you miss having all four seasons even just a little bit?

I'm from Virginia and lived there most of my life. Having the 4 season there was beautiful and very nice. But at this point I don't miss cold weather very much.

However, if I lived anywhere else it would be the mountain west. I had family in Arizona and have traveled throughout most of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming.

I absolutely love that part of the Country.

It does have a certain something and those of us who live here do so mostly because we are drawn to that certain something. But it isn't for everybody, thank God, or we would be overrun with people. Just as you would be in Florida if everybody wanted to live there. :)

I bought some land in Wyoming with the thought of one day retiring out there.

You're right Foxy....either you love the mountain west or you do not. To me....that area is one of the most beautiful on Earth. I am envious of you, and Ringel and Jake. It's God's Country. :)

Wish we could trade you some of our ambiance for some of your ocean. That's the only thing we don't have here and I miss it.
Sherry and I live in sunny Central Florida. Please don't hate us.....but it's sunny and 80 today. I'm gonna hang out by the pool later.

And I know....we suck. :)


Naw. You don't suck. You suck only if you don't let us come visit when we are up to our hoo ha's in ice and snow.

If it helps....I lived six years in Minneapolis. Or as me and the ex called it.....Ice Station Zebra. :lol:

I've seen enough ice and snow to last a lifetime. :)

Don't you miss having all four seasons even just a little bit?

I'm from Virginia and lived there most of my life. Having the 4 season there was beautiful and very nice. But at this point I don't miss cold weather very much.

However, if I lived anywhere else it would be the mountain west. I had family in Arizona and have traveled throughout most of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming.

I absolutely love that part of the Country.
If I had to move to the Lesser 48 permanently, I'd probably find my way to south-central NM. I love the Lake Roberts/Silver City are, right along the Continental Divide.

I love New Mexico.....It's a great place. We spent quite a bit of time in Albuquerque, Santa Fe.....and up in the Farmington area near the 4 corners. Gila Cliff Dwelling is an amazing place to visit. The mountains in the Los Alamos area are gorgeous.

Lot's of cool old Spanish Missions that are cool to visit as well. Foxy and her hombre are fortunate to live there.
One thing I look forward to is the 5-10 lb weight loss. Since we monitored weight in the military, it was duly noted that most everybody who moved up here gained at least that much. Once they move back South, roughly the same amount of weight goes away. When I got transferred to NJ from AK, I lost about 10 lbs in the first few weeks I was there. It has something to do with how our bodies deal with the climate changes.
If any of y'all ever get up this way when I am in residence, I will more than gladly host a few nights at Chez Lost-inna-woods, complete with homemade cheese, wine, and sour dough bread.

Lost in the woods... you in Missouri?
Nah, Alaska, but I know about which you refer...

The Sandia Mountains are a relatively narrow strip of high ground that forms the eastern boundary of Albuquerque. From the top you look down and see the city spread out a mile below and extending to the western horizon, and to the east you see the foothills and the lower wooded plains below and various communities. Highway 14 runs right next to the mountain the whole length of the east side. In other words from anywhere on top you can look out and clearly see landmarks below. Evenso, several times each year, search and rescue teams have to go out and find people who manage to get themselves lost on the mountain????
There's a popular hiking trail in the Chugach Mountains, just on the edge of Anchorage. It's called Flattop. Same thing, you can see Anchorage strewn below, but people often need rescuing, mostly because they underestimate the difficulty of the hike, in some places, the trail is narrow and very steep. Several times a year, some idiot gets up there and calls for "rescue". Unless they're injured, I think they should be charged the cost of their "rescue", too.

Oh I do too. There are several hiking trails descending from the summit of the Sandias to the base of the mountain on both the east and west sides. They aren't exactly easy hiking because of the steep grade, but they require no special gear. The more popular are rated 'moderate' as far as hiking trails go and are 5 to 6 miles distance--easily done in a half day or less. The more difficult are rated 'difficult' and can be 10 or 11 miles and some doing those will overnight along the trail. But I still don't see how folks get lost, and those who just get tired and don't want to walk out, I definitely think should pay something to cover the expense of their 'rescue'.
Flat Top is very popular with both locals and visitors. I'd like to claim that the visitors were the ones needed help, but they are not the only ones. I took a photo of the range this morning. When I get home, I'll try to post it here.
Naw. You don't suck. You suck only if you don't let us come visit when we are up to our hoo ha's in ice and snow.

If it helps....I lived six years in Minneapolis. Or as me and the ex called it.....Ice Station Zebra. :lol:

I've seen enough ice and snow to last a lifetime. :)

Don't you miss having all four seasons even just a little bit?

I'm from Virginia and lived there most of my life. Having the 4 season there was beautiful and very nice. But at this point I don't miss cold weather very much.

However, if I lived anywhere else it would be the mountain west. I had family in Arizona and have traveled throughout most of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming.

I absolutely love that part of the Country.
If I had to move to the Lesser 48 permanently, I'd probably find my way to south-central NM. I love the Lake Roberts/Silver City are, right along the Continental Divide.

I love New Mexico.....It's a great place. We spent quite a bit of time in Albuquerque, Santa Fe.....and up in the Farmington area near the 4 corners. Gila Cliff Dwelling is an amazing place to visit. The mountains in the Los Alamos area are gorgeous.

Lot's of cool old Spanish Missions that are cool to visit as well. Foxy and her hombre are fortunate to live there.
I made the mistake of taking my Aunt to the cliff dwellings without knowing she was severely acrophobic and prone to panic attacks when traveling roads like the one going up there. I couldn't get her out of the truck when we got there, so she took a nap while I visited the Cliff Dwellings. That's my kind of living, there.
Cooking up some cabbage, sweet peppers and onions with garlic, salt and pepper. As it cooks down I'll add a splash of red wine.
The wife hates cabbage...... IT'S MINE!!!! ALL MINE!!!!

How can somebody hate cabbage? I've never understood that since it is such a healthful, versatile, and delicious veggie, cooked or raw. But I have family members who won't touch it. So the bierochs are all mine too. :)
Heck she hates beans (pinto, etc) and peas (texture issue) and hot dogs, and any sausage for that matter. :dunno:

I love sausage. As a matter of fact, just last night I made spaghetti with homemade with chorizo in it! Yummy! I love chorizo in spaghetti sauce, and LOTS of red wine! :D
Does the red wine go into the sauce, or the cook?
If it helps....I lived six years in Minneapolis. Or as me and the ex called it.....Ice Station Zebra. :lol:

I've seen enough ice and snow to last a lifetime. :)

Don't you miss having all four seasons even just a little bit?

I'm from Virginia and lived there most of my life. Having the 4 season there was beautiful and very nice. But at this point I don't miss cold weather very much.

However, if I lived anywhere else it would be the mountain west. I had family in Arizona and have traveled throughout most of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming.

I absolutely love that part of the Country.
If I had to move to the Lesser 48 permanently, I'd probably find my way to south-central NM. I love the Lake Roberts/Silver City are, right along the Continental Divide.

I love New Mexico.....It's a great place. We spent quite a bit of time in Albuquerque, Santa Fe.....and up in the Farmington area near the 4 corners. Gila Cliff Dwelling is an amazing place to visit. The mountains in the Los Alamos area are gorgeous.

Lot's of cool old Spanish Missions that are cool to visit as well. Foxy and her hombre are fortunate to live there.
I made the mistake of taking my Aunt to the cliff dwellings without knowing she was severely acrophobic and prone to panic attacks when traveling roads like the one going up there. I couldn't get her out of the truck when we got there, so she took a nap while I visited the Cliff Dwellings. That's my kind of living, there.
Mesa Verde? The wife and I went there once 20 years ago when we were out visiting my parents. We had taken a week in a rental car and toured western and southwestern Colorado.
One of the things we visited was the Black Canyon of the Gunnison, we're driving along and she's looking up wondering where it was, came around a corner and I told her to look down....... she almost jumped into my lap...... :lol:

I am not overly afraid of heights but I dislike very much being on the edge of something that drops off into nothingness--high bridges, edges of cliffs, roof tops, etc.
I am not overly afraid of heights but I dislike very much being on the edge of something that drops off into nothingness--high bridges, edges of cliffs, roof tops, etc.
I can't handle glass floors and open backed steps. It's a little embarassing sometimes But other than that heights don't bother me at all
I am not overly afraid of heights but I dislike very much being on the edge of something that drops off into nothingness--high bridges, edges of cliffs, roof tops, etc.

Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon?
I get the shakes when I get too near the edge. :)

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