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This is some BS reffing in Gm 2 so far. They've literally given Carmen 5 FTAs so far. And the latest and one, they called it on a cut. And it was called before he even caught the ball. I read Doc's lips "You called it before he shot." He meant, before he had the ball.

Stern wants this series to go 5. He wants a Heat/Knicks Conference final.
Nine FTAs in the first half for Carmen and not one of them was f'ing warranted. Then just now, Carmen threw up a brick; the C's have 4 rebounders to zero knicks. A little guard comes running through the lane and pretends he's pushed so hard and while the ball is still above the rim, the refs call a foul and give hime FTA's. That's f'ing nonsense. They didn't call that shit in the glory days of basketball.
I honestly just can't wait for this series to be over, this is excruciating to watch. This is the worst Celtics team we have assembled since Kevin Garnett arrived in 2007, him and Pierce deserve better than to retire on a lottery team. Ray Allen leaving hurt this team more than they care to admit, I'd rather have him on the floor than Terry/Lee/Crawford etc, plus Jeff Green did absolutely nothing last night. Ainge is trying to sell him to us as an all star but I'm not buying it, the man is a role player nothing more nothing less and cannot be expected to carry a team.
I'm not that disappointed. All teams get old. Yes, there were bad moves and happenings, but the rebuild was inevitable around this time.

But I am disappointed with not being able to watch a game and hear a whistle every f'ing 30 seconds while Stern's men manage games. Frankly, if I wasn't rooting for the C's or Spurs, I wouldn't watch. It's that f'ing unwatchable. I watched about a grand total of 2 or 3 quarters of last year's 'dream final.'
I'm not that disappointed. All teams get old. Yes, there were bad moves and happenings, but the rebuild was inevitable around this time.

But I am disappointed with not being able to watch a game and hear a whistle every f'ing 30 seconds while Stern's men manage games. Frankly, if I wasn't rooting for the C's or Spurs, I wouldn't watch. It's that f'ing unwatchable. I watched about a grand total of 2 or 3 quarters of last year's 'dream final.'

I boycotted that bullshit Finals completely last year, I tuned out the minute Boston got bumped. I understand that Boston is old but the Spurs core is old too but they are right in the hunt for a championship, if we surrounded Pierce and KG with the proper pieces we could be right there with them.
I'm not that disappointed. All teams get old. Yes, there were bad moves and happenings, but the rebuild was inevitable around this time.

But I am disappointed with not being able to watch a game and hear a whistle every f'ing 30 seconds while Stern's men manage games. Frankly, if I wasn't rooting for the C's or Spurs, I wouldn't watch. It's that f'ing unwatchable. I watched about a grand total of 2 or 3 quarters of last year's 'dream final.'

I boycotted that bullshit Finals completely last year, I tuned out the minute Boston got bumped. I understand that Boston is old but the Spurs core is old too but they are right in the hunt for a championship, if we surrounded Pierce and KG with the proper pieces we could be right there with them.

I agree with everything you say that if Ainge had done some moves a bit better; then the C's would be more in this. But it'd still be hard at this point with no Rondo and Ray Allen.

And yea, the NBA is so bad that I didn't even watch most of the C's Game 2 yesterday b/c I didn't want to suffer the refs for any longer than I had to. I skipped the entire 3rd so that I wouldn't have to suffer the refs' nonsense. I tuned into the 4th and saw they were down double digits and knew it was over. It's not that the Knicks are that good. The C's are that bad. They have no punch and watching the refs do their BS on top of it is just not worth it.
I'm not that disappointed. All teams get old. Yes, there were bad moves and happenings, but the rebuild was inevitable around this time.

But I am disappointed with not being able to watch a game and hear a whistle every f'ing 30 seconds while Stern's men manage games. Frankly, if I wasn't rooting for the C's or Spurs, I wouldn't watch. It's that f'ing unwatchable. I watched about a grand total of 2 or 3 quarters of last year's 'dream final.'

I boycotted that bullshit Finals completely last year, I tuned out the minute Boston got bumped. I understand that Boston is old but the Spurs core is old too but they are right in the hunt for a championship, if we surrounded Pierce and KG with the proper pieces we could be right there with them.

I agree with everything you say that if Ainge had done some moves a bit better; then the C's would be more in this. But it'd still be hard at this point with no Rondo and Ray Allen.

And yea, the NBA is so bad that I didn't even watch most of the C's Game 2 yesterday b/c I didn't want to suffer the refs for any longer than I had to. I skipped the entire 3rd so that I wouldn't have to suffer the refs' nonsense. I tuned into the 4th and saw they were down double digits and knew it was over. It's not that the Knicks are that good. The C's are that bad. They have no punch and watching the refs do their BS on top of it is just not worth it.

The Knicks are a 3 point shooting team that plays mediocre defense and they depend on Carmelo for pretty much everything offensively, they would be in deep shit right now if they were playing a good defensive team like Chicago or Indiana. You are right Boston is that bad, we used to be known for our defense but we suck at that now. The problem is you should only bring in players that fit in with the identity of your team, like the Spurs did. Bringing in guys like Jason Terry and Courtney Lee makes no sense for defensive team, and than you let go of defensive minded guys like Perkins, Tony Allen, Greg Stiesma etc etc with all the moves we made this year we changed the whole dynamics of this team, the Celtics basically changed from a top defensive team to a mediocre defensive team with shitty offense, thats not a good luck and it won't take you far in the playoffs. I stopped watching after the first quarter when JR Smith made that half court 3 pointer btw.
The Spurs were looking good earlier in the season. I think they seemed to have lost some confidence and they've been dealing with injuries. In a fair system, they'd be my favorite still. But Stern hardcore wants Durant/Westbrook or Paul/Griffin in a final.
The Spurs were looking good earlier in the season. I think they seemed to have lost some confidence and they've been dealing with injuries. In a fair system, they'd be my favorite still. But Stern hardcore wants Durant/Westbrook or Paul/Griffin in a final.

Miami is winning regardless of who comes out of the West, Stern REALLY was praying for a Lakers/Heat Finals so he could finally get that Lebron/Kobe showdown he's always wanted but because of the Lakers injuries and depleted bench they fell way short of expectations. A Clippers/Miami or a rematch of OKC/Miami is probably what we are going to get with Miami winning easily. Next year expect to see the Lakers beefed up and steam roll the west to the Finals.
The Spurs were looking good earlier in the season. I think they seemed to have lost some confidence and they've been dealing with injuries. In a fair system, they'd be my favorite still. But Stern hardcore wants Durant/Westbrook or Paul/Griffin in a final.

Miami is winning regardless of who comes out of the West, Stern REALLY was praying for a Lakers/Heat Finals so he could finally get that Lebron/Kobe showdown he's always wanted but because of the Lakers injuries and depleted bench they fell way short of expectations. A Clippers/Miami or a rematch of OKC/Miami is probably what we are going to get with Miami winning easily. Next year expect to see the Lakers beefed up and steam roll the west to the Finals.

It would have been comical to watch the BS had Kobe not injured himself. I don't know if the Lakers can turn it around in a year. They have a lot of issues.
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The Spurs were looking good earlier in the season. I think they seemed to have lost some confidence and they've been dealing with injuries. In a fair system, they'd be my favorite still. But Stern hardcore wants Durant/Westbrook or Paul/Griffin in a final.

Miami is winning regardless of who comes out of the West, Stern REALLY was praying for a Lakers/Heat Finals so he could finally get that Lebron/Kobe showdown he's always wanted but because of the Lakers injuries and depleted bench they fell way short of expectations. A Clippers/Miami or a rematch of OKC/Miami is probably what we are going to get with Miami winning easily. Next year expect to see the Lakers beefed up and steam roll the west to the Finals.

It would have been comical to watch the BS had Kobe not injured himself. I don't know if the Lakers can turn it around in a year. They have a lot of issues.

The Lakers get stars gift wrapped to them all the time, they will find a way. The NBA makes more money when the Lakers are championship contenders.
Miami is winning regardless of who comes out of the West, Stern REALLY was praying for a Lakers/Heat Finals so he could finally get that Lebron/Kobe showdown he's always wanted but because of the Lakers injuries and depleted bench they fell way short of expectations. A Clippers/Miami or a rematch of OKC/Miami is probably what we are going to get with Miami winning easily. Next year expect to see the Lakers beefed up and steam roll the west to the Finals.

It would have been comical to watch the BS had Kobe not injured himself. I don't know if the Lakers can turn it around in a year. They have a lot of issues.

The Lakers get stars gift wrapped to them all the time, they will find a way. The NBA makes more money when the Lakers are championship contenders.

Maybe, players getting paid under the table? Players getting third party endoresements added? I can see that.
It would have been comical to watch the BS had Kobe not injured himself. I don't know if the Lakers can turn it around in a year. They have a lot of issues.

The Lakers get stars gift wrapped to them all the time, they will find a way. The NBA makes more money when the Lakers are championship contenders.

Maybe, players getting paid under the table? Players getting third party endoresements added? I can see that.

When a team loaded with stars start winning championships the endorsements alone are in the double digit millions. Right now Miamis stars are cleaning up with their endorsements.

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