VA Democrats block two proposed laws to help combat antisemitism, while Republican are in full support


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
The hypocrisy of Dems is unbelievable. While they institute all sorts of unfair practices to give special favoritism to blacks, such as eliminate admissions tests to get blacks in and hire unqualified blacks for key roles, they actively FIGHT attempts to combat antisemitism.

The following are the two proposed laws that Democrats blocked, essentially giving a big middle finger to Jews and their concerns about rising antisemism:

1) to include in the definition of antisemitism the targeted condemnation of Israel and the demonization of the country, and

2) to disallow contracts with businesses that support BDS - whose goal is to wipe out America’s ally.

Republicans voted in support, recognizing that the targeted hate for Israel is a new form of antisemitism. Democrats voted to support the demonization of Israel, and by extension, the rise in antisemitism - especially on college campuses - that results.

It's interesting how the same people focus on Israel, a democracy in an undemocratic region: but are silent to SO many human right abusers and undemocratic nations outside and inside the region. No country is perfect, but the targetted pile-on is odd.
The hypocrisy of Dems is unbelievable. While they institute all sorts of unfair practices to give special favoritism to blacks, such as eliminate admissions tests to get blacks in and hire unqualified blacks for key roles, they actively FIGHT attempts to combat antisemitism.

The following are the two proposed laws that Democrats blocked, essentially giving a big middle finger to Jews and their concerns about rising antisemism:

1) to include in the definition of antisemitism the targeted condemnation of Israel and the demonization of the country, and

2) to disallow contracts with businesses that support BDS - whose goal is to wipe out America’s ally.

Republicans voted in support, recognizing that the targeted hate for Israel is a new form of antisemitism. Democrats voted to support the demonization of Israel, and by extension, the rise in antisemitism - especially on college campuses - that results.


The more we talk about it, the more I see that you are right.

Yeah I posted a thread on this already. If you are going to do a special carve out for Jews then you need to include every other ethnic, religious racial group. In some countries saying anti jewish stuff is a crime, while saying anti something else is not. The jokes write themselves. All racial, religious, ethnic groups have committed genocides.
It's interesting how the same people focus on Israel, a democracy in an undemocratic region: but are silent to SO many human right abusers and undemocratic nations outside and inside the region. No country is perfect, but the targetted pile-on is odd.
Yup. That’s the double standard that reveals the antisemitism behind the targeted demonization of Israel.
Yeah I posted a thread on this already. If you are going to do a special carve out for Jews then you need to include every other ethnic, religious racial group. In some countries saying anti jewish stuff is a crime, while saying anti something else is not. The jokes write themselves. All racial, religious, ethnic groups have committed genocides.
Not independent baptists.
Yeah I posted a thread on this already. If you are going to do a special carve out for Jews then you need to include every other ethnic, religious racial group. In some countries saying anti jewish stuff is a crime, while saying anti something else is not. The jokes write themselves. All racial, religious, ethnic groups have committed genocides.
Except that hate crimes against Jews are at an all-time high, much more than against blacks.

And it’s not saying anti-Jewish stuff. It’s about how liberals punish Jews who won’t go along with the Israel-hate, such as not allowing them to run for student body office or when they establish “No Jew” speaking zones.

The more we talk about it, the more I see that you are right.

I watched a British travel blog youtuber guy visit Israel, he said something to the effect. "I know we are taught something different through the media in the U.K, but the Israeli people are pretty friendly". It was an interesting comment, especially since I attended a University with many Jewish students, had all the same Jewish holidays off school and it was actually my first sustained experience with civilized, thoughtful people (I was raised in government housing). Some people promote antisemitism for their own benefit I'm certain, it's somewhat sickening.
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I watched a British travel blog youtuber guy visit Israel, he said something to the effect. "I know we are taught something different through the media in the U.K, but the Israeli people are pretty friendly". It was an interesting comment, especially since I attended a University with many Jewish students, had all the same Jewish holidays off school and it was actually my first sustained experience with civilized, thoughtful people (I was raised in government housing). Some people promote antisemitism for their own benefit I'm certain, it's somewhat sickening.

I listen to a lot of conservative radio and I thought that the right wingers were anti-Semitic, but I've seen so much more anti-Semitism coming from the left on this board!

My late husband visited Israel and loved the people he met.


I listen to a lot of conservative radio and I thought that the right wingers were anti-Semitic, but I've seen so much more anti-Semitism coming from the left on this board!

My late husband visited Israel and loved the people he met.

Oh without question. My opinion is that it has ALWAYS been this way but some want to stifle conservative/libertarian movements through slander.and misrepresentation. I posted on here awhile ago how this was occurring in Canada in the 90s, often by mainstream conservatives who felt too many libertarians were making inroads. Easy solution, call them racists, bigots and the like. It's sad to paint good people, many of Faith, as evil. Horrible really.
What pissed me off was the dem senate killed the bill to scale back the 45-day early voting period.

We have work to do this November when it's up for grabs.

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