Vaccinated people spread covid

That was science from 2 days ago. Yesterday’s science has changed. Remember, it’s not the experts’ change in opinion or them being wrong, it’s the science that is changing.

“vaccination alone will not stop spread of variants” - CNN

“Enough, it’s time to make vaccines mandatory” -CNN

We are living in an upside down world
We are living in an upside down world
I’m sure that’s how it seems when you’re incompetent in understanding the world around you. The right struggles bigly with this.
The vaccine is the pathway out.
Pretty plainly not a way out since the Delta variant has already leapfrogged right over it, infecting everyone, and here comes Lambda, same deal.

A lot of you are really hanging on to what they used to say --- you aren't accepting the changed circumstances.
What's going on is, they can't stop this.
Not only are thousands of vaccinated people already dead from the vaccine, but the number who will die from the vaccine in the future is totally unknown.
It could be the vaccine will kill all those vaccinated.
We don't know.
But there obviously are risks to hyping up the immune system when it already is an overly hyped up immune system that has killed over 600,000 people.
Yes, it is the immune system allergic reaction that has killed those with covid-19, not the virus.
VERY few have died from the vaccine, and 96% of those being hospitalized and dying at present are unvaccinated.
Stop spreading dangerous misinformation.
Never put anyone on a ventilator.
European studies have shown that pneumonia procedures, like chemical coma, intubation, etc., is murder.
They have shown vastly better results by frequent turning patients to drain the lungs, especially a face down position.
Even slow treadmills help to clear the lungs.
Slow treadmills? Did you get that on Facebook? :laughing0301:
You won't get an argument from me. I haven't put one on yet.

I was hoping to hunker down and wait it out!! They cancelled the masks ---- for the last four weeks only! And now here comes the rest of the Covid Greek alphabet. Darn, sometimes we can't win for losing.
You can't win, because you are a misinformed loser ;)
When lefties support mask mandates for vaccinated people, they are demonstrating that they do not believe the vaccine works. If the vaccine worked, vaccinated people would not need masks, and they would not be getting covid and delta.
The national media jumped on the band wagon fully declaring repeatedly people who are not exhibiting any symptoms of the virus are spreading the virus. According to some experts in the field, only between 1% and 1.5% is the rate of transmission between asymptomatic people spreading it through the population. I fully bought into the idea that tens of thousands, (perhaps more) of people are spreading the virus who don’t know they’re even sick and it’s not proven nor accurate!

As we continue to peel back the onion to expose more corruptive connections, fervent maneuvers are working overtime to successfully fool the masses for as long as possible. The virus itself is no hoax, however, it is a collective group who have enormous megaphones around the globe that are stalling the release of accurate information.
No, that's incorrect: these infections despite the vaccine are not at all rare; the worrying thing is that they may be MORE common in vaccinated people than in unvaccinated people. 74% keeps popping up -- of Delta-infected people, that's the percentage who were vaccinated in the last four studies done on the hop this past week or two. We need more studies and data (and some control groups would be so nice!!!) but this business of saying they are rare has to stop: Delta is a mutated virus and it has evaded the vaccine. That's what is going on, and fast.
That is absolutely incorrect. It is not 74% of new cases. Just stop.
The risks from not FDA approved,
Even if the FDA approves these jabs, the FDA is compromised and can't be trusted. They are colluding with Fau Chi, the biden administration, the MSM, and big tech to override science and force a political narrative.
That is absolutely incorrect. It is not 74% of new cases. Just stop.
Yep. The Israeli study, the Provincetown/Cape Cod study, and the two San Francisco hospital studies reported just two days ago. People, keep UP. We've got a situation here.

Just look them up anywhere if you don't believe me: these numbers are everywhere, if you are willing to look at current news. If you are determined to close your eyes and cling to the propaganda and hope from last winter and spring, you may get some surprises as the summer goes on.
The death risk from covi-19 is extremely low and almost zero if under 40.
The risk from the vaccines are totally unknown since they are not FDA approved, and could be 100% fatal eventually.
UhHuh. Tell that to those in the full ICUs.
It sure is puzzling that YOU ignored the fact that it has been gone from the country since 1979, DESPITE that 99% of Americans are Vaccinated against it.

Heck after they started vaccinating the people, it rapidly vanished from the country since the late 1950's, that sounds like there isn't any transmission of the virus by those who are vaccinated.

The purpose is to convince populations, particularly here in the United States, that we can no longer count on our immune system to work. This is the big picture and I didn’t even realize it until yesterday after reading several informative articles. Big Pharma wants us to believe now that humans depend on multiple future vaccines to be developed, massively distributed, and authorized via government mandates perhaps, for citizens to utilize as the “only way” to survive. Once people start to believe this… that our immune system’s just aren’t worth a crap even though we’ve survived up until now with only a handful of tried and true vaccines for many decades, the puppet masters will gleefully abide. Once a majority of people start to actually believe that our immune systems just aren’t worth a crap, even though we’ve survived up until now using only a few tried and true vaccines for many decades, that we are now going to be exposed to all kinds of new dangers… and the message they want us to believe is that without “prepping” our bodies for future unknown attacks we be told we need annual shots, perhaps more than one each year, whether we need them or not, whether they’re helpful or not.
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VERY few have died from the vaccine, and 96% of those being hospitalized and dying at present are unvaccinated.
Stop spreading dangerous misinformation.
Vaccinated people are dying. If you have gotten the jab, you should learn about early in home treatment. Early treatment can be the difference between life and death.
Good point, but if people followed the propaganda and got vaccinated, it is hardly their fault when Delta leapfrogs over the vaccine and infects the whole population. That's a double blind, blaming people when they do or when they don't. Not fair.

It is interesting to see that quite a few of you think we should DO something, that there MUST be something people can do to control, control all this. What if there isn't? Like with the bubonic plague in 1348? Or the Spanish Flu? Or all the lethal yellow fever outbreaks in the 1700s-1800s spread by mosquitoes?

That's where I am right now, realizing we could be in trouble here. The Reuters story about Delta, sicker quicker, and the stories about Lambda coming up from Peru and Chile made me think.

It may be time to focus on good outcomes and good recoveries rather than prevention.
The ICUs aren’t full of the vaccinated, dope. :cuckoo:
So are you neither DemonRat nor on the Right but are blind to the fact there there is a Globalist movement to install a One World Marxist government and you think everyone should be forced vaccinated??

Where did I say any of that?

You used CNN as a source. That means the odds are that whatever they say is a lie, no matter what the topic!
The purpose is to convince populations, particularly here in the United States, that we can no longer count on our immune system to work.
The national media jumped on the band wagon fully declaring repeatedly people who are not exhibiting any symptoms of the virus are spreading the virus. According to some experts in the field, only between 1% and 1.5% is the rate of transmission between asymptomatic people spreading it through the population. I fully bought into the idea that tens of thousands, (perhaps more) of people are spreading the virus who don’t know they’re even sick and it’s not proven nor accurate!

As we continue to peel back the onion to expose more corruptive connections, fervent maneuvers are working overtime to successfully fool the masses for as long as possible. The virus itself is no hoax, however, it is a collective group who have enormous megaphones around the globe that are stalling the release of accurate information.
Best statement I have seen on this message board. Well done!
When lefties support mask mandates for vaccinated people, they are demonstrating that they do not believe the vaccine works. If the vaccine worked, vaccinated people would not need masks, and they would not be getting covid and delta.
This first thing you said is so true. It's been obvious from the beginning, that the whole mask dodge is because they knew there were problems with the vaccine. All the same, the vaccine worked pretty well against Alpha --- but now Alpha is gone and Delta doesn't care anything about the vaccine.

This is a surprisingly bad development. I did not expect the virus to mutate right outside the stopping power of the vaccine. Not so soon!

Remember when docs were blue-skying about what could/might happen in the future, mutations evading the vaccine, the virus getting more virulent, all that "one day maybe" stuff? Darn, I didn't think it would start in JULY.

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