Vanessa Trump hospitalized

What kind of idiot does this shit?

Vanessa Trump Hospitalized After Opening Suspicious Letter Sent to Family Home

President Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law, Vanessa Trump, has been taken to a Manhattan hospital after a suspicious letter that contained an unidentified substance was sent to the apartment where she and husband Donald Trump Jr. live.

Vanessa Trump Hospitalized After Opening Suspicious Letter Sent to Family Home
View attachment 176242

We all knew THE LEFT was going to start resorting to violence when their lies, their schemes and their COUP started falling apart.

So far, they have resorted to shooting, causing a trail derailment, now an anthrax scare. The democrats are working their way up to a full scale attack.
What kind of idiot does this shit?

Vanessa Trump Hospitalized After Opening Suspicious Letter Sent to Family Home

President Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law, Vanessa Trump, has been taken to a Manhattan hospital after a suspicious letter that contained an unidentified substance was sent to the apartment where she and husband Donald Trump Jr. live.

Vanessa Trump Hospitalized After Opening Suspicious Letter Sent to Family Home
View attachment 176242

We all knew THE LEFT was going to start resorting to violence when their lies, their schemes and their COUP started falling apart.

So far, they have resorted to shooting, causing a trail derailment, now an anthrax scare. The democrats are working their way up to a full scale attack.
You must be in on it since you know who did all those things and haven't reported them to the Authorities.
Well it wasn't a Trump supporter buttkiss....
How do you know that? The fake attack to get the troops fired up has never happened before?

Like barry's race baiting?
Examples, please.

His history of race baiting is well known and has been discussed on this board many times.
Does being a fat lesbian cause memory loss?
Examples, please.

I'm not going to rehash the same shit we've discussed ad nauseum.
If you're so brain dead you dont remember I see no reason to rehash it since you will have forgotten it again in three months.....why does this affliction only seem to be a problem with democrats?
We can all disagree politically, but fuck, come on dude even the most rabid zealot for the left should agree that this sort of thing goes well beyond what is acceptable.

Why can’t we all just agree this was fucked up? Is there no humanity left in you or the others on the left?

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Of course, and who did this needs to be persecuted to the full extent of the law...but on the other hand it was harmless other than her having to go to the hospital to get checked out.

To put a Trump spin on it...

...there are very bad people in the toxic letter business,

on both sides...

Here is another spin on it:

OMG JR'S WIFE GOT HOSPITALIZED!...while in reality nothing happened to her.

You clearly can't comprehend the intent.

If someone had intent to harm they could have loaded up the envelope with something serious, CLEARLY that wasn't the intent.
The left is fucking nuts and we all know it. They gun down officers and try to murder GOP politicians. Pure scum.
And what was wrong with the beer summit?
Obama's first attempt to pit blacks against white cops...
Well, here we have the answer of why trumpanzees are the way they are....take an attempt to smooth things over by getting the police officer and the professor TOGETHER over a beer.....and the tiny hands brigade make it a bad thing.
How did it do that? It was getting the police officer and the professor TOGETHER to smooth things over
Only after Obama was criticized over his 45 min anti cop rant at the podium...maybe you should cut back on the memory killing kush....
This makes a great deal of sense. The president, his family, and any other republican is under attack. Democrats are getting anxious.

Exactly. Those unhinged lefties have been doing these cheap tactics like what some of these celebrities have been enabling. Wow!

So what makes you think it may have been a leftist? Possibly a Russian agent he doubled crossed.
The Russians are sending baby powder now?
I think it might be another source.
A sicko who likes watching all the commotion, like an arsonist. No political affiliation at all, perhaps. Someone who watched the apartment building from across the street, getting off on the cop cars and ambulances and Hazmat teams. Then the journalists and news vans. Wow. What excitement. Now the goon is probably glued to the tv, watching all the reports of the chaos he/she has caused.
Now that's real sicko power. Not politics though.
How do you know that? The fake attack to get the troops fired up has never happened before?

Like barry's race baiting?
Examples, please.

His history of race baiting is well known and has been discussed on this board many times.
Does being a fat lesbian cause memory loss?
Examples, please.

I'm not going to rehash the same shit we've discussed ad nauseum.
If you're so brain dead you dont remember I see no reason to rehash it since you will have forgotten it again in three months.....why does this affliction only seem to be a problem with democrats? really have no examples. I've asked you twice and you cannot provide any. I called your bluff and you are upset in that trumpanzee snowflakey way you have.
Like barry's race baiting?
Examples, please.

His history of race baiting is well known and has been discussed on this board many times.
Does being a fat lesbian cause memory loss?
Examples, please.

I'm not going to rehash the same shit we've discussed ad nauseum.
If you're so brain dead you dont remember I see no reason to rehash it since you will have forgotten it again in three months.....why does this affliction only seem to be a problem with democrats? really have no examples. I've asked you twice and you cannot provide any. I called your bluff and you are upset in that trumpanzee snowflakey way you have.

Google it ya fat dyke...
Well, here we have the answer of why trumpanzees are the way they are....take an attempt to smooth things over by getting the police officer and the professor TOGETHER over a beer.....and the tiny hands brigade make it a bad thing.

Mike Pence dissed Kim Jong Un's sister at the Korean winter olympics. Republicans don't believe in getting opposing sides to work out their differences.
And what was wrong with the beer summit?
Obama's first attempt to pit blacks against white cops...

I'm not giving my time to the bull dyke.
She knows exactly what we're referring to.
It's fascinating that when I call your bluff, not only can you not provide examples to back your resort to name-calling. Typical trumpanzee schtick.

Maybe I'm just stringing you along so you look like a bigger idiot.....

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