Vanessa Trump hospitalized

Mike Pence dissed Kim Jong Un's sister at the Korean winter olympics. Republicans don't believe in getting opposing sides to work out their differences
North Korean gulag survivor reveals horrors of life inside | Daily Mail Online
Horrors of North Korea's death camps exposed by former guard | Metro News
Ex-North Korean female guard reveals horrors of hellish jails
There are some who you just can't get along before you speak and you won't sound so shallow...
Mike Pence dissed Kim Jong Un's sister at the Korean winter olympics. Republicans don't believe in getting opposing sides to work out their differences
North Korean gulag survivor reveals horrors of life inside | Daily Mail Online
Horrors of North Korea's death camps exposed by former guard | Metro News
Ex-North Korean female guard reveals horrors of hellish jails
There are some who you just can't get along before you speak and you won't sound so shallow...

You remember the russian goulog's don't you, the invasion of Afghanistan, the ivasion of Georgia. Why are we talking to some of the worst countries ever on the planet. North Korea is like Switzerland compared to Russia.
Chill, it was just Jr's cocaine delivery gone wrong.
Wow. Partisan pig.

lol, why can't I make a joke about non-toxic white powder?

Get that pen out of your ass.

Anthrax is no joke.

Anthrax is...non-toxic? Get your head checked.

The powder was not anthrax. So it stands why can't make a joke about non-toxic white powder.

It's illegal to call in a bomb threat even if there's no bomb.
Rub those two brain cells together and see if you can make the connection.
Chill, it was just Jr's cocaine delivery gone wrong.
Wow. Partisan pig.

lol, why can't I make a joke about non-toxic white powder?

Get that pen out of your ass.

Anthrax is no joke.

Anthrax is...non-toxic? Get your head checked.

The powder was not anthrax. So it stands why can't make a joke about non-toxic white powder.

Say to the TSA agent you have a bomb in your suite case...then say "just joking".

You remember the russian goulog's don't you, the invasion of Afghanistan, the ivasion of Georgia. Why are we talking to some of the worst countries ever on the planet. North Korea is like Switzerland compared to Russia.
Can't you see that you are combining the past with the present?...This is 2018 and the kind of behavior by today's North Korea is totally unacceptable in a civilized world...
Mike Pence dissed Kim Jong Un's sister at the Korean winter olympics. Republicans don't believe in getting opposing sides to work out their differences
North Korean gulag survivor reveals horrors of life inside | Daily Mail Online
Horrors of North Korea's death camps exposed by former guard | Metro News
Ex-North Korean female guard reveals horrors of hellish jails
There are some who you just can't get along before you speak and you won't sound so shallow...

You remember the russian goulog's don't you, the invasion of Afghanistan, the ivasion of Georgia. Why are we talking to some of the worst countries ever on the planet. North Korea is like Switzerland compared to Russia.

North Korea is like Switzerland compared to Russia.

In 2018????

Dude you really got to get out much
Wow. Partisan pig.

lol, why can't I make a joke about non-toxic white powder?

Get that pen out of your ass.

Anthrax is no joke.

Anthrax is...non-toxic? Get your head checked.

The powder was not anthrax. So it stands why can't make a joke about non-toxic white powder.

Say to the TSA agent you have a bomb in your suite case...then say "just joking".


And be sure and load the results on Youtube.
The powder was not anthrax. So it stands why can't make a joke about non-toxic white powder.

It's illegal to call in a bomb threat even if there's no bomb.
Rub those two brain cells together and see if you can make the connection.

Is it illegal to mail an envelope with face powder in it? Was there a threat in the letter? And you realize anthrax killed more postal workers than the people it was mailed to.
Examples, please.

His history of race baiting is well known and has been discussed on this board many times.
Does being a fat lesbian cause memory loss?
Examples, please.

I'm not going to rehash the same shit we've discussed ad nauseum.
If you're so brain dead you dont remember I see no reason to rehash it since you will have forgotten it again in three months.....why does this affliction only seem to be a problem with democrats? really have no examples. I've asked you twice and you cannot provide any. I called your bluff and you are upset in that trumpanzee snowflakey way you have.

Google it ya fat dyke...
Again.....your anger at having your bluff called is just what to expect from a trumpanzee.
The powder was not anthrax. So it stands why can't make a joke about non-toxic white powder.

It's illegal to call in a bomb threat even if there's no bomb.
Rub those two brain cells together and see if you can make the connection.

Is it illegal to mail an envelope with face powder in it? Was there a threat in the letter? And you realize anthrax killed more postal workers than the people it was mailed to.

Still terrorism.
Watching you leftist trying to defend the undefendable would be funny if it wasn't so serious.
But then it's this attitude that brought us Trump so please continue going against the wishes of the American people.
The powder was not anthrax. So it stands why can't make a joke about non-toxic white powder.
Say to the TSA agent you have a bomb in your suite case...then say "just joking".

We're not talking a bomb, we're talking a white powder. It can be anything from artificial sweetener to face powder. It was certainly in bad taste, but unless you can show an intention to threaten the person. You also seem to forget the history of a person mailing real anthrax, and the pattern of his intended victims.
And what was wrong with the beer summit?
Obama's first attempt to pit blacks against white cops...

I'm not giving my time to the bull dyke.
She knows exactly what we're referring to.
It's fascinating that when I call your bluff, not only can you not provide examples to back your resort to name-calling. Typical trumpanzee schtick.

Maybe I'm just stringing you along so you look like a bigger idiot.....
Well, you are welcome to grasp at that excuse straw....:lol:
The press briefing is now beginning.
Now to see if they touch on the terrorist attack by some crazy progressive.
So they've caught the person who sent it?

I'm sure it was a Trump supporter.....
Liberalism truly is a mental disorder and you got the double whammy since homos are insane.
You're the one that's insane if you believe that.

Than why do homos kill themselves at vastly higher rates than hetros?
Our are you arguing that liberals aren't insane? Which would be a tough stance to defend with all the video proof that says otherwise.

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