Vanessa Trump hospitalized

Can't you see that you are combining the past with the present?...This is 2018 and the kind of behavior by today's North Korea is totally unacceptable in a civilized world...

Putin killed political rivals.. Why do you think we have sanctions against Russia?
We're not talking a bomb, we're talking a white powder. It can be anything from artificial sweetener to face powder. It was certainly in bad taste, but unless you can show an intention to threaten the person. You also seem to forget the history of a person mailing real anthrax, and the pattern of his intended victims

A number of criminal statutes could apply depending on the specific fact pattern - e.g. whether you sent it to a government official. Yet 18 U.S.C. 1038 (, sometimes referred to as the "terrorism hoax" statute, is more broadly applicable to all of these situations:

Anthrax hoaxes - Wikipedia
The powder was not anthrax. So it stands why can't make a joke about non-toxic white powder.

It's illegal to call in a bomb threat even if there's no bomb.
Rub those two brain cells together and see if you can make the connection.

Is it illegal to mail an envelope with face powder in it? Was there a threat in the letter? And you realize anthrax killed more postal workers than the people it was mailed to.

Still terrorism.
Watching you leftist trying to defend the undefendable would be funny if it wasn't so serious.
But then it's this attitude that brought us Trump so please continue going against the wishes of the American people.

Leftist give you a choice. Agree with them or die. It's no wonder they relate so easily to Muslims
The press briefing is now beginning.
Now to see if they touch on the terrorist attack by some crazy progressive.
So they've caught the person who sent it?

I'm sure it was a Trump supporter.....
Liberalism truly is a mental disorder and you got the double whammy since homos are insane.
You're the one that's insane if you believe that.

Than why do homos kill themselves at vastly higher rates than hetros?
Our are you arguing that liberals aren't insane? Which would be a tough stance to defend with all the video proof that says otherwise.
Isn't it interesting that this thread suddenly turned into a thread about gay people..........? How'd that happen?
Can't you see that you are combining the past with the present?...This is 2018 and the kind of behavior by today's North Korea is totally unacceptable in a civilized world...

Putin killed political rivals.. Why do you think we have sanctions against Russia?

Are you saying thats the reason for sanctions against Russia?
The press briefing is now beginning.
Now to see if they touch on the terrorist attack by some crazy progressive.
So they've caught the person who sent it?

I'm sure it was a Trump supporter.....
Liberalism truly is a mental disorder and you got the double whammy since homos are insane.
So, they caught the person who sent it?

That's what you'd be asking if someone sent it to Chelsea, right? How do we know it was not a Democrat?

LOL, I crack myself up ...
The press briefing is now beginning.
Now to see if they touch on the terrorist attack by some crazy progressive.
So they've caught the person who sent it?

I'm sure it was a Trump supporter.....
Liberalism truly is a mental disorder and you got the double whammy since homos are insane.
You're the one that's insane if you believe that.

Than why do homos kill themselves at vastly higher rates than hetros?
Our are you arguing that liberals aren't insane? Which would be a tough stance to defend with all the video proof that says otherwise.
Isn't it interesting that this thread suddenly turned into a thread about gay people..........? How'd that happen?

You made a statement I addressed it.
Putin killed political rivals.. Why do you think we have sanctions against Russia?
Go ahead and look stupid as hell...there is no comparison between Putin and Kim...Kim kills and tortures his people in massive prisons....children placed in cells with adults....pregnant women tied to trees and their babies cut from them with knives...small children starved and forced to work to the death to pay for their parents lack of cheering for their leader in I said read more boy....
View attachment 176228

LOL you just can't make this shit up, ....
Talk about a lying coke bingeing attention whore.

I think she's jealous.


One of the most prolific hoaxers was Clayton Waagner, an anti-abortion activist who mailed hundreds of anthrax hoax letters to abortion clinics in late 2001[19] and who was convicted in December 2003.[20][21]

A Sacramento man, Marc M. Keyser, admitted to sending around 120 packages marked as containing anthrax in October 2008, which he says was to highlight the lack of preparedness of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and public for an anthrax attack. He was convicted in September 2009 of five counts of hoaxes and making threats[22][23] and sentenced to four years in prison in late April 2010
Terrorism has been a leftard tactic since the beginning.

They assassinated McKinley, blew up Czar Alexander for starters.

It may be another thing that endears them to our jihadist foes besides their mutual contempt for the US.
Stop. it. Pete.
Just stop.


Am I wrong? Lefties have been throwing bombs and shooting opponents ever since marxism was shat into a book.

Yep. Leftist "tolerance" for different views is on display on college campuses across the country, through Hollywood, throughout the mainstream media and from their posts all over this site

One of the most prolific hoaxers was Clayton Waagner, an anti-abortion activist who mailed hundreds of anthrax hoax letters to abortion clinics in late 2001[19] and who was convicted in December 2003.[20][21]

A Sacramento man, Marc M. Keyser, admitted to sending around 120 packages marked as containing anthrax in October 2008, which he says was to highlight the lack of preparedness of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and public for an anthrax attack. He was convicted in September 2009 of five counts of hoaxes and making threats[22][23] and sentenced to four years in prison in late April 2010

So you agree that whoever did this should be held accountable and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
What kind of idiot does this shit?

Vanessa Trump Hospitalized After Opening Suspicious Letter Sent to Family Home

President Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law, Vanessa Trump, has been taken to a Manhattan hospital after a suspicious letter that contained an unidentified substance was sent to the apartment where she and husband Donald Trump Jr. live.

Vanessa Trump Hospitalized After Opening Suspicious Letter Sent to Family Home

who does this shit? the same people who wear pussy hats and destroy public and private property, the same ones that give preference to illegals over americans, the same ones that are determined to destroy this country------------------in other words, Liberals, progressives, democrats , and left wing hate filled assholes like Pelosi, Schumer, Jackson-Lee, the Clintons, Obama, the NY times, DC post, CNN, et. al.
Can't you see that you are combining the past with the present?...This is 2018 and the kind of behavior by today's North Korea is totally unacceptable in a civilized world...

Putin killed political rivals.. Why do you think we have sanctions against Russia?

Are you saying thats the reason for sanctions against Russia?
Well, Trump said he sent werewolfson#1, Jared and Manafort to talk to the Russian spy about lifting Russian sanctions on adopting ruskie babies because we sanctioned him on human rights.

One of the most prolific hoaxers was Clayton Waagner, an anti-abortion activist who mailed hundreds of anthrax hoax letters to abortion clinics in late 2001[19] and who was convicted in December 2003.[20][21]

A Sacramento man, Marc M. Keyser, admitted to sending around 120 packages marked as containing anthrax in October 2008, which he says was to highlight the lack of preparedness of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and public for an anthrax attack. He was convicted in September 2009 of five counts of hoaxes and making threats[22][23] and sentenced to four years in prison in late April 2010
See it does do you well to is illegal to send an unknown white powder in the mail...reading does work...

One of the most prolific hoaxers was Clayton Waagner, an anti-abortion activist who mailed hundreds of anthrax hoax letters to abortion clinics in late 2001[19] and who was convicted in December 2003.[20][21]

A Sacramento man, Marc M. Keyser, admitted to sending around 120 packages marked as containing anthrax in October 2008, which he says was to highlight the lack of preparedness of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and public for an anthrax attack. He was convicted in September 2009 of five counts of hoaxes and making threats[22][23] and sentenced to four years in prison in late April 2010

So you agree that whoever did this should be held accountable and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Of course. Has anyone here said otherwise? But it's odd how suddenly several on this thread seem to know who did it yet they aren't naming them or reporting them to the Authorities.

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