Vernon Jones calls CNN....the “Controlling Negroes Network”

Stacey Abrams is black and CNN is for her. How is that controlling blacks? It is right-wingers who are the worst offenders regarding race.
She's a Democrat, so of course CNN supports her. If she was a Black Republican she'd be destroyed. You know that, so stop the clueless act.
Stacey Abrams is black and CNN is for her. How is that controlling blacks? It is right-wingers who are the worst offenders regarding race.
Because CNN pushes CRT and 'White Privilege' which is a racist lie. Also, CNN backs Biden who is a racist and an illegitimate President. Abrams is a good little Democrat slave.
mamooth african americans and minorities in general came out for trump

with that said i don’t think Mr Jordan is a trump supporter

why don’t you post on the topic and not about your obsession president trump?
92 percent of blacks voted for Biden. We did not come out for trump.

Because you are fucking low IQ morons that can't think for yourselves. Your Democrat Masters told you vote for Biden or else you wouldn't get your welfare checks and you idiots believed them.
Stacey Abrams is black and CNN is for her. How is that controlling blacks? It is right-wingers who are the worst offenders regarding race.
Because CNN pushes CRT and 'White Privilege' which is a racist lie. Also, CNN backs Biden who is a racist and an illegitimate President. Abrams is a good little Democrat slave.
Right-wingers backed by FoxNews must be good Russian propaganda parrots; good little Russan tools.

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