Video shows Georgia students repeatedly slapping a teacher

various shades of black among African Americans




Mixed race.
A lot of overt racism in this thread. You white guys that engage in this make the rest of us white guys look bad.

Racism is about thinking you are superior to others, just as the Milkweed has claimed about his "genetic superiority for attracting white women." THAT is racism. The rest of this thread is all ethnic jabs and humor meant to poke fun at and better help the Weed stop seeing everyone by just their skin color! Too bad you are too color blind to see that and think yourself that all racism by definition must automatically only come from Whites. That is TOTAL BULL that only white people can be racists. On any given day, the news must show a THOUSAND blacks all going on about how superior they are.

Whites get along with and accept Blacks generally about 100X better than Blacks get along with and accept Whites, and not a White person alive today has done anything to them except try to make a better world for us all. So who are the true racists?

You can go out on any day and find riots and protests where Blacks are protesting in favor of Blacks and Whites protesting with them in favor of Blacks, but show me ONE protest where any Blacks ever protest in favor of Whites?!


There is no societal group more under attack and criticized today than the White Man. More is said against white people JUST BECAUSE THEY WERE BORN WHITE, than against Kim Jong-Un or ISIS terrorists combined.


And whenever we speak up to defend ourselves, you call US the racists!
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One of the students became irate when she saw the other student reading a book, and accused her of acting "white".

That was when the fight broke out. ..... :cool:
Why would that be acting white when Black people taught whites how to read and write? :cool-45:
and then the blacks forgot how to read and write
I'm reading and writing now so what makes you think we forgot like whites did in the Dark Ages?
The Truth Behind Black Africans with Blue Eyes

Have you ever seen a Black man or woman with blue eyes? What was your initial reaction? I almost fainted when I saw one about 25 years ago while trekking home from school. My first thought was, This must be a Mami Water (mermaid), since the person was not an albino. It was scary to look at from afar, but when I moved closer, the lady looked so pretty and interesting.

This experience is not totally different from the reaction of certain Nigerian parents that gave birth to a blonde hair/blue eyed baby girl in London some years back. When the husband saw the baby, he was shocked. If it wasn’t that he trusted his wife so much, their marriage could have become history — at least until a DNA test verified the paternity of the baby.

Today, many believe that those with blue eyes or other non-brown eyes are not of African descent, and if they are, they must be wearing colored contact lenses. There are other fears that have been expressed when it comes to people with blue eyes.

Some have said people with blue eyes are evil. Others want to know if people with blue eyes lack concentration, see well, or if it affects their level of hearing. Some of these fears are unsubstantiated, but other speculations, such as its effect on hearing, seem to be true.

Generally, however, contrary to the opinion of many people, having blue eyes is not the exclusive preserve of Asians or Europeans; Black Africans can also have blue eyes, and there are many explanations for this....

There are a lot of notable Black celebrities with natural eye colors other than black or brown, including Rihanna, Tyra Banks, Vanessa Williams, and more. Evidence of blue-eyed Africans also abounds throughout Africa, including South Sudan, South Africa, Nigeria, Uganda, and more.​

A lot of overt racism in this thread. You white guys that engage in this make the rest of us white guys look bad.

Racism is about thinking you are superior to others, just as the Milkweed has claimed about his "genetic superiority for attracting white women." THAT is racism. The rest of this thread is all ethnic jabs and humor meant to poke fun at and better help the Weed stop seeing everyone by just their skin color! Too bad you are too color blind to see that and think yourself that all racism by definition must automatically only come from Whites. That is TOTAL BULL that only white people can be racists. On any given day, the news must show a THOUSAND blacks all going on about how superior they are.

Whites get along with and accept Blacks generally about 100X better than Blacks get along with and accept Whites, and not a White person alive today has done anything to them except try to make a better world for us all. So who are the true racists?

I think black culture is FUCKED and I think they need to recognize that THEY are responsible for how fucked up black America is. I myself have been called a racist for saying this and for citing statistics which back up my assertion that black American culture is poisonous for both them and the rest of the country. With that said, there are some posts in this lengthy thread that are definitely racist and make the rest of us look bad and it hurts us politically and costs our candidates votes. In other words, it's stupid and counterproductive.
There is a organ in your brain that starts the process of creating melanin. In whites its an atrophied organ. In most Blacks its fully functioning. I will look it up.

Magic Melanin: Spreading Scientific Illiteracy Among Minorities - CSI
Too bad (for the believers in this theory) the Egyptians were white.

Scientists have extracted and analyzed DNA from mummies that are thousands of years old, and they have found that the ancient Egyptians are actually more genetically similar to people living today in the Near East — countries like Israel, Lebanon, and Syria — than modern-day Egyptians.
Mummy DNA shows that the ancients don’t have much in common with modern Egyptians
The Truth Behind Black Africans with Blue Eyes

Have you ever seen a Black man or woman with blue eyes? What was your initial reaction? I almost fainted when I saw one about 25 years ago while trekking home from school. My first thought was, This must be a Mami Water (mermaid), since the person was not an albino. It was scary to look at from afar, but when I moved closer, the lady looked so pretty and interesting.

This experience is not totally different from the reaction of certain Nigerian parents that gave birth to a blonde hair/blue eyed baby girl in London some years back. When the husband saw the baby, he was shocked. If it wasn’t that he trusted his wife so much, their marriage could have become history — at least until a DNA test verified the paternity of the baby.

Today, many believe that those with blue eyes or other non-brown eyes are not of African descent, and if they are, they must be wearing colored contact lenses. There are other fears that have been expressed when it comes to people with blue eyes.

Some have said people with blue eyes are evil. Others want to know if people with blue eyes lack concentration, see well, or if it affects their level of hearing. Some of these fears are unsubstantiated, but other speculations, such as its effect on hearing, seem to be true.

Generally, however, contrary to the opinion of many people, having blue eyes is not the exclusive preserve of Asians or Europeans; Black Africans can also have blue eyes, and there are many explanations for this....

There are a lot of notable Black celebrities with natural eye colors other than black or brown, including Rihanna, Tyra Banks, Vanessa Williams, and more. Evidence of blue-eyed Africans also abounds throughout Africa, including South Sudan, South Africa, Nigeria, Uganda, and more.​

Blue eyes is a recessive trait whites developed in europe however blacks developed the same blue eyed trait but in a different form.

The Origin of Black People With Blue Eyes

The Truth Behind Black Africans with Blue Eyes

Have you ever seen a Black man or woman with blue eyes? What was your initial reaction? I almost fainted when I saw one about 25 years ago while trekking home from school. My first thought was, This must be a Mami Water (mermaid), since the person was not an albino. It was scary to look at from afar, but when I moved closer, the lady looked so pretty and interesting.

This experience is not totally different from the reaction of certain Nigerian parents that gave birth to a blonde hair/blue eyed baby girl in London some years back. When the husband saw the baby, he was shocked. If it wasn’t that he trusted his wife so much, their marriage could have become history — at least until a DNA test verified the paternity of the baby.

Today, many believe that those with blue eyes or other non-brown eyes are not of African descent, and if they are, they must be wearing colored contact lenses. There are other fears that have been expressed when it comes to people with blue eyes.

Some have said people with blue eyes are evil. Others want to know if people with blue eyes lack concentration, see well, or if it affects their level of hearing. Some of these fears are unsubstantiated, but other speculations, such as its effect on hearing, seem to be true.

Generally, however, contrary to the opinion of many people, having blue eyes is not the exclusive preserve of Asians or Europeans; Black Africans can also have blue eyes, and there are many explanations for this....

There are a lot of notable Black celebrities with natural eye colors other than black or brown, including Rihanna, Tyra Banks, Vanessa Williams, and more. Evidence of blue-eyed Africans also abounds throughout Africa, including South Sudan, South Africa, Nigeria, Uganda, and more.​


That is really bizarre. I presume each of the parents have some white dna in their system.
On this, we agree. It's also why your IQ is 20 pts higher on average.
I dont believe in white peoples definition of IQ but thanks anyway.

Of course you don't because that would be mighty inconvenient to your delusions of grandeur.

View attachment 150590
The truth is that you can not produce a single credible source that suggests that I.Q. tests measure the full spectrum of intellect, learning ability, social awareness or future increase in various intellectual traits.
I have no problem with these numbers, I take them for what they are, you just aren't bright enough to fully understand the limitations or significance...
The Truth Behind Black Africans with Blue Eyes

Have you ever seen a Black man or woman with blue eyes? What was your initial reaction? I almost fainted when I saw one about 25 years ago while trekking home from school. My first thought was, This must be a Mami Water (mermaid), since the person was not an albino. It was scary to look at from afar, but when I moved closer, the lady looked so pretty and interesting.

This experience is not totally different from the reaction of certain Nigerian parents that gave birth to a blonde hair/blue eyed baby girl in London some years back. When the husband saw the baby, he was shocked. If it wasn’t that he trusted his wife so much, their marriage could have become history — at least until a DNA test verified the paternity of the baby.

Today, many believe that those with blue eyes or other non-brown eyes are not of African descent, and if they are, they must be wearing colored contact lenses. There are other fears that have been expressed when it comes to people with blue eyes.

Some have said people with blue eyes are evil. Others want to know if people with blue eyes lack concentration, see well, or if it affects their level of hearing. Some of these fears are unsubstantiated, but other speculations, such as its effect on hearing, seem to be true.

Generally, however, contrary to the opinion of many people, having blue eyes is not the exclusive preserve of Asians or Europeans; Black Africans can also have blue eyes, and there are many explanations for this....

There are a lot of notable Black celebrities with natural eye colors other than black or brown, including Rihanna, Tyra Banks, Vanessa Williams, and more. Evidence of blue-eyed Africans also abounds throughout Africa, including South Sudan, South Africa, Nigeria, Uganda, and more.​


That is really bizarre. I presume each of the parents have some white dna in their system.
Nope and they are not the only Black couple that has done this.

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