Vietnam War and question for the boomer generation

Fifty thousand young guys (many enslaved via the draft) died needlessly in that fucking useless fiasco. It made me ashamed to be an American.

I escaped it by joining the Navy.

And Jane Fonda remains a hero of mine for doing what she did.
Because a lot of people felt that way, the government could not prosecute her for treason. What Fonda did and said WAS treason, of course (I worked it out at the time, with difficulty and realized if that wasn't treason, nothing was) but they were losing the college-educated young people, and Jane Fonda was the popular, beautiful daughter of Hollywood legend Henry Fonda. So it wasn't going to happen.

So now they can't try anyone for treason, even flamboyant cases like that Bradley Manning character who gave all the U.S. military data to Wikileaks.
far as I know, she never had any connection or made any statements about the Khmer Rouge. It's impossible to prove that someone didn't do something, of course, but until a transcript or a recording surfaces, my professional assessment as a historian says that this is most likely a case of people who already don't like her, exaggerating her evilness.
I can't remember her saying anything about the Khmer Rouge, either.
Fifty thousand young guys (many enslaved via the draft) died needlessly in that fucking useless fiasco. It made me ashamed to be an American.

I escaped it by joining the Navy.

And Jane Fonda remains a hero of mine for doing what she did.
Because a lot of people felt that way, the government could not prosecute her for treason. What Fonda did and said WAS treason, of course (I worked it out at the time, with difficulty and realized if that wasn't treason, nothing was) but they were losing the college-educated young people, and Jane Fonda was the popular, beautiful daughter of Hollywood legend Henry Fonda. So it wasn't going to happen.

So now they can't try anyone for treason, even flamboyant cases like that Bradley Manning character who gave all the U.S. military data to Wikileaks.

Fonda was in her 20s and not a major star. She had little influence with mainstream America

It was John Wayne and Bob Hope who were the stars and influenced America
They sided with the War Hawks who lied and killed millions needlessly.
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Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.

America left Vietnam completely defeated. Their folly to eradicate communism in another country was a waste of 55000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injuries. The military left like a kicked dog.
The democrats had absolutely nothing to do with that. That's a typical Republican view wanting to blame democrats for everything. How pathetic.
Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.

America left Vietnam completely defeated. Their folly to eradicate communism in another country was a waste of 55000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injuries. The military left like a kicked dog.
The democrats had absolutely nothing to do with that. That's a typical Republican view wanting to blame democrats for everything. How pathetic.
LBJ may have pulled the trigger
But no major Republican ever opposed the Vietnam war from 1965 to 1975

Democrats lost their support by 1968
Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.
I know...the old, Give us a hundred thousand more boys and we will wrap this up by Christmas

Victory is just around the corner
Wrong the South Vietnamesee proved in 72 they could win against the North with out US combat troops. in 75 the democrats had cut their supplies off and reneged on the deal for artillery and air support, the North was just probing the line in force and when they realized the state of the souths units and no US air support they sent 25 divisions against the 12 of South Vietnam.

The North had kept the fight up for 25 years. They were not about to quit.
They did not quit while the mighty US forces were there, why would they quit after they left?
Look moron the south successfully stopped the North Vietnamese in a major campaign in72 and would have done the same in 75

You said it yourself
The North had 25 Divisions, the South had 12.
The South was in a Defensive perimeter around Saigon, the North had the rest.
Their days were numbered.

The US didnt care as long as we got our asses out of there
The public didn’t care either
wrong with our airpower and artillery we coud stop the north with the south providing the armor ad Infantry.

We had our AirPower, artillery AND hundreds of thousands of troops on the ground for seven years and it didn’t stop them.

We have 60,000 dead to prove it
Actually it did stop them and it helped wipe out the viet cong, Or perhaps you can list for us the times the NV took territory while the US was there?
Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.

America left Vietnam completely defeated. Their folly to eradicate communism in another country was a waste of 55000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injuries. The military left like a kicked dog.
The democrats had absolutely nothing to do with that. That's a typical Republican view wanting to blame democrats for everything. How pathetic.
Great. Another history revisionist and Communist admirer.
We withdrew from Vietnam in good order when the government ordered us to do so and until that time we successfully carried out our mission of defending South Vietnam. We lost nothing.
It was the US Congress (mostly democrats if I remember correctly) that failed in our commitment to an ally by denying furthers funds for resupply and possible air cover. It was the Congress that betrayed South Vietnam and our fallen soldiers.
We were winning when I left.
Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.
I know...the old, Give us a hundred thousand more boys and we will wrap this up by Christmas

Victory is just around the corner
Wrong the South Vietnamesee proved in 72 they could win against the North with out US combat troops. in 75 the democrats had cut their supplies off and reneged on the deal for artillery and air support, the North was just probing the line in force and when they realized the state of the souths units and no US air support they sent 25 divisions against the 12 of South Vietnam.

The North had kept the fight up for 25 years. They were not about to quit.
They did not quit while the mighty US forces were there, why would they quit after they left?
Look moron the south successfully stopped the North Vietnamese in a major campaign in72 and would have done the same in 75

You said it yourself
The North had 25 Divisions, the South had 12.
The South was in a Defensive perimeter around Saigon, the North had the rest.
Their days were numbered.

The US didnt care as long as we got our asses out of there
The public didn’t care either
wrong with our airpower and artillery we coud stop the north with the south providing the armor ad Infantry.

We had our AirPower, artillery AND hundreds of thousands of troops on the ground for seven years and it didn’t stop them.

We have 60,000 dead to prove it
Actually it did stop them and it helped wipe out the viet cong, Or perhaps you can list for us the times the NV took territory while the US was there?
That is what was wrong about the US strategy in Vietnam
It was never about territory and body counts. It was about the hearts and minds of the people.
Western occupiers were never welcome. As long as the French or US was there, you were going to face resistance.
It was the US Congress (mostly democrats if I remember correctly) that failed in our commitment to an ally by denying furthers funds for resupply and possible air cover.

It was the US Congress that failed you in continually buying into the militarist propaganda and using US Soldiers as fodder to cover for their failures in leadership.
Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.
I know...the old, Give us a hundred thousand more boys and we will wrap this up by Christmas

Victory is just around the corner
Wrong the South Vietnamesee proved in 72 they could win against the North with out US combat troops. in 75 the democrats had cut their supplies off and reneged on the deal for artillery and air support, the North was just probing the line in force and when they realized the state of the souths units and no US air support they sent 25 divisions against the 12 of South Vietnam.

The North had kept the fight up for 25 years. They were not about to quit.
They did not quit while the mighty US forces were there, why would they quit after they left?
Look moron the south successfully stopped the North Vietnamese in a major campaign in72 and would have done the same in 75

You said it yourself
The North had 25 Divisions, the South had 12.
The South was in a Defensive perimeter around Saigon, the North had the rest.
Their days were numbered.

The US didnt care as long as we got our asses out of there
The public didn’t care either
wrong with our airpower and artillery we coud stop the north with the south providing the armor ad Infantry.

We had our AirPower, artillery AND hundreds of thousands of troops on the ground for seven years and it didn’t stop them.

We have 60,000 dead to prove it
Actually it did stop them and it helped wipe out the viet cong, Or perhaps you can list for us the times the NV took territory while the US was there?
That is what was wrong about the US strategy in Vietnam
It was never about territory and body counts. It was about the hearts and minds of the people.
Western occupiers were never welcome. As long as the French or US was there, you were going to face resistance.
After 72 South Vietnam was stable.
Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.
I know...the old, Give us a hundred thousand more boys and we will wrap this up by Christmas

Victory is just around the corner
Wrong the South Vietnamesee proved in 72 they could win against the North with out US combat troops. in 75 the democrats had cut their supplies off and reneged on the deal for artillery and air support, the North was just probing the line in force and when they realized the state of the souths units and no US air support they sent 25 divisions against the 12 of South Vietnam.

The North had kept the fight up for 25 years. They were not about to quit.
They did not quit while the mighty US forces were there, why would they quit after they left?
Look moron the south successfully stopped the North Vietnamese in a major campaign in72 and would have done the same in 75

You said it yourself
The North had 25 Divisions, the South had 12.
The South was in a Defensive perimeter around Saigon, the North had the rest.
Their days were numbered.

The US didnt care as long as we got our asses out of there
The public didn’t care either
wrong with our airpower and artillery we coud stop the north with the south providing the armor ad Infantry.

We had our AirPower, artillery AND hundreds of thousands of troops on the ground for seven years and it didn’t stop them.

We have 60,000 dead to prove it
Actually it did stop them and it helped wipe out the viet cong, Or perhaps you can list for us the times the NV took territory while the US was there?
That is what was wrong about the US strategy in Vietnam
It was never about territory and body counts. It was about the hearts and minds of the people.
Western occupiers were never welcome. As long as the French or US was there, you were going to face resistance.
After 72 South Vietnam was stable.
How could they be “stable” with so many N Vietnamese troops occupying Southern territory?

They were stable to allow US troops to withdraw
Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.
I know...the old, Give us a hundred thousand more boys and we will wrap this up by Christmas

Victory is just around the corner
Wrong the South Vietnamesee proved in 72 they could win against the North with out US combat troops. in 75 the democrats had cut their supplies off and reneged on the deal for artillery and air support, the North was just probing the line in force and when they realized the state of the souths units and no US air support they sent 25 divisions against the 12 of South Vietnam.

The North had kept the fight up for 25 years. They were not about to quit.
They did not quit while the mighty US forces were there, why would they quit after they left?
Look moron the south successfully stopped the North Vietnamese in a major campaign in72 and would have done the same in 75

You said it yourself
The North had 25 Divisions, the South had 12.
The South was in a Defensive perimeter around Saigon, the North had the rest.
Their days were numbered.

The US didnt care as long as we got our asses out of there
The public didn’t care either
wrong with our airpower and artillery we coud stop the north with the south providing the armor ad Infantry.

We had our AirPower, artillery AND hundreds of thousands of troops on the ground for seven years and it didn’t stop them.

We have 60,000 dead to prove it
Actually it did stop them and it helped wipe out the viet cong, Or perhaps you can list for us the times the NV took territory while the US was there?
That is what was wrong about the US strategy in Vietnam
It was never about territory and body counts. It was about the hearts and minds of the people.
Western occupiers were never welcome. As long as the French or US was there, you were going to face resistance.
After 72 South Vietnam was stable.
How could they be “stable” with so many N Vietnamese troops occupying Southern territory?

They were stable to allow US troops to withdraw
the south had only a little of North Vietnam occupying territory, the Viet Cong were destroyed and the military was confident in it's abilities.
Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.
I know...the old, Give us a hundred thousand more boys and we will wrap this up by Christmas

Victory is just around the corner
Wrong the South Vietnamesee proved in 72 they could win against the North with out US combat troops. in 75 the democrats had cut their supplies off and reneged on the deal for artillery and air support, the North was just probing the line in force and when they realized the state of the souths units and no US air support they sent 25 divisions against the 12 of South Vietnam.

The North had kept the fight up for 25 years. They were not about to quit.
They did not quit while the mighty US forces were there, why would they quit after they left?
Look moron the south successfully stopped the North Vietnamese in a major campaign in72 and would have done the same in 75

You said it yourself
The North had 25 Divisions, the South had 12.
The South was in a Defensive perimeter around Saigon, the North had the rest.
Their days were numbered.

The US didnt care as long as we got our asses out of there
The public didn’t care either
wrong with our airpower and artillery we coud stop the north with the south providing the armor ad Infantry.

We had our AirPower, artillery AND hundreds of thousands of troops on the ground for seven years and it didn’t stop them.

We have 60,000 dead to prove it
Actually it did stop them and it helped wipe out the viet cong, Or perhaps you can list for us the times the NV took territory while the US was there?
That is what was wrong about the US strategy in Vietnam
It was never about territory and body counts. It was about the hearts and minds of the people.
Western occupiers were never welcome. As long as the French or US was there, you were going to face resistance.
After 72 South Vietnam was stable.
How could they be “stable” with so many N Vietnamese troops occupying Southern territory?

They were stable to allow US troops to withdraw
the south had only a little of North Vietnam occupying territory, the Viet Cong were destroyed and the military was confident in it's abilities.
You can’t destroy guerilla forces. They just disappear into the brush looking for an opportunity. The Viet Cong were not going away....especially with the US forces out of the way.

Same goes for the Taliban
Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.
I know...the old, Give us a hundred thousand more boys and we will wrap this up by Christmas

Victory is just around the corner
Wrong the South Vietnamesee proved in 72 they could win against the North with out US combat troops. in 75 the democrats had cut their supplies off and reneged on the deal for artillery and air support, the North was just probing the line in force and when they realized the state of the souths units and no US air support they sent 25 divisions against the 12 of South Vietnam.

The North had kept the fight up for 25 years. They were not about to quit.
They did not quit while the mighty US forces were there, why would they quit after they left?
Look moron the south successfully stopped the North Vietnamese in a major campaign in72 and would have done the same in 75

You said it yourself
The North had 25 Divisions, the South had 12.
The South was in a Defensive perimeter around Saigon, the North had the rest.
Their days were numbered.

The US didnt care as long as we got our asses out of there
The public didn’t care either
wrong with our airpower and artillery we coud stop the north with the south providing the armor ad Infantry.

We had our AirPower, artillery AND hundreds of thousands of troops on the ground for seven years and it didn’t stop them.

We have 60,000 dead to prove it
Actually it did stop them and it helped wipe out the viet cong, Or perhaps you can list for us the times the NV took territory while the US was there?
That is what was wrong about the US strategy in Vietnam
It was never about territory and body counts. It was about the hearts and minds of the people.
Western occupiers were never welcome. As long as the French or US was there, you were going to face resistance.
After 72 South Vietnam was stable.
How could they be “stable” with so many N Vietnamese troops occupying Southern territory?

They were stable to allow US troops to withdraw
the south had only a little of North Vietnam occupying territory, the Viet Cong were destroyed and the military was confident in it's abilities.
You can’t destroy guerilla forces. They just disappear into the brush looking for an opportunity. The Viet Cong were not going away....especially with the US forces out of the way.

Same goes for the Taliban
look you moron the Viet Cong destroyed themselves in the TET offensive. If you want to be taken seriously learn a few real facts.
Jane Fonda was right about her objection to the war
Millions died unnecessarily

Blame Bob Hope
When we have troops is the field, you don't go to the war zone to be photographed with the enemy supporting the enemy of your own troop, and making propaganda use of captured US troops unless you are a traitorous, spoiled bitch. She will always be Hanoi Jane.
When did Congress declare that war?
Jane Fonda was right about her objection to the war
Millions died unnecessarily

Blame Bob Hope
When we have troops is the field, you don't go to the war zone to be photographed with the enemy supporting the enemy of your won troop, and making propaganda use of captured US troops unless you are a traitorous, spoiled bitch. She will always be Hanoi Jane.
And you don’t lie to the American people to engage in a senseless war and wrap yourself in the American Flag while doing it.

Jane Fonda was more patriotic than the war hawks
Blame your hero LBJ.
By preventing the agreed upon elections, the U.S. set the stage for protracted violence. Both sides misunderstood and underestimated the other. The Communists were insane to have carried out the war as they did, unnecessarily sacrificing so many people when by negotiating they would have gotten what they wanted, as they eventually did, a decade and a million deaths too late. This was matched in stupidity, if not in numbers, by the American conduct of the conflict.
Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.
I know...the old, Give us a hundred thousand more boys and we will wrap this up by Christmas

Victory is just around the corner
Wrong the South Vietnamesee proved in 72 they could win against the North with out US combat troops. in 75 the democrats had cut their supplies off and reneged on the deal for artillery and air support, the North was just probing the line in force and when they realized the state of the souths units and no US air support they sent 25 divisions against the 12 of South Vietnam.

The North had kept the fight up for 25 years. They were not about to quit.
They did not quit while the mighty US forces were there, why would they quit after they left?
Look moron the south successfully stopped the North Vietnamese in a major campaign in72 and would have done the same in 75

You said it yourself
The North had 25 Divisions, the South had 12.
The South was in a Defensive perimeter around Saigon, the North had the rest.
Their days were numbered.

The US didnt care as long as we got our asses out of there
The public didn’t care either
wrong with our airpower and artillery we coud stop the north with the south providing the armor ad Infantry.

We had our AirPower, artillery AND hundreds of thousands of troops on the ground for seven years and it didn’t stop them.

We have 60,000 dead to prove it
Actually it did stop them and it helped wipe out the viet cong, Or perhaps you can list for us the times the NV took territory while the US was there?
That is what was wrong about the US strategy in Vietnam
It was never about territory and body counts. It was about the hearts and minds of the people.
Western occupiers were never welcome. As long as the French or US was there, you were going to face resistance.
After 72 South Vietnam was stable.
How could they be “stable” with so many N Vietnamese troops occupying Southern territory?

They were stable to allow US troops to withdraw
the south had only a little of North Vietnam occupying territory, the Viet Cong were destroyed and the military was confident in it's abilities.
You can’t destroy guerilla forces. They just disappear into the brush looking for an opportunity. The Viet Cong were not going away....especially with the US forces out of the way.

Same goes for the Taliban
look you moron the Viet Cong destroyed themselves in the TET offensive. If you want to be taken seriously learn a few real facts.

Took a licking but never disappeared
If they were so destroyed and there was no threat from the North......Why did S Vietnam fall like a cheap folding table?

They were provided the best equipment, supplies and training
But they were an inept force

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