Vince Foster Lives !!!

People died during the Clinton administration. Vince Foster apparently drove his own corpse to an obscure Civil War park outside D.C. and didn't bring his car keys. A freaking former bar bouncer that nobody could remember hiring was in charge of White House security. The family couldn't identify the gun that Foster was alleged to have used and the Park Police couldn't find the slug and lost all the crime scene photos. The same "investigative reporters who were so curious about a 3rd rate burglary during the Nixon administration weren't fazed by an unexplained death in the Clinton administration. Instead of investigating the mainstream media circled the wagons around the administration.

No surprise that Trump is as big of a nut job as his followers.

I have no political affiliations but that doesn't change the fact that lots of people connected to the Clintons die in weird and mysterious ways, now does it?

Only if you call dying weird and mysterious then yeah.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You have done no reading about this and the people that were being asked to speak in front of a grand jury (especially about the drugs being ran out of Mena, Arkansas) that suddenly met the grim reaper. The deaths of the two young boys that accidentally came across the Mean Airport and were found on the railroad tracks because they had (snicker) "fallen asleep" there. An independent autopsy report showed that they had been brutally beaten with sever head trauma. This list is long and very detailed. I listened to a couple of documentaries about the Clintons today that were done in 1999 and even though I knew most of the stuff but the new things I learned about his people made me sick to my stomach.
There have been former Arkansas State patrolmen that where Clinton's bodyguards came forward with some of the stuff Bill "drop trou" did and NONE of them wanted to have to be on a detail when Hitlery was involved because she was a hateful, spiteful bitch.
People died during the Clinton administration. Vince Foster apparently drove his own corpse to an obscure Civil War park outside D.C. and didn't bring his car keys. A freaking former bar bouncer that nobody could remember hiring was in charge of White House security. The family couldn't identify the gun that Foster was alleged to have used and the Park Police couldn't find the slug and lost all the crime scene photos. The same "investigative reporters who were so curious about a 3rd rate burglary during the Nixon administration weren't fazed by an unexplained death in the Clinton administration. Instead of investigating the mainstream media circled the wagons around the administration.

Not only that but the day before Foster's death, Bill "drop trou" fired the head of the FBI and made him leave that very day. The Park police had no expertise into how to investigate a potential crime scene and that was done on purpose.
'Ridiculous and frankly shameful': CNN’s Jake Tapper squelches Donald Trump’s 'outrageous' attack on Clintons

"I don’t bring [Foster] up because I don’t know enough to really discuss it," Trump told The Post. "I will say there are people who continue to bring it up because they think it was absolutely a murder. I don’t do that because I don’t think it’s fair."

Tapper brought up the fact that five separate investigations all came to the same conclusion — that Foster was not murdered.

"The notion that this was a murder is a fiction born of delusion and untethered to reality and contradicted by evidence reviewed in at least six investigations, one of them by Ken Starr, hardly a Bill Clinton defender," Tapper said during the segment.

"To say otherwise is ridiculous, and, frankly, shameful," Tapper continued, adding that his scrutiny of Trump's comments wasn't "pro-Clinton" or "anti-Trump," but "pro-truth."
'Ridiculous and frankly shameful': CNN’s Jake Tapper squelches Donald Trump’s 'outrageous' attack on Clintons

"I don’t bring [Foster] up because I don’t know enough to really discuss it," Trump told The Post. "I will say there are people who continue to bring it up because they think it was absolutely a murder. I don’t do that because I don’t think it’s fair."

Tapper brought up the fact that five separate investigations all came to the same conclusion — that Foster was not murdered.

"The notion that this was a murder is a fiction born of delusion and untethered to reality and contradicted by evidence reviewed in at least six investigations, one of them by Ken Starr, hardly a Bill Clinton defender," Tapper said during the segment.

"To say otherwise is ridiculous, and, frankly, shameful," Tapper continued, adding that his scrutiny of Trump's comments wasn't "pro-Clinton" or "anti-Trump," but "pro-truth."

Total bullshit....tell me how you can have a bullet wound to the throat AND one to the head if you are committing "suicide"?
'Ridiculous and frankly shameful': CNN’s Jake Tapper squelches Donald Trump’s 'outrageous' attack on Clintons

"I don’t bring [Foster] up because I don’t know enough to really discuss it," Trump told The Post. "I will say there are people who continue to bring it up because they think it was absolutely a murder. I don’t do that because I don’t think it’s fair."

Tapper brought up the fact that five separate investigations all came to the same conclusion — that Foster was not murdered.

"The notion that this was a murder is a fiction born of delusion and untethered to reality and contradicted by evidence reviewed in at least six investigations, one of them by Ken Starr, hardly a Bill Clinton defender," Tapper said during the segment.

"To say otherwise is ridiculous, and, frankly, shameful," Tapper continued, adding that his scrutiny of Trump's comments wasn't "pro-Clinton" or "anti-Trump," but "pro-truth."

Total bullshit....tell me how you can have a bullet wound to the throat AND one to the head if you are committing "suicide"?

You should be honored as Tyrone is handing you bullshit rather than a simple "smile". Foster Report

The Washington Post excluded the appendix, which destroys the suicide in the park theory. What Knowlton basically witnessed was a Honda Accord that was much older and totally different in color.

With the help of the FBI Patrick identified the car he saw as a brown 83-84 Honda Accord, but Foster's Honda was an 89, silver/grey in color. He stopped to take a leak (4:15-30) about 1.5 hours before Vince's body was discovered. He died around 2pm making it impossible for him to have driven to the park.

This is the full text of the report on the 1993 death of White House counsel Vincent W. Foster, Jr., compiled by Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth Starr. After an exhaustive three-year investigation, Starr reaffirmed that Foster's death was a suicide. This file does not contain the report's footnotes or appendix. Read the Oct. 11, 1997 Post story about the report's findings.


Vince Foster was a mentor to Hillary when they worked together at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas. When Bill was confirmed as the 42nd President of the United States on January 20, 1993, Foster took a role as his Deputy White House Counsel. 6 months later, to the day, Foster was found dead in Fort Marcy Park, along the Potomac River, of an apparent "suicide" resulting from a gun shot from a .38 caliber revolver.

FBI Reports Linking Hillary To Vince Foster "Suicide" Disappear From National Archives

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