CDZ Virginia Parents: Runaway Carriage

There are many factors involved in America's educational decline. Many are never considered, including upward mobility for women, which has greatly affected the teaching ranks. The single greatest factor is poverty. We are the richest country on the planet, and yet we allow more and more of our children to be raised in poverty.
Except the poor here live better than the poor anywhere. Upward mobility of women causes problems with education? Does not compute.
Comparing the statistics from different countries is, of course, difficult, methodologically. Nonetheless, the correlation between educational outcomes and poverty is well established.
The US spends 11 to 12k per student on average annually. That's double of other developed nations. Explain to me how poverty fits in?
No. It is not possible to explain anything to you. Anyone who cannot tell the difference between poverty and the amount of money spent on children in a classroom is not worth engaging with.
I knew you couldn't answer it because you're full of it, we spend way more on kids, rich, poor and in between so your theory is a sack of excrement. The only explanation you CAN give is "I believe it because I want to".

So your answer is "throw money at it"? It costs anywhere from $14,000-60,000 a year to keep an inmate in prison. Using your argument, that should solve crime. Why doesn't it?
Except the poor here live better than the poor anywhere. Upward mobility of women causes problems with education? Does not compute.
Comparing the statistics from different countries is, of course, difficult, methodologically. Nonetheless, the correlation between educational outcomes and poverty is well established.
The US spends 11 to 12k per student on average annually. That's double of other developed nations. Explain to me how poverty fits in?
No. It is not possible to explain anything to you. Anyone who cannot tell the difference between poverty and the amount of money spent on children in a classroom is not worth engaging with.
I knew you couldn't answer it because you're full of it, we spend way more on kids, rich, poor and in between so your theory is a sack of excrement. The only explanation you CAN give is "I believe it because I want to".

So your answer is "throw money at it"? It costs anywhere from $14,000-60,000 a year to keep an inmate in prison. Using your argument, that should solve crime. Why doesn't it?
You can't answer the point so you want to change the subject. I said nothing about jail, we are discussing education. Focus.
You can't answer the point so you want to change the subject.
I'm answering your point about the costs of education. Did you forget?
Now you're trying to blame me for your inability. Prison and public ed are not related.

So your contention is that $12K per kid in education should eliminate poverty, but $14-60K per prisoner does nothing.

Then the question becomes why you're content to throw that much money at privately-run prisons but, from your tone, resentful about the costs of educating poor children.

Can you expand on that?
It was a freshman geography homework assignment.

And as has already been mentioned in this thread, a geography lesson should include more than just "find this country on a map."

(Although I guarantee you the majority of the people who wanted to "bomb Iraq back to the Stone Age" and are now making the same speech about Iran couldn't find either country on a map.)
The purpose of the assignment was to demonstrate the value of tolerance. This lesson was included in the curriculum for that very reason.

It was a freshman geography homework assignment.
This lesson was one of several aimed at teaching about world religions. Judaism, Hinduism and Christianity were also included. I assume you have precisely the same objections to those lessons? I would also assume that you are much more knowledgeable than the school district as to how best to design a curriculum. You truly are a prophet! Get down to Virginia immediately and straighten those folks out!!
The purpose of the assignment was to demonstrate the value of tolerance. This lesson was included in the curriculum for that very reason.

It was a freshman geography homework assignment.
This lesson was one of several aimed at teaching about world religions. Judaism, Hinduism and Christianity were also included. I assume you have precisely the same objections to those lessons? I would also assume that you are much more knowledgeable than the school district as to how best to design a curriculum. You truly are a prophet! Get down to Virginia immediately and straighten those folks out!!
The lesson has nothing to do with geography. Nothing at all.
The purpose of the assignment was to demonstrate the value of tolerance. This lesson was included in the curriculum for that very reason.

It was a freshman geography homework assignment.
This lesson was one of several aimed at teaching about world religions. Judaism, Hinduism and Christianity were also included. I assume you have precisely the same objections to those lessons? I would also assume that you are much more knowledgeable than the school district as to how best to design a curriculum. You truly are a prophet! Get down to Virginia immediately and straighten those folks out!!
The lesson has nothing to do with geography. Nothing at all.
Mother of God!!! What is it with this forum's members? I am daily shocked by the quantity of folks who will post what apparently is the first thing that comes to their mind without making so much as the most modest effort to confirm whether what they think bears any plausible relationship to reality, to say nothing of whether it will withstand rigorous analysis.

Main post:
You are just plain wrong. Are you truly unfamiliar with the scope and discipline of cultural geography? The calligraphy assignment is quite valid for a geography class.

As I shared before, the Augusta County, VA Public School system very clearly identifies the following in connection with the segment of the course that includes the calligraphy assignment.

Organizing Topic
North Africa and Southwest Asia (Middle East)
Standard(s) of Learning
WG.4 The student will locate and analyze physical, economic, and cultural characteristics of world regions: ¼North Africa and Southwest Asia,....

WG.12 The student will apply geography to interpret the past, understand the present, and plan for the future by
a) using geographic knowledge, skills, and perspectives to analyze problems and make decisions;
b) relating current events to the physical and human characteristics of places and regions.​


Describe how physical, economic, and cultural characteristics influence regional development. Use the regional information provided below.
Cultural Characteristics
  • Rapid urbanization
  • Modernization centered in urban areas while traditional life continues in rural areas
  • Large percentage of population under age 15
  • Population unevenly distributed
  • Arab countries and Arabic language
  • Non-Arab countries: Turkey, Iran, Israel
  • Birthplace of three major monotheistic religions — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
  • Conflict over Palestine
  • Nomadic lifestyles
  • Art that reflects the diversity of religions (stained glass, geometric tiles, calligraphy, mosaics, prayer rugs)
The purpose of the assignment was to demonstrate the value of tolerance. This lesson was included in the curriculum for that very reason.

It was a freshman geography homework assignment.
This lesson was one of several aimed at teaching about world religions. Judaism, Hinduism and Christianity were also included. I assume you have precisely the same objections to those lessons? I would also assume that you are much more knowledgeable than the school district as to how best to design a curriculum. You truly are a prophet! Get down to Virginia immediately and straighten those folks out!!
I never said price per student eliminate poverty.
But you must have brought the costs-per-student into the conversation for some reason.
Because poverty was brought up.

And you mentioned $.
Yes but you obviously can't understand why. Why are you here?
The purpose of the assignment was to demonstrate the value of tolerance. This lesson was included in the curriculum for that very reason.

It was a freshman geography homework assignment.
This lesson was one of several aimed at teaching about world religions. Judaism, Hinduism and Christianity were also included. I assume you have precisely the same objections to those lessons? I would also assume that you are much more knowledgeable than the school district as to how best to design a curriculum. You truly are a prophet! Get down to Virginia immediately and straighten those folks out!!
When did they have to write down a Christian act of faith? Or are you just blowing gas?

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