Voters of color are backing the GOP at historic levels

Sure why not? I don’t care about what he wants to be called
Good for you. You go ahead, but you have no right to call anyone an "ass" for not going along with someone's mental disorder. Who the fuck do you think you are?
If you really want to put up a fuss and not call somebody by the pronoun they prefer then go ahead… you’re just being an ass to that person. I don’t see the point in being an ass to others but if that’s your thing then go right ahead

The Bible calls Christians "saints". I identify myself as a Christian; God says I am a "saint". Now. How about I insist you call me a "saint" because that's how I identify?

See the problem? I bet you surely do, now.
The Bible calls Christians "saints". I identify myself as a Christian; God says I am a "saint". Now. How about I insist you call me a "saint" because that's how I identify?

See the problem? I bet you surely do, now.

Why is it a problem? There is no law demanding it, therefor it is nothing more than choosing words. Why is that problematic? It is a CHOICE.
Why is it a problem? There is no law demanding it, therefor it is nothing more than choosing words. Why is that problematic? It is a CHOICE.

Because people are insisting that we change centuries of common language use, and if we don't we're deadnaming and all these other -isms and -phobias, which the Puritanical Woke Brigade loves to throw around. No, we just do not refer to a single person in front of us as "they".

"Where did Kelly go?"

"They went to the store"

That's....what even if that? People are going to get that wrong.
No, you and they are the ass. Who in the hell do you insane fuckers think you are? Get some help.
I’m me, they are they and you are you. Pretty simple. You’re the one making a big deal about they being they. Perhaps you should just chill the fuck out. Live and let live
Good for you. You go ahead, but you have no right to call anyone an "ass" for not going along with someone's mental disorder. Who the fuck do you think you are?
Of course I do. I have every right to call you an ass when you are being an ass
The Bible calls Christians "saints". I identify myself as a Christian; God says I am a "saint". Now. How about I insist you call me a "saint" because that's how I identify?

See the problem? I bet you surely do, now.
Sure thing miss holier than thou. Saint Sue it is then.
I’m me, they are they and you are you. Pretty simple. You’re the one making a big deal about they being they. Perhaps you should just chill the fuck out. Live and let live
I do live and let live. However, no one is an "ass" simply because they will not bend over for some mentally ill nut who believes he is really the opposite sex.
I do live and let live. However, no one is an "ass" simply because they will not bend over for some mentally ill nut who believes he is really the opposite sex.
That’s wonderful. I never suggested that anybody bend over for anybody else. That’s a personal choice.

You can go out of your way to call people sick and make them feel even more different in our society like you’re doing, which is an ass move… or you can be cool with them being who they want to be and treat them like everybody else. The choice is yours.
Of course you do, but you wouldn't do it to someone's face. Bezerkistan cocksucker.
If I was with somebody and they met a trans male and the person I was with kept calling the Tmale a chick and making them feel small and sick and awkward I’d absolutely call that person an ass and likely not associate myself with them anymore.
Why is it a problem? There is no law demanding it, therefor it is nothing more than choosing words. Why is that problematic? It is a CHOICE.
Until he gets you fired from a job, kicked out of a school, fined, or even jailed........and then of course be doxed by the media and labeld a white supremacist bigot......
Ya, like viewing women as breeders and letting them die rather have an abortion, forcing 10 year olds to carry a baby to term, attempting to overthrow an election, attempting to commit election fraud by coercing election officials, leading a violent insurrection, attempting to ban transgender medical care for adults on Medicare, prevent pregnant women from crossing state lines….and on and on.

Maybe pushing abortions and drag shows on the children of Hispanic Catholics wasn't a good idea, huh?

Until he gets you fired from a job, kicked out of a school, fined, or even jailed........and then of course be doxed by the media and labeld a white supremacist bigot......
Your own words and actions earn you those labels as we found out with the trans issue yesterday.
If I was with somebody and they met a trans male and the person I was with kept calling the Tmale a chick and making them feel small and sick and awkward I’d absolutely call that person an ass and likely not associate myself with them anymore.
You're the problem in this country.
Hispanics have been told for decades that the Democrats will fix Immigration and pass Immigration Reform and in 2009 and 2010 it was not done when it could have been done!

Blacks have been wanting better chances at jobs and pay and since the 1960’s all the Democrats have done is promise the Moon and Stars while giving just a spec of sand… I mean LBJ did more the Black Community than Obama or Biden or Carter or Clinton!

Asians and Whites care more about their pocketbook than some Social Justice that truthfully will do very little to solve the hate in this country and in fact it will cause a divide bigger than what we have now!

As Coyote wrote the Democrats care only about votes and lack true leadership and message and it will cost them this November but let be factual are the Republicans any better?

My personal opinion is a resounding Fuck No!

Americans need to remove their heads from their asses and start looking at the Politician and their damn record and stop voting for the Political Party because this Ping Ping match has gotten Stale like this site and not worth even discussing any longer…

So unless the American voter is wanting real change the move from Democrat to Republican is just a swing of the same Pendulum that at the end of the day does nothing to fix the masses issues this country has…

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