Voters of color are backing the GOP at historic levels


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Frustrating when people won't fall into line, huh.
I could care less what some internet stranger says on an online forum. People can believe whatever they want, I don't care. I've been alive to know there are plenty of idiots and douchbags in this world and I have no illusions that I can or should even try to change them. You go right on being you. I'll enjoy mocking your stupidity and leave it at that.
I could care less what some internet stranger says on an online forum. People can believe whatever they want, I don't care. I've been alive to know there are plenty of idiots and douchbags in this world and I have no illusions that I can or should even try to change them. You go right on being you. I'll enjoy mocking your stupidity and leave it at that.
Yeah, how stupid to understand that a male believing he should be a female is mentally ill, huh.
Yeah, how stupid to understand that a male believing he should be a female is mentally ill, huh.
It is an identity disorder and like it or not it is how some people are... The ugliness that people like you show them is on par with picking on a kid in a wheelchair. Grow up.
It is an identity disorder and like it or not it is how some people are... The ugliness that people like you show them is on par with picking on a kid in a wheelchair. Grow up.
I'm not mean or nasty to mentally ill people. So if some guy says that he's Blackbeard the pirate, are you going to support him by having his right leg cut off below the knee, his left eye poked out and buy him a parrot for his shoulder?
I'm not mean or nasty to mentally ill people.
I'll remember that and remind you if I see you speaking mean or nasty about the LBGTQ community.

People have plastic surgery and alter their appearances all the time. I have no problem with them doing whatever they want to do as long is they aren't hurting themselves and/or others.
None of this should be surprising, but there will certainly be denial and doubt among the Democratic faithful. The Democratic Party has done nothing for these voters other than pay lip service. For years they have thought they can just dangle the "racism" carrot in front of brown people and they'll just keep on following along loyally and completely forget about the real issues that affecting their lives. The bottom line is like anyone else, minority voters are interested in kitchen table issues, just like the white folks. They are concerned about inflation, transportation costs, housing costs, the deterioration of our education system, and instead of addressing these issues the left seems more concerned with trans gender people, proper pronouns, insisting men can have babies, environmental alarmism, and Critical Race Theory in education. These are things that the mainstream America perceives as radical and do not support and minority voters are no different.

Most of those people of color have fled countries that the demofascists are trying to create here.

They might not be white, but they aren't retarded either.
Excuse the hell out of me, but the only "right-wing extremism" I'm aware of the last few years, and been over COVID lockdowns and mandates, the murdering of unborn children, gun confiscation, illegal searches and seizures, high taxes, teaching school children about sexual perversion, and an unverifiable election.

Do you have some kind of weird fantasy about white people coming out of the woods carrying Tiki torches with grimaced faces, their veins bulging?

I don't even own a damned Tiki torch, fer Christ's sake.

There is no "murder of unborn children", there is a medical procedure which religious zealots oppose and they seek to force others to accept their beliefs. There is no gun confiscation, or "illegal searches and seizures", you have the lowest taxes in the first world, and you get the least for your tax dollars than anyone in the world.

School children are not being taught about "sexual perversion", and the election was fully verified.

You don't know what's real and what isn't.
There is no "murder of unborn children", there is a medical procedure which religious zealots oppose and they seek to force others to accept their beliefs. There is no gun confiscation, or "illegal searches and seizures", you have the lowest taxes in the first world, and you get the least for your tax dollars than anyone in the world.

School children are not being taught about "sexual perversion", and the election was fully verified.

You don't know what's real and what isn't.
And up is down, in is out, big is small, smart is dumb, evil is good, and Trump is a big fat poopy pants.
People have plastic surgery and alter their appearances all the time. I have no problem with them doing whatever they want to do as long is they aren't hurting themselves and/or others.
That's all well and good. If a guy thinks he's a chicken and he isn't bothering anyone...go ahead dude...think you're a chicken all you want.

The problem comes in when you or they demand that I recognize their chickenhood. That I am required to address him as they and hen. That because they buy eggs at my farm, I'm required to let them crap in the chicken coop.

And if I say "Sir, you ain't no chicken...go to the men's room like everyone else"...somehow stating the obvious reality of the situation lands ME in the metaphoric doghouse.

That is literal insanity.
Butchering full grown babies is lunacy as well, don’t see it stopping you. Frankly, both parties are disfunctional right now. Wish we had ranked choice.

Sorry Coyote. Sure misery loves company but YOUR DEMOCRATS are in a class of their own. Follow the logic:

Trump and Republicans = Things going real well.

Biden and Democrats = Further proof they're not fit to lead and their supporters make the poorest, I say poorest of decisions.
That's all well and good. If a guy thinks he's a chicken and he isn't bothering anyone...go ahead dude...think you're a chicken all you want.

The problem comes in when you or they demand that I recognize their chickenhood. That I am required to address him as they and hen. That because they buy eggs at my farm, I'm required to let them crap in the chicken coop.

And if I say "Sir, you ain't no chicken...go to the men's room like everyone else"...somehow stating the obvious reality of the situation lands ME in the metaphoric doghouse.

That is literal insanity.
If you really want to put up a fuss and not call somebody by the pronoun they prefer then go ahead… you’re just being an ass to that person. I don’t see the point in being an ass to others but if that’s your thing then go right ahead
If you really want to put up a fuss and not call somebody by the pronoun they prefer then go ahead… you’re just being an ass to that person. I don’t see the point in being an ass to others but if that’s your thing then go right ahead
So you're going to call him a chicken to be polite?
If you really want to put up a fuss and not call somebody by the pronoun they prefer then go ahead… you’re just being an ass to that person. I don’t see the point in being an ass to others but if that’s your thing then go right ahead
Uh, no becasue people have been kicked out of school becasue of it. That's the problem, if you have mental issues, I shouldn't be penalized.
If you really want to put up a fuss and not call somebody by the pronoun they prefer then go ahead… you’re just being an ass to that person. I don’t see the point in being an ass to others but if that’s your thing then go right ahead
No, you and they are the ass. Who in the hell do you insane fuckers think you are? Get some help.

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