Voters of color are backing the GOP at historic levels

Dems can’t seem to form a coherent message. Running around like chickens. Not good in the face of the rightwing extremism that now characterizes the GOP.
The message is old, and the public is seeing through the lies. The Democrats don't care about minorities, the poor and the needy, it is about power, and people are seeing through the all-inclusive BS the Democrats spew, what is sad is that Republicans don't care about any of them either, they just don't lie about it as the Dems do.
Your own words and actions earn you those labels as we found out with the trans issue yesterday.
But you say pronouns don't effect anyone, they do and you know it. I don't see you condeming people for wanting penalties for those who don't comply
But you say pronouns don't effect anyone, they do and you know it. I don't see you condeming people for wanting penalties for those who don't comply
Don’t don’t tend to defend dickheads. While o recognize your right to be a dock head l, I’m not going to defend your behavior. You condemn away. I’ll focus on treating good people with respect
wonderful, that makes you transphobic by definition so I was simply speaking the truth
LOL... No one is afraid of deviant sexual perverts and the only thing wrong with Buckeye's retort was assuming you actually have a dick you miserable turd.
Don’t don’t tend to defend dickheads. While o recognize your right to be a dock head l, I’m not going to defend your behavior. You condemn away. I’ll focus on treating good people with respect
Well I will as awell, and if someone expects me to call them something I don't agree with, oh well.

And why is it these people if called a name or the wrong pronoun (in their minds) to they act like they've been shot......
Well I will as awell, and if someone expects me to call them something I don't agree with, oh well.

And why is it these people if called a name or the wrong pronoun (in their minds) to they act like they've been shot......
because they have been historically ostracized and discriminated against in our society since it’s inception and they are fighting for a change. Same thing blacks did during the civil rights movement.
because they have been historically ostracized and discriminated against in our society since it’s inception and they are fighting for a change. Same thing blacks did during the civil rights movement.
No it's not, holy fuck every twisted group is fighting like black people, spare me. What next incest? Pedophiles? Beastiality? What is the next "marginalized" group that needs to be free to do their thing without any criticism?
Dems can’t seem to form a coherent message. Running around like chickens. Not good in the face of the rightwing extremism that now characterizes the GOP.

That's the thing Mrs. C-- -- one form of extremism just begets another. Maybe if the DNC were actually focused on the real needs of Americans and solving their problems instead of running around creating them while running around trying to figure out how then to sell it to people as a GOOD thing or someone else's doing or pretending these are the things people actually care about who sent them to Washington to REPRESENT their real needs, there'd be no need for extremism on the other side either, born out of a response of panic to the former. :smoke:

Or as Zhuang Zhou once put it: polarity just creates polar opposites.
No it's not, holy fuck every twisted group is fighting like black people, spare me. What next incest? Pedophiles? Beastiality? What is the next "marginalized" group that needs to be free to do their thing without any criticism?
You don’t think LGBTQ are marginalozed?
You don’t think LGBTQ are marginalozed?
Fuck no.....they are celebrated in media, universities, hollywood, DC, where the fuck are they marginalized. I have several gay friends including one that married my wife and I......And the only people doing the outting are the lefties, if you don't vote with them, they will out you....they are despicable people.
Fuck no.....they are celebrated in media, universities, hollywood, DC, where the fuck are they marginalized. I have several gay friends including one that married my wife and I......And the only people doing the outting are the lefties, if you don't vote with them, they will out you....they are despicable people.
Oh well there we go. We have found the source of your cluelessness… let me ask. Have you had any honest discussions with any of your gay friends about struggles, being marginalized, what it was like growing up, coming out… etc?
Oh well there we go. We have found the source of your cluelessness… let me ask. Have you had any honest discussions with any of your gay friends about struggles, being marginalized, what it was like growing up, coming out… etc?
Actually I have.....In fact my 2 best gay friends used to date, after they broke up it was akward, but it's pretty normal now. Hell one of em was a Trump Supporter before I was and he has confided how difficult it was to date because gays are generally democrats, but he found a guy, got married (I attended) and he made the guy a republican, it's pretty awesome. I had nothing to do with that conversion other than supporting my friend. He's a great guy, drinks too much and we've had those discussions, but he's well adjusted and realistic. He knows the score.
Actually I have.....In fact my 2 best gay friends used to date, after they broke up it was akward, but it's pretty normal now. Hell one of em was a Trump Supporter before I was and he has confided how difficult it was to date because gays are generally democrats, but he found a guy, got married (I attended) and he made the guy a republican, it's pretty awesome. I had nothing to do with that conversion other than supporting my friend. He's a great guy, drinks too much and we've had those discussions, but he's well adjusted and realistic. He knows the score.
I’m not talking about political parties. My cousin is gay and she is very conservative and a Republican. But that doesn’t mean she can’t acknowledge the realities of her life and upbringing. She struggled immensely with being gay. Knew it her entire life but got married and had a kid because she tried to hide from her nature. She still faces struggles feeling a part of our society despite all the celebrations that you think makes everything ok and normal for them. And this is in California, it’s much much worse in other parts of the country.

The way you talk about and think of trans people is the same as many still feel about gays. You may just ignorantly assume that all good and easy for them but that isn’t reality.
I’m not talking about political parties. My cousin is gay and she is very conservative and a Republican. But that doesn’t mean she can’t acknowledge the realities of her life and upbringing. She struggled immensely with being gay. Knew it her entire life but got married and had a kid because she tried to hide from her nature. She still faces struggles feeling a part of our society despite all the celebrations that you think makes everything ok and normal for them. And this is in California, it’s much much worse in other parts of the country.

The way you talk about and think of trans people is the same as many still feel about gays. You may just ignorantly assume that all good and easy for them but that isn’t reality.
Slade, life is not about being comfortable and having everyone validate everything in your life. I know a lot of lefthanders that hate everygthing being right handed, but it's reality. We have limited time and resources, so we try to involve as many people, but we can't everyone. Trans is a choice, I still think being gay is, but trans is.....and alot of kids are suffering becasue adults won't be adults and say no.......
Slade, life is not about being comfortable and having everyone validate everything in your life. I know a lot of lefthanders that hate everygthing being right handed, but it's reality. We have limited time and resources, so we try to involve as many people, but we can't everyone. Trans is a choice, I still think being gay is, but trans is.....and alot of kids are suffering becasue adults won't be adults and say no.......
Yeah life is tough. It is tougher for groups that are minimized and discriminated against in our society. So many in our society fight to make it better. Some like you contribute to the problem by making others feel less than. That’s your right, but not the shining example of what many aspire for our country to be and represent which is freedom and liberty and opportunity for all
Yeah life is tough. It is tougher for groups that are minimized and discriminated against in our society. So many in our society fight to make it better. Some like you contribute to the problem by making others feel less than. That’s your right, but not the shining example of what many aspire for our country to be and represent which is freedom and liberty and opportunity for all
It's not slade, I live in reality. This poor is me shtick gets old. Gay people are celebrated by the culture, not repulsed by it. Trannies are horrible, for a whole host of reasons, one being just denying reality.
It's not slade, I live in reality. This poor is me shtick gets old. Gay people are celebrated by the culture, not repulsed by it. Trannies are horrible, for a whole host of reasons, one being just denying reality.
A couple decades ago people said the exact same thing about gays as you’re saying about trans people now. Many still are. This has all happened in your lifetime. You honestly don’t see it?
A couple decades ago people said the exact same thing about gays as you’re saying about trans people now. Many still are. This has all happened in your lifetime. You honestly don’t see it?
No, I'm not for gays in things like the Boy Scouts, as we've seen it leads to huge issues. But I've never been for making sodomy illegal. Trans are a bridge too far, especially forcing it on kids.
No, I'm not for gays in things like the Boy Scouts, as we've seen it leads to huge issues. But I've never been for making sodomy illegal. Trans are a bridge too far, especially forcing it on kids.
The world doesn’t revolve around you. Look at how society treated gays just a few decades ago. It was wrong. They were minimized, bullied, discriminated against and oppressed. Still happening in many areas. Same thing is happening now in the trans community.

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