Voting Republican this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Right ideas

just read your are doing what you said trump wants,that makes you a follower of his....
That would be you with your nonsensical posts.
Telling people what they can post about or not.
You little Authoritarian, you. ROTFLMHO
Speaking of constitutional conventions and the second amendment, I often wonder why BLM and Antifa and all the groomers, Satanists, trannies, and homos don't join the NRA.

I wonder why this has not occurred to them...
It is like the Republican idea of Seceding from the Union. It happens on a yearly basis, those petitions which go nowhere .

So now, as they may be desperate to have their own way, they want to gain power again to change everything which continues in their way over what they like and do not like.

To heck with what is good for the individuals, the population, the country.

Dude. Just becuase you heard A republican say it once, doesn't justify you calling it A REPUBLICAN IDEA.

Would you like me to hold you responsible for ideas of say, IM2, or one of the other lefty hate mongers on this site?


in other words you are scared of females who speak up.....are you that much of a wuss?...
Scared, no. Disgusted to the point of illness by them is far closer to the truth.
and you would have lived to a ripe old age of 25....
No. I would have been dead before I was allowed to draw my first breath in about 95% of the Western world and seen as a gift from God in the other 5%. In that 5% I’d have been dead by age 4.
No. I have great respect for and in many situations deference to women. Unfortunately the vast majority of the females in the modern Western world are not women. Instead they are Feminists, Female Supremacists, or Some other disgusting orientation, depending on their particular philosophy and worldview.
Best bet is to steer clear of liberal women.
Scared, no. Disgusted to the point of illness by them is far closer to the truth.

No. I would have been dead before I was allowed to draw my first breath in about 95% of the Western world and seen as a gift from God in the other 5%. In that 5% I’d have been dead by age 4.
yea you are you cower when you leave the house and run into a group of females?....
Will be a one issue voter this midterm. Social Security. Looked at the past Republican pushes to reduce both SS AND MEDICARE. Looking at the policy's & talking points put out by Republicans and there committee policy's for the future. Anyone over 50 or on SS SHOULD be looking at these REAL changes ( not the propaganda talking points) THIS IS A VERY BAD DEAL.
yea you are you cower when you leave the house and run into a group of females?....
No. On the minimal occasions that I leave home, I do my best to ignore and avoid ALL people, especially women; because I don’t trust ANYONE. That's also why I never go out unarmed.
The inflation is Global for various reasons which happened during the past 2 years, and especially since last February.

Housing costs fluctuate all the time. Evidence that the high cost only happens with Democrats ? Show the source.

Homelessness is caused by many factors, including hurricanes, etc

[Debt and deficit reduction by Republicans?]

The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office. That’s nearly twice as much as what Americans owe on student loans, car loans, credit cards and every other type of debt other than mortgages, combined, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It amounts to about $23,500 in new federal debt for every person in the country.

(full article online)

Trump's most enduring legacy could be the historic rise in the ... › business › 2021/01/14

Jan 14, 2021 — The growth in the annual deficit under Trump ranks as the third-biggest increase, relative to the size of the economy, of any U.S. presidential ...

Do you have the actual facts when you post about how good for the country Republicans in Congress or as Presidents are?
With a Democrat as President we traditionally do better with a Republican Congress. I dislike both parties, the better they offset themselves the better off we are.
I need to look at those

The Filibuster is different from changing what the Republicans do not like about the Constitution.
Not a whole lot. Once the filibuster is gone, if one party owns the Presidency, the House, and the Senate, that party could theoretically eventually take over the country, needing only simple majorities in both houses and a presidential signature. The high bars for changing the Constitution could be lowered enough to be more easily obtainable and at some future point those bars could tumble down completely. Won't happen in a day but the fuse will be lit.
No. I have great respect for and in many situations deference to women. Unfortunately the vast majority of the females in the modern Western world are not women. Instead they are Feminists, Female Supremacists, or Some other disgusting orientation, depending on their particular philosophy and worldview.
Unfortunately you seem to have a very limited view of women, Its sad because Western woman are diverse and interesting on every level. And Hate keeps a narrow mind locked.

Voting Democrat this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Left ideas​

Democrats have obviously been wanting to change the Senate filibuster rules so they can do whatever the hell they want.
We need them to work together, STOP working for Party before country. That is the road to ruin for Our UNITED states.
The far left has never attempted to violently overthrow a free and fair election as they did on January 6, 2020. The far left has never had a president that led such an insurrection and coup attempt to try and stay in power. If you’re undecided you need to decide which one is worse. It’s the Republican party that’s going for Authoritarian and against American democratic rule. And they have the CATHOLIC SCOTUS judges that can make it happen.
I have decided, I decided that if I were rich I’d have no issue supporting either party being I’m an average American neither party addresses my needs. So I find and promote third parties that could change America for the better, not the two parties that are leading us down a road of no return.

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