
After the last election, we learned how many Americans were clueless enough to vote for Trump.

On Wednesday, we'll know how many Americans are willing to vote against their most basic interests, despite the absolute certainty that they know they're doing it and they understand what will happen to them if Republican majorities are maintained.

If the Republicans do manage to maintain their majority in the coming election, the next two years will strip the middle class of most, if not all, of the gains they've made since FDR's New Deal. The Republicans have come right out and admitted it.

Forget any pragmatic healthcare law, we'll be facing the repeal of such things as the minimum wage, voting rights, equality under the law, as well as the elevation of the corporate "person" and the 1% of wealth-holders to the status of "Super Citizens."

Despite these radical potentialities, loss of access to affordable healthcare is going to hit the middle class, committed Republican base particularly hard. They are at or approaching the age where diseases appear suddenly, and with a vengeance. Cancer, diabetes, heart problems, the various dementias, and a host of other very serious maladies emerge in late middle age. It's also not out of the realm of realistic possibility that the Republicans will make medical debts nondischargeable via bankruptcy.

In short — on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018, Americans will choose a future that will either reaffirm the stake of the middle class in the American experiment, or we will see the Republicans absolutely destroy the core of the base who voted for them.

If that happens, make no mistake — they will cement their place as the ruling class in America, legislatively first, and then by edict. They will make damned sure that the middle class will not be able to reemerge and return to to the position of political power the middle class once held.

Is THAT really what you want America? Why would you shoot yourself in the foot to vote for thieves?

Why did all those people commit suicide for Jim Jones? Why did all those Germans blindly believe in Hitler?

Unintelligent/uneducated/desperate people are relatively easy to con COMPLETELY into believing and doing almost anything.

Trumpbots are little different.

I just hope Trump does not ask them to do anything violent to others when he almost inevitably loses in 2020. I also just hope that Trump does not deliberately start a war in 2020 just to stay in power (since during war - sitting POTUS's have never lost an election).

The best thing to hope for is that ALL of these folks that vote GOP will have their families wiped out by some terrible medical condition that is a 'pre-existing' condition, that is NOT covered, that causes them to file bankruptcies by the tens of millions.

Once the REAL PAIN hits, they will finally understand, after it is too late for them.

Oh well.

How do you not realize that this is pure evil?

Sorry; the GOP & Trump are pure evil. Sorry you don't recognize that.
------------------------------------------------ glad that you see him and them as evil . Sounds like you think you are getting the short end of the stick and i am happy to hear that . But , me , hey i am doing good enough Caddo . :afro:
After the last election, we learned how many Americans were clueless enough to vote for Trump.

On Wednesday, we'll know how many Americans are willing to vote against their most basic interests, despite the absolute certainty that they know they're doing it and they understand what will happen to them if Republican majorities are maintained.

If the Republicans do manage to maintain their majority in the coming election, the next two years will strip the middle class of most, if not all, of the gains they've made since FDR's New Deal. The Republicans have come right out and admitted it.

Forget any pragmatic healthcare law, we'll be facing the repeal of such things as the minimum wage, voting rights, equality under the law, as well as the elevation of the corporate "person" and the 1% of wealth-holders to the status of "Super Citizens."

Despite these radical potentialities, loss of access to affordable healthcare is going to hit the middle class, committed Republican base particularly hard. They are at or approaching the age where diseases appear suddenly, and with a vengeance. Cancer, diabetes, heart problems, the various dementias, and a host of other very serious maladies emerge in late middle age. It's also not out of the realm of realistic possibility that the Republicans will make medical debts nondischargeable via bankruptcy.

In short — on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018, Americans will choose a future that will either reaffirm the stake of the middle class in the American experiment, or we will see the Republicans absolutely destroy the core of the base who voted for them.

If that happens, make no mistake — they will cement their place as the ruling class in America, legislatively first, and then by edict. They will make damned sure that the middle class will not be able to reemerge and return to to the position of political power the middle class once held.

Is THAT really what you want America? Why would you shoot yourself in the foot to vote for thieves?
What "gains" have Americans made since FDR's New Deal?

If you REALLY have to ask then you are much dumber than even I believed.
I see you can't list any. Is paying 50% of my income to the government a "gain?"
After the last election, we learned how many Americans were clueless enough to vote for Trump.

On Wednesday, we'll know how many Americans are willing to vote against their most basic interests, despite the absolute certainty that they know they're doing it and they understand what will happen to them if Republican majorities are maintained.

If the Republicans do manage to maintain their majority in the coming election, the next two years will strip the middle class of most, if not all, of the gains they've made since FDR's New Deal. The Republicans have come right out and admitted it.

Forget any pragmatic healthcare law, we'll be facing the repeal of such things as the minimum wage, voting rights, equality under the law, as well as the elevation of the corporate "person" and the 1% of wealth-holders to the status of "Super Citizens."

Despite these radical potentialities, loss of access to affordable healthcare is going to hit the middle class, committed Republican base particularly hard. They are at or approaching the age where diseases appear suddenly, and with a vengeance. Cancer, diabetes, heart problems, the various dementias, and a host of other very serious maladies emerge in late middle age. It's also not out of the realm of realistic possibility that the Republicans will make medical debts nondischargeable via bankruptcy.

In short — on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018, Americans will choose a future that will either reaffirm the stake of the middle class in the American experiment, or we will see the Republicans absolutely destroy the core of the base who voted for them.

If that happens, make no mistake — they will cement their place as the ruling class in America, legislatively first, and then by edict. They will make damned sure that the middle class will not be able to reemerge and return to to the position of political power the middle class once held.

Is THAT really what you want America? Why would you shoot yourself in the foot to vote for thieves?

Attention voters: In the last two years, you witnessed what a Republican government can do for you: lowest unemployment since 1967, record low unemployment for all minority groups, raises and bonuses for employees, more jobs than Americans to do them, record breaking small business confidence (the group that creates the most jobs), consumer and corporate confidence at an 18 year high, the halt of missile testing in North Korea with a promise of nuclear disarmament, ISIS defeated in Iraq, the rescinding of damaging agreements like Iraq and the Paris Accord, increasing wages for middle-class Americans, strong stock market, the rescinding of fines and fees of Commie Care, a President that takes border control seriously.

Why didn't the Republicans do more? Because you had enough Democrats to stop them.

Voting Democrat puts the breaks on all these great things for America. Is that what you want? Do you want to see the abolishment of ICE? Do you want to see phony charges for impeachment of a President? Do you want to see impeachment of an honorable Supreme Court Justice? Do you want to see steps taken towards Socialism once again? Do you want Democrat leaders that preached the message of hate in power of our House and perhaps Senate? Do you want to see Speaker Pelosi again with her senile rants? Do you want your taxes raised?

I beg voters to heed the message of an old adage: If it's not broke, don't fix it. If you want to see more accomplishments, give Republicans more power.

Are you better off today than you were two years ago?

CPI was up over 5% with 2017 & current 2018 figures combined.
CPI does NOT include two of the most costly factors; Food & Energy.
You can sit here and talk about wages, jobs, whatever else you like but accounting for inflation, it's a wash; period.
You want affordable health insurance & health care BUT don't have access via your employer, like tens of millions of Americans don't? You will be screwed.
You think the GOP is gonna offer affordable health care options for those with 'pre-existing conditions?
No. The GOP has ALREADY proven they do NOT care about Americans with 'pre-existing conditions' even though Trump PROMISED better health care alternatives to the ACA, the GOP has yet to deliver that & they WON'T.
Your so called 'great economy' that is a wash for most workers is NOT paying down ANY debt.
Trump & the GOP have created a SIX YEAR RECORD DEFICIT, all while the economy is supposedly so 'great.'
When an economy is going so great THAT IS THE TIME to pay down the debt.
This is insanity & those like yourself, that support Trump & the GOP are willing to keep the deficits ballooning to more record levels.

And Democrats wouldn't? What would they be willing to cut besides our military as they've done in the past, weakening our strength?

Yes, Republicans are spending too much, but at least we are reaping some of the rewards. And remember that Republicans give Democrats all their goodies we need to spend money on as well. They are not innocent by any stretch of the imagination.

So I'm all for spending cuts, as long as it's programs the Democrats favor. Planned Parenthood, PBS, NPR, food stamps and so much more.

YOU sound like the typical Republican; Hell bent on WAR & fvck everything else.

And that is no surprise; you have an avatar with some jack ass pointing a firearm at every one like some wanna B bad ass Republican.

Hey, Bub. For us cons, a weapon is a pacifier. You orta be glad.

If you like sticking firearms in your mouth then take the ammo out first, Einstein.
After the last election, we learned how many Americans were clueless enough to vote for Trump.

On Wednesday, we'll know how many Americans are willing to vote against their most basic interests, despite the absolute certainty that they know they're doing it and they understand what will happen to them if Republican majorities are maintained.

If the Republicans do manage to maintain their majority in the coming election, the next two years will strip the middle class of most, if not all, of the gains they've made since FDR's New Deal. The Republicans have come right out and admitted it.

Forget any pragmatic healthcare law, we'll be facing the repeal of such things as the minimum wage, voting rights, equality under the law, as well as the elevation of the corporate "person" and the 1% of wealth-holders to the status of "Super Citizens."

Despite these radical potentialities, loss of access to affordable healthcare is going to hit the middle class, committed Republican base particularly hard. They are at or approaching the age where diseases appear suddenly, and with a vengeance. Cancer, diabetes, heart problems, the various dementias, and a host of other very serious maladies emerge in late middle age. It's also not out of the realm of realistic possibility that the Republicans will make medical debts nondischargeable via bankruptcy.

In short — on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018, Americans will choose a future that will either reaffirm the stake of the middle class in the American experiment, or we will see the Republicans absolutely destroy the core of the base who voted for them.

If that happens, make no mistake — they will cement their place as the ruling class in America, legislatively first, and then by edict. They will make damned sure that the middle class will not be able to reemerge and return to to the position of political power the middle class once held.

Is THAT really what you want America? Why would you shoot yourself in the foot to vote for thieves?

Attention voters: In the last two years, you witnessed what a Republican government can do for you: lowest unemployment since 1967, record low unemployment for all minority groups, raises and bonuses for employees, more jobs than Americans to do them, record breaking small business confidence (the group that creates the most jobs), consumer and corporate confidence at an 18 year high, the halt of missile testing in North Korea with a promise of nuclear disarmament, ISIS defeated in Iraq, the rescinding of damaging agreements like Iraq and the Paris Accord, increasing wages for middle-class Americans, strong stock market, the rescinding of fines and fees of Commie Care, a President that takes border control seriously.

Why didn't the Republicans do more? Because you had enough Democrats to stop them.

Voting Democrat puts the breaks on all these great things for America. Is that what you want? Do you want to see the abolishment of ICE? Do you want to see phony charges for impeachment of a President? Do you want to see impeachment of an honorable Supreme Court Justice? Do you want to see steps taken towards Socialism once again? Do you want Democrat leaders that preached the message of hate in power of our House and perhaps Senate? Do you want to see Speaker Pelosi again with her senile rants? Do you want your taxes raised?

I beg voters to heed the message of an old adage: If it's not broke, don't fix it. If you want to see more accomplishments, give Republicans more power.

Are you better off today than you were two years ago?

CPI was up over 5% with 2017 & current 2018 figures combined.
CPI does NOT include two of the most costly factors; Food & Energy.
You can sit here and talk about wages, jobs, whatever else you like but accounting for inflation, it's a wash; period.
You want affordable health insurance & health care BUT don't have access via your employer, like tens of millions of Americans don't? You will be screwed.
You think the GOP is gonna offer affordable health care options for those with 'pre-existing conditions?
No. The GOP has ALREADY proven they do NOT care about Americans with 'pre-existing conditions' even though Trump PROMISED better health care alternatives to the ACA, the GOP has yet to deliver that & they WON'T.
Your so called 'great economy' that is a wash for most workers is NOT paying down ANY debt.
Trump & the GOP have created a SIX YEAR RECORD DEFICIT, all while the economy is supposedly so 'great.'
When an economy is going so great THAT IS THE TIME to pay down the debt.
This is insanity & those like yourself, that support Trump & the GOP are willing to keep the deficits ballooning to more record levels.

And Democrats wouldn't? What would they be willing to cut besides our military as they've done in the past, weakening our strength?

Yes, Republicans are spending too much, but at least we are reaping some of the rewards. And remember that Republicans give Democrats all their goodies we need to spend money on as well. They are not innocent by any stretch of the imagination.

So I'm all for spending cuts, as long as it's programs the Democrats favor. Planned Parenthood, PBS, NPR, food stamps and so much more.

YOU sound like the typical Republican; Hell bent on WAR & fvck everything else.

And that is no surprise; you have an avatar with some jack ass pointing a firearm at every one like some wanna B bad ass Republican.

The avatar represents my belief in the good guys being able to defend themselves; something Democrats would stop today if they could. But the other benefit is it bugs the hell out of you leftists.

Having a strong military does not mean you enjoy war. It means being prepared for anything is the smartest thing you can do. If a drastic situation does come up, it takes years to build ships and planes which would be too late for immediate encounters.
After the last election, we learned how many Americans were clueless enough to vote for Trump.

On Wednesday, we'll know how many Americans are willing to vote against their most basic interests, despite the absolute certainty that they know they're doing it and they understand what will happen to them if Republican majorities are maintained.

If the Republicans do manage to maintain their majority in the coming election, the next two years will strip the middle class of most, if not all, of the gains they've made since FDR's New Deal. The Republicans have come right out and admitted it.

Forget any pragmatic healthcare law, we'll be facing the repeal of such things as the minimum wage, voting rights, equality under the law, as well as the elevation of the corporate "person" and the 1% of wealth-holders to the status of "Super Citizens."

Despite these radical potentialities, loss of access to affordable healthcare is going to hit the middle class, committed Republican base particularly hard. They are at or approaching the age where diseases appear suddenly, and with a vengeance. Cancer, diabetes, heart problems, the various dementias, and a host of other very serious maladies emerge in late middle age. It's also not out of the realm of realistic possibility that the Republicans will make medical debts nondischargeable via bankruptcy.

In short — on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018, Americans will choose a future that will either reaffirm the stake of the middle class in the American experiment, or we will see the Republicans absolutely destroy the core of the base who voted for them.

If that happens, make no mistake — they will cement their place as the ruling class in America, legislatively first, and then by edict. They will make damned sure that the middle class will not be able to reemerge and return to to the position of political power the middle class once held.

Is THAT really what you want America? Why would you shoot yourself in the foot to vote for thieves?
What "gains" have Americans made since FDR's New Deal?

If you REALLY have to ask then you are much dumber than even I believed.
I see you can't list any. Is paying 50% of my income to the government a "gain?"

Just in case you haven't figured it out by now, any 'government' is nothing more than a Mafia.

You want 'protection?'

You have to pay for it.

You want (fill in the blank)?

You have to pay for it.

Yes; you much dumber than even I imagined.
It appears you haven't learned the most important lession the last election should have taught you.

That you don't win elections by insulting the citizenry.

A vote for a Democrat is a vote AGAINST America.

Yes; just wait until Trump & the GOP donor class gut everything that tens of millions of Americans once relied on.

I will congratulate you when you become a GOP serf.
You know, it should be criminal to enslave people to the government for political power. Tens of millions of American's can learn to be independent of the government once again.

They will be able to hold their heads high and look people in the eye knowing that they are not beholden to anyone for their existence.

They will be able to keep more of what their sweat and blood has earned them.
They will once gain feel safe in their homes and communities and they will once again, fight for the morals that made this country great.
Their tables will be more bountiful, and their homes more sacrosanct.
They'll be free to innovate and invent and bring us back to the prominent position in the world that we deserve.

In short, they will be given back their America and the snowflakeson the left will just be regulated back to their little bankrupt enclaves.

A vote for a Democrat is a vote Against America.

FYI, those that vote "left" in your words are more educated than those that vote GOP.

The majority of those as you put it that will be, "regulated back to their little bankrupt enclaves" will be those that vote GOP. Congrats.
You keep telling yourself that. I hold two degrees and every conservative in My sphere of influence holds advanced degrees in disciplines that are common with the STEM careers.

A look at the map after the last election -- something educated people would do -- shows that the left has nothing but enclaves along the coasts and many of those enclaves are on the verge of bankruptcy.

So you go ahead and contiue to insult the American voter and scratch your head as to why you people are so detested.

Yes, you represent very well the real problem with our once great nation; arrogance.
It isn't arrogance. Perhaps you should educate yourself.

A vote for a Democrat is a vote AGAINST America.
MATTERS people.

EVERY vote counts.

Trump won in 2016 because of a mere 80,000 votes spread across three states...out of 160 MILLION.

If you need further illustration about how important every vote is, consider this.

The Virginia legislature was until this year Republican and they were blocking Medicaid expansion to tens of thousands of Virginians.

In 2017 the legislature flipped from Republican to Dem by one seat. And that seat was won by ONE vote.

Because of that ONE vote...tens of thousands of people got healthcare

Every vote matters

Lesh, don’t lie, is this you?
Why did all those people commit suicide for Jim Jones? Why did all those Germans blindly believe in Hitler?

Unintelligent/uneducated/desperate people are relatively easy to con COMPLETELY into believing and doing almost anything.

Trumpbots are little different.

I just hope Trump does not ask them to do anything violent to others when he almost inevitably loses in 2020. I also just hope that Trump does not deliberately start a war in 2020 just to stay in power (since during war - sitting POTUS's have never lost an election).

The best thing to hope for is that these folks that vote GOP will have their families wiped out by some terrible medical condition that is a 'pre-existing' condition, that is NOT covered, that causes them to file bankruptcies by the tens of millions.

Once the REAL PAIN hits, they will finally understand, after it is too late for them.

Oh well.

For some of us, the pain hit when Commie Care was enacted. As a person with preexisting conditions most of my adult life, I was always able to get insurance through my employer. The day Commie Care started, I and millions like me lost our insurance. But did you give a shit about us? Hell no. They're Republicans. Let em die.

So now you are asking for empathy for your people; the people who vote Democrat and got our insurance we worked for all of our lives? Fat chance of that happening.

For tens of millions of Americans, they NEVER had health insurance.

Then they should have gotten a job that had insurance as a benefit. For middle-class income workers, the government plans are not affordable. The cheapest plan they offered me was more than my mortgage, and it didn't cover anything. A 7K deductible, 7K out of pocket, no dental or prescription, and a $50.00 doctor office copay. The only thing it was good for is if I got hit by a bus.

Commie Care was designed to cater to Democrat voters; the people who make french fries or sweep floors for a living. Those are the people who could get affordable plans, and it came at a cost to the rest of us.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

If YOU Have a real job with health insurance then you are becoming a 'minority' in America.

Silicon Valley's dirty secret: Using a shadow workforce of contract employees to drive profits

Some 57.3 million Americans, or 36 percent of the workforce,
are now freelancing, according to a 2017 report by Upwork.

OVER one third of the US work force are either contract, temporary, or the new euphemism 'freelancing.'

You think ANY of those have the opportunity to obtain employer contributed heath insurance?

Possibly you & others may not understand the trend in the American work place but within 10 years, OVER HALF of all Americans in the work force will NOT have employer contributed health insurance options.

Correct. And who do we have to thank for that????
Ya get it?

Republicans don't want you to vote.

They know that if large numbers vote...they LOSE...and that terrifies them

You are a loon.
After the last election, we learned how many Americans were clueless enough to vote for Trump.

On Wednesday, we'll know how many Americans are willing to vote against their most basic interests, despite the absolute certainty that they know they're doing it and they understand what will happen to them if Republican majorities are maintained.

If the Republicans do manage to maintain their majority in the coming election, the next two years will strip the middle class of most, if not all, of the gains they've made since FDR's New Deal. The Republicans have come right out and admitted it.

Forget any pragmatic healthcare law, we'll be facing the repeal of such things as the minimum wage, voting rights, equality under the law, as well as the elevation of the corporate "person" and the 1% of wealth-holders to the status of "Super Citizens."

Despite these radical potentialities, loss of access to affordable healthcare is going to hit the middle class, committed Republican base particularly hard. They are at or approaching the age where diseases appear suddenly, and with a vengeance. Cancer, diabetes, heart problems, the various dementias, and a host of other very serious maladies emerge in late middle age. It's also not out of the realm of realistic possibility that the Republicans will make medical debts nondischargeable via bankruptcy.

In short — on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018, Americans will choose a future that will either reaffirm the stake of the middle class in the American experiment, or we will see the Republicans absolutely destroy the core of the base who voted for them.

If that happens, make no mistake — they will cement their place as the ruling class in America, legislatively first, and then by edict. They will make damned sure that the middle class will not be able to reemerge and return to to the position of political power the middle class once held.

Is THAT really what you want America? Why would you shoot yourself in the foot to vote for thieves?

Attention voters: In the last two years, you witnessed what a Republican government can do for you: lowest unemployment since 1967, record low unemployment for all minority groups, raises and bonuses for employees, more jobs than Americans to do them, record breaking small business confidence (the group that creates the most jobs), consumer and corporate confidence at an 18 year high, the halt of missile testing in North Korea with a promise of nuclear disarmament, ISIS defeated in Iraq, the rescinding of damaging agreements like Iraq and the Paris Accord, increasing wages for middle-class Americans, strong stock market, the rescinding of fines and fees of Commie Care, a President that takes border control seriously.

Why didn't the Republicans do more? Because you had enough Democrats to stop them.

Voting Democrat puts the breaks on all these great things for America. Is that what you want? Do you want to see the abolishment of ICE? Do you want to see phony charges for impeachment of a President? Do you want to see impeachment of an honorable Supreme Court Justice? Do you want to see steps taken towards Socialism once again? Do you want Democrat leaders that preached the message of hate in power of our House and perhaps Senate? Do you want to see Speaker Pelosi again with her senile rants? Do you want your taxes raised?

I beg voters to heed the message of an old adage: If it's not broke, don't fix it. If you want to see more accomplishments, give Republicans more power.

Are you better off today than you were two years ago?

CPI was up over 5% with 2017 & current 2018 figures combined.
CPI does NOT include two of the most costly factors; Food & Energy.
You can sit here and talk about wages, jobs, whatever else you like but accounting for inflation, it's a wash; period.
You want affordable health insurance & health care BUT don't have access via your employer, like tens of millions of Americans don't? You will be screwed.
You think the GOP is gonna offer affordable health care options for those with 'pre-existing conditions?
No. The GOP has ALREADY proven they do NOT care about Americans with 'pre-existing conditions' even though Trump PROMISED better health care alternatives to the ACA, the GOP has yet to deliver that & they WON'T.
Your so called 'great economy' that is a wash for most workers is NOT paying down ANY debt.
Trump & the GOP have created a SIX YEAR RECORD DEFICIT, all while the economy is supposedly so 'great.'
When an economy is going so great THAT IS THE TIME to pay down the debt.
This is insanity & those like yourself, that support Trump & the GOP are willing to keep the deficits ballooning to more record levels.

And Democrats wouldn't? What would they be willing to cut besides our military as they've done in the past, weakening our strength?

Yes, Republicans are spending too much, but at least we are reaping some of the rewards. And remember that Republicans give Democrats all their goodies we need to spend money on as well. They are not innocent by any stretch of the imagination.

So I'm all for spending cuts, as long as it's programs the Democrats favor. Planned Parenthood, PBS, NPR, food stamps and so much more.

YOU sound like the typical Republican; Hell bent on WAR & fvck everything else.

And that is no surprise; you have an avatar with some jack ass pointing a firearm at every one like some wanna B bad ass Republican.

The avatar represents my belief in the good guys being able to defend themselves; something Democrats would stop today if they could. But the other benefit is it bugs the hell out of you leftists.

Having a strong military does not mean you enjoy war. It means being prepared for anything is the smartest thing you can do. If a drastic situation does come up, it takes years to build ships and planes which would be too late for immediate encounters.

My (current) favorite firearm is my CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical Urban Gray Suppressor Ready.
CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical Urban Grey Suppressor-Ready - CZ-USA
It's a lot of fun & it will do the job, when I need it to do the job.

The difference between folks like you & myself is I don't have the need to have a silly photo of myself drawing down on everyone that views a post of mine here, or on some other internet dingus, like you have that need.
The best thing to hope for is that these folks that vote GOP will have their families wiped out by some terrible medical condition that is a 'pre-existing' condition, that is NOT covered, that causes them to file bankruptcies by the tens of millions.

Once the REAL PAIN hits, they will finally understand, after it is too late for them.

Oh well.

For some of us, the pain hit when Commie Care was enacted. As a person with preexisting conditions most of my adult life, I was always able to get insurance through my employer. The day Commie Care started, I and millions like me lost our insurance. But did you give a shit about us? Hell no. They're Republicans. Let em die.

So now you are asking for empathy for your people; the people who vote Democrat and got our insurance we worked for all of our lives? Fat chance of that happening.

For tens of millions of Americans, they NEVER had health insurance.

Then they should have gotten a job that had insurance as a benefit. For middle-class income workers, the government plans are not affordable. The cheapest plan they offered me was more than my mortgage, and it didn't cover anything. A 7K deductible, 7K out of pocket, no dental or prescription, and a $50.00 doctor office copay. The only thing it was good for is if I got hit by a bus.

Commie Care was designed to cater to Democrat voters; the people who make french fries or sweep floors for a living. Those are the people who could get affordable plans, and it came at a cost to the rest of us.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

If YOU Have a real job with health insurance then you are becoming a 'minority' in America.

Silicon Valley's dirty secret: Using a shadow workforce of contract employees to drive profits

Some 57.3 million Americans, or 36 percent of the workforce,
are now freelancing, according to a 2017 report by Upwork.

OVER one third of the US work force are either contract, temporary, or the new euphemism 'freelancing.'

You think ANY of those have the opportunity to obtain employer contributed heath insurance?

Possibly you & others may not understand the trend in the American work place but within 10 years, OVER HALF of all Americans in the work force will NOT have employer contributed health insurance options.

Correct. And who do we have to thank for that????

Yet, YOU sit here and state that those 57.3 million should just go out & get a job with employer contributed health insurance plans. LOFL

You sound just like a GOP voter
Attention voters: In the last two years, you witnessed what a Republican government can do for you: lowest unemployment since 1967, record low unemployment for all minority groups, raises and bonuses for employees, more jobs than Americans to do them, record breaking small business confidence (the group that creates the most jobs), consumer and corporate confidence at an 18 year high, the halt of missile testing in North Korea with a promise of nuclear disarmament, ISIS defeated in Iraq, the rescinding of damaging agreements like Iraq and the Paris Accord, increasing wages for middle-class Americans, strong stock market, the rescinding of fines and fees of Commie Care, a President that takes border control seriously.

Why didn't the Republicans do more? Because you had enough Democrats to stop them.

Voting Democrat puts the breaks on all these great things for America. Is that what you want? Do you want to see the abolishment of ICE? Do you want to see phony charges for impeachment of a President? Do you want to see impeachment of an honorable Supreme Court Justice? Do you want to see steps taken towards Socialism once again? Do you want Democrat leaders that preached the message of hate in power of our House and perhaps Senate? Do you want to see Speaker Pelosi again with her senile rants? Do you want your taxes raised?

I beg voters to heed the message of an old adage: If it's not broke, don't fix it. If you want to see more accomplishments, give Republicans more power.

Are you better off today than you were two years ago?

CPI was up over 5% with 2017 & current 2018 figures combined.
CPI does NOT include two of the most costly factors; Food & Energy.
You can sit here and talk about wages, jobs, whatever else you like but accounting for inflation, it's a wash; period.
You want affordable health insurance & health care BUT don't have access via your employer, like tens of millions of Americans don't? You will be screwed.
You think the GOP is gonna offer affordable health care options for those with 'pre-existing conditions?
No. The GOP has ALREADY proven they do NOT care about Americans with 'pre-existing conditions' even though Trump PROMISED better health care alternatives to the ACA, the GOP has yet to deliver that & they WON'T.
Your so called 'great economy' that is a wash for most workers is NOT paying down ANY debt.
Trump & the GOP have created a SIX YEAR RECORD DEFICIT, all while the economy is supposedly so 'great.'
When an economy is going so great THAT IS THE TIME to pay down the debt.
This is insanity & those like yourself, that support Trump & the GOP are willing to keep the deficits ballooning to more record levels.

And Democrats wouldn't? What would they be willing to cut besides our military as they've done in the past, weakening our strength?

Yes, Republicans are spending too much, but at least we are reaping some of the rewards. And remember that Republicans give Democrats all their goodies we need to spend money on as well. They are not innocent by any stretch of the imagination.

So I'm all for spending cuts, as long as it's programs the Democrats favor. Planned Parenthood, PBS, NPR, food stamps and so much more.

YOU sound like the typical Republican; Hell bent on WAR & fvck everything else.

And that is no surprise; you have an avatar with some jack ass pointing a firearm at every one like some wanna B bad ass Republican.

The avatar represents my belief in the good guys being able to defend themselves; something Democrats would stop today if they could. But the other benefit is it bugs the hell out of you leftists.

Having a strong military does not mean you enjoy war. It means being prepared for anything is the smartest thing you can do. If a drastic situation does come up, it takes years to build ships and planes which would be too late for immediate encounters.

My (current) favorite firearm is my CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical Urban Gray Suppressor Ready.
CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical Urban Grey Suppressor-Ready - CZ-USA
It's a lot of fun & it will do the job, when I need it to do the job.

The difference between folks like you & myself is I don't have the need to have a silly photo of myself drawing down on everyone that views a post of mine here, or on some other internet dingus, like you have that need.

Well does my avatar bother you? Good.......that's what it's supposed to do.
For some of us, the pain hit when Commie Care was enacted. As a person with preexisting conditions most of my adult life, I was always able to get insurance through my employer. The day Commie Care started, I and millions like me lost our insurance. But did you give a shit about us? Hell no. They're Republicans. Let em die.

So now you are asking for empathy for your people; the people who vote Democrat and got our insurance we worked for all of our lives? Fat chance of that happening.

For tens of millions of Americans, they NEVER had health insurance.

Then they should have gotten a job that had insurance as a benefit. For middle-class income workers, the government plans are not affordable. The cheapest plan they offered me was more than my mortgage, and it didn't cover anything. A 7K deductible, 7K out of pocket, no dental or prescription, and a $50.00 doctor office copay. The only thing it was good for is if I got hit by a bus.

Commie Care was designed to cater to Democrat voters; the people who make french fries or sweep floors for a living. Those are the people who could get affordable plans, and it came at a cost to the rest of us.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

If YOU Have a real job with health insurance then you are becoming a 'minority' in America.

Silicon Valley's dirty secret: Using a shadow workforce of contract employees to drive profits

Some 57.3 million Americans, or 36 percent of the workforce,
are now freelancing, according to a 2017 report by Upwork.

OVER one third of the US work force are either contract, temporary, or the new euphemism 'freelancing.'

You think ANY of those have the opportunity to obtain employer contributed heath insurance?

Possibly you & others may not understand the trend in the American work place but within 10 years, OVER HALF of all Americans in the work force will NOT have employer contributed health insurance options.

Correct. And who do we have to thank for that????

Yet, YOU sit here and state that those 57.3 million should just go out & get a job with employer contributed health insurance plans. LOFL

You sound just like a GOP voter

Those days are gone. Hussein killed that. Now people have to take their after-tax money and buy their own insurance IF they could afford it.
CPI was up over 5% with 2017 & current 2018 figures combined.
CPI does NOT include two of the most costly factors; Food & Energy.
You can sit here and talk about wages, jobs, whatever else you like but accounting for inflation, it's a wash; period.
You want affordable health insurance & health care BUT don't have access via your employer, like tens of millions of Americans don't? You will be screwed.
You think the GOP is gonna offer affordable health care options for those with 'pre-existing conditions?
No. The GOP has ALREADY proven they do NOT care about Americans with 'pre-existing conditions' even though Trump PROMISED better health care alternatives to the ACA, the GOP has yet to deliver that & they WON'T.
Your so called 'great economy' that is a wash for most workers is NOT paying down ANY debt.
Trump & the GOP have created a SIX YEAR RECORD DEFICIT, all while the economy is supposedly so 'great.'
When an economy is going so great THAT IS THE TIME to pay down the debt.
This is insanity & those like yourself, that support Trump & the GOP are willing to keep the deficits ballooning to more record levels.

And Democrats wouldn't? What would they be willing to cut besides our military as they've done in the past, weakening our strength?

Yes, Republicans are spending too much, but at least we are reaping some of the rewards. And remember that Republicans give Democrats all their goodies we need to spend money on as well. They are not innocent by any stretch of the imagination.

So I'm all for spending cuts, as long as it's programs the Democrats favor. Planned Parenthood, PBS, NPR, food stamps and so much more.

YOU sound like the typical Republican; Hell bent on WAR & fvck everything else.

And that is no surprise; you have an avatar with some jack ass pointing a firearm at every one like some wanna B bad ass Republican.

The avatar represents my belief in the good guys being able to defend themselves; something Democrats would stop today if they could. But the other benefit is it bugs the hell out of you leftists.

Having a strong military does not mean you enjoy war. It means being prepared for anything is the smartest thing you can do. If a drastic situation does come up, it takes years to build ships and planes which would be too late for immediate encounters.

My (current) favorite firearm is my CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical Urban Gray Suppressor Ready.
CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical Urban Grey Suppressor-Ready - CZ-USA
It's a lot of fun & it will do the job, when I need it to do the job.

The difference between folks like you & myself is I don't have the need to have a silly photo of myself drawing down on everyone that views a post of mine here, or on some other internet dingus, like you have that need.

Well does my avatar bother you? Good.......that's what it's supposed to do.

Well, isn't that great G I Joe?

U da man then, huh?
After the last election, we learned how many Americans were clueless enough to vote for Trump.

On Wednesday, we'll know how many Americans are willing to vote against their most basic interests, despite the absolute certainty that they know they're doing it and they understand what will happen to them if Republican majorities are maintained.

If the Republicans do manage to maintain their majority in the coming election, the next two years will strip the middle class of most, if not all, of the gains they've made since FDR's New Deal. The Republicans have come right out and admitted it.

Forget any pragmatic healthcare law, we'll be facing the repeal of such things as the minimum wage, voting rights, equality under the law, as well as the elevation of the corporate "person" and the 1% of wealth-holders to the status of "Super Citizens."

Despite these radical potentialities, loss of access to affordable healthcare is going to hit the middle class, committed Republican base particularly hard. They are at or approaching the age where diseases appear suddenly, and with a vengeance. Cancer, diabetes, heart problems, the various dementias, and a host of other very serious maladies emerge in late middle age. It's also not out of the realm of realistic possibility that the Republicans will make medical debts nondischargeable via bankruptcy.

In short — on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018, Americans will choose a future that will either reaffirm the stake of the middle class in the American experiment, or we will see the Republicans absolutely destroy the core of the base who voted for them.

If that happens, make no mistake — they will cement their place as the ruling class in America, legislatively first, and then by edict. They will make damned sure that the middle class will not be able to reemerge and return to to the position of political power the middle class once held.

Is THAT really what you want America? Why would you shoot yourself in the foot to vote for thieves?
What "gains" have Americans made since FDR's New Deal?

If you REALLY have to ask then you are much dumber than even I believed.
I see you can't list any. Is paying 50% of my income to the government a "gain?"

Just in case you haven't figured it out by now, any 'government' is nothing more than a Mafia.

You want 'protection?'

You have to pay for it.

You want (fill in the blank)?

You have to pay for it.

Yes; you much dumber than even I imagined.
Where is it written that I have to pay government for it?

You just admitted that government is nothing more than a criminal gang. Do you imagine that justifies what it does?
After the last election, we learned how many Americans were clueless enough to vote for Trump.

On Wednesday, we'll know how many Americans are willing to vote against their most basic interests, despite the absolute certainty that they know they're doing it and they understand what will happen to them if Republican majorities are maintained.

If the Republicans do manage to maintain their majority in the coming election, the next two years will strip the middle class of most, if not all, of the gains they've made since FDR's New Deal. The Republicans have come right out and admitted it.

Forget any pragmatic healthcare law, we'll be facing the repeal of such things as the minimum wage, voting rights, equality under the law, as well as the elevation of the corporate "person" and the 1% of wealth-holders to the status of "Super Citizens."

Despite these radical potentialities, loss of access to affordable healthcare is going to hit the middle class, committed Republican base particularly hard. They are at or approaching the age where diseases appear suddenly, and with a vengeance. Cancer, diabetes, heart problems, the various dementias, and a host of other very serious maladies emerge in late middle age. It's also not out of the realm of realistic possibility that the Republicans will make medical debts nondischargeable via bankruptcy.

In short — on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018, Americans will choose a future that will either reaffirm the stake of the middle class in the American experiment, or we will see the Republicans absolutely destroy the core of the base who voted for them.

If that happens, make no mistake — they will cement their place as the ruling class in America, legislatively first, and then by edict. They will make damned sure that the middle class will not be able to reemerge and return to to the position of political power the middle class once held.

Is THAT really what you want America? Why would you shoot yourself in the foot to vote for thieves?
What "gains" have Americans made since FDR's New Deal?

If you REALLY have to ask then you are much dumber than even I believed.
I see you can't list any. Is paying 50% of my income to the government a "gain?"

Just in case you haven't figured it out by now, any 'government' is nothing more than a Mafia.

You want 'protection?'

You have to pay for it.

You want (fill in the blank)?

You have to pay for it.

Yes; you much dumber than even I imagined.
Where is it written that I have to pay government for it?

You just admitted that government is nothing more than a criminal gang. Do you imagine that justifies what it does?

ANY government is analogous to a Mafia; not just our government.

If you are too stupid to understand that then you are too stupid.

ALL governments collect taxes & take money that folks do NOT like them taking.

IMO, you could live to be 100 & you would still be stupid & never figure it out.
What "gains" have Americans made since FDR's New Deal?

If you REALLY have to ask then you are much dumber than even I believed.
I see you can't list any. Is paying 50% of my income to the government a "gain?"

Just in case you haven't figured it out by now, any 'government' is nothing more than a Mafia.

You want 'protection?'

You have to pay for it.

You want (fill in the blank)?

You have to pay for it.

Yes; you much dumber than even I imagined.
Where is it written that I have to pay government for it?

You just admitted that government is nothing more than a criminal gang. Do you imagine that justifies what it does?

ANY government is analogous to a Mafia; not just our government.

If you are too stupid to understand that then you are too stupid.

ALL governments collect taxes & take money that folks do NOT like them taking.

IMO, you could live to be 100 & you would still be stupid & never figure it out.
So how does any of that make it desirable? That's what I can't figure out. You seem to be in love with an organization that you admit robs you.

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