Wake Up And Smell The Jihaad


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

This latest attack in France is just the next stage of the war that radical Islam is waging against Western Civilization. It is unavoidable. No speech is going to stop it. This is only the beginning and it is an utter certainty that we will continue to see attacks like the one that disrupted France for 3 solid days.

As long as we have politicians that can't call it what it is ... as long as we have politicians that expose our intelligence agencies to ridicule ... as long as we allow members of the Muslim Brotherhood to dictate our national policy ... this threat will continue to grow.

What have we discovered from this attack:

  1. France is an easy target because of their gun laws
  2. No-go zones in France allowed radicals to recruit openly ... in effect, rampant political-correctness
  3. Known radicals that received training in Yemen were being followed but allowed to carry out their plans
  4. What is really a war against society is treated like a matter for the courts to deal with
  5. Liberalism is the weak link in any fight against future attacks

Appeasment hasn't worked and will never work. It's time for something else ... and I'm afraid that the solution for this threat will offend many across the political spectrum ... not just the left. It doesn't involve attacking Muslims. It involves attacking the source of all of this. The source that our current administration is literally supporting financially and helping by releasing terrorists from GITMO.
We have alot of soft targets here, we have places where Military people are out in the public with no fire arms at all like recruiters offices, ROTC etc etc I hate to say it but we will see an Islamic terror attack here, just like France.

This latest attack in France is just the next stage of the war that radical Islam is waging against Western Civilization. It is unavoidable. No speech is going to stop it. This is only the beginning and it is an utter certainty that we will continue to see attacks like the one that disrupted France for 3 solid days.

As long as we have politicians that can't call it what it is ... as long as we have politicians that expose our intelligence agencies to ridicule ... as long as we allow members of the Muslim Brotherhood to dictate our national policy ... this threat will continue to grow.

What have we discovered from this attack:

  1. France is an easy target because of their gun laws
  2. No-go zones in France allowed radicals to recruit openly ... in effect, rampant political-correctness
  3. Known radicals that received training in Yemen were being followed but allowed to carry out their plans
  4. What is really a war against society is treated like a matter for the courts to deal with
  5. Liberalism is the weak link in any fight against future attacks

Appeasment hasn't worked and will never work. It's time for something else ... and I'm afraid that the solution for this threat will offend many across the political spectrum ... not just the left. It doesn't involve attacking Muslims. It involves attacking the source of all of this. The source that our current administration is literally supporting financially and helping by releasing terrorists from GITMO.

Excellent thread. Bravo, Mudwhistle. Bravo!
We have alot of soft targets here, we have places where Military people are out in the public with no fire arms at all like recruiters offices, ROTC etc etc I hate to say it but we will see an Islamic terror attack here, just like France.

The military bases are not permitted to carry weapons because of the bill Clinton introduced and got through. Repeal the Clinton bill and you'll see the end of jihadist attacks on military bases. So long as the American people are armed - have permits for concealed carry - you are not going to see France happen here, Gravity. It is when Americans are disarmed that they become a target. With approximately 150 million Americans armed to the teeth and enough weapons to share with neighbors who presently do not have them - this is not a place they want to come up against - yet - which is why you will hear some Muslims very vocal about their dislike of concealed carry permits and 2nd amendment rights to bear arms. In America you have over 1 million licensed hunters in one State alone - add to that retired Veterans, etc. The majority of gun owners know how to use their firearms and are going to use them should the day come that jihad shows up at their door. This is not France. This is not France.
We have alot of soft targets here, we have places where Military people are out in the public with no fire arms at all like recruiters offices, ROTC etc etc I hate to say it but we will see an Islamic terror attack here, just like France.

The military bases are not permitted to carry weapons because of the bill Clinton introduced and got through. Repeal the Clinton bill and you'll see the end of jihadist attacks on military bases. So long as the American people are armed - have permits for concealed carry - you are not going to see France happen here, Gravity. It is when Americans are disarmed that they become a target. With approximately 150 million Americans armed to the teeth and enough weapons to share with neighbors who presently do not have them - this is not a place they want to come up against - yet - which is why you will hear some Muslims very vocal about their dislike of concealed carry permits and 2nd amendment rights to bear arms. In America you have over 1 million licensed hunters in one State alone - add to that retired Veterans, etc. The majority of gun owners know how to use their firearms and are going to use them should the day come that jihad shows up at their door. This is not France. This is not France.

Oh I know we are not France, but all it would take is one attack on a strip mall somewhere in Iowa to make breaking news and a success for the Jihad. They don't have to do anything particularly spectacular to cause a shit storm but I just pray that nothing like that happens.
We have alot of soft targets here, we have places where Military people are out in the public with no fire arms at all like recruiters offices, ROTC etc etc I hate to say it but we will see an Islamic terror attack here, just like France.

The military bases are not permitted to carry weapons because of the bill Clinton introduced and got through. Repeal the Clinton bill and you'll see the end of jihadist attacks on military bases. So long as the American people are armed - have permits for concealed carry - you are not going to see France happen here, Gravity. It is when Americans are disarmed that they become a target. With approximately 150 million Americans armed to the teeth and enough weapons to share with neighbors who presently do not have them - this is not a place they want to come up against - yet - which is why you will hear some Muslims very vocal about their dislike of concealed carry permits and 2nd amendment rights to bear arms. In America you have over 1 million licensed hunters in one State alone - add to that retired Veterans, etc. The majority of gun owners know how to use their firearms and are going to use them should the day come that jihad shows up at their door. This is not France. This is not France.

Oh I know we are not France, but all it would take is one attack on a strip mall somewhere in Iowa to make breaking news and a success for the Jihad. They don't have to do anything particularly spectacular to cause a shit storm but I just pray that nothing like that happens.

I pray it doesn't either. As for Clintons gun ban on military bases - Stockman has introduced a bill to repeal that ban in order to protect our military guys. here is the story on it:

GOP Rep. Stockman Urges House to Repeal Gun Ban on Military Bases - Sarah Jean Seman

Only the most out-of-touch radical would try to disarm soldiers. It’s time to repeal this deadly anti-gun law before it creates another mass killing. This is another tragedy created by anti-gun activists. If members of Congress are protected by loaded automatic weapons in the Capitol they have no right to deny that right to trained soldiers on base.

In 1991, just six miles from Fort Hood, we suffered a mass shooting at a Luby’s cafeteria of civilians who by law had to leave their guns in their cars. Texas responded to this tragedy by passing a concealed carry bill allowing civilians to defend themselves in public. It’s time for Congress to allow soldiers to defend themselves on base before this happens again.

Stockman’s bill would repeal two military gun control regulations and nullify any additional provisions which prohibit trained military personnel from carrying “officially issued or personally owned firearms on military bases.”

It would also bar the Secretary of Defense and the Secretaries of military departments from reinforcing these types of regulations and bar the President from issuing an executive order.

As Emily Miller wrote in 2009 after the first Fort Hood shooting:
It is hard to believe that we don’t trust soldiers with guns on an Army base when we trust these very same men in Iraq and Afghanistan. Mr. Clinton’s deadly rules even disarmed officers, the most trusted members of the military charged with leading enlisted soldiers in combat.
Interesting that the Clintons want armed body guards protecting them but they do not want our military to be able to defend themselves against a jihadist attack. If you look back at the history of the Clintons you'll find that no other couple did more to enable the terrorists in their ability to attack the USA, make us vulnerable (Clinton let Bin Laden go and 9/11 happened as a result) indoctrinate our children into Islam via school books (Houghlin-Mifflin) in California (Clinton was behind that bill too) hiring Muslim Brotherhood affiliated staff to work closely with - there is no mystery as to why Clinton says what does it matter to Benghazi - she is aiding and abetting the enemy - just as her husband has done - but because of a powerful left wing media - they continue to get away with a false image to the American people.
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We have alot of soft targets here, we have places where Military people are out in the public with no fire arms at all like recruiters offices, ROTC etc etc I hate to say it but we will see an Islamic terror attack here, just like France.

The military bases are not permitted to carry weapons because of the bill Clinton introduced and got through. Repeal the Clinton bill and you'll see the end of jihadist attacks on military bases. So long as the American people are armed - have permits for concealed carry - you are not going to see France happen here, Gravity. It is when Americans are disarmed that they become a target. With approximately 150 million Americans armed to the teeth and enough weapons to share with neighbors who presently do not have them - this is not a place they want to come up against - yet - which is why you will hear some Muslims very vocal about their dislike of concealed carry permits and 2nd amendment rights to bear arms. In America you have over 1 million licensed hunters in one State alone - add to that retired Veterans, etc. The majority of gun owners know how to use their firearms and are going to use them should the day come that jihad shows up at their door. This is not France. This is not France.
They are still under constant attack behind the scenes. The current administration considers hunters to be a greater threat than Islamic radicals.
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No-go zones in France allowed radicals to recruit openly ... in effect, rampant political-correctness

Not only recruit....they can openly "hide" and plan, and store weapons and supplies in those areas...right?
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France hasn't even learned anything from this attack. It has no intention of going in and cleaning up those parts of France that are muslim enclaves. America has learned nothing from this attack. The presidunce even refuses to call it terrorism.

Have Americans fought back against any of the mob mall attacks? No. Has any American come to the defense of any other American getting beaten up or thrown off a subway platform? No. Have Americans attacked Americans for defending themselves? YES. Do liberals believe that Christians sitting in Church are more dangerous than jihad? YES. Do liberals see jihadists as the liberators from Christian oppression and white supremacy? YES.

We are even more incapable of mounting a defense than France is.
I also read somewhere that the new congress is trying to repeal the Gun Free School Zone act.....which would be nice....it would make our schools less vulnerable to nuts...and terrorists.....
We have alot of soft targets here, we have places where Military people are out in the public with no fire arms at all like recruiters offices, ROTC etc etc I hate to say it but we will see an Islamic terror attack here, just like France.

The military bases are not permitted to carry weapons because of the bill Clinton introduced and got through. Repeal the Clinton bill and you'll see the end of jihadist attacks on military bases. So long as the American people are armed - have permits for concealed carry - you are not going to see France happen here, Gravity. It is when Americans are disarmed that they become a target. With approximately 150 million Americans armed to the teeth and enough weapons to share with neighbors who presently do not have them - this is not a place they want to come up against - yet - which is why you will hear some Muslims very vocal about their dislike of concealed carry permits and 2nd amendment rights to bear arms. In America you have over 1 million licensed hunters in one State alone - add to that retired Veterans, etc. The majority of gun owners know how to use their firearms and are going to use them should the day come that jihad shows up at their door. This is not France. This is not France.
They are still under constant attack behind the scenes. The current administration considers hunters to be a greater threat than Islamic radicals.
Don't forget about the complicity of the Liberal press. They tend to tip-toe around the reality of the situation.
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We have alot of soft targets here, we have places where Military people are out in the public with no fire arms at all like recruiters offices, ROTC etc etc I hate to say it but we will see an Islamic terror attack here, just like France.

The military bases are not permitted to carry weapons because of the bill Clinton introduced and got through. Repeal the Clinton bill and you'll see the end of jihadist attacks on military bases. So long as the American people are armed - have permits for concealed carry - you are not going to see France happen here, Gravity. It is when Americans are disarmed that they become a target. With approximately 150 million Americans armed to the teeth and enough weapons to share with neighbors who presently do not have them - this is not a place they want to come up against - yet - which is why you will hear some Muslims very vocal about their dislike of concealed carry permits and 2nd amendment rights to bear arms. In America you have over 1 million licensed hunters in one State alone - add to that retired Veterans, etc. The majority of gun owners know how to use their firearms and are going to use them should the day come that jihad shows up at their door. This is not France. This is not France.
They are still under constant attack behind the scenes. The current administration considers hunters to be a greater threat than Islamic radicals.
Don't forget about the complicity of the Liberal press. They tend to tip-toe around the reality of the situation.

Tip Toe.....more like taking giant "superman" like leaps around the situation.....
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We have alot of soft targets here, we have places where Military people are out in the public with no fire arms at all like recruiters offices, ROTC etc etc I hate to say it but we will see an Islamic terror attack here, just like France.

The military bases are not permitted to carry weapons because of the bill Clinton introduced and got through. Repeal the Clinton bill and you'll see the end of jihadist attacks on military bases. So long as the American people are armed - have permits for concealed carry - you are not going to see France happen here, Gravity. It is when Americans are disarmed that they become a target. With approximately 150 million Americans armed to the teeth and enough weapons to share with neighbors who presently do not have them - this is not a place they want to come up against - yet - which is why you will hear some Muslims very vocal about their dislike of concealed carry permits and 2nd amendment rights to bear arms. In America you have over 1 million licensed hunters in one State alone - add to that retired Veterans, etc. The majority of gun owners know how to use their firearms and are going to use them should the day come that jihad shows up at their door. This is not France. This is not France.

Oh I know we are not France, but all it would take is one attack on a strip mall somewhere in Iowa to make breaking news and a success for the Jihad. They don't have to do anything particularly spectacular to cause a shit storm but I just pray that nothing like that happens.

I pray it doesn't either. As for Clintons gun ban on military bases - Stockman has introduced a bill to repeal that ban in order to protect our military guys. here is the story on it:

GOP Rep. Stockman Urges House to Repeal Gun Ban on Military Bases - Sarah Jean Seman

Only the most out-of-touch radical would try to disarm soldiers. It’s time to repeal this deadly anti-gun law before it creates another mass killing. This is another tragedy created by anti-gun activists. If members of Congress are protected by loaded automatic weapons in the Capitol they have no right to deny that right to trained soldiers on base.

In 1991, just six miles from Fort Hood, we suffered a mass shooting at a Luby’s cafeteria of civilians who by law had to leave their guns in their cars. Texas responded to this tragedy by passing a concealed carry bill allowing civilians to defend themselves in public. It’s time for Congress to allow soldiers to defend themselves on base before this happens again.

Stockman’s bill would repeal two military gun control regulations and nullify any additional provisions which prohibit trained military personnel from carrying “officially issued or personally owned firearms on military bases.”

It would also bar the Secretary of Defense and the Secretaries of military departments from reinforcing these types of regulations and bar the President from issuing an executive order.

As Emily Miller wrote in 2009 after the first Fort Hood shooting:
It is hard to believe that we don’t trust soldiers with guns on an Army base when we trust these very same men in Iraq and Afghanistan. Mr. Clinton’s deadly rules even disarmed officers, the most trusted members of the military charged with leading enlisted soldiers in combat.
Interesting that the Clintons want armed body guards protecting them but they do not want our military to be able to defend themselves against a jihadist attack. If you look back at the history of the Clintons you'll find that no other couple did more to enable the terrorists in their ability to attack the USA, make us vulnerable (Clinton let Bin Laden go and 9/11 happened as a result) indoctrinate our children into Islam via school books in California (Clinton was behind that bill too) hiring Muslim Brotherhood affiliated staff to work closely with - there is no mystery as to why Clinton says what does it matter to Benghazi - she is aiding and abetting the enemy - just as her husband has done - but because of a powerful left wing media - they continue to get away with a false image to the American people.

They need to repeal that ASAP, Soldiers unarmed is a HUGE target. Let our men and women protect themselves.
Muslims demand their own state within Norway:

Muslims demand islamic state in Gr nland Norway not the island but an Oslo district Vlad Tepes

I guess all that pandering by Norway to the muslim filth by pressuring Israel so hard has worked out real well for the Norwegiens; one would have to agree that "if only the Israelis would end the occupation" then none of the thousands upon thousands of muslim attacks across the planet these past few years would have occurred... :cuckoo:

Next we'll see countries like Norway give in to the muslim filth in light of the France attacks, and vote a few more times against Israel in the UN.
With Muslim Brotherhood inside the gates - literally - to the White House and Obama admin - I do not believe it will happen.
France hasn't even learned anything from this attack. It has no intention of going in and cleaning up those parts of France that are muslim enclaves. America has learned nothing from this attack. The presidunce even refuses to call it terrorism.

Have Americans fought back against any of the mob mall attacks? No. Has any American come to the defense of any other American getting beaten up or thrown off a subway platform? No. Have Americans attacked Americans for defending themselves? YES. Do liberals believe that Christians sitting in Church are more dangerous than jihad? YES. Do liberals see jihadists as the liberators from Christian oppression and white supremacy? YES.

We are even more incapable of mounting a defense than France is.

While much of what you say is true - including the fact that liberals would rather let Islamists destroy American than to see Christianity, the faith of our founding fathers revived - in order to see a restored America - what they haven't taken into account is our history. America's history is not Islamic. It isn't Communist. It's Christianity and the Jews who joined us here and there is no trace of Communism or Islam in our roots. Revolution? Yes. Civil war? Yes. But Islam or Communism? No. So while it may appear that America is more incapable of mounting a defense than France is, you've left something out of the equation. This nation was a nation dedicated to God Almighty and blessed above all other nations of the earth. After judgment comes restoration and while America will be judged it is the wicked that shall be purged from the land. Not God's people. You have yet to see the end of this thing. In the end - the Communists and Islamists will be driven out but there is no question it will be a very horrific scene before that time comes. There won't be any such thing as a liberal when that day comes.

There are still praying, believing Christians living in America. STILL. That remnant will prevail and our prayers will prevail and you will see the enemies of America destroyed. Starting with those Americans who are aiding and abetting the enemy of America - the Communists and the Islamists, Marxist professors, hollywood, leftist media, their day is coming and it is God Almighty who will bring it to them. God is definitely going to bring judgment on this nation and so it is imperative that people wake up and live for Christ today. Psalm 91 belongs to the person who will put their trust in God alone. When a situation appears hopeless? Turn to Jesus Christ with all your heart and lean not upon your own understanding. God is in full control. Never doubt it. God started this country and God will end it. His way. Not the way of any man. His way.
Muslims demand their own state within Norway:

Muslims demand islamic state in Gr nland Norway not the island but an Oslo district Vlad Tepes

I guess all that pandering by Norway to the muslim filth by pressuring Israel so hard has worked out real well for the Norwegiens; one would have to agree that "if only the Israelis would end the occupation" then none of the thousands upon thousands of muslim attacks across the planet these past few years would have occurred... :cuckoo:

Next we'll see countries like Norway give in to the muslim filth in light of the France attacks, and vote a few more times against Israel in the UN.

As you mention this, it is important to realize that right now - the world is taking notice of what the Israelis are forced to deal with on a daily basis. I believe the world is definitely getting a clear picture of who the victims are. And they are NOT the Muslims!
Some are saying that the target should have given in to pressure from the Muslim community and stopped exercising their freedom of speech. Some segments of society consider criticism of the prophet Muhammed to be the same as pornography. They are deeply offended by it. The problem is there are groups that don't believe in bringing legal action against the offender. They believe only in violence as a solution. To those people the only solution is whenever their dignity is impugned answer it with violence. This is all they understand. Consequentially, the only solution to ending the violence is overwhelming violence in response. Not a proportional response that will only prime the pump, but a massive response not only against those that have already attacked us but those who intend to attack us. This idea is offensive to the left and particularly this administration. Obama's way only makes it worse. That is what Paris has shown us.
I agree with the op, especially about how politicians are not calling it what it is. The parable of the Emperor's new clothes comes to mind.

If I were to quibble, it would be with point #5, because it is all the politically correct, useful idiot multiculturalists of the left who have long since abandoned any semblance of actual liberalism who are the actual culprits. They are the sorts called out by the likes of Bill Maher, who is a real liberal. They live in a world so steeped identity politics, white guilt and doctrinaire conformity that they wouldn't recognize a liberal principle if it came right up and slapped them along side the head.

IMO, just as we need a more precise and honest language to describe what is occurring from the Islamist side of things, so do we need a better way of describing those living in the west who are complicit in fostering the political climate that protects it. Calling them "liberal" does a disservice to actual liberals, because any liberal worth their salt would recognize Islamism as the very antithesis of liberal values.

What an odd world we now live in due to the Islamist assault on western liberalism. It is now up to conservatives to protect these liberal values while far too many are now called "liberal" for undermining them.
We have alot of soft targets here, we have places where Military people are out in the public with no fire arms at all like recruiters offices, ROTC etc etc I hate to say it but we will see an Islamic terror attack here, just like France.

The next two years
should really strengthen the evil ambitions of radical Islamists, in America.

I agree with the op, especially about how politicians are not calling it what it is. The parable of the Emperor's new clothes comes to mind.

If I were to quibble, it would be with point #5, because it is all the politically correct, useful idiot multiculturalists of the left who have long since abandoned any semblance of actual liberalism who are the actual culprits. They are the sorts called out by the likes of Bill Maher, who is a real liberal. They live in a world so steeped identity politics, white guilt and doctrinaire conformity that they wouldn't recognize a liberal principle if it came right up and slapped them along side the head.

IMO, just as we need a more precise and honest language to describe what is occurring from the Islamist side of things, so do we need a better way of describing those living in the west who are complicit in fostering the political climate that protects it. Calling them "liberal" does a disservice to actual liberals, because any liberal worth their salt would recognize Islamism as the very antithesis of liberal values.

What an odd world we now live in due to the Islamist assault on western liberalism. It is now up to conservatives to protect these liberal values while far too many are now called "liberal" for undermining them.

It was an excellent OP and very well written. I believe he has a very good grasp on what is going on here.

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