War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

See page 40 ratio of benefits to taxes:

If your income is less than 50 percent of the poverty line you receive 89.64 times more in SS benefits than you put in.

If your income is between 50 to 100 percent of the poverty line you receive 7.49 times more in SS than you put in.

If your income is between 100 to 200 percent of the poverty line you receive 2.28 times more in SS than you put in.

If your income is between 200 to 300 percent of the poverty line you receive 0.82% percent of what you put in.

If your income is greater than three times the poverty line you receive 26% of what you put in.

BOO fuckem who. Lettuce know your fiscal and mailing address so the poor can more efficiently bleed you dry. Fucking piker.
Let me get this straight. I post the facts about SS and you cry "BOO fuckem who" and ask for my address... so you can come to my house and "bleed me dry." Yeah let me guess Stalin is your personal hero and you were that POS in the back of the room sleeping your way through school. I'll bet your idea of hard work is taking a crap. It's not me you are bleeding dry, its your grandchildren.
Makes you wonder why any one would engage such stupidity. But they do say some astounding things ie middle class people not paying income taxes..

I know people making less than $30,000 per year who pay a higher income tax rate than the people they work for.
Oh yeah? I know people begging in the streets who are paying more than Bill Gates.

Perhaps you just failed to make the distinction between rate and amount.
Perhaps you failed to make the distinction between anecdote and evidence.
That's exactly what you do every day.
That's not even true.
You're a sap and a half.
I beg to differ, an economy is much better served by 1000 millionaires than one billionaire. The mega-rich only buy so many houses, cars and jet-skis. Increasingly concentrated wealth in a nation where wages really do not move up is a drag on the economy not a boon. People only think we need the mega-rich because they own everything worth owning.

Historically what you say is far from true. The economy is far better served by a Steve Jobs or a Bill Gates than by 1,000 liquor store owners. The billionaires create massive industries that give millions of people jobs.

Looters are concerned with what men own, creators are concerned with what men create. The marvels of this age exist because men like Gates, Jobs, Allen, Birn, etc. created wonders which changed our world.
I beg to differ, an economy is much better served by 1000 millionaires than one billionaire. The mega-rich only buy so many houses, cars and jet-skis. Increasingly concentrated wealth in a nation where wages really do not move up is a drag on the economy not a boon. People only think we need the mega-rich because they own everything worth owning.

Historically what you say is far from true. The economy is far better served by a Steve Jobs or a Bill Gates than by 1,000 liquor store owners. The billionaires create massive industries that give millions of people jobs.

Looters are concerned with what men own, creators are concerned with what men create. The marvels of this age exist because men like Gates, Jobs, Allen, Birn, etc. created wonders which changed our world.
Its not just that.
Think of what office work was like prior to Microsoft. Typing. Faxing. Filing papers. It took 3 or 4 people to do what can be done with one person today. And the results are better, faster and cheaper. Bill Gates has saved people and businesses tons of money. Which is why he is the richest man in America.
I don't care about expanding the middle class, I had rather keep expanding the wealthy instead. It's better for more middle class and poor to become wealthy than for more wealthy to join the middle class and poor.

That makes absolutely no sense of any kind to anyone.....even to rich people.

Well that's because you are an idiot... but you simply do not speak for anyone other than yourself. What kind of a dumbass does it take to not understand it's better to have more middle class and poor become wealthy than to have more wealthy become middle class and poor? How does that not make sense, even to an abject moron such as yourself?
Ya'll need to make up your minds. Either 47% of the population is sucking off the government teat and about worthless or the poor is all making it to the middle class on 9 bucks an hour. Or is it that the middle class have moved up to the wealthy class even though their middle class incomes show a decline along with the decline in other assets.

You just have to wonder what world the people who believe such bullshit live in. Black is white, up is down and being a stupid fuck makes you smart and daboss. LMAO.

But who'd a thunk that boss is a comedy writer. After reading what I read today, I do. Funny shit. In a strange sort of way.

Dude, you are the one who doesn't make sense.

Are you saying that it's impossible for 47% of the population to not pay taxes, while more and more people become wealthy? There is no contradiction there. They could change tax law so that 90% of the country didn't pay income taxes, and more and more become wealthy. The two are not mutually exclusive, except in your disabled mind.

The real contradiction is you on the left who claim that the rich 'should pay their fair share'.... when the rich already pay more in taxes than any other group. How is 47% carrying zero of the burden, "fair"? How is forcing the people who generate the most wealth, and generate the most jobs, and generate all of economic, technical, and societal advance, to pay the highest percentage of their rightfully earned income.... 'fair'?

It's not fair. That's the contradiction. And you people on the left are all hypocrites on this too. When you compare yourselfs with others, you always compare yourself to Warren Buffet and Bill Gates.

But if you were to compare yourself to me, who actually is the low income class, and I started demanding that you pay all the tax, so that I could get a free ride on your back... you'd be screaming how unfair it was. Hypocrites. All of you.
It's not imaginary. You guys are too much. You sit here day in and day out, railing against the rich, calling them every possible name in the book, accusing them of being greedy corrupt assholes, calling for draconian measures to "fix" wealth disparity, demanding we sock it to the rich who you claim are not paying their fair share, harkening back to the old 'robber baron' days, insinuating that wealthy people don't deserve their wealth, but somehow, some way, your attacks are not to be seen as a "war" on them. LOL... Yeah, right! AND... Obamacare was a Republican idea! LMFAO... You guys should do comedy, seriously!

They don't pay anything like their fair share. Regular working people on average pay a far higher proportion of their income in taxes. Just unfortunate I guess that middle class folks can't afford their own corporate lobbyists to write laws.
Regular working class people dont pay income tax by and large.
Bull shit, absolute and complete fucking bullshit. Which middle income people don't pay taxes? You are as just about as completely full of shit as you can possibly be.

Makes you wonder why any one would engage such stupidity. But they do say some astounding things ie middle class people not paying income taxes..

I know people making less than $30,000 per year who pay a higher income tax rate than the people they work for.

Thousands claim that, and no one has proved it yet.

The closest they come, is someone who earns a ton off of investment income. Yes, investments are taxed at the capital gains rate which is 15%, lowering total effect tax right over all the income.

The problem is, you people seem to forget.... where did he get the money to buy the investments to begin with? Hmmm? From income? That he paid full income tax on?

Every single person in this country has the option to reduce their effective tax rate, by purchasing investments. If you don't.... whose fault is that again?
I beg to differ, an economy is much better served by 1000 millionaires than one billionaire. The mega-rich only buy so many houses, cars and jet-skis. Increasingly concentrated wealth in a nation where wages really do not move up is a drag on the economy not a boon. People only think we need the mega-rich because they own everything worth owning.

Historically what you say is far from true. The economy is far better served by a Steve Jobs or a Bill Gates than by 1,000 liquor store owners. The billionaires create massive industries that give millions of people jobs.

Looters are concerned with what men own, creators are concerned with what men create. The marvels of this age exist because men like Gates, Jobs, Allen, Birn, etc. created wonders which changed our world.
Its not just that.
Think of what office work was like prior to Microsoft. Typing. Faxing. Filing papers. It took 3 or 4 people to do what can be done with one person today. And the results are better, faster and cheaper. Bill Gates has saved people and businesses tons of money. Which is why he is the richest man in America.
Nonsense. Prior to Microsoft there was Amipro (which Microsoft bought) and many other competitors.
Nonsense. Prior to Microsoft there was Amipro (which Microsoft bought) and many other competitors.

AmiPro was Lotus, a competitor to Word. Microsoft did not buy them. Word was developed from the ground up by Microsoft. Richard Brodie wrote the code for it.

MS-Word was released in 1983. AmiPro was released in 1994. The first viable word processor on microcomputers was Word Star - a port from the dedicated Wang word processors. But Word Star was difficult to use, almost as difficult as Word Perfect would later be. Word was designed to be open to the masses. Which is why it shut out the competition.
I beg to differ, an economy is much better served by 1000 millionaires than one billionaire. The mega-rich only buy so many houses, cars and jet-skis. Increasingly concentrated wealth in a nation where wages really do not move up is a drag on the economy not a boon. People only think we need the mega-rich because they own everything worth owning.

Historically what you say is far from true. The economy is far better served by a Steve Jobs or a Bill Gates than by 1,000 liquor store owners. The billionaires create massive industries that give millions of people jobs.

Looters are concerned with what men own, creators are concerned with what men create. The marvels of this age exist because men like Gates, Jobs, Allen, Birn, etc. created wonders which changed our world.
Its not just that.
Think of what office work was like prior to Microsoft. Typing. Faxing. Filing papers. It took 3 or 4 people to do what can be done with one person today. And the results are better, faster and cheaper. Bill Gates has saved people and businesses tons of money. Which is why he is the richest man in America.
Nonsense. Prior to Microsoft there was Amipro (which Microsoft bought) and many other competitors.
Bullshit. So what?
Ya'll need to make up your minds. Either 47% of the population is sucking off the government teat and about worthless or the poor is all making it to the middle class on 9 bucks an hour. Or is it that the middle class have moved up to the wealthy class even though their middle class incomes show a decline along with the decline in other assets.

You just have to wonder what world the people who believe such bullshit live in. Black is white, up is down and being a stupid fuck makes you smart and daboss. LMAO.

But who'd a thunk that boss is a comedy writer. After reading what I read today, I do. Funny shit. In a strange sort of way.

Dude, you are the one who doesn't make sense.

Are you saying that it's impossible for 47% of the population to not pay taxes, while more and more people become wealthy? There is no contradiction there. They could change tax law so that 90% of the country didn't pay income taxes, and more and more become wealthy. The two are not mutually exclusive, except in your disabled mind.

The real contradiction is you on the left who claim that the rich 'should pay their fair share'.... when the rich already pay more in taxes than any other group. How is 47% carrying zero of the burden, "fair"? How is forcing the people who generate the most wealth, and generate the most jobs, and generate all of economic, technical, and societal advance, to pay the highest percentage of their rightfully earned income.... 'fair'?

It's not fair. That's the contradiction. And you people on the left are all hypocrites on this too. When you compare yourselfs with others, you always compare yourself to Warren Buffet and Bill Gates.

But if you were to compare yourself to me, who actually is the low income class, and I started demanding that you pay all the tax, so that I could get a free ride on your back... you'd be screaming how unfair it was. Hypocrites. All of you.

What ever gave you the idea that I was interested in your version of "fair"? I'm not.
But to be "fair" to your much beloved ultra wealthy (lets say income 10 million a year and up) I say lets set their tax rate ON ALL FORMS OF INCOME to 25% with NO deductions.

And lets take away the middle class home mortgage interest deduction to show that the middle class home buyers are interested in doing their part to reduce the amount of money we (the USA) borrow.

The wealthy could do more and the middle could do more. And the poor? No more EIC. Done. You qualify for that EIC don't cha? Would you mind giving it up so we can be more fiscally sound?

Are we bankrupt in this country or not? We had a sequester that cut spending. People cried like babies. If we ain't gonna cut spending we have to get more income. That's pretty fucking basic. The Repubs keep saying we are bankrupt. Then why don't they go get more money from the taxpayers? There are only two ways a nation gets money to spend; from its citizens (taxes) or borrow.(China for ex) Well and tariffs a little.

What's really fucking weird about your rants is that the ultra wealthy have been KILLING it in income increases. Don't you ever read anything about the gains in income and wealth that the top citizens have enjoyed? ALONG WITH A REDUCTION IN their taxes owed during the Bush years.

So now they got the great tax program from Bush, during which time they had made a killing in the housing fiasco, then the wealthy got real healthy when Obama started giving them money to play on Wall street.

The wealthy have had a great run. The middle and poor haven't. It's time for the real wealthy to give up some more of their money for the good of me. So I don't have to.

You know what's not fair? That I don't have 100 million dollars and a ten inch dick. But that's life. Ain't always "fair" But some people have that. I'll live with out those two things.

The wealthy will be just fine if they pay more taxes. Just fine. Don't worry about them cause they sure as fuck ain't worrying about YOU. Lmao.
We wouldnt need 25% tax under a flat tax. 15% would do fine.
That's fair, right Zeke? Everyone pays the same percentage regardless of how he made the money?
I don't care about expanding the middle class, I had rather keep expanding the wealthy instead. It's better for more middle class and poor to become wealthy than for more wealthy to join the middle class and poor.

That makes absolutely no sense of any kind to anyone.....even to rich people.

Well that's because you are an idiot... but you simply do not speak for anyone other than yourself. What kind of a dumbass does it take to not understand it's better to have more middle class and poor become wealthy than to have more wealthy become middle class and poor? How does that not make sense, even to an abject moron such as yourself?

It should be obvious to anyone but you that a healthy middle class drives a thriving consumer economy......not the one percent.
I don't care about expanding the middle class, I had rather keep expanding the wealthy instead. It's better for more middle class and poor to become wealthy than for more wealthy to join the middle class and poor.

That makes absolutely no sense of any kind to anyone.....even to rich people.

Well that's because you are an idiot... but you simply do not speak for anyone other than yourself. What kind of a dumbass does it take to not understand it's better to have more middle class and poor become wealthy than to have more wealthy become middle class and poor? How does that not make sense, even to an abject moron such as yourself?

It should be obvious to anyone but you that a healthy middle class drives a thriving consumer economy......not the one percent.
Thats mixing up cause and effect.
Not surprising.
What was the last book on economics you read?
I don't care about expanding the middle class, I had rather keep expanding the wealthy instead. It's better for more middle class and poor to become wealthy than for more wealthy to join the middle class and poor.

That makes absolutely no sense of any kind to anyone.....even to rich people.

Well that's because you are an idiot... but you simply do not speak for anyone other than yourself. What kind of a dumbass does it take to not understand it's better to have more middle class and poor become wealthy than to have more wealthy become middle class and poor? How does that not make sense, even to an abject moron such as yourself?

It should be obvious to anyone but you that a healthy middle class drives a thriving consumer economy......not the one percent.
Thats mixing up cause and effect.
Not surprising.
What was the last book on economics you read?

No doubt you can quote the noted economists who believe a large thriving middle class isn't necessary for a successful consumer market economy.
I don't care about expanding the middle class, I had rather keep expanding the wealthy instead. It's better for more middle class and poor to become wealthy than for more wealthy to join the middle class and poor.

That makes absolutely no sense of any kind to anyone.....even to rich people.

Well that's because you are an idiot... but you simply do not speak for anyone other than yourself. What kind of a dumbass does it take to not understand it's better to have more middle class and poor become wealthy than to have more wealthy become middle class and poor? How does that not make sense, even to an abject moron such as yourself?

It should be obvious to anyone but you that a healthy middle class drives a thriving consumer economy......not the one percent.
Thats mixing up cause and effect.
Not surprising.
What was the last book on economics you read?

No doubt you can quote the noted economists who believe a large thriving middle class isn't necessary for a successful consumer market economy.
Move the goalposts much?
Ya'll need to make up your minds. Either 47% of the population is sucking off the government teat and about worthless or the poor is all making it to the middle class on 9 bucks an hour. Or is it that the middle class have moved up to the wealthy class even though their middle class incomes show a decline along with the decline in other assets.

You just have to wonder what world the people who believe such bullshit live in. Black is white, up is down and being a stupid fuck makes you smart and daboss. LMAO.

But who'd a thunk that boss is a comedy writer. After reading what I read today, I do. Funny shit. In a strange sort of way.

Dude, you are the one who doesn't make sense.

Are you saying that it's impossible for 47% of the population to not pay taxes, while more and more people become wealthy? There is no contradiction there. They could change tax law so that 90% of the country didn't pay income taxes, and more and more become wealthy. The two are not mutually exclusive, except in your disabled mind.

The real contradiction is you on the left who claim that the rich 'should pay their fair share'.... when the rich already pay more in taxes than any other group. How is 47% carrying zero of the burden, "fair"? How is forcing the people who generate the most wealth, and generate the most jobs, and generate all of economic, technical, and societal advance, to pay the highest percentage of their rightfully earned income.... 'fair'?

It's not fair. That's the contradiction. And you people on the left are all hypocrites on this too. When you compare yourselfs with others, you always compare yourself to Warren Buffet and Bill Gates.

But if you were to compare yourself to me, who actually is the low income class, and I started demanding that you pay all the tax, so that I could get a free ride on your back... you'd be screaming how unfair it was. Hypocrites. All of you.

What ever gave you the idea that I was interested in your version of "fair"? I'm not.
But to be "fair" to your much beloved ultra wealthy (lets say income 10 million a year and up) I say lets set their tax rate ON ALL FORMS OF INCOME to 25% with NO deductions.

And lets take away the middle class home mortgage interest deduction to show that the middle class home buyers are interested in doing their part to reduce the amount of money we (the USA) borrow.

The wealthy could do more and the middle could do more. And the poor? No more EIC. Done. You qualify for that EIC don't cha? Would you mind giving it up so we can be more fiscally sound?

Are we bankrupt in this country or not? We had a sequester that cut spending. People cried like babies. If we ain't gonna cut spending we have to get more income. That's pretty fucking basic. The Repubs keep saying we are bankrupt. Then why don't they go get more money from the taxpayers? There are only two ways a nation gets money to spend; from its citizens (taxes) or borrow.(China for ex) Well and tariffs a little.

What's really fucking weird about your rants is that the ultra wealthy have been KILLING it in income increases. Don't you ever read anything about the gains in income and wealth that the top citizens have enjoyed? ALONG WITH A REDUCTION IN their taxes owed during the Bush years.

So now they got the great tax program from Bush, during which time they had made a killing in the housing fiasco, then the wealthy got real healthy when Obama started giving them money to play on Wall street.

The wealthy have had a great run. The middle and poor haven't. It's time for the real wealthy to give up some more of their money for the good of me. So I don't have to.

You know what's not fair? That I don't have 100 million dollars and a ten inch dick. But that's life. Ain't always "fair" But some people have that. I'll live with out those two things.

The wealthy will be just fine if they pay more taxes. Just fine. Don't worry about them cause they sure as fuck ain't worrying about YOU. Lmao.

I knew you had no interest in what is actually fair. You are a leftist after all, and there is nothing 'fair' about leftist ideology.

The very fact that you say "the wealthy will be fine if they pay more taxes" proves that fairness is in no way a consideration.

You would be fine if you paid more tax. You should pay more.

Fair is letting people keep the money they earn... period. If you are going to tax one person, then you should tax all people. Whatever the tax rate is, should be applied equally to everyone. That's fair.

What should I pay a higher percentage of my income, than you? What makes me a bad person, and you a good person, that you should have an advantage, or me a disadvantage.

But you of course have no concept of fair at all. They earn more... I want it... they shouldn't have it... so let's tax it. That's the ideology of criminals.
That makes absolutely no sense of any kind to anyone.....even to rich people.

Well that's because you are an idiot... but you simply do not speak for anyone other than yourself. What kind of a dumbass does it take to not understand it's better to have more middle class and poor become wealthy than to have more wealthy become middle class and poor? How does that not make sense, even to an abject moron such as yourself?

It should be obvious to anyone but you that a healthy middle class drives a thriving consumer economy......not the one percent.
Thats mixing up cause and effect.
Not surprising.
What was the last book on economics you read?

No doubt you can quote the noted economists who believe a large thriving middle class isn't necessary for a successful consumer market economy.
Move the goalposts much?

Where are the goal posts for stupid rhetorical horse shit like "War on the Rich"?
Well that's because you are an idiot... but you simply do not speak for anyone other than yourself. What kind of a dumbass does it take to not understand it's better to have more middle class and poor become wealthy than to have more wealthy become middle class and poor? How does that not make sense, even to an abject moron such as yourself?

It should be obvious to anyone but you that a healthy middle class drives a thriving consumer economy......not the one percent.
Thats mixing up cause and effect.
Not surprising.
What was the last book on economics you read?

No doubt you can quote the noted economists who believe a large thriving middle class isn't necessary for a successful consumer market economy.
Move the goalposts much?

Where are the goal posts for stupid rhetorical horse shit like "War on the Rich"?

The sixteenth Amenmdent was sold to the American people as a "soak the rich scam"


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