War On Women Big Fail

Here that men. Better get a signed contract before having sex with a woman.

I do believe that more needs to be done to give men other birth control options besides a condom.

Women have much more freedom when it comes to birth control than men. Men have 2, condom or vasectomy.

Say again. In English, please.

When a woman is pregnant, the man who got her pregnant totally loses his reproductive freedom. Is that not clear?

And? He doesn't. But, and?

Oh, he absolutely does. At that point, the woman can either deny him fatherhood or force him into servitude for the next 18 years, and there is nothing he can do about it.

That is because he defaulted on his rights when he made the decision to impregnate the female, or risk impregnating the female without making a formal agreement as to the options the female could or would take if pregnancy occurred. It is the males decision at the time of impregnating the female to enter such agreement or accept the consequences of the already established laws and customs of society.

Oh, so HE is expected to be responsible for himself and the results of his sexual actions, but she is not?
And states get no federal money? Please.

But you said government doesn't fund abortions when clearly it does.

"(CNSNews.com) – Planned Parenthood’s net revenue increased 5% to total of $1.21 billion in its organizational fiscal year ending on June 30, 2013, according to its new Annual Report 2012-2013, and about 45% of that revenue--$540.6 million--was provided by taxpayer-funded government health services grants.

In the same report, Planned Parenthood said that in the year that ended on Sept. 30, 2012 it did 327,166 abortions."

"CNSNews.com contacted Planned Parenthood by phone and e-mail to ask how much of the $540.6 million in government money was received from federal sources, and how much from money came from state sources. Planned Parenthood did not respond."

Planned Parenthood Got 540.6 Million in Government Grants in FY 2013 CNS News

What I don't understand is people who believe we subsidize WalMart's payroll because some WalMart employees receive government assistance while WalMart gets tax breaks, but we don't subsidize abortions by PP, just their other procedures. The WM argument is the "one big pot" theory. Why is "one big pot" not applicable to PP.

This is only referencing those who believe we subsidize WalMart so they don't have to pay a fair wage but don't believe we subsidize PP so they can perform free or reduced cost abortions.

The employees have to apply for aid for specific purposes. Food stamps pay for food.
PP applies for grants (aid) for specific purposes. Grants for patient education go for patient education.

You're simply wrong.
What I don't understand is people who believe we subsidize WalMart's payroll because some WalMart employees receive government assistance while WalMart gets tax breaks, but we don't subsidize abortions by PP, just their other procedures. The WM argument is the "one big pot" theory. Why is "one big pot" not applicable to PP.

This is only referencing those who believe we subsidize WalMart so they don't have to pay a fair wage but don't believe we subsidize PP so they can perform free or reduced cost abortions.

The employees have to apply for aid for specific purposes. Food stamps pay for food.
PP applies for grants (aid) for specific purposes. Grants for patient education go for patient education.

You're simply wrong.

You can get that from their website.
Annual Report Planned Parenthood

I told you, very clearly, several pages ago that federal money is prohibited. I also explained, twice, that medicaid that is used comes via the state.
And states get no federal money? Please.

But you said government doesn't fund abortions when clearly it does.

"(CNSNews.com) – Planned Parenthood’s net revenue increased 5% to total of $1.21 billion in its organizational fiscal year ending on June 30, 2013, according to its new Annual Report 2012-2013, and about 45% of that revenue--$540.6 million--was provided by taxpayer-funded government health services grants.

In the same report, Planned Parenthood said that in the year that ended on Sept. 30, 2012 it did 327,166 abortions."

"CNSNews.com contacted Planned Parenthood by phone and e-mail to ask how much of the $540.6 million in government money was received from federal sources, and how much from money came from state sources. Planned Parenthood did not respond."

Planned Parenthood Got 540.6 Million in Government Grants in FY 2013 CNS News

The employees have to apply for aid for specific purposes. Food stamps pay for food.
PP applies for grants (aid) for specific purposes. Grants for patient education go for patient education.

You're simply wrong.
The employees have to apply for aid for specific purposes. Food stamps pay for food.
PP applies for grants (aid) for specific purposes. Grants for patient education go for patient education.

You're simply wrong.

You can get that from their website.
Annual Report Planned Parenthood

I told you, very clearly, several pages ago that federal money is prohibited. I also explained, twice, that medicaid that is used comes via the state.

And..............you got nothing.
"ObamaCare requires every American to purchase health insurance, it requires every state to establish health insurance exchanges, and it dramatically expands Medicaid. Each of these – private health insurances programs, exchanges, and Medicaid – can, and in some case are required to, provide coverage for abortion. The result is hundreds of millions of dollars being funneled to the abortion industry every year and the greatest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade.

In fact, the law specifically provides that state health exchanges may cover abortions unless the state enacts specific legislation prohibiting abortion coverage. Moreover, the law’s requirement that insurance providers cover “preventive services” and preventative care are so broadly defined that they could be used to force coverage of abortions and abortion related drugs. Thus, all Americans are forced to purchase health insurance that could cover abortion and in some cases is required to cover abortion."

How ObamaCare uses Taxpayer Money to Pay for Abortions ObamaCare American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ
15 states allow state funded portion of medicaid to pay for abortions.
You have been duped. Duper.
Read my post above.

And states get no federal money? Please.

But you said government doesn't fund abortions when clearly it does.

"(CNSNews.com) – Planned Parenthood’s net revenue increased 5% to total of $1.21 billion in its organizational fiscal year ending on June 30, 2013, according to its new Annual Report 2012-2013, and about 45% of that revenue--$540.6 million--was provided by taxpayer-funded government health services grants.

In the same report, Planned Parenthood said that in the year that ended on Sept. 30, 2012 it did 327,166 abortions."

"CNSNews.com contacted Planned Parenthood by phone and e-mail to ask how much of the $540.6 million in government money was received from federal sources, and how much from money came from state sources. Planned Parenthood did not respond."

Planned Parenthood Got 540.6 Million in Government Grants in FY 2013 CNS News

You can get that from their website.
Annual Report Planned Parenthood

I told you, very clearly, several pages ago that federal money is prohibited. I also explained, twice, that medicaid that is used comes via the state.

And..............you got nothing.
What is the war on women in America?

The War on Women predates Obama. Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. Further, Obama is not up for reelection and the Republicans still don't have a plan and since they are the ones that are a part of the problem then it doesn't look good for them either.

By and large reproductive health and rights.

War on Women - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Has a Republican denied any woman's right to use birth control. Please be very specific in your response. :D
15 states allow state funded portion of medicaid to pay for abortions.

You must be so proud since the overwhelming number of the children being killed are poor and black.

Why are you promoting a war on blacks and their unborn children?
Under the Hyde amendment federal money can be used for abortion. In the case of rape, incest, or health of mother. This is a loophole for federally funded abortions, which congress has attached the Hyde amendment every year since 1976.
15 states allow state funded portion of medicaid to pay for abortions.

You must be so proud since the overwhelming number of the children being killed are poor and black.

Why are you promoting a war on blacks and their unborn children?

You must be so proud, you twisted information into a bunch of crap. Get a legit argument.
When are they going to start demanding that men don't totally lose their reproductive freedom the moment a woman gets pregnant?
Say again. In English, please.

When a woman is pregnant, the man who got her pregnant totally loses his reproductive freedom. Is that not clear?

And? He doesn't. But, and?

Oh, he absolutely does. At that point, the woman can either deny him fatherhood or force him into servitude for the next 18 years, and there is nothing he can do about it.

How unfortunate. Last time I checked, men don't have a uterus.

But they do have a pair of testes. Last time I checked, there would be no child without his sperm, thus the uterus and the egg contained within are useless. Meaning no abortion, and no reason to be outraged. There is a reason human sexual reproduction requires a male and a female, that's how we mammals were designed through evolution or what have you. Unless humans reproduce asexually, I think the man has just as much a right to decide the fate of the child, seeing as how he contributes one half of the genetic code for the child in the first place. A willing father and an unwilling mother will more than guarantee the child's fate.

Human Biology says both males and females share equal roles in reproduction. Therefore, it is easy to say that the woman shouldn't have all of the authority. Spare me the "it's her body" garbage. She chose to have unprotected sex, resulting in the subsequent abortion. So, both of them should be equal in the decision making process. But here's the fiat... if they don't wish to go through the rigors of that process, they need only not have sex (or have it with a condom) until they are fully prepared to handle the implications.

It's not rocket science.
Under the Hyde amendment federal money can be used for abortion. In the case of rape, incest, or health of mother. This is a loophole for federally funded abortions, which congress has attached the Hyde amendment every year since 1976.

It is extremely limited to those circumstances. And yet, the states can still deny the service. Hey look that's a loophole right there. Only we don't call those loopholes. We call them state rights.
You lib women should be protesting in those muslim countries, if you think you have it so bad here!

15 states allow state funded portion of medicaid to pay for abortions.

You must be so proud since the overwhelming number of the children being killed are poor and black.

Why are you promoting a war on blacks and their unborn children?

You must be so proud, you twisted information into a bunch of crap. Get a legit argument.

Are you not guilty of the same, milady?
Here that men. Better get a signed contract before having sex with a woman.

I do believe that more needs to be done to give men other birth control options besides a condom.

Women have much more freedom when it comes to birth control than men. Men have 2, condom or vasectomy.

When a woman is pregnant, the man who got her pregnant totally loses his reproductive freedom. Is that not clear?

And? He doesn't. But, and?

Oh, he absolutely does. At that point, the woman can either deny him fatherhood or force him into servitude for the next 18 years, and there is nothing he can do about it.

That is because he defaulted on his rights when he made the decision to impregnate the female, or risk impregnating the female without making a formal agreement as to the options the female could or would take if pregnancy occurred. It is the males decision at the time of impregnating the female to enter such agreement or accept the consequences of the already established laws and customs of society.

Oh, so HE is expected to be responsible for himself and the results of his sexual actions, but she is not?

Or having them swallow....
Say again. In English, please.

When a woman is pregnant, the man who got her pregnant totally loses his reproductive freedom. Is that not clear?

And? He doesn't. But, and?

Oh, he absolutely does. At that point, the woman can either deny him fatherhood or force him into servitude for the next 18 years, and there is nothing he can do about it.

How unfortunate. Last time I checked, men don't have a uterus.

But they do have a pair of testes. Last time I checked, there would be no child without his sperm, thus the uterus and the egg contained within are useless. Meaning no abortion, and no reason to be outraged. There is a reason human sexual reproduction requires a male and a female, that's how we mammals were designed through evolution or what have you. Unless humans reproduce asexually, I think the man has just as much a right to decide the fate of the child, seeing as how he contributes one half of the genetic code for the child in the first place. A willing father and an unwilling mother will more than guarantee the child's fate.

Human Biology says both males and females share equal roles in reproduction. Therefore, it is easy to say that the woman shouldn't have all of the authority. Spare me the "it's her body" garbage. She chose to have unprotected sex, resulting in the subsequent abortion. So, both of them should be equal in the decision making process. But here's the fiat... if they don't wish to go through the rigors of that process, they need only not have sex (or have it with a condom) until they are fully prepared to handle the implications.

It's not rocket science.

Males have a role in the production of a zygote. They have no role in the development of the zygote into a fetus or the development of the fetus.
Say again. In English, please.

When a woman is pregnant, the man who got her pregnant totally loses his reproductive freedom. Is that not clear?

And? He doesn't. But, and?

Oh, he absolutely does. At that point, the woman can either deny him fatherhood or force him into servitude for the next 18 years, and there is nothing he can do about it.

How unfortunate. Last time I checked, men don't have a uterus.

But they do have a pair of testes. Last time I checked, there would be no child without his sperm, thus the uterus and the egg contained within are useless. Meaning no abortion, and no reason to be outraged. There is a reason human sexual reproduction requires a male and a female, that's how we mammals were designed through evolution or what have you. Unless humans reproduce asexually, I think the man has just as much a right to decide the fate of the child, seeing as how he contributes one half of the genetic code for the child in the first place. A willing father and an unwilling mother will more than guarantee the child's fate.

Human Biology says both males and females share equal roles in reproduction. Therefore, it is easy to say that the woman shouldn't have all of the authority. Spare me the "it's her body" garbage. She chose to have unprotected sex, resulting in the subsequent abortion. So, both of them should be equal in the decision making process. But here's the fiat... if they don't wish to go through the rigors of that process, they need only not have sex (or have it with a condom) until they are fully prepared to handle the implications.

It's not rocket science.

It isn't rocket science. It is absolutely her body. You can't remove that.
15 states allow state funded portion of medicaid to pay for abortions.

You must be so proud since the overwhelming number of the children being killed are poor and black.

Why are you promoting a war on blacks and their unborn children?

You must be so proud, you twisted information into a bunch of crap. Get a legit argument.

Are you not guilty of the same, milady?

No. I'm not.

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