WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

I don't know how to break this to you, but that first line is a bit patronizing.

Or did you think you needed to man 'splain it to me?

Its almost like they consider women this giant monolithic block, with no variations in view, all lockstep with the progressive agenda.

Kind of like how they think of black people.

Kinda like they think that if they pluck a woman out of national obscurity and run her as VP, all women would flock to vote for that party................................... :eusa_whistle: And if they do not, they are sexist.

You mean like plucking a bla.....oh never mind


Who supports islam and protects it?
I don't know how to break this to you, but that first line is a bit patronizing.

Or did you think you needed to man 'splain it to me?

Its almost like they consider women this giant monolithic block, with no variations in view, all lockstep with the progressive agenda.

Kind of like how they think of black people.

they do the same thing to black people, homosexuals, now they're working on the brown people

you see they aren't INDIVIDUALS to a Democrat...they are seen as groups who can't make it IN LIFE without them..

that's why I don't why anyone would belong to party who see's them as nothing but VICTIMS...it's offensive

Abortion is, thankfully for the DEMS a gateway issue. I mean do you really care what someone's economic policy may be if they don't think you can make healthcare decisions yourself?

Abortion is, thankfully for the DEMS a gateway issue. I mean do you really care what someone's economic policy may be if they don't think you can make healthcare decisions yourself?

you make that statement with a straight face while supporting government control of overall healthcare???

No doubt the liberal echo chamber can repeat their war on women stories endlessly, each one quoting the other, repeat as necessary.

So far, the only confirmed kill in the war on women is from democrat Teddy Kennedy.

It appears PoliticalTorch gave himself the wrong nom de plume. He should have called himself GiganticBlowhard.

Abortion is, thankfully for the DEMS a gateway issue. I mean do you really care what someone's economic policy may be if they don't think you can make healthcare decisions yourself?

you make that statement with a straight face while supporting government control of overall healthcare???


When did I do that? Oh you mean the ACA? Where you buy private insurance to see a private physician?

Lord you're a dumbass.
Mods, can you plz combine all of these same moronic and boring threads together being the OP hasn't an original thought. Thank you.
Who pays yous guys to come around every election year and post this crud???
No one pays "yous" guys uh, we guys, fyi. :lol: It's information that just needs to be spread out more since it is already out there but not everyone may have seen it.
Women apparently are not paying as close attention to what Republicans think of them as they should. The following are just a few of the many more reasons women should not support Conservatives.

If the Republicans want to know why they are out of touch with women all they need to do is read George Will's column George Will: Colleges become the victims of progressivism - The Washington Post. He uses this moronic argument:

1) A survey of women at two universities indiciates 20% of them are sexually assaulted at some point while attending college and only 12% of those assaults are reported.

2) Because police statitistics for sexual assualts on campus only don't correlate with those statistics - the girls must by lying!

Will completely ignores the fact that most of the time a woman in college is sexually assaulted it is off campus. He also ignores the harsh reality that the police dont' always record reported instances of sexual assault. My wife had to go to the police three times before they took her complaint for rape. In fact, the first time she went one of the officers she spoke to admitted to being a date rapist himself "Oh, I've done that!"

He does this because he hates women and is trying to frame a case against them. He probably sexually assaulted a woman himself (the 20% who are sexually assaulted have assailants, right) - and has some guilt issues with it.
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When a party has to stoop this low and OPENLY use(class warfare, pitting people in this country against each other) to try and get voters, you know they are worthless and EVIL

They all took an oath to represent ALL THE PEOPLE BUT that isn't the Democrat party

If you don't think like they do, you all can go to hell AND they will say you have a WAR on WOMEN, a war on homsexuals, a war on blacks...their new one is a doozy, you all have a war on BROWN PEOPLE

they're base is no better, brainwashed stooges who passes it on for them
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1) A survey of women at two universities indiciates [sic] 20% of them are sexually assaulted at some point while attending college

"While attending college" eh? I wonder how many of that 20% are assaulted by people who sit in their same lecture hall and nod their heads approvingly at some burned-out wannbe communist professor's every diatribe against America and all it stands for? How many will go on to be life-long democrat voters?

War against women indeed...
Married women vote Republican more often than democrat.
And your MessiahRushie explains why.

July 22, 2008
RUSH: So women who get divorced get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically. Married women are obviously smarter. Married women are obviously more conservative. Single, divorced, widowed, separated women, no man around, the brain goes south.
This thread is just about as bad as Howey saying Republicans don't want women in the workforce.
Married women vote Republican more often than democrat.
And your MessiahRushie explains why.

July 22, 2008
RUSH: So women who get divorced get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically. Married women are obviously smarter. Married women are obviously more conservative. Single, divorced, widowed, separated women, no man around, the brain goes south.

so what chaps your ass about that?...

you really need to stop listening him...it's making you look foolish posting his every words as if people here take him like his words are the gospel truth

some of us are able to separate the humor from the serious...but you must be a liberal woman who's brain has went south...:eek:

all his post are from left wing commie sites and that includes the new DNC STATION, cnn....who has to make up these "sensational" titles (which are more than likely twisted of what they actually said) or they wouldn't get their low info brainwashed to come and get all foaming at the mouth and also pay for their bills to run their websites...they have P.T Barnum down to a tee...and play them like fine tuned fiddle
Abortion is, thankfully for the DEMS a gateway issue. I mean do you really care what someone's economic policy may be if they don't think you can make healthcare decisions yourself?

you make that statement with a straight face while supporting government control of overall healthcare???


When did I do that? Oh you mean the ACA? Where you buy private insurance to see a private physician?

Lord you're a dumbass.

So you want to stop at the ACA? You don't support single payer?

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