Warren is heartless to those who save for college

It shows how what we really need right now is affordable college. I think most of us just want to know it’s not going to be a fortune when our kids go to college.
You can star off by not REQUIRING kids to take fluff bullshit classes that have nothing to do with their educational NEEDS for their career path.

For example, what "fluff" courses are required in college?
CUNY requires Africana Studies.

For all majors? Do all colleges require Africana Studies?
Most, not all.
These kids know exactly what they're doing to themselves, but they do it anyway. I am 50 today. By the time I was 28 I got my second masters (MS/MCS, the first one was MSE), but I didn't stop there. In my mid 30's I was trying to get my third degree (BA, didn't get it, work, family, kids), not because I needed it, but because I could get it cheap, by getting reimbursed from the company I worked for. I'm telling you this so you can see that I spent time around kids in college, and I tried countless times to talk my 18-20 year old friends off the ledge of majoring in some useless shit. But they all felt that their "passion" was more important. I told them that life is a 9-5 grind and they're going to be debt slaves for four decades if they major in philosophy or anthropology or whatever.

They didn't listen. So fuck them. They have the internet, they have people like me, they have parents, and they still destroy their life to get an easy diploma and 4 years of partying. Stop treating them like they're mindless children who can't understand consequences. They know how to count.

You're an idiot if you think those in deep, unmanageable college debt deserve our sympathy. Many college kids make prudent decisions regarding what to study, and end up being able to pay off their student debt within 10 or so years. The ones who'd be benefiting from a bailout are the most irresponsible ones with the biggest sense of entitlement. The ones who chose a pricey school over a cheap(er) one, majored in something easy/useless, and ignored every piece of advice to not do so. If you care about them so much, Zele/venmo them some dollarydoos. As an American who will have to foot the bill involuntarily, I won't have such a choice.

Please show me where I even hinted at having sympathy for anyone with unmanageable debt.

Maybe 10 percent of freshman college kids make prudent decisions about what to study. None of them have any clue as to how much those loans are going to cost them down the road. All they know is that they don't have to work or get a job, take 15 hours a semester and PARTY!

If anyone wants to lower tuition prices, have Sallie Mae decrease their loan amounts, require the student to pony up an equal amount in cash for each semester. Increase the loan requirements, interest rates and limit loans based on the major being sought. Drop below a 2.0 GPA and future loans are cut off and past loans have to begin being paid off.

That would lower demand at universities which will lower tuition rates.

It shows how what we really need right now is affordable college. I think most of us just want to know it’s not going to be a fortune when our kids go to college.
You can star off by not REQUIRING kids to take fluff bullshit classes that have nothing to do with their educational NEEDS for their career path.

For example, what "fluff" courses are required in college?
CUNY requires Africana Studies.

For all majors? Do all colleges require Africana Studies?
Most, not all.

Show us your reliable source and working link, please.
You are not required to study medieval philosophy. Electives are in writing, literature, critical thinking, foreign languages.

Do you think if your mechanical engineer speaks Chinese that he is more employable? How about if he has good writing skills ?

I see you skipped my post 224. Today colleges require students to take approved courses in specified areas. So yes, beside your major, you have to take bullshit courses.

Yes and no, when I am looking to contract engineer for a project, it could be beneficial if he speaks Chinese if my machine is going to be installed in China. His knowledge of Chinese have absolutely no value to me if my machine is going to Germany or Mexico.

Your engineer will be more valuable if he speaks the language of your customer. He is more valuable if he has good speaking and writing skills, he is more valuable if he understands global dynamics and history, he is more valuable if he is more than a math and science geek.

Sure he is. If he's engineer that knows few languages, has good speaking and writing skills, and understand global dynamics and history... great. But he doesn't take all those classes when he gets his degree, he takes only one, a bullshit filler, that is required to get degree. So you get engineer that speaks Portuguese (cause thats what he chose as filler), with no college writing or speaking skills, with no knowledge in history (that I as employer couldn't care less). Or you get and engineer that knows no foreign language, no college speaking or writing skills, but he knows everything about Greek art (because that's what he chose as filler).
It is why colleges require a more rounded education.
Nobody wants to hire a one dimensional geek
Colleges require no rounded education anymore. Unless you’re talking about guys using the girls toilet.

All this free college is not about students, it's about another bank bailout.

What would happen if those faggots with their liberal arts degree get of the hook and walk without paying? Does anyone think it would end there, or they're gonna hit me again with another bill when they become a welfare leech since they can't get a job in their field.

Just when all that settle, and data shows there is next crisis brewing, we'll have another socialist campaign to pay for cars of people who can afford to pay off their 4x4s and SUVs, because "everyone deserve to have a car".
It shows how what we really need right now is affordable college. I think most of us just want to know it’s not going to be a fortune when our kids go to college.
You can star off by not REQUIRING kids to take fluff bullshit classes that have nothing to do with their educational NEEDS for their career path.

For example, what "fluff" courses are required in college?

There are plenty.

From my daughter university website.

"All students must complete 40 credits of general education, including at least one course (of three or more credits) from the list of approved courses offered in each of the following 10 areas: Writing Foundations and Formal Reasoning (F.1 - F.2), Arts, Foreign Language and Culture, Global Perspectives, Literature, Natural Science and Technology, Social Science, Western Civilization (E.1 - E.7), and Knowledge Applications (I.1). Note that courses in these knowledge areas may not double count with each other."

It doesn't matter that her major is computer science, she has to take "fillers" to satisfy requirement.

Most of filers are on "first come first serve basis, so if "learning how to learn" (I'm not shitting you, that's the class name) class is full, you chose some of few dozen others, like: "media and social identity", or "human sexuality", or "laughter as therapeutic modality"... to name a few.
Without the fillers you list many worthless professors would not have a job and would face a grim existence working at Starbucks
Why would you object to courses like writing, foreign language, literature, science, social science?
In countries with more advanced education systems those necessities are covered in K-12

imagine future lib snowflakes arriving at college without anything in their skulls except for acceptance of sexual deviates and a mortal fear of global warming
These kids know exactly what they're doing to themselves, but they do it anyway. I am 50 today. By the time I was 28 I got my second masters (MS/MCS, the first one was MSE), but I didn't stop there. In my mid 30's I was trying to get my third degree (BA, didn't get it, work, family, kids), not because I needed it, but because I could get it cheap, by getting reimbursed from the company I worked for. I'm telling you this so you can see that I spent time around kids in college, and I tried countless times to talk my 18-20 year old friends off the ledge of majoring in some useless shit. But they all felt that their "passion" was more important. I told them that life is a 9-5 grind and they're going to be debt slaves for four decades if they major in philosophy or anthropology or whatever.

They didn't listen. So fuck them. They have the internet, they have people like me, they have parents, and they still destroy their life to get an easy diploma and 4 years of partying. Stop treating them like they're mindless children who can't understand consequences. They know how to count.

You're an idiot if you think those in deep, unmanageable college debt deserve our sympathy. Many college kids make prudent decisions regarding what to study, and end up being able to pay off their student debt within 10 or so years. The ones who'd be benefiting from a bailout are the most irresponsible ones with the biggest sense of entitlement. The ones who chose a pricey school over a cheap(er) one, majored in something easy/useless, and ignored every piece of advice to not do so. If you care about them so much, Zele/venmo them some dollarydoos. As an American who will have to foot the bill involuntarily, I won't have such a choice.

Please show me where I even hinted at having sympathy for anyone with unmanageable debt.

Maybe 10 percent of freshman college kids make prudent decisions about what to study. None of them have any clue as to how much those loans are going to cost them down the road. All they know is that they don't have to work or get a job, take 15 hours a semester and PARTY!

If anyone wants to lower tuition prices, have Sallie Mae decrease their loan amounts, require the student to pony up an equal amount in cash for each semester. Increase the loan requirements, interest rates and limit loans based on the major being sought. Drop below a 2.0 GPA and future loans are cut off and past loans have to begin being paid off.

That would lower demand at universities which will lower tuition rates.


Lowering loan amounts will not make college education cheaper, and will still reward irresponsible people. I said it above, the price is high because of government guarantees to colleges, and encouraging kids to take ridiculous loans to pay for even more ridiculous classes.

We keep saying that college students are adults, and adults are expected to take responsibility for themselves. In reality, they act like retards and always looking for an excuse for their stupidity. We, well... left keep saying how left is more educated, and if so, how so many of them made stupid decisions that they have impact on the whole country. What is guarantee that those people will make right decisions after their debt is written off?

You don't have to go to college full time out the gate, you can go part time and work and a job will pay for some/most of tuition and books if you manage your money properly and aren't a fucking idiot.

You can also hit the fucking books and earn scholarships or join the fucking military and get the GI Bill and learn some fucking life skills in the process. But noooo, I wanna have useless degree, study while drinking Starbucks, and have someone else pay for it.
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You are not required to study medieval philosophy. Electives are in writing, literature, critical thinking, foreign languages.

Do you think if your mechanical engineer speaks Chinese that he is more employable? How about if he has good writing skills ?

I see you skipped my post 224. Today colleges require students to take approved courses in specified areas. So yes, beside your major, you have to take bullshit courses.

Yes and no, when I am looking to contract engineer for a project, it could be beneficial if he speaks Chinese if my machine is going to be installed in China. His knowledge of Chinese have absolutely no value to me if my machine is going to Germany or Mexico.

Your engineer will be more valuable if he speaks the language of your customer. He is more valuable if he has good speaking and writing skills, he is more valuable if he understands global dynamics and history, he is more valuable if he is more than a math and science geek.

Sure he is. If he's engineer that knows few languages, has good speaking and writing skills, and understand global dynamics and history... great. But he doesn't take all those classes when he gets his degree, he takes only one, a bullshit filler, that is required to get degree. So you get engineer that speaks Portuguese (cause thats what he chose as filler), with no college writing or speaking skills, with no knowledge in history (that I as employer couldn't care less). Or you get and engineer that knows no foreign language, no college speaking or writing skills, but he knows everything about Greek art (because that's what he chose as filler).
It is why colleges require a more rounded education.
Nobody wants to hire a one dimensional geek
Colleges require no rounded education anymore. Unless you’re talking about guys using the girls toilet.
Bull Shit
People who previously paid off their loans will get something in return for supporting this idea. It might not be a lot, but, I could see a 5-10K tax credit as a payoff to those voters.

So you think that handing out a pittance is going to satiate those who did the right thing and made sacrifices while watching those who made bad decisions and made no sacrifices are rewarded? How is that good public policy?
It makes liberals feel good
And it rewards mooching off people who put in the toil.
You can star off by not REQUIRING kids to take fluff bullshit classes that have nothing to do with their educational NEEDS for their career path.

For example, what "fluff" courses are required in college?

There are plenty.

From my daughter university website.

"All students must complete 40 credits of general education, including at least one course (of three or more credits) from the list of approved courses offered in each of the following 10 areas: Writing Foundations and Formal Reasoning (F.1 - F.2), Arts, Foreign Language and Culture, Global Perspectives, Literature, Natural Science and Technology, Social Science, Western Civilization (E.1 - E.7), and Knowledge Applications (I.1). Note that courses in these knowledge areas may not double count with each other."

It doesn't matter that her major is computer science, she has to take "fillers" to satisfy requirement.

Most of filers are on "first come first serve basis, so if "learning how to learn" (I'm not shitting you, that's the class name) class is full, you chose some of few dozen others, like: "media and social identity", or "human sexuality", or "laughter as therapeutic modality"... to name a few.
Without the fillers you list many worthless professors would not have a job and would face a grim existence working at Starbucks
Why would you object to courses like writing, foreign language, literature, science, social science?
In countries with more advanced education systems those necessities are covered in K-12

imagine future lib snowflakes arriving at college without anything in their skulls except for acceptance of sexual deviates and a mortal fear of global warming
You failed to answer the question

Why would you object to those courses as college electives?
I see you skipped my post 224. Today colleges require students to take approved courses in specified areas. So yes, beside your major, you have to take bullshit courses.

Yes and no, when I am looking to contract engineer for a project, it could be beneficial if he speaks Chinese if my machine is going to be installed in China. His knowledge of Chinese have absolutely no value to me if my machine is going to Germany or Mexico.

Your engineer will be more valuable if he speaks the language of your customer. He is more valuable if he has good speaking and writing skills, he is more valuable if he understands global dynamics and history, he is more valuable if he is more than a math and science geek.

Sure he is. If he's engineer that knows few languages, has good speaking and writing skills, and understand global dynamics and history... great. But he doesn't take all those classes when he gets his degree, he takes only one, a bullshit filler, that is required to get degree. So you get engineer that speaks Portuguese (cause thats what he chose as filler), with no college writing or speaking skills, with no knowledge in history (that I as employer couldn't care less). Or you get and engineer that knows no foreign language, no college speaking or writing skills, but he knows everything about Greek art (because that's what he chose as filler).
It is why colleges require a more rounded education.
Nobody wants to hire a one dimensional geek
Colleges require no rounded education anymore. Unless you’re talking about guys using the girls toilet.
Bull Shit

How much history is required for any degree? Zero. Even history majors don’t have to take American history.

Your engineer will be more valuable if he speaks the language of your customer. He is more valuable if he has good speaking and writing skills, he is more valuable if he understands global dynamics and history, he is more valuable if he is more than a math and science geek.

Sure he is. If he's engineer that knows few languages, has good speaking and writing skills, and understand global dynamics and history... great. But he doesn't take all those classes when he gets his degree, he takes only one, a bullshit filler, that is required to get degree. So you get engineer that speaks Portuguese (cause thats what he chose as filler), with no college writing or speaking skills, with no knowledge in history (that I as employer couldn't care less). Or you get and engineer that knows no foreign language, no college speaking or writing skills, but he knows everything about Greek art (because that's what he chose as filler).
It is why colleges require a more rounded education.
Nobody wants to hire a one dimensional geek
Colleges require no rounded education anymore. Unless you’re talking about guys using the girls toilet.
Bull Shit

How much history is required for any degree? Zero. Even history majors don’t have to take American history.

History needs to be forgotten because it just shows the horrors of the white man and his privledge as he brought this country from uninhabited to the greatest country on Earth
Sure he is. If he's engineer that knows few languages, has good speaking and writing skills, and understand global dynamics and history... great. But he doesn't take all those classes when he gets his degree, he takes only one, a bullshit filler, that is required to get degree. So you get engineer that speaks Portuguese (cause thats what he chose as filler), with no college writing or speaking skills, with no knowledge in history (that I as employer couldn't care less). Or you get and engineer that knows no foreign language, no college speaking or writing skills, but he knows everything about Greek art (because that's what he chose as filler).
It is why colleges require a more rounded education.
Nobody wants to hire a one dimensional geek
Colleges require no rounded education anymore. Unless you’re talking about guys using the girls toilet.
Bull Shit

How much history is required for any degree? Zero. Even history majors don’t have to take American history.

History needs to be forgotten because it just shows the horrors of the white man and his privledge as he brought this country from uninhabited to the greatest country on Earth
And people might know which roads should not be traveled down a second time.
People who previously paid off their loans will get something in return for supporting this idea. It might not be a lot, but, I could see a 5-10K tax credit as a payoff to those voters.

So you think that handing out a pittance is going to satiate those who did the right thing and made sacrifices while watching those who made bad decisions and made no sacrifices are rewarded? How is that good public policy?

It's not. But, when faced with the alternative, they will probably think it is better than nothing. Eventually Democrats will be in control again. Power switches back and forth. When that time comes, the Dem base will expect student loan forgiveness, and will have no choice but to deliver.
Your engineer will be more valuable if he speaks the language of your customer. He is more valuable if he has good speaking and writing skills, he is more valuable if he understands global dynamics and history, he is more valuable if he is more than a math and science geek.

Sure he is. If he's engineer that knows few languages, has good speaking and writing skills, and understand global dynamics and history... great. But he doesn't take all those classes when he gets his degree, he takes only one, a bullshit filler, that is required to get degree. So you get engineer that speaks Portuguese (cause thats what he chose as filler), with no college writing or speaking skills, with no knowledge in history (that I as employer couldn't care less). Or you get and engineer that knows no foreign language, no college speaking or writing skills, but he knows everything about Greek art (because that's what he chose as filler).
It is why colleges require a more rounded education.
Nobody wants to hire a one dimensional geek
Colleges require no rounded education anymore. Unless you’re talking about guys using the girls toilet.
Bull Shit

How much history is required for any degree? Zero. Even history majors don’t have to take American history.

There are other histories other than America
Sure he is. If he's engineer that knows few languages, has good speaking and writing skills, and understand global dynamics and history... great. But he doesn't take all those classes when he gets his degree, he takes only one, a bullshit filler, that is required to get degree. So you get engineer that speaks Portuguese (cause thats what he chose as filler), with no college writing or speaking skills, with no knowledge in history (that I as employer couldn't care less). Or you get and engineer that knows no foreign language, no college speaking or writing skills, but he knows everything about Greek art (because that's what he chose as filler).
It is why colleges require a more rounded education.
Nobody wants to hire a one dimensional geek
Colleges require no rounded education anymore. Unless you’re talking about guys using the girls toilet.
Bull Shit

How much history is required for any degree? Zero. Even history majors don’t have to take American history.

There are other histories other than America
You didn’t read the link.

They told those majoring in AMERICAN HISTORY they do not need to study AMERICAN HISTORY
It is why colleges require a more rounded education.
Nobody wants to hire a one dimensional geek
Colleges require no rounded education anymore. Unless you’re talking about guys using the girls toilet.
Bull Shit

How much history is required for any degree? Zero. Even history majors don’t have to take American history.

There are other histories other than America
You didn’t read the link.

They told those majoring in AMERICAN HISTORY they do not need to study AMERICAN HISTORY
Sorry but that sounds just stupid
I don’t believe it for a minute
Colleges require no rounded education anymore. Unless you’re talking about guys using the girls toilet.
Bull Shit

How much history is required for any degree? Zero. Even history majors don’t have to take American history.

There are other histories other than America
You didn’t read the link.

They told those majoring in AMERICAN HISTORY they do not need to study AMERICAN HISTORY
Sorry but that sounds just stupid
I don’t believe it for a minute
You Leftards have turned parody into reality. It’s true.
Colleges require no rounded education anymore. Unless you’re talking about guys using the girls toilet.
Bull Shit

How much history is required for any degree? Zero. Even history majors don’t have to take American history.

There are other histories other than America
You didn’t read the link.

They told those majoring in AMERICAN HISTORY they do not need to study AMERICAN HISTORY
Sorry but that sounds just stupid
I don’t believe it for a minute
Here are liberal arts colleges, according to the survey, that do not require history majors to take U.S. history:

  • Williams
  • Amherst
  • Swarthmore
  • Bowdoin
  • Pomona
  • Wellesley
  • Carleton
  • Davidson
  • Haverford
  • Vassar
  • Harvey Mudd
  • Smith
  • Washington and Lee
  • Wesleyan
  • Colby
  • Grinnell
  • Macalester
  • Oberlin
  • Bates
  • Bryn Mawr
  • Kenyon
Here are national universities, according to the survey, that do not require history majors to take U.S. history:

  • Harvard
  • Yale
  • Stanford
  • University of Chicago
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Duke
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • California Institute of Technology
  • Johns Hopkins
  • Dartmouth
  • Northwestern
  • Brown
  • Cornell
  • Vanderbilt
  • Washington University in St. Louis
  • Rice
  • Notre Dame
  • Emory
  • Georgetown
  • Carnegie Mellon
  • University of Southern California
  • University of Michigan
  • University of North Carolina
  • University of California-Santa Barbara
  • UC-Irvine
  • UC-San Diego
  • UC-Davis
  • University of Wisconsin
  • Ohio State
  • University of Washington
  • University of Maryland
  • University of Minnesota

  • No U.S. History? How College History Departments Leave the United States out of the Major | Bachelor Of Arts | Curriculum
You can star off by not REQUIRING kids to take fluff bullshit classes that have nothing to do with their educational NEEDS for their career path.

For example, what "fluff" courses are required in college?
CUNY requires Africana Studies.

For all majors? Do all colleges require Africana Studies?
Most, not all.

Show us your reliable source and working link, please.
Simple...Do a search for Brooklyn or Queens College.
Some colleges, such as Baruch, which specialize in Finance these requisites, but the rest are considered Liberal Arts colleges and have bullshit requisites.
Such as Urban Development for minority neighborhoods.
Lowering loan amounts will not make college education cheaper, and will still reward irresponsible people. I said it above, the price is high because of government guarantees to colleges, and encouraging kids to take ridiculous loans to pay for even more ridiculous classes.

I thought I covered that.

Making loans more difficult to qualify for and lowering the loan amounts, reduces the demand for classes. Fewer students, the tuition goes down in order to maintain the quantity.

I think you'll see that I agreed that the cost of tuition is too high because the money is too easy to come by.

I don't have an idea on how to slow down the rate of construction at all colleges and universities. I can't imagine all these buildings are going to be necessary 20 years from now. Brick and mortar retail stores are closing by the thousand, can universities be far behind.

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