Was Flynn entrapped?

Checking Robert Mueller

Robert Mueller has operated for 19 months as a law unto himself, reminding us of the awesome and destructive powers of special counsels. About the only possible check on Mr. Mueller is a judge who is wise to the tricks of prosecutors and investigators. Good news: That’s what we got this week.

Former national security adviser Mike Flynn a year ago pleaded guilty to one count of lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about his conversations with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. Mr. Flynn’s defense team this week filed a sentencing memo to Judge Emmet Sullivan that contained explosive new information about the Flynn-FBI meeting in January 2017.

It was arranged by then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who personally called Mr. Flynn on other business, then suggested he sit down with two agents to clear up the Russia question. Mr. McCabe urged Mr. Flynn to conduct the interview with no lawyer present—to make things easier.

The agents (including the infamous Peter Strzok) showed up within two hours. They had already decided not to inform Mr. Flynn that they had transcripts of his conversations or give him the standard warning against lying to the FBI. They wanted him “relaxed” and “unguarded.” Former Director James Comey this weekend bragged on MSNBC that he would never have “gotten away” with such a move in a more “organized” administration.

The whole thing stinks of entrapment, though the curious question was how the Flynn defense team got the details. The court filing refers to a McCabe memo written the day of the 2017 meeting, as well as an FBI summary—known as a 302—of the Flynn interview. These are among documents congressional Republicans have been fighting to obtain for more than a year, only to be stonewalled by the Justice Department. Now we know why the department didn’t want them public.

They have come to light thanks to a man who knows well how men like Messrs. Mueller and Comey operate: Judge Sullivan. He sits on the U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia, and as he wrote for the Journal last year, he got a “wake-up call” in 2008 while overseeing the trial of then-Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska. Judge Sullivan ultimately assigned a lawyer to investigate Justice Department misconduct.

The investigator’s report found prosecutors had engaged in deliberate and repeated ethical violations, withholding key evidence from the defense. It also excoriated the FBI for failing to write up 302s and for omitting key facts from those it did write. The head of the FBI was Mr. Mueller.

Judge Sullivan has since made it his practice to begin every case with a Brady order, which reminds prosecutors of their constitutional obligation to provide the defense with any exculpatory evidence. On Dec. 12, 2017, days after being assigned the Flynn case, Judge Sullivan issued such an order, instructing Mr. Mueller’s team to turn over “any evidence in its possession that is favorable to defendant and material either to defendant’s guilt or punishment.” Had any other judge drawn the case, we likely would never have seen these details of the FBI’s behavior.

It’s clear that something has concerned the judge—who likely sees obvious parallels to the Stevens case. The media was predicting a quick ruling in the Flynn case. Instead, Judge Sullivan issued new orders Wednesday, demanding to see for himself the McCabe memo and the Flynn 302. He also ordered the special counsel to hand over by Friday any other documents relevant to the Flynn-FBI meeting.

Given his history with the FBI, the judge may also have some questions about the curious date on the Flynn 302—Aug. 22, 2017, seven months after the interview. Texts from Mr. Strzok and testimony from Mr. Comey both suggest the 302 was written long before then. Was the 302 edited in the interim? If so, by whom, and at whose direction? FBI officials initially testified to Congress that the agents did not think Mr. Flynn had lied.

Judges have the ability to reject plea deals and require a prosecutor to make a case at trial. The criminal-justice system isn’t only about holding defendants accountable; trials also provide oversight of investigators and their tactics. And judges are not obliged to follow prosecutors’ sentencing recommendations.

No one knows how Judge Sullivan will rule. His reputation is for being no-nonsense, a straight shooter, an advocate of government transparency. Whatever the outcome, he has done the nation a favor by using his Brady order to hold prosecutors to some account and allow the country a glimpse at how federal law enforcement operates. Which is the very least the country can expect.

Outline - Read & annotate without distractions

It is hard not to come to the conclusion that two different forms of justice exist in this country, one for democrats and another for their adversaries. Specifically anyone with ties to Trump.

Oh, and did you know that the iphones issued to Strozk and Page by the SCO were determined BY SOMEONE IN THE SPECIAL COUNSEL'S OFFICE to contain ‘No substantive texts, notes or reminders', so the phones were wiped clean and restored to factory settings, meaning anything on them was gone. That was done after both of them were removed from the SCO investigation back in the summer of 2017, but given that many within Mueller's organization were friends/supporters/associates/donors to the Clintons, how much credence should we give to those determinations?

We don't know what information was summarily destroyed, but the whole process stinks to high heaven. Maybe it's all coincidental and innocent of wrong-doing, no proof that it wasn't because once again any possible incrimination evidence has been deleted. You know, after awhile a patttern kind of emerges.

The OIG was able to recover more than 19,000 texts between Strozk and Page on their old government-issued Samsung Galaxy S5 devices that had been lost due to the agency’s “collection tool failure.” The OIG did not include the content of these texts in the report. I suspect at some point maybe we'll find out more about what really happened.

DOJ Destroyed Missing Strzok/Page Texts Before IG Reviewed Them


"Was Flynn entrapped?"

Flynn is begging the judge for leniency and Mueller agrees that he deserves it. Mike must have given a ton of good stuff for Mueller to be so easy with his recommendation. I WOULD NOT want to be named trump at this particular juncture....or for that matter EVER!
Another major flaw in your reasoning: Flynn has admitted to lying to FBI investigators.

You literally have to ignore Michael Flynn on Michael Flynn to cling to your increasingly elaborate conspiracy theory.

The evidence shows that Flynn did not lie.

Says you, citing your imagination. Back in reality, Flynn has admitted to lying and accepted responsibility for his crime.

Again, you're ignoring Michael Flynn on Michael Flynn. Backed by nothing but a conspiracy theory you imagined. That's wildly irrational.

He pleaded out because the F.B.I. was threatening his son.

Says you, citing your imagination. Show us the evidence.

You are conditioned by the MSM to call what he did a 'lie' and seemingly don't even realize it.

Says you, citing your imagination. Do you notice a pattern here?

I simply don't accept your imagination as evidence. You've been conditioned to consider any hapless nonsense and silly conspiracy you can invent to be facts.

Alas, that's not how reality works.
They held his son hostage. Follow along if you can.

The only way to "hold his son hostage"...is if he has engaged in illegal activity as well

'Illegal activity' as defined by a corrupt justice system. You still aren't getting it are you?

Says your imagination. Backed by nothing, of course.

Show us the evidence that the FBI is 'holding his son hostage'.

You can't......as you made the whole thing up. Your entire argument is to offer your imagination as fact. That's not how facts work.
Yes, he was entrapped. They told him he was not under investigation and did not need an attorney when in fact he WAS under investigation and he WAS misled (tricked) into not having an attorney present. That's why Mueller doesn't want him to do time, he's hoping Flynn won't retaliate for his prosecutorial misconduct.
Poor little Flynn, the justice is after him...he did nothing wrong. SAYS NO ONE!!!

Exactly. Every party involved agrees on what Flynn did. The judge, the prosecutor, even Flynn.

They're literally ignoring Michael Flynn on Michael Flynn's crimes....and replacing it with their imagination.

You can't fix stupid.
Flynn is begging the judge for leniency and Mueller agrees that he deserves it. Mike must have given a ton of good stuff for Mueller to be so easy with his recommendation. I WOULD NOT want to be named trump at this particular juncture....or for that matter EVER!

Sort of makes you wonder a little bit. Flynn was a NS adviser and that usually means dealing with foreign nations (like Russia). He was with Trump during the entire campaign so he probably has the "wide angle" lens of what was going on in the campaign. So much of the Russia component was access and influence through that access (just yesterday the WSJ had a story about the inaugural being paid for by foreign interests). He could have spilled some pretty big beans.
Railroaded, had his Civil Rights Violated, was illegally wire tapped, was illegally unmasked, was charged with lying despite official reports that stated he was not lying, had his family threatened, had his life ruined, was financially devastated, and all because Hillary Clinton couldn't win even with cheating in debates, rigging her own primary, and colluding with Russia to arrange a 24-7 wiretapping operation on The Trump Campaign with the sole purpose being to obtain inside information on The Trump Campaign's Strategy sessions.

Prosecutorial Misconduct does not even begin to scratch the surface.
This is the kind of stuff you read about that went on in Stalinist Russia.

Or rather than your stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate and increasingly unhinged conspiracy theory involving everyone from the FBI to the Justice Department to Facebook.......there's a much simpler explaination that's overwhelmingly supported by the evidence.

Trump is a liar. And he surrounded himself with liars.

Oh, and as usual.....you don't have a clue what you're talking about. Federal agents only have to read a person their miranda rights if that person is in custody. Which Flynn wasn't when he lied to federal investigators.

Remember Brit.....you're clueless. So your pseudo-legal rants about topics you clearly don't comprehend don't amount to much.

Nothing he says before he's mirandized is admissible as evidence, douche nozzle. That's the bottom line.

Says you, citing your imagination. Again, you don't know shit about the law. The miranda warning is only required AFTER you've been arrested. One has to be in custody before a miranda warning is necessary.

Flynn wasn't in custody. Thus, no miranda warning was necessary. Nor is there any restriction on admissability of his false statements to federal investigators given without a miranda warning.......as no miranda warning was required when Flynn wasn't in custody.

The Miranda warning (from the U.S. Supreme Court's Miranda v. Arizona decision), requires that officers let you know of certain facts after your arrest, before questioning you. An officer who is going to interrogate you must convey to you that:

Miranda Rights: What Happens If the Police Don't Read You Your Rights

I can't stress this point enough, Brit.....but you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. And your imagination has no legal relevance.
Says the fat homosexual citing himself.

He wasn't notified that he was being investigated. They violated his 5th Amendment rights against self incrimination.
Yes, he was entrapped. They told him he was not under investigation and did not need an attorney when in fact he WAS under investigation and he WAS misled (tricked) into not having an attorney present. That's why Mueller doesn't want him to do time, he's hoping Flynn won't retaliate for his prosecutorial misconduct.
Poor little Flynn, the justice is after him...he did nothing wrong. SAYS NO ONE!!!

Exactly. Every party involved agrees on what Flynn did. The judge, the prosecutor, even Flynn.

They're literally ignoring Michael Flynn on Michael Flynn's crimes....and replacing it with their imagination.

You can't fix stupid.
Horseshit, of course.
Flynn is begging the judge for leniency and Mueller agrees that he deserves it. Mike must have given a ton of good stuff for Mueller to be so easy with his recommendation. I WOULD NOT want to be named trump at this particular juncture....or for that matter EVER!

Sort of makes you wonder a little bit. Flynn was a NS adviser and that usually means dealing with foreign nations (like Russia). He was with Trump during the entire campaign so he probably has the "wide angle" lens of what was going on in the campaign. So much of the Russia component was access and influence through that access (just yesterday the WSJ had a story about the inaugural being paid for by foreign interests). He could have spilled some pretty big beans.
There is no "Russia component," you giant flaming dumbass.
Flynn fucked himself

Not one single human held a gun to his head and made him lie or answer questions without a lawyer present - NOT ONE.
They violated his Miranda rights, you sleazy Stalinist douchebag. You don't want to give Flynn the same rights we give to rapists and murderers.

You're lower than squid shit.

Says you. And with Flynn admitting his guilt, there's no question he did it.

And also no question you'll continue to defend any crime commited by Team Trump. No matter how many, or how indisputable.
Wrong again, you fat homosexual. He agreed to a plea. That doesn't mean he admits guilt in the absolute sense of the term. One thing is certain is that I will never condone the douchebag Stalinist tactics Herr Mueller is so fond of. Anyone who endorses this king of thing is a piece of shit.
Yes, he was entrapped. They told him he was not under investigation and did not need an attorney when in fact he WAS under investigation and he WAS misled (tricked) into not having an attorney present. That's why Mueller doesn't want him to do time, he's hoping Flynn won't retaliate for his prosecutorial misconduct.
Poor little Flynn, the justice is after him...he did nothing wrong. SAYS NO ONE!!!
Whether he did anything wrong or not doesn't change the fact that he was entrapped, which is illegal. That means Mueller is guilty of a crime.
Flynn is begging the judge for leniency and Mueller agrees that he deserves it. Mike must have given a ton of good stuff for Mueller to be so easy with his recommendation. I WOULD NOT want to be named trump at this particular juncture....or for that matter EVER!

Sort of makes you wonder a little bit. Flynn was a NS adviser and that usually means dealing with foreign nations (like Russia). He was with Trump during the entire campaign so he probably has the "wide angle" lens of what was going on in the campaign. So much of the Russia component was access and influence through that access (just yesterday the WSJ had a story about the inaugural being paid for by foreign interests). He could have spilled some pretty big beans.
There is no "Russia component," you giant flaming dumbass.

Perhaps when your imaginary FBI agent(s) come(s) by again, you can have he/she/they/them explain it to you....LOL
Flynn fucked himself

Not one single human held a gun to his head and made him lie or answer questions without a lawyer present - NOT ONE.
They violated his Miranda rights, you sleazy Stalinist douchebag. You don't want to give Flynn the same rights we give to rapists and murderers.

You're lower than squid shit.

Says you. And with Flynn admitting his guilt, there's no question he did it.

And also no question you'll continue to defend any crime commited by Team Trump. No matter how many, or how indisputable.
Wrong again, you fat homosexual. He agreed to a plea. That doesn't mean he admits guilt in the absolute sense of the term. One thing is certain is that I will never condone the douchebag Stalinist tactics Herr Mueller is so fond of. Anyone who endorses this king of thing is a piece of shit.

He agreed to plead guilty. That is the definition of "admission of guilt"
Flynn fucked himself

Not one single human held a gun to his head and made him lie or answer questions without a lawyer present - NOT ONE.
They violated his Miranda rights, you sleazy Stalinist douchebag. You don't want to give Flynn the same rights we give to rapists and murderers.

You're lower than squid shit.

Says you. And with Flynn admitting his guilt, there's no question he did it.

And also no question you'll continue to defend any crime commited by Team Trump. No matter how many, or how indisputable.
Wrong again, you fat homosexual. He agreed to a plea. That doesn't mean he admits guilt in the absolute sense of the term. One thing is certain is that I will never condone the douchebag Stalinist tactics Herr Mueller is so fond of. Anyone who endorses this king of thing is a piece of shit.

He agreed to plead guilty. That is the definition of "admission of guilt"
That doesn't absolve Mueller. He is still guilty of prosecutorial misconduct. I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject but facts are facts, like it or not.

Flynn is an asshole who thought he was above the law.
Flynn fucked himself

Not one single human held a gun to his head and made him lie or answer questions without a lawyer present - NOT ONE.
They violated his Miranda rights, you sleazy Stalinist douchebag. You don't want to give Flynn the same rights we give to rapists and murderers.

You're lower than squid shit.

Says you. And with Flynn admitting his guilt, there's no question he did it.

And also no question you'll continue to defend any crime commited by Team Trump. No matter how many, or how indisputable.
Wrong again, you fat homosexual. He agreed to a plea. That doesn't mean he admits guilt in the absolute sense of the term. One thing is certain is that I will never condone the douchebag Stalinist tactics Herr Mueller is so fond of. Anyone who endorses this king of thing is a piece of shit.

He agreed to plead guilty. That is the definition of "admission of guilt"
That doesn't absolve Mueller. He is still guilty of prosecutorial misconduct. I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject but facts are facts, like it or not.

Zero evidence exists in reality of his conduct being anything other than exemplary and maddeningly thorough.
They violated his Miranda rights, you sleazy Stalinist douchebag. You don't want to give Flynn the same rights we give to rapists and murderers.

You're lower than squid shit.

Says you. And with Flynn admitting his guilt, there's no question he did it.

And also no question you'll continue to defend any crime commited by Team Trump. No matter how many, or how indisputable.
Wrong again, you fat homosexual. He agreed to a plea. That doesn't mean he admits guilt in the absolute sense of the term. One thing is certain is that I will never condone the douchebag Stalinist tactics Herr Mueller is so fond of. Anyone who endorses this king of thing is a piece of shit.

He agreed to plead guilty. That is the definition of "admission of guilt"
That doesn't absolve Mueller. He is still guilty of prosecutorial misconduct. I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject but facts are facts, like it or not.

Zero evidence exists in reality of his conduct being anything other than exemplary and maddeningly thorough.
He's a thug and you know it.
Says you. And with Flynn admitting his guilt, there's no question he did it.

And also no question you'll continue to defend any crime commited by Team Trump. No matter how many, or how indisputable.
Wrong again, you fat homosexual. He agreed to a plea. That doesn't mean he admits guilt in the absolute sense of the term. One thing is certain is that I will never condone the douchebag Stalinist tactics Herr Mueller is so fond of. Anyone who endorses this king of thing is a piece of shit.

He agreed to plead guilty. That is the definition of "admission of guilt"
That doesn't absolve Mueller. He is still guilty of prosecutorial misconduct. I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject but facts are facts, like it or not.

Zero evidence exists in reality of his conduct being anything other than exemplary and maddeningly thorough.
He's a thug and you know it.

Zero evidence exists in reality of his conduct being anything other than fair and maddeningly thorough.
Nice..........They raped his ass with a set up...........Say they are going to put him and his son in jail..........bankrupted him in the process while using an unlimited scope, the full resources of the Federal Gov't, and a unlimited budget paid for by the Tax payer.

It is clear as a bell that they set his ass up...............we are your friend and stuck a fucking knife in his back for a conversation with the Russians that happens to BE HIS JOB..............During Transition they are supposed to be able to talk to other nations regarding security measures.........Happens to be important when both U.S. forces and Russian forces are in combat in the same AO.........aka Syria..............

So his speaking to the Russians ISN'T A CRIME...........His SO CALLED LYING ........and yes I said that.........was COHEARSED..................people tend to admit to shit they didn't really do when they are facing time and they are threatening to RUIN YOU KIDS LIFE................for probably MADE UP SHIT THERE TOO.

Strok was one of the interviewers...........and HE'S DIRTY.........HE'S BIASED............so BIASED it caused Training for the entire FBI when they fired his ass...............We are supposed to BELIEVE HIS NOTES because he's the FBI..........A disavowed PARTISAN HACK.............I DON'T THINK SO...........

Why did it take them 7 months to do the 302 when normal operating procedure is the next day and within a month. Why is it the Judge has to demand these documents when they ARE BY LAW REQUIRED to be given to the defense and the Judge for sentencing...............

The Judge MAY VERY WELL SMACK DOWN MUELLER AND HIS GANG for this..............I hope the Fuck so.......This entire thing stinks to the high heavens.............

Oh Flynn Lied............Flynn Lied.........COMEY LIED.......McCabe lied..........Strok got in Hack for his BIAS.......All 3 were fired...........The FISA warrants were done with unverified information from a KNOWN BIASED SOURCE STEELE......Paid for by the DNC and the Hillary Campaign.........Leaked to the Press by CLAP TRAP who is DISAVOWED and now working for CNN................

You people look the other way with these abuses of power.......Just as you looked the other way when the IRS, FBI, ATF, OSHA and etc........crawled up Conservative 501c applications because they weaponized the Gov't..........When challenged under investigation they PLEADED THE 5TH..............A few get fired but none get charged with Crimes.

HSBC.........bank did the LARGEST MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME in our Nations history........Laundered money for the Drug Cartels............COMEY was on the board of directors of HSBC and quit that job to be the top dog at the FBI. This same bank gave money to the Clinton Foundation...........NONE WENT TO JAIL..........even though the Drug Cartel is known to have killed over 10000 people over a 10 year period................

Enough for now.............Clear up my rant...........Fuck the FBI on this SET UP........They should be tried for LYING UNDER OATH and LEAKING information to the press of an ongoing investigation.........NONE CHARGED yet they ruin others lives for the same thing...............DOUBLE STANDARDS...........

Final note.........Comey, McCabe, Strok........etc...................I DIDN'T THINK THEY PILED SHIT THAT HIGH.

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