Was Flynn entrapped?

"Was Flynn entrapped?"


What more clarification do you need?
We need a special council with an unlimited budget with the full resources of the Federal Gov't to find out. In this process we need to be able to get Warrants to raid anyone we please because we are looking for a crime not investigating one. Which allows us to go back and check their taxes from their very first job...........and see if they may have committed any crime in the history of their life...........Then we need to question them about evidence we find from decades ago and if it doesn't match what was said decades ago then we catch them in a LIE.......and charge them to lying to the FBI or whatever agency is questioning them.

If they own a business we need to have every agency to do an investigation on that place of business including OSHA to find out is a carboard box is in the driving lane of a Warehouse so they can be fined for OSHA violations as they did Truth the vote..........We need to tie them up in court until those individuals are bankrupt trying to defend themselves so even if found innocent of all they are destroyed financially anyways....................Look into their families and see if we can find something to charge them with there also so we can MAKE THEM SING TO THE TUNE we want them to say.

Karma is a MF...............you had better hope the other side doesn't use the same methods of the Dems during the Obama administration.................

Did he get entrapped for a non crime........DAMN SKIPPY.....You betcha.........
Federal agents didnt ask Flynn about some obscure detail of his life from long ago. They were asking him about sanctions discussions which he was currently engaged in.
Sooooo. Perfectly legal as part of transistion team. Not a secret that the incoming didn't want to go postal with Russia. Different strategy in Syria as well. Obama wanted to overthrow Assad. New administration didn't.

Only good policy if you sell vacuum cleaners
Its not legal during the campaign. Only sitting administration can negotiate such policy issues with foreign governments.
This where we go from "no collusion' to 'collusion not a crime".
And in the History of the Logan Act not a single person has ever been convicted of this Act. Only 2 ever charged and both cases led to NO CONVICTION.

Why it's BS...... He is within his rights to communicate with foreign countries in transition. Notice how they danced away from that charge. Oops. It's not illegal.
They held his son hostage. Follow along if you can.

The only way to "hold his son hostage"...is if he has engaged in illegal activity as well

'Illegal activity' as defined by a corrupt justice system. You still aren't getting it are you?

Says your imagination. Backed by nothing, of course.

Show us the evidence that the FBI is 'holding his son hostage'.

You can't......as you made the whole thing up. Your entire argument is to offer your imagination as fact. That's not how facts work.

"Holding his son hostage" is as unbelievable as thinking that Donald knew nothing about the Junior-Russian meeting a few floors below him in trump tower....
Sorry tards. Flynn is guilty. He cooperated. That's the ONLY reason they didn't recommend jail time. He pulled a stunt in his sentencing filing and it will likely cost him. We'll see
Flynn is begging the judge for leniency and Mueller agrees that he deserves it. Mike must have given a ton of good stuff for Mueller to be so easy with his recommendation. I WOULD NOT want to be named trump at this particular juncture....or for that matter EVER!

Sort of makes you wonder a little bit. Flynn was a NS adviser and that usually means dealing with foreign nations (like Russia). He was with Trump during the entire campaign so he probably has the "wide angle" lens of what was going on in the campaign. So much of the Russia component was access and influence through that access (just yesterday the WSJ had a story about the inaugural being paid for by foreign interests). He could have spilled some pretty big beans.
There is no "Russia component," you giant flaming dumbass.

Donald is already implicated in a Felony...actually DIRECTED the Felony and Mueller is nowhere near finished. Mueller is still going after a sit down with the Liar in Chief. That will be trump's demise...Clinton had to do it, and trump will have to do it.

Give it up....You Orange King is nothing more than a Charlatan who has played the greatest Shell Game on American voters in US history. I will give him credit for that. He was relying on the stupidity of people like you, who were just too simple to see they were being rooked...Grow a Brain Please!
Sorry tards. Flynn is guilty. He cooperated. That's the ONLY reason they didn't recommend jail time. He pulled a stunt in his sentencing filing and it will likely cost him. We'll see

How is it going to cost him?

Did you read Mueller's response to the judge? Mueller is running
scared that the entire Flynn case could be thrown out. That could
start the dominos falling.

When they finally get around to questioning, if that judge asks Flynn
if he was ever coerced for cooperation and if he says Yes...look for a charge
of subjorning perjury leveled against Mueller and his attorneys.
Sorry tards. Flynn is guilty. He cooperated. That's the ONLY reason they didn't recommend jail time. He pulled a stunt in his sentencing filing and it will likely cost him. We'll see

How is it going to cost him?

Did you read Mueller's response to the judge? Mueller is running
scared that the entire Flynn case could be thrown out. That could
start the dominos falling.

When they finally get around to questioning, if that judge asks Flynn
if he was ever coerced for cooperation and if he says Yes...look for a charge
of subjorning perjury leveled against Mueller and his attorneys.

Yeah...you trump humpers will trash anyone to defend your Liar in Chief...we expect you to do just that...
That doesn't absolve Mueller. He is still guilty of prosecutorial misconduct. I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject but facts are facts, like it or not.

Zero evidence exists in reality of his conduct being anything other than exemplary and maddeningly thorough.
He's a thug and you know it.

Zero evidence exists in reality of his conduct being anything other than fair and maddeningly thorough.
There's a massive pile of evidence showing that he's corrupt and abusive. He's going down.
massive pile? all you have is a shoddy plot from Jacob Wohl.
No one is even talking about that, dumbass.
They held his son hostage. Follow along if you can.

The only way to "hold his son hostage"...is if he has engaged in illegal activity as well

'Illegal activity' as defined by a corrupt justice system. You still aren't getting it are you?

Says your imagination. Backed by nothing, of course.

Show us the evidence that the FBI is 'holding his son hostage'.

You can't......as you made the whole thing up. Your entire argument is to offer your imagination as fact. That's not how facts work.

"Holding his son hostage" is as unbelievable as thinking that Donald knew nothing about the Junior-Russian meeting a few floors below him in trump tower....
Given his record, it's easy to believe.
Flynn is begging the judge for leniency and Mueller agrees that he deserves it. Mike must have given a ton of good stuff for Mueller to be so easy with his recommendation. I WOULD NOT want to be named trump at this particular juncture....or for that matter EVER!

Sort of makes you wonder a little bit. Flynn was a NS adviser and that usually means dealing with foreign nations (like Russia). He was with Trump during the entire campaign so he probably has the "wide angle" lens of what was going on in the campaign. So much of the Russia component was access and influence through that access (just yesterday the WSJ had a story about the inaugural being paid for by foreign interests). He could have spilled some pretty big beans.
There is no "Russia component," you giant flaming dumbass.

Donald is already implicated in a Felony...actually DIRECTED the Felony and Mueller is nowhere near finished. Mueller is still going after a sit down with the Liar in Chief. That will be trump's demise...Clinton had to do it, and trump will have to do it.

Give it up....You Orange King is nothing more than a Charlatan who has played the greatest Shell Game on American voters in US history. I will give him credit for that. He was relying on the stupidity of people like you, who were just too simple to see they were being rooked...Grow a Brain Please!
Spare us your idiocies. There is no felony. That's snowflake hysteria. The "Russian collusion" conspiracy theory went down in flames, so now you need something else to fantasize about.

It's becoming more and more obvious that Mueller is a dirtbag who's true assignment is to find anything he can to impeach Trump. Truth and justice are not on his agenda.
Zinke trumps interior Sec is gone More cleaning the swamp before Dems taking over house can question him What a den of thieves
Sorry tards. Flynn is guilty. He cooperated. That's the ONLY reason they didn't recommend jail time. He pulled a stunt in his sentencing filing and it will likely cost him. We'll see

How is it going to cost him?

Did you read Mueller's response to the judge? Mueller is running
scared that the entire Flynn case could be thrown out. That could
start the dominos falling.

When they finally get around to questioning, if that judge asks Flynn
if he was ever coerced for cooperation and if he says Yes...look for a charge
of subjorning perjury leveled against Mueller and his attorneys.
Yea...we'll look for that.

You let us know ...will ya?
Sorry tards. Flynn is guilty. He cooperated. That's the ONLY reason they didn't recommend jail time. He pulled a stunt in his sentencing filing and it will likely cost him. We'll see
He "cooperated" in the same sense that the victim of a mugging cooperates when the perp says "hand over your wallet or take a bullet in your stomach."

It's pathetic how desperate you are to justify Mueller's crime. The "stunt" he pulled is called asking for justice.

Mueller is a corrupt piece of shit. That becomes more obvious with each passing day.
Sorry tards. Flynn is guilty. He cooperated. That's the ONLY reason they didn't recommend jail time. He pulled a stunt in his sentencing filing and it will likely cost him. We'll see

How is it going to cost him?

Did you read Mueller's response to the judge? Mueller is running
scared that the entire Flynn case could be thrown out. That could
start the dominos falling.

When they finally get around to questioning, if that judge asks Flynn
if he was ever coerced for cooperation and if he says Yes...look for a charge
of subjorning perjury leveled against Mueller and his attorneys.

Yeah...you trump humpers will trash anyone to defend your Liar in Chief...we expect you to do just that...

The FBI shouldn't have broken the spirit of the law.
Sorry tards. Flynn is guilty. He cooperated. That's the ONLY reason they didn't recommend jail time. He pulled a stunt in his sentencing filing and it will likely cost him. We'll see

How is it going to cost him?

Did you read Mueller's response to the judge? Mueller is running
scared that the entire Flynn case could be thrown out. That could
start the dominos falling.

When they finally get around to questioning, if that judge asks Flynn
if he was ever coerced for cooperation and if he says Yes...look for a charge
of subjorning perjury leveled against Mueller and his attorneys.
Yea...we'll look for that.

You let us know ...will ya?

No need...it'll be all over the news
I've provided a link 3 times in this thread, look it up.

Then list the post number...unless it is the claim I respond to below. Then you might as well swallow your tongue

No, you have it dead wrong. He never denied talking to the Russians. Read the plea agreement one of the other libtards tried to use as a reference. It shows you are wrong as well as them. Flynn claimed he didn't discuss sanctions, which he may have not remembered or was confused. The FBI agents didn't seem to to think he was lying, so why was he charged? The deputy director and director of the FBI neither thought he was lying? Why was he charged?

He told the same lies to the FBI as he did to Pence...for which he was fired.

And you think the FBI describing his outward APPEARANCE is them saying he didn't lie...YOU are lying....or incredibly stupid. You pick. I say both

Look it up fagot, or you can fuck of and die, I'm not your secretary.


Wow, you're lucky you don't get banned saying stuff like that. You must be "special".

Or I know how to stay within the rules, you figure it out.

Homophobic, threats, nastiness, I didn’t realize those were within the rules.

Republicans think decorum is something you do with your Christmas tree.
Zero evidence exists in reality of his conduct being anything other than exemplary and maddeningly thorough.
He's a thug and you know it.

Zero evidence exists in reality of his conduct being anything other than fair and maddeningly thorough.
There's a massive pile of evidence showing that he's corrupt and abusive. He's going down.
massive pile? all you have is a shoddy plot from Jacob Wohl.
No one is even talking about that, dumbass.
You were referring to Mueller misconduct, which has everything to do with Jacob Wohl.
He's a thug and you know it.

Zero evidence exists in reality of his conduct being anything other than fair and maddeningly thorough.
There's a massive pile of evidence showing that he's corrupt and abusive. He's going down.
massive pile? all you have is a shoddy plot from Jacob Wohl.
No one is even talking about that, dumbass.
You were referring to Mueller misconduct, which has everything to do with Jacob Wohl.

Wohl and trump should share the same cell....

Meet Jacob Wohl, the 20-year-old who reportedly tried to take down the Mueller investigation — and failed spectacularly
Flynn fucked himself

Not one single human held a gun to his head and made him lie or answer questions without a lawyer present - NOT ONE.
They violated his Miranda rights, you sleazy Stalinist douchebag. You don't want to give Flynn the same rights we give to rapists and murderers.

You're lower than squid shit.

Says you. And with Flynn admitting his guilt, there's no question he did it.

And also no question you'll continue to defend any crime commited by Team Trump. No matter how many, or how indisputable.
Wrong again, you fat homosexual. He agreed to a plea. That doesn't mean he admits guilt in the absolute sense of the term. One thing is certain is that I will never condone the douchebag Stalinist tactics Herr Mueller is so fond of. Anyone who endorses this king of thing is a piece of shit.

He agreed to plead guilty. That is the definition of "admission of guilt"
Only in the legal sense. Intelligent people understand that you can't "agree" to something when a gun is being held to your head.

Here's the leftwing conception of "agree."

"Was Flynn entrapped?"


What more clarification do you need?
We need a special council with an unlimited budget with the full resources of the Federal Gov't to find out. In this process we need to be able to get Warrants to raid anyone we please because we are looking for a crime not investigating one. Which allows us to go back and check their taxes from their very first job...........and see if they may have committed any crime in the history of their life...........Then we need to question them about evidence we find from decades ago and if it doesn't match what was said decades ago then we catch them in a LIE.......and charge them to lying to the FBI or whatever agency is questioning them.

If they own a business we need to have every agency to do an investigation on that place of business including OSHA to find out is a carboard box is in the driving lane of a Warehouse so they can be fined for OSHA violations as they did Truth the vote..........We need to tie them up in court until those individuals are bankrupt trying to defend themselves so even if found innocent of all they are destroyed financially anyways....................Look into their families and see if we can find something to charge them with there also so we can MAKE THEM SING TO THE TUNE we want them to say.

Karma is a MF...............you had better hope the other side doesn't use the same methods of the Dems during the Obama administration.................

Did he get entrapped for a non crime........DAMN SKIPPY.....You betcha.........
Federal agents didnt ask Flynn about some obscure detail of his life from long ago. They were asking him about sanctions discussions which he was currently engaged in.
Sooooo. Perfectly legal as part of transistion team. Not a secret that the incoming didn't want to go postal with Russia. Different strategy in Syria as well. Obama wanted to overthrow Assad. New administration didn't.

Only good policy if you sell vacuum cleaners
Its not legal during the campaign. Only sitting administration can negotiate such policy issues with foreign governments.
This where we go from "no collusion' to 'collusion not a crime".
Every incoming administration has done the same thing, numskull. It's standard operating procedure.

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