Was Flynn entrapped?

That's really a standard question that the judge asks the defendants when copping a plea, that and not under the influence, and went over it with my lawyer and stuff like that is always asked by the judge in court of the defendant... they usually answer each question one by one...
I'm not threatening you. Just your wife and kid and of course the house you had to sell to keep the lawyers representing you here but do you mind signing this one thing saying none of that happened? Oh, and of course General Flynn, thank you for your service your country appreciates it so much we think you should be in prison because us democrats really hate Trump. Hope you understand.
Why did he lie? they have the recordings of his conversations with the Ambassador..... it was less than a month before he was interviewed by the fbi- and within a month before he told Pence and Priebus the lie....

CERTAINLY a man that was going to be and was our National Security Advisor has a memory good enough to remember conversations he had a month ago.... if not, then he didn't deserve the job....
Why the fuck did the FBI have those recordings...............and if they had those recordings and they are LEGAL why did they need to question him on them..............They already knew the information..........They knew they were LEGAL........so why use it in the interview OTHER THAN TO SET HIM THE FUCK UP.

Don't have a crime...............CREATE ONE........Perjury Trap............End of Lesson.
"Was Flynn entrapped?"


What more clarification do you need?
We need a special council with an unlimited budget with the full resources of the Federal Gov't to find out. In this process we need to be able to get Warrants to raid anyone we please because we are looking for a crime not investigating one. Which allows us to go back and check their taxes from their very first job...........and see if they may have committed any crime in the history of their life...........Then we need to question them about evidence we find from decades ago and if it doesn't match what was said decades ago then we catch them in a LIE.......and charge them to lying to the FBI or whatever agency is questioning them.

If they own a business we need to have every agency to do an investigation on that place of business including OSHA to find out is a carboard box is in the driving lane of a Warehouse so they can be fined for OSHA violations as they did Truth the vote..........We need to tie them up in court until those individuals are bankrupt trying to defend themselves so even if found innocent of all they are destroyed financially anyways....................Look into their families and see if we can find something to charge them with there also so we can MAKE THEM SING TO THE TUNE we want them to say.

Karma is a MF...............you had better hope the other side doesn't use the same methods of the Dems during the Obama administration.................

Did he get entrapped for a non crime........DAMN SKIPPY.....You betcha.........
"Was Flynn entrapped?"


What more clarification do you need?
We need a special council with an unlimited budget with the full resources of the Federal Gov't to find out. In this process we need to be able to get Warrants to raid anyone we please because we are looking for a crime not investigating one. Which allows us to go back and check their taxes from their very first job...........and see if they may have committed any crime in the history of their life...........Then we need to question them about evidence we find from decades ago and if it doesn't match what was said decades ago then we catch them in a LIE.......and charge them to lying to the FBI or whatever agency is questioning them.

If they own a business we need to have every agency to do an investigation on that place of business including OSHA to find out is a carboard box is in the driving lane of a Warehouse so they can be fined for OSHA violations as they did Truth the vote..........We need to tie them up in court until those individuals are bankrupt trying to defend themselves so even if found innocent of all they are destroyed financially anyways....................Look into their families and see if we can find something to charge them with there also so we can MAKE THEM SING TO THE TUNE we want them to say.

Karma is a MF...............you had better hope the other side doesn't use the same methods of the Dems during the Obama administration.................

Did he get entrapped for a non crime........DAMN SKIPPY.....You betcha.........

I read your comment.
"MAKE THEM SING TO THE TUNE we want them to say."
Please explain that.
"Was Flynn entrapped?"


What more clarification do you need?
We need a special council with an unlimited budget with the full resources of the Federal Gov't to find out. In this process we need to be able to get Warrants to raid anyone we please because we are looking for a crime not investigating one. Which allows us to go back and check their taxes from their very first job...........and see if they may have committed any crime in the history of their life...........Then we need to question them about evidence we find from decades ago and if it doesn't match what was said decades ago then we catch them in a LIE.......and charge them to lying to the FBI or whatever agency is questioning them.

If they own a business we need to have every agency to do an investigation on that place of business including OSHA to find out is a carboard box is in the driving lane of a Warehouse so they can be fined for OSHA violations as they did Truth the vote..........We need to tie them up in court until those individuals are bankrupt trying to defend themselves so even if found innocent of all they are destroyed financially anyways....................Look into their families and see if we can find something to charge them with there also so we can MAKE THEM SING TO THE TUNE we want them to say.

Karma is a MF...............you had better hope the other side doesn't use the same methods of the Dems during the Obama administration.................

Did he get entrapped for a non crime........DAMN SKIPPY.....You betcha.........

I read your comment.
"MAKE THEM SING TO THE TUNE we want them to say."
Please explain that.
Gotta go to work...maybe later..............Look up Ellis the Judge and read it......on Cohen.....he explains it better than I ever could.........Have a nice day.
"Was Flynn entrapped?"


What more clarification do you need?
We need a special council with an unlimited budget with the full resources of the Federal Gov't to find out. In this process we need to be able to get Warrants to raid anyone we please because we are looking for a crime not investigating one. Which allows us to go back and check their taxes from their very first job...........and see if they may have committed any crime in the history of their life...........Then we need to question them about evidence we find from decades ago and if it doesn't match what was said decades ago then we catch them in a LIE.......and charge them to lying to the FBI or whatever agency is questioning them.

If they own a business we need to have every agency to do an investigation on that place of business including OSHA to find out is a carboard box is in the driving lane of a Warehouse so they can be fined for OSHA violations as they did Truth the vote..........We need to tie them up in court until those individuals are bankrupt trying to defend themselves so even if found innocent of all they are destroyed financially anyways....................Look into their families and see if we can find something to charge them with there also so we can MAKE THEM SING TO THE TUNE we want them to say.

Karma is a MF...............you had better hope the other side doesn't use the same methods of the Dems during the Obama administration.................

Did he get entrapped for a non crime........DAMN SKIPPY.....You betcha.........

I read your comment.
"MAKE THEM SING TO THE TUNE we want them to say."
Please explain that.
Gotta go to work...maybe later..............Look up Ellis the Judge and read it......on Cohen.....he explains it better than I ever could.........Have a nice day.
Okie Dokie. Thank you.
"Was Flynn entrapped?"


What more clarification do you need?
We need a special council with an unlimited budget with the full resources of the Federal Gov't to find out. In this process we need to be able to get Warrants to raid anyone we please because we are looking for a crime not investigating one. Which allows us to go back and check their taxes from their very first job...........and see if they may have committed any crime in the history of their life...........Then we need to question them about evidence we find from decades ago and if it doesn't match what was said decades ago then we catch them in a LIE.......and charge them to lying to the FBI or whatever agency is questioning them.

If they own a business we need to have every agency to do an investigation on that place of business including OSHA to find out is a carboard box is in the driving lane of a Warehouse so they can be fined for OSHA violations as they did Truth the vote..........We need to tie them up in court until those individuals are bankrupt trying to defend themselves so even if found innocent of all they are destroyed financially anyways....................Look into their families and see if we can find something to charge them with there also so we can MAKE THEM SING TO THE TUNE we want them to say.

Karma is a MF...............you had better hope the other side doesn't use the same methods of the Dems during the Obama administration.................

Did he get entrapped for a non crime........DAMN SKIPPY.....You betcha.........

I read your comment.
"MAKE THEM SING TO THE TUNE we want them to say."
Please explain that.
Gotta go to work...maybe later..............Look up Ellis the Judge and read it......on Cohen.....he explains it better than I ever could.........Have a nice day.
Okie Dokie. Thank you.
I suppose that troll pick is supposed to mean something. LOL

You can choose to wear that to a construction site if you choose to. Will not end well for you. LOL
"Was Flynn entrapped?"


What more clarification do you need?
We need a special council with an unlimited budget with the full resources of the Federal Gov't to find out. In this process we need to be able to get Warrants to raid anyone we please because we are looking for a crime not investigating one. Which allows us to go back and check their taxes from their very first job...........and see if they may have committed any crime in the history of their life...........Then we need to question them about evidence we find from decades ago and if it doesn't match what was said decades ago then we catch them in a LIE.......and charge them to lying to the FBI or whatever agency is questioning them.

If they own a business we need to have every agency to do an investigation on that place of business including OSHA to find out is a carboard box is in the driving lane of a Warehouse so they can be fined for OSHA violations as they did Truth the vote..........We need to tie them up in court until those individuals are bankrupt trying to defend themselves so even if found innocent of all they are destroyed financially anyways....................Look into their families and see if we can find something to charge them with there also so we can MAKE THEM SING TO THE TUNE we want them to say.

Karma is a MF...............you had better hope the other side doesn't use the same methods of the Dems during the Obama administration.................

Did he get entrapped for a non crime........DAMN SKIPPY.....You betcha.........
Federal agents didnt ask Flynn about some obscure detail of his life from long ago. They were asking him about sanctions discussions which he was currently engaged in.
"Was Flynn entrapped?"


What more clarification do you need?
We need a special council with an unlimited budget with the full resources of the Federal Gov't to find out. In this process we need to be able to get Warrants to raid anyone we please because we are looking for a crime not investigating one. Which allows us to go back and check their taxes from their very first job...........and see if they may have committed any crime in the history of their life...........Then we need to question them about evidence we find from decades ago and if it doesn't match what was said decades ago then we catch them in a LIE.......and charge them to lying to the FBI or whatever agency is questioning them.

If they own a business we need to have every agency to do an investigation on that place of business including OSHA to find out is a carboard box is in the driving lane of a Warehouse so they can be fined for OSHA violations as they did Truth the vote..........We need to tie them up in court until those individuals are bankrupt trying to defend themselves so even if found innocent of all they are destroyed financially anyways....................Look into their families and see if we can find something to charge them with there also so we can MAKE THEM SING TO THE TUNE we want them to say.

Karma is a MF...............you had better hope the other side doesn't use the same methods of the Dems during the Obama administration.................

Did he get entrapped for a non crime........DAMN SKIPPY.....You betcha.........
Federal agents didnt ask Flynn about some obscure detail of his life from long ago. They were asking him about sanctions discussions which he was currently engaged in.
Sooooo. Perfectly legal as part of transistion team. Not a secret that the incoming didn't want to go postal with Russia. Different strategy in Syria as well. Obama wanted to overthrow Assad. New administration didn't.

Only good policy if you sell vacuum cleaners
"Was Flynn entrapped?"


What more clarification do you need?
We need a special council with an unlimited budget with the full resources of the Federal Gov't to find out. In this process we need to be able to get Warrants to raid anyone we please because we are looking for a crime not investigating one. Which allows us to go back and check their taxes from their very first job...........and see if they may have committed any crime in the history of their life...........Then we need to question them about evidence we find from decades ago and if it doesn't match what was said decades ago then we catch them in a LIE.......and charge them to lying to the FBI or whatever agency is questioning them.

If they own a business we need to have every agency to do an investigation on that place of business including OSHA to find out is a carboard box is in the driving lane of a Warehouse so they can be fined for OSHA violations as they did Truth the vote..........We need to tie them up in court until those individuals are bankrupt trying to defend themselves so even if found innocent of all they are destroyed financially anyways....................Look into their families and see if we can find something to charge them with there also so we can MAKE THEM SING TO THE TUNE we want them to say.

Karma is a MF...............you had better hope the other side doesn't use the same methods of the Dems during the Obama administration.................

Did he get entrapped for a non crime........DAMN SKIPPY.....You betcha.........
Federal agents didnt ask Flynn about some obscure detail of his life from long ago. They were asking him about sanctions discussions which he was currently engaged in.
Sooooo. Perfectly legal as part of transistion team. Not a secret that the incoming didn't want to go postal with Russia. Different strategy in Syria as well. Obama wanted to overthrow Assad. New administration didn't.

Only good policy if you sell vacuum cleaners
Its not legal during the campaign. Only sitting administration can negotiate such policy issues with foreign governments.
This where we go from "no collusion' to 'collusion not a crime".
To give an idea of how soon they jumped Flynn, he gave Strzok and the other clown a short tour of the west wing....Trump walked by them telling staff where he wanted some plaque placed. And so the plot began, the "insurance policy" was underway.
Flynn knew what he was doing

He got involved with some bad shit and got caught
Flynn knew what he was doing

He got involved with some bad shit and got caught

He should have registered as a lobbyist for the Turkish government....he'd have been fined for failing to disclose that. Try to find a single example of the Hatch Act ever bringing a conviction. What Comey and the rest of the cabal did to him for the purpose of getting Trump was nothing short of treason.
Flynn fucked himself

Not one single human held a gun to his head and made him lie or answer questions without a lawyer present - NOT ONE.
They violated his Miranda rights, you sleazy Stalinist douchebag. You don't want to give Flynn the same rights we give to rapists and murderers.

You're lower than squid shit.

Says you. And with Flynn admitting his guilt, there's no question he did it.

And also no question you'll continue to defend any crime commited by Team Trump. No matter how many, or how indisputable.
Wrong again, you fat homosexual. He agreed to a plea. That doesn't mean he admits guilt in the absolute sense of the term. One thing is certain is that I will never condone the douchebag Stalinist tactics Herr Mueller is so fond of. Anyone who endorses this king of thing is a piece of shit.

He agreed to plead guilty. That is the definition of "admission of guilt"
Wrong, asshole. That's a plea bargain agreed to at gunpoint.

Wrong again, you fat homosexual. He agreed to a plea. That doesn't mean he admits guilt in the absolute sense of the term. One thing is certain is that I will never condone the douchebag Stalinist tactics Herr Mueller is so fond of. Anyone who endorses this king of thing is a piece of shit.

He agreed to plead guilty. That is the definition of "admission of guilt"
That doesn't absolve Mueller. He is still guilty of prosecutorial misconduct. I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject but facts are facts, like it or not.

Zero evidence exists in reality of his conduct being anything other than exemplary and maddeningly thorough.
He's a thug and you know it.

Zero evidence exists in reality of his conduct being anything other than fair and maddeningly thorough.
There's a massive pile of evidence showing that he's corrupt and abusive. He's going down.
Flynn fucked himself

Not one single human held a gun to his head and made him lie or answer questions without a lawyer present - NOT ONE.
They violated his Miranda rights, you sleazy Stalinist douchebag. You don't want to give Flynn the same rights we give to rapists and murderers.

You're lower than squid shit.

Says you. And with Flynn admitting his guilt, there's no question he did it.

And also no question you'll continue to defend any crime commited by Team Trump. No matter how many, or how indisputable.
Wrong again, you fat homosexual. He agreed to a plea. That doesn't mean he admits guilt in the absolute sense of the term. One thing is certain is that I will never condone the douchebag Stalinist tactics Herr Mueller is so fond of. Anyone who endorses this king of thing is a piece of shit.

He agreed to plead guilty. That is the definition of "admission of guilt"
Wrong, asshole. That's a plea bargain agreed to at gunpoint.


I never saw Flynn wear a red tie.
He agreed to plead guilty. That is the definition of "admission of guilt"
That doesn't absolve Mueller. He is still guilty of prosecutorial misconduct. I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject but facts are facts, like it or not.

Zero evidence exists in reality of his conduct being anything other than exemplary and maddeningly thorough.
He's a thug and you know it.

Zero evidence exists in reality of his conduct being anything other than fair and maddeningly thorough.
There's a massive pile of evidence showing that he's corrupt and abusive. He's going down.

Some day....some day. NOT
It has been exposed that Andrew McCabe called up Flynn and began interviewing him in a very casual manner, not informing him that this was part of his interview and telling him when Flynn expressed concern about the questions that he did not need a lawyer for this. McCabe did not read Flynn his Miranda rights and did not warn him that what they were talking about could be held against him later.

Again, former FBI director Comey testified under oath before Congress that has FBI agents stated Glenn never lied during his interviews.

Add in the fact that the u.s. IG rebuke the FBI for the findings during his investigation that the FBI altered witness testimony after that testimony was given, and it is obvious General Flynn was set up from the beginning and taken down in the campaign being waged against President Trump.
He agreed to plead guilty. That is the definition of "admission of guilt"
That doesn't absolve Mueller. He is still guilty of prosecutorial misconduct. I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject but facts are facts, like it or not.

Zero evidence exists in reality of his conduct being anything other than exemplary and maddeningly thorough.
He's a thug and you know it.

Zero evidence exists in reality of his conduct being anything other than fair and maddeningly thorough.
There's a massive pile of evidence showing that he's corrupt and abusive. He's going down.
massive pile? all you have is a shoddy plot from Jacob Wohl.

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