Was Flynn entrapped?

Flynn fucked himself

not one single human held a gun to his head and made him lie or answer questions without a lawyer present - NOT ONE.
It never ceases to amaze me how bad you left wingers really want to live in a third world dictatorship. As long as those you disagree with are the victims you’re fine with it. The problem is in those situations you eventually will be entangled yourself. At which point you will stand around looking like an idiot wondering WTF happened to justice and rule of law.

Or....Michael Flynn lied to investigators. Not once, but multiple times even enlisting others to lie to federal investigators.

And he his pleading guilty to lying to investigators is justice and the rule of law.
Was he under investigation? No according to the CIA they just wanted to talk to him. All the while holding an illegally recorded conversation in their back pockets making sure he didn't misstate something to charge him with.
Link to this bullshit required
Are you too fucking stupid to follow a news story? Or do you just get your information from CNN? either way fuck off you lazy prick.
Are you too fucking stupid to follow a news story? Or do you just get your information from CNN? either way fuck off you lazy prick.

Listen your loudmouthed asshole...a claim was made about the CIA and recordings.

Do YOU have any idea what that the moron was talking about?

Cause he doesn't
if he lied when he copped this plea, that also would be perjury on his part.... so he better stick with what he initially claimed, otherwise the judge will get him on perjury for lying before the judge in court, asking him those questions and getting his answers....
That's really a standard question that the judge asks the defendants when copping a plea, that and not under the influence, and went over it with my lawyer and stuff like that is always asked by the judge in court of the defendant... they usually answer each question one by one...
I'm not threatening you. Just your wife and kid and of course the house you had to sell to keep the lawyers representing you here but do you mind signing this one thing saying none of that happened? Oh, and of course General Flynn, thank you for your service your country appreciates it so much we think you should be in prison because us democrats really hate Trump. Hope you understand.
They ran Flynn out of money and a home he had to sell to keep up legal expenses. Over some bullshit charges that started with Russia and ended up being this?

Trump did that when he fired him?

Are you too fucking stupid to follow a news story? Or do you just get your information from CNN? either way fuck off you lazy prick.

Listen your loudmouthed asshole...a claim was made about the CIA and recordings.

Do YOU have any idea what that the moron was talking about?

Cause he doesn't
Did you look anything up you lazy prick? Or are you still trying to convince your boyfriend you're a girl?
flynn was not entrapped...

whether you are told it is for an investigation or not, you can't lie to the FBI.... whether you have a lawyer present or you don't, it does not matter, both are legal procedures, done either way...with or without a lawyer.... whether you are told that lying would be perjury or whether you were not told that lying before the FBI is perjury also does not matter, both ways are legal processes under the law....

Flynn was just playing up to Trump, looking for a pardon....maybe? I don't know? some say his lawyer was just trying to distinguish his perjury vs the others in this Russian investigation like Papadopolous's....

But I think it could backfire on him and won't be taken lightly, by Judge Sullivan and not in a good way for Flynn...
That's really a standard question that the judge asks the defendants when copping a plea, that and not under the influence, and went over it with my lawyer and stuff like that is always asked by the judge in court of the defendant... they usually answer each question one by one...
I'm not threatening you. Just your wife and kid and of course the house you had to sell to keep the lawyers representing you here but do you mind signing this one thing saying none of that happened? Oh, and of course General Flynn, thank you for your service your country appreciates it so much we think you should be in prison because us democrats really hate Trump. Hope you understand.
Why did he lie? they have the recordings of his conversations with the Ambassador..... it was less than a month before he was interviewed by the fbi- and within a month before he told Pence and Priebus the lie....

CERTAINLY a man that was going to be and was our National Security Advisor has a memory good enough to remember conversations he had a month ago.... if not, then he didn't deserve the job....
Flynn is NOT arguing that he was "entrapped" as far as I can tell. Rather, he begging the judge not to lock him up. The Mueller team is agreeing with his plea.

Why would ANYONE argue that Flynn was entrapped? Mindless Gibberish...
="Lesh, post: 21389221, member: 60739"]
He HAD to say that fool. Try to follow.

He didn't HAVE to say anything...and he didn't have to lie[/QUOTE]

They held his son hostage. Follow along if you can.
Yes, he was entrapped. They told him he was not under investigation and did not need an attorney when in fact he WAS under investigation and he WAS misled (tricked) into not having an attorney present. That's why Mueller doesn't want him to do time, he's hoping Flynn won't retaliate for his prosecutorial misconduct.
Poor little Flynn, the justice is after him...he did nothing wrong. SAYS NO ONE!!!
He was the Head of the NRA. He wasn't interviewed as a suspect, nor was he being charged with a crime. The LYING was the crime.

Flynn was in no danger of being charged with anything when he walked into that room. By lying to the FBI, he INSTANTLY became the subject of the investigation. Flynn did this to himself.
The intent of the agents was clear...They weren't there for a social call, and Comey just admitted as much.
When 2 senior FBI officers visit you you better be telling the truth

And he did. According to the agents who did the interview. It's funny watching you leftards crying and moaning over this. Mueller, Comey and the rest of the crooks just got caught. By their own words and deeds. This judge won't put up with Mueller's BS. Not informing Flynn this was an official interview and denying him legal representation? Naughty naughty. Maybe you lefties best learn to follow the law.
A republican saying follow the law?? Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Another leftard who laughs because he's too stupid to understand. Those laughs may soon turn to tears when the judge gets through with Mueller.
By the way jackass, keep braying as your case falls apart by the day. Trump will be YOUR President next week, next month, next year, and through to 2024. Enjoy.
Not when the Dem house gets through with him and his crooked family,,,,Then you can bleat your BS out for another repub thief

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