Was Ist Los???? .... Geo-Politics For Our Time

7. America was founded as a bastion of freedom, a 'shining city on a hill,' based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government. And that's what was promised, as the birthright of all Americans.

Every elected President is made to swear to uphold these doctrines....

Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

And this remained the case up until the 32nd President, Franklin Roosevelt.
For whatever reason, he threw in his lot, and ours, with the collectivists, Nazi Germany and Communist Russia, and abjured the Constitution.

8. Renouncing communism, former Soviet Spy Whittaker Chambers explained why Liberals find it so easy to join the collectivists:

Chambers wrote in his book, 'WITNESS,' that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.

And so it came to pass that Franklin Roosevelt, with full knowledge of the slaughter by the Soviets, the pathological nature of their doctrines- even greater than that of the Nazis- made certain that Stalin and Soviet Communism would survive the war.

While Roosevelt was Stalin's vassal.....
....Obama is simply ignored.
But under Obama, both Germany and Russia sneer at America's words.
Last edited:
9. Since both Nazism and Communism pay tribute to Karl Marx, the cooperation between the two varieties of collectivism should come as no surprise.

a. Mid-20th century, Soviet Russia helped build Nazi Germany....

"The Soviet NKVD trained the SS, taught them how to build concentration camps, as they had been operating for 20 years before the origin of the Nazis." Viktor Suvorov, former Soviet Military Intelligence Officer. "According to Suvorov,Stalinplanned to useNazi Germanyas a proxy (the “Icebreaker”) against the West. For this reason Stalin provided significant material and political support toAdolf Hitler, while at the same time preparing theRed Armyto “liberate” the whole ofEuropefrom Nazi occupation."
Viktor Suvorov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One can only guess which branch taught Roosevelt how to build his concentration camps.

b. Now, 21st century, Germany helps build the Russian military....

In 2014 Russia invaded Ukraine with well trained and equipped forces. Now.....who could have helped in this mission? "In 2011, for example, the German defense contractor Rheinmetallsigned a $140 million contractto build a combat simulation training center in Mulino, in southwest Russia, that would train 30,000 Russian combat troops per year. While the facility wasn't officially scheduled to be completed until later this year, U.S. officials believe that Germany has been training Russian forces for years." Germany Helped Prep Russia for War, U.S. Sources Say

c. "Top defense officials are now acknowledging that Russia’s military has been revolutionized in recent years.

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) reported on April 26, 2012, that Rheinmetall’s partner in the agreement was Russia’s state-owned Oboronservis (Defense Service) company. Together, the two were working to build a training center modeled after one used by the German military. Rheinmetall considered it to be “the most advanced system of its kind worldwide.” The Hitler-Stalin Pact: Is History Repeating Itself?

And the Obama response......crickets.
Clearly, history is but one more of Obama's lacunae.
Not unexpectedly, this thread itself is turning out to be instructive due to the responses by Liberals/Democrats.

The inability to understand reality is monumental.

What is proven- with uninterrupted regularity- is that all that matters to Liberals/Democrats is, as Coulter stated:

"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

For said Leftists, winning the Presidency is all that matters...not competence, nor vision, nor the ability to drive world events.

Obama is a perfect example.....a total and abject failure, but....a Democrat Liberal....case closed.

In a related prediction....I will bet that not a one of the Liberals has had a real eduction, has read works such as

"The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion," by
byJames George Frazer andRobert Fraser

In it one finds an explanation if the role of the chief, the head priest, the leader....the President,... in arranging the world to be more accommodating for his/her people.

This thread is about how poorly Obama has done that: two potentially massive forces for evil are manipulating Obama, and under is rule....America.

More to be revealed.

I'm not a Liberal.

i admit it. no eduction here.
Not unexpectedly, this thread itself is turning out to be instructive due to the responses by Liberals/Democrats.

The inability to understand reality is monumental.

What is proven- with uninterrupted regularity- is that all that matters to Liberals/Democrats is, as Coulter stated:

"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

For said Leftists, winning the Presidency is all that matters...not competence, nor vision, nor the ability to drive world events.

Obama is a perfect example.....a total and abject failure, but....a Democrat Liberal....case closed.

In a related prediction....I will bet that not a one of the Liberals has had a real eduction, has read works such as

"The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion," by
byJames George Frazer andRobert Fraser

In it one finds an explanation if the role of the chief, the head priest, the leader....the President,... in arranging the world to be more accommodating for his/her people.

This thread is about how poorly Obama has done that: two potentially massive forces for evil are manipulating Obama, and under is rule....America.

More to be revealed.

Now, here's a post that is truly gilding the lily.
i admit it. no eduction here.
Not unexpectedly, this thread itself is turning out to be instructive due to the responses by Liberals/Democrats.

The inability to understand reality is monumental.

What is proven- with uninterrupted regularity- is that all that matters to Liberals/Democrats is, as Coulter stated:

"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

For said Leftists, winning the Presidency is all that matters...not competence, nor vision, nor the ability to drive world events.

Obama is a perfect example.....a total and abject failure, but....a Democrat Liberal....case closed.

In a related prediction....I will bet that not a one of the Liberals has had a real eduction, has read works such as

"The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion," by
byJames George Frazer andRobert Fraser

In it one finds an explanation if the role of the chief, the head priest, the leader....the President,... in arranging the world to be more accommodating for his/her people.

This thread is about how poorly Obama has done that: two potentially massive forces for evil are manipulating Obama, and under is rule....America.

More to be revealed.

Now, here's a post that is truly gilding the lily.
More like pointing out a funny turd in a cesspit.
i admit it. no eduction here.
Not unexpectedly, this thread itself is turning out to be instructive due to the responses by Liberals/Democrats.

The inability to understand reality is monumental.

What is proven- with uninterrupted regularity- is that all that matters to Liberals/Democrats is, as Coulter stated:

"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

For said Leftists, winning the Presidency is all that matters...not competence, nor vision, nor the ability to drive world events.

Obama is a perfect example.....a total and abject failure, but....a Democrat Liberal....case closed.

In a related prediction....I will bet that not a one of the Liberals has had a real eduction, has read works such as

"The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion," by
byJames George Frazer andRobert Fraser

In it one finds an explanation if the role of the chief, the head priest, the leader....the President,... in arranging the world to be more accommodating for his/her people.

This thread is about how poorly Obama has done that: two potentially massive forces for evil are manipulating Obama, and under is rule....America.

More to be revealed.

Now, here's a post that is truly gilding the lily.
More like pointing out a funny turd in a cesspit.

And there it is!

The grade school vulgarity that, in fact, validates both of our posts.
i admit it. no eduction here.
Not unexpectedly, this thread itself is turning out to be instructive due to the responses by Liberals/Democrats.

The inability to understand reality is monumental.

What is proven- with uninterrupted regularity- is that all that matters to Liberals/Democrats is, as Coulter stated:

"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

For said Leftists, winning the Presidency is all that matters...not competence, nor vision, nor the ability to drive world events.

Obama is a perfect example.....a total and abject failure, but....a Democrat Liberal....case closed.

In a related prediction....I will bet that not a one of the Liberals has had a real eduction, has read works such as

"The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion," by
byJames George Frazer andRobert Fraser

In it one finds an explanation if the role of the chief, the head priest, the leader....the President,... in arranging the world to be more accommodating for his/her people.

This thread is about how poorly Obama has done that: two potentially massive forces for evil are manipulating Obama, and under is rule....America.

More to be revealed.

Now, here's a post that is truly gilding the lily.
More like pointing out a funny turd in a cesspit.

And there it is!

The grade school vulgarity that, in fact, validates both of our posts.
was ist bloss mit dir passiert, was hat dich nur so ruiniert.
i admit it. no eduction here.
Not unexpectedly, this thread itself is turning out to be instructive due to the responses by Liberals/Democrats.

The inability to understand reality is monumental.

What is proven- with uninterrupted regularity- is that all that matters to Liberals/Democrats is, as Coulter stated:

"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

For said Leftists, winning the Presidency is all that matters...not competence, nor vision, nor the ability to drive world events.

Obama is a perfect example.....a total and abject failure, but....a Democrat Liberal....case closed.

In a related prediction....I will bet that not a one of the Liberals has had a real eduction, has read works such as

"The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion," by
byJames George Frazer andRobert Fraser

In it one finds an explanation if the role of the chief, the head priest, the leader....the President,... in arranging the world to be more accommodating for his/her people.

This thread is about how poorly Obama has done that: two potentially massive forces for evil are manipulating Obama, and under is rule....America.

More to be revealed.

Now, here's a post that is truly gilding the lily.
More like pointing out a funny turd in a cesspit.

And there it is!

The grade school vulgarity that, in fact, validates both of our posts.

Oh my. Let's have a look at how many times PoliticalChic has used the same sort of vulgarity:

Search Results for Query: sewage | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum[user][0]=12394
1. The collateral damage to America, due to Liberal ownership of the media, is ignorance of changes in the world scene.

Nor is this accidental, after all, when a failure like Barack Obama is at the controls, realization of the array of blunders by this dilettante would result in a clamor for his removal which would be hard to ignore.

2. To the point....the boy-king actually promised Russia that he would be 'more flexible' after he fooled the public into re-electing him...as though he knew how to deal with Russia....

And when the Russians got over laughing, they continued on a policy unrelated to Obama.

3. Let's go back to August 21, 1939...the two Leftwing giants, Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, signed a 'non-aggression pact'....the Hitler-Stalin, or the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

That was the public announcement.

a. Privately, the two had long been allies, .... Stalin helped supply the German war effort, providing the Nazi regime with oil, wood, copper, manganese ore, rubber, grain, and other resources under a trade agreement between the two nations.

b. Just a week after this pact was signed,Germany invaded Poland, .... September 1, 1939, Hitler attacked Poland....on September 17, Stalin attacks from the East. The Soviet radio transmitter in Minsk guided the Nazi bombers attacking Polish cities. Newsreel footage showed the Red Army in Nazi helmets, marching side by side with the SS. One photo shows the hammer and sickle along side the swastika.

4. This history is crucial to remember becauseGermany and Russia are now getting cozy again. "The last time Germany and Russia ‘united their potential,’ the result was the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which carved up Eastern Europe between the Soviet Union and the Third Reich in 1939. " Geopolitical Diary: Berlin Warms Up To Moscow

5. Seven years of Obama, and he has had negligible influence of this new alliance..." In June 2009, then German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier praised the relationship between Russia and Germany, calling Russia “an indispensable partner for Germany and the European Union” and touting “German-Russian cooperation as a model of interaction, so that both sides will benefit if our potential is united”

The September 2009Trumpet said “this forming Russian-German axis is one of the most significant and underrated trends on the world scene.” The Hitler-Stalin Pact: Is History Repeating Itself?

Where did Obama play a role...any role, outside of laughing stock, in influencing the behavior of either Germany or of Russia????

So....if one fails to comprehend geopolitics.....well, then one votes Democrat.

If you comprehended geopolitics, you might know that the American President is not president of Germany.
1. The collateral damage to America, due to Liberal ownership of the media, is ignorance of changes in the world scene.

Nor is this accidental, after all, when a failure like Barack Obama is at the controls, realization of the array of blunders by this dilettante would result in a clamor for his removal which would be hard to ignore.

2. To the point....the boy-king actually promised Russia that he would be 'more flexible' after he fooled the public into re-electing him...as though he knew how to deal with Russia....

And when the Russians got over laughing, they continued on a policy unrelated to Obama.

3. Let's go back to August 21, 1939...the two Leftwing giants, Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, signed a 'non-aggression pact'....the Hitler-Stalin, or the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

That was the public announcement.

a. Privately, the two had long been allies, .... Stalin helped supply the German war effort, providing the Nazi regime with oil, wood, copper, manganese ore, rubber, grain, and other resources under a trade agreement between the two nations.

b. Just a week after this pact was signed,Germany invaded Poland, .... September 1, 1939, Hitler attacked Poland....on September 17, Stalin attacks from the East. The Soviet radio transmitter in Minsk guided the Nazi bombers attacking Polish cities. Newsreel footage showed the Red Army in Nazi helmets, marching side by side with the SS. One photo shows the hammer and sickle along side the swastika.

4. This history is crucial to remember becauseGermany and Russia are now getting cozy again. "The last time Germany and Russia ‘united their potential,’ the result was the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which carved up Eastern Europe between the Soviet Union and the Third Reich in 1939. " Geopolitical Diary: Berlin Warms Up To Moscow

5. Seven years of Obama, and he has had negligible influence of this new alliance..." In June 2009, then German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier praised the relationship between Russia and Germany, calling Russia “an indispensable partner for Germany and the European Union” and touting “German-Russian cooperation as a model of interaction, so that both sides will benefit if our potential is united”

The September 2009Trumpet said “this forming Russian-German axis is one of the most significant and underrated trends on the world scene.” The Hitler-Stalin Pact: Is History Repeating Itself?

Where did Obama play a role...any role, outside of laughing stock, in influencing the behavior of either Germany or of Russia????

So....if one fails to comprehend geopolitics.....well, then one votes Democrat.

If you comprehended geopolitics, you might know that the American President is not president of Germany.

which is why it's clear she has zero understanding of geopolitics
i admit it. no eduction here.
Not unexpectedly, this thread itself is turning out to be instructive due to the responses by Liberals/Democrats.

The inability to understand reality is monumental.

What is proven- with uninterrupted regularity- is that all that matters to Liberals/Democrats is, as Coulter stated:

"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

For said Leftists, winning the Presidency is all that matters...not competence, nor vision, nor the ability to drive world events.

Obama is a perfect example.....a total and abject failure, but....a Democrat Liberal....case closed.

In a related prediction....I will bet that not a one of the Liberals has had a real eduction, has read works such as

"The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion," by
byJames George Frazer andRobert Fraser

In it one finds an explanation if the role of the chief, the head priest, the leader....the President,... in arranging the world to be more accommodating for his/her people.

This thread is about how poorly Obama has done that: two potentially massive forces for evil are manipulating Obama, and under is rule....America.

More to be revealed.

Now, here's a post that is truly gilding the lily.
More like pointing out a funny turd in a cesspit.

And there it is!

The grade school vulgarity that, in fact, validates both of our posts.

Oh my. Let's have a look at how many times PoliticalChic has used the same sort of vulgarity:

Search Results for Query: sewage | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum[user][0]=12394
On top of that, her post about gilding the lily was a clear assault on lilies, whereas i, of course correctly, pointed out the cesspitty nature of her posts.
1. The collateral damage to America, due to Liberal ownership of the media, is ignorance of changes in the world scene.

Nor is this accidental, after all, when a failure like Barack Obama is at the controls, realization of the array of blunders by this dilettante would result in a clamor for his removal which would be hard to ignore.

2. To the point....the boy-king actually promised Russia that he would be 'more flexible' after he fooled the public into re-electing him...as though he knew how to deal with Russia....

And when the Russians got over laughing, they continued on a policy unrelated to Obama.

3. Let's go back to August 21, 1939...the two Leftwing giants, Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, signed a 'non-aggression pact'....the Hitler-Stalin, or the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

That was the public announcement.

a. Privately, the two had long been allies, .... Stalin helped supply the German war effort, providing the Nazi regime with oil, wood, copper, manganese ore, rubber, grain, and other resources under a trade agreement between the two nations.

b. Just a week after this pact was signed,Germany invaded Poland, .... September 1, 1939, Hitler attacked Poland....on September 17, Stalin attacks from the East. The Soviet radio transmitter in Minsk guided the Nazi bombers attacking Polish cities. Newsreel footage showed the Red Army in Nazi helmets, marching side by side with the SS. One photo shows the hammer and sickle along side the swastika.

4. This history is crucial to remember becauseGermany and Russia are now getting cozy again. "The last time Germany and Russia ‘united their potential,’ the result was the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which carved up Eastern Europe between the Soviet Union and the Third Reich in 1939. " Geopolitical Diary: Berlin Warms Up To Moscow

5. Seven years of Obama, and he has had negligible influence of this new alliance..." In June 2009, then German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier praised the relationship between Russia and Germany, calling Russia “an indispensable partner for Germany and the European Union” and touting “German-Russian cooperation as a model of interaction, so that both sides will benefit if our potential is united”

The September 2009Trumpet said “this forming Russian-German axis is one of the most significant and underrated trends on the world scene.” The Hitler-Stalin Pact: Is History Repeating Itself?

Where did Obama play a role...any role, outside of laughing stock, in influencing the behavior of either Germany or of Russia????

So....if one fails to comprehend geopolitics.....well, then one votes Democrat.

If you comprehended geopolitics, you might know that the American President is not president of Germany.

which is why it's clear she has zero understanding of geopolitics

I await with bated breath the corrections you are about to make to my posts.....

You do have some such corrections.....don't you?
i admit it. no eduction here.

Now, here's a post that is truly gilding the lily.
More like pointing out a funny turd in a cesspit.

And there it is!

The grade school vulgarity that, in fact, validates both of our posts.

Oh my. Let's have a look at how many times PoliticalChic has used the same sort of vulgarity:

Search Results for Query: sewage | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum[user][0]=12394
On top of that, her post about gilding the lily was a clear assault on lilies, whereas i, of course correctly, pointed out the cesspitty nature of her posts.

And yet one more dunce who would so very much love to disagree....but can't come up with any way to do so.

That Liberal default post again.
Gee.....I call the Liberals on their lack of ability to even show an understanding of the thread to which they've voluntarily subscribed.....

...and.....utter silence.

Based on their ability...silence is probably their best option.
Now, here's a post that is truly gilding the lily.
More like pointing out a funny turd in a cesspit.

And there it is!

The grade school vulgarity that, in fact, validates both of our posts.

Oh my. Let's have a look at how many times PoliticalChic has used the same sort of vulgarity:

Search Results for Query: sewage | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum[user][0]=12394
On top of that, her post about gilding the lily was a clear assault on lilies, whereas i, of course correctly, pointed out the cesspitty nature of her posts.

And yet one more dunce who would so very much love to disagree....but can't come up with any way to do so.

That Liberal default post again.
your offal gets the responses it deserves.
1. The collateral damage to America, due to Liberal ownership of the media, is ignorance of changes in the world scene.

Nor is this accidental, after all, when a failure like Barack Obama is at the controls, realization of the array of blunders by this dilettante would result in a clamor for his removal which would be hard to ignore.

2. To the point....the boy-king actually promised Russia that he would be 'more flexible' after he fooled the public into re-electing him...as though he knew how to deal with Russia....

And when the Russians got over laughing, they continued on a policy unrelated to Obama.

3. Let's go back to August 21, 1939...the two Leftwing giants, Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, signed a 'non-aggression pact'....the Hitler-Stalin, or the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

That was the public announcement.

a. Privately, the two had long been allies, .... Stalin helped supply the German war effort, providing the Nazi regime with oil, wood, copper, manganese ore, rubber, grain, and other resources under a trade agreement between the two nations.

b. Just a week after this pact was signed,Germany invaded Poland, .... September 1, 1939, Hitler attacked Poland....on September 17, Stalin attacks from the East. The Soviet radio transmitter in Minsk guided the Nazi bombers attacking Polish cities. Newsreel footage showed the Red Army in Nazi helmets, marching side by side with the SS. One photo shows the hammer and sickle along side the swastika.

4. This history is crucial to remember becauseGermany and Russia are now getting cozy again. "The last time Germany and Russia ‘united their potential,’ the result was the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which carved up Eastern Europe between the Soviet Union and the Third Reich in 1939. " Geopolitical Diary: Berlin Warms Up To Moscow

5. Seven years of Obama, and he has had negligible influence of this new alliance..." In June 2009, then German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier praised the relationship between Russia and Germany, calling Russia “an indispensable partner for Germany and the European Union” and touting “German-Russian cooperation as a model of interaction, so that both sides will benefit if our potential is united”

The September 2009Trumpet said “this forming Russian-German axis is one of the most significant and underrated trends on the world scene.” The Hitler-Stalin Pact: Is History Repeating Itself?

Where did Obama play a role...any role, outside of laughing stock, in influencing the behavior of either Germany or of Russia????

So....if one fails to comprehend geopolitics.....well, then one votes Democrat.

If you comprehended geopolitics, you might know that the American President is not president of Germany.

which is why it's clear she has zero understanding of geopolitics

I await with bated breath the corrections you are about to make to my posts.....

You do have some such corrections.....don't you?

You get repeatedly and comprehensively refuted on a daily basis, your loony denials notwithstanding.
Gee.....I call the Liberals on their lack of ability to even show an understanding of the thread to which they've voluntarily subscribed.....

...and.....utter silence.

Based on their ability...silence is probably their best option.

We understand it to be one more baseless, irrational, indefensible rant serving no other purpose than to satisfy your need to make baseless, irrational, indefensible rants.
More like pointing out a funny turd in a cesspit.

And there it is!

The grade school vulgarity that, in fact, validates both of our posts.

Oh my. Let's have a look at how many times PoliticalChic has used the same sort of vulgarity:

Search Results for Query: sewage | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum[user][0]=12394
On top of that, her post about gilding the lily was a clear assault on lilies, whereas i, of course correctly, pointed out the cesspitty nature of her posts.

And yet one more dunce who would so very much love to disagree....but can't come up with any way to do so.

That Liberal default post again.
your offal gets the responses it deserves.

I know you yearn for some way to dispute my posts.....


.....as I have the truth on my side, and you a limited mental acuity....and, as you admitted, no education, on yours.....

...this is really the very best you can do.

Now occupy that last seat in the dumb row, and put your hand down.

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