Zone1 Was Jesus Woke?

This is ding's rubric to memorize.

As mentioned before, one has to be asleep in order to be awakened. This does not apply to Jesus, who was one in the truth. The wake up call to the rest of us is his message, one of transcendence of the material and ephemeral that dominates and destroys humanity. Reducing his importance to a latter-day catch phrase is a grievous mistake.
As mentioned before, one has to be asleep in order to be awakened. This does not apply to Jesus, who was one in the truth. The wake up call to the rest of us is his message, one of transcendence of the material and ephemeral that dominates and destroys humanity. Reducing his importance to a latter-day catch phrase is a grievous mistake.

Be more like Jesus
Be Woke
Once again you are too wrapped up in literal scripture to understand Jesus’s message

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after having their own LUSTS (defending, homosexuality, fornication, adultery...etc), shall they heap upon themselves teachers having itching ears; AND THEY SHALL TURN AWAY THEIR EARS FORM THE TRUTH; AND SHALL BE TURNED UNTO FABLES.........." -- 2 Tim. 4:3-4 :deal:

Reality: If you can't find it in the Bible......then its not from God and must be discarded like last weeks garbage. Garbage in, Garbage out. Simply because you "claim'' something is true does not make it true, truth can be documented by observable, reproducible and consistent methods. Thus far you have not documented one single line of scripture in consideration of your WOKE DOCTRINE. Why? Because it does not exist.

I suggest you do your homework before claiming that you are WOKE like Jesus Christ. Why trust the Bible over your ad hominem rhetoric? There are more than 5000 manuscripts of the N.T. writings, today translated into over 3500 different tongues around the world. And you can't find 1 tongue that describes WOKE? :dunno:

Its a simple can either point out how Jesus was WOKE by book, chapter and verse, or you will not because you cannot.
Leftwingers and their "circular logic". You have presented the same BS over and over and over, hoping that it will become true if you repeat the BS enough.

:abgg2q.jpg: What should I base doctrine on, your subjective ad hominem Bull Shit? Truth: Just like all leftwingers you need someone to tell you what to think and reason, you have no ability for critical independent thinking and reasoning. Reality: In other words you are simply "to lazy" to..................."Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." -- 2 Tim. 2:15

Why study the actual content of the Holy Scriptures? "All scripture is inspired of God (breathed out from God in the Koine Greek, the original text of the New Testament), AND IS PROFITABLE FOR DOCTRINE, FOR REPROOF, FOR CORRECTION, FOR INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS........THAT THE MAN OF GOD MAY BE PERFECT, THOROUGHLY FURNISHED UNTO ALL GOOD WORKS." -- 2 Tim. 3:16-17
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Clyde, you don't even get what is circular logic. Just calm down and think quietly. You have a mind, so use it.
Ya Got simply overwhelmed me with all your objective and demonstrable facts in evidence. Slow horses? This I can understand. I have engaged the Short Bus crew? :deal:
Clyde, you don't even get what is circular logic. Just calm down and think quietly. You have a mind, so use it.
Clyde 154 you simply overwhelmed me with all your objective and demonstrable facts in evidence. Slow horses? This I can understand. I have engaged the Short Bus crew? :deal:

John Edgar Slow Horses said: Breathe quietly. Close your eyes. Relax. You made a claim without evidence, then ad hom, then challenge me to rebut you.

That's not ever how it works. You made an allegation. Try to support it.
Clyde 154 you simply overwhelmed me with all your objective and demonstrable facts in evidence. Slow horses? This I can understand. I have engaged the Short Bus crew? :deal:

John Edgar Slow Horses said: Breathe quietly. Close your eyes. Relax. You made a claim without evidence, then ad hom, then challenge me to rebut you.

That's not ever how it works. You made an allegation. Try to support it.
I made an JESUS WAS WOKE? You refuse to enlighten us as to where in the Word of God are passages that prove Jesus was woke? :popcorn:With Woke being refuted by Book, Chapter and Verse of the Holy Scriptures, presented ad nauseam? :abgg2q.jpg: You document nothing. Again.........Am I working with members of the "short bus" brigade.....SELF CONFESSED.........slow horses? Just like the quint essential left wing demand that others disprove your negative allegations. That's how it works? Only if you propagate the false premise that someone is guilty until proven innocent as do all left wing nuts.

I have to prove nothing......... I did not write one line of the Holy Scriptures, I simply present them as they actually exist by Book, Chapter and Verse. And they hand YOUR ASS TO YOU in a left wing basket.
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I made an JESUS WAS WOKE? You refuse to enlighten us as to where in the Word of God are passages that prove Jesus was woke? :popcorn:With Woke being refuted by Book, Chapter and Verse of the Holy Scriptures, presented ad nauseam? :abgg2q.jpg: You document nothing. Again.........Am I working with members of the "short bus" brigade.....SELF CONFESSED.........slow horses? Just like the quint essential left wing demand that others disprove your negative allegations. That's how it works? Only if you propagate the false premise that someone is guilty until proven innocent as do all left wing nuts.

I have to prove nothing......... I did not write one line of the Holy Scriptures, I simply present them as they actually exist by Book, Chapter and Verse. And they hand YOUR ASS TO YOU in a left wing basket.
You have to prove your allegations. I don't until you give me something to rebut. Your ad homs are meaningless. Your deranged ranting is meaningless.

Give us examples, Chapter and Verse of the Holy Scripures the prove Jesus is Woke? And if so, is that Good or Bad.

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