Zone1 Was Jesus Woke?

You don’t believe Jesus would have wanted government to help the poor instead of the wealthy?

You must be Conservative

No. I don't. I would think he would want us to be better stewards and not need the government to do it for us.

How's your stewardship?
Jesus cared for the less fortunate, cared for the sick, lepers, the elderly…….Woke

Jesus being a supernatural Spirit Being.......if He cured the world of poverty....... Why does poverty still exist, why do people still get sick.....have accidents, why do children die every day? Jesus did not come to earth to care for the less fortunate, to heal all the sick and the rid the world of disease causing pathogens........Jesus came to earth to save the Human Spirit. (John 6:26-27)

Again. Show me "WOKE" by book, chapter and verse. It does not exist. You are clearly going beyond what is written in the Holy Scriptures. Why? Because the tradition of men causes nothing but envy and strife, just as you are pretending something exists in the scriptures......but you can't show me the book, chapter and verse. You are agitated because the scriptures do not contain the traditional man made concept of WOKE :deal:

"And these things brethren, I have in a figure transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes; that ye might learn in us not to think (reason) of men above that which is written, that no one of you be puffed up one against another." -- 1 Cor. 4:6. Do not add or take away from the prophesies of this book -- Rev. 22

Jesus stated that His mission on earth was not to help the poor "........You will always have the poor among you." -- John 12:8. The care and tending of the less fortunate is reserved for the church as a the local level congregation, where its obvious who needs help and who does not. Poverty, sickness, accidents......natural disasters....etc., are beyond the control of the human condition. Jesus' service to the poor was made was to teach the Gospel Truth (Luke 7:22)

The miracles.....i.e, the signs and wonders preformed by Jesus in healing the sick, even raising the dead? These signs were to confirm the Words Jesus was preaching came from Heaven and where validated by the signs and wonders (miracles) in confirming TRUTH. "And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them, AND CONFIRMED THE WORD BY SIGNS AND WONDERS." -- Mark 16:20

These supernatural gifts of the spirits ceased to exist after the "perfect Law of Liberty" was made whole (the Holy Scriptures) 1 Cor. 13, James 1:25 Who needs to be WOKE when the Holy Scriptures written by inspiration of God........brings us everything that is required for Life and Godliness? -- 2 Peter 1:3

Jesus states His purpose on was to TEACH THE TRUTH. (John 18:37) When Jesus feed the 5000 with the miracle of the fish and loaves, Jesus turned them away when they followed Him with the expectation of Jesus feeding them again......not because they had witnessed the signs and wonders that confirmed the Truth of Jesus' words. Jesus told them to feed their spirit, not their flesh because its truth that frees the spirit and leads to eternal life (of the spirit) -- John 6:26-27
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Again. Show me "WOKE" by book, chapter and verse. It does not exist. You are clearly going beyond what is written in the Holy Scriptures. Why? Because the tradition of men causes nothing but envy and strife, just as you are pretending something exists in the scriptures......but you can't show me the book, chapter and verse. You are agitated because the scriptures do not contain the traditional man made concept of WOKE :deal:

"And these things brethren, I have in a figure transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes; that ye might learn in us not to think (reason) of men above that which is written, that no one of you be puffed up one against another." -- 1 Cor. 4:6. Do not add or take away from the prophesies of this book -- Rev. 22

Jesus stated that His mission on earth was not to help the poor "........You will always have the poor among you." -- John 12:8. The care and tending of the less fortunate is reserved for the church as a the local level congregation, where its obvious who needs help and who does not. Poverty, sickness, accidents......natural disasters....etc., are beyond the control of the human condition. Jesus' service to the poor was made was to teach the Gospel Truth (Luke 7:22)

The miracles.....i.e, the signs and wonders preformed by Jesus in healing the sick, even raising the dead? These signs were confirm the Words Jesus was preaching came from Heaven and where validated by the signs and wonders (miracles) in confirming TRUTH. "And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them, AND CONFIRMED THE WORD BY SIGNS AND WONDERS." -- Mark 16:20

Jesus states His purpose on was to TEACH THE TRUTH. (John 18:37) When Jesus feed the 5000 with the miracle of the fish and loaves, Jesus turned them away when they followed Him with the expectation of Jesus feeding them again......not because they had witnessed the signs and wonders that confirmed the Truth of Jesus' words. Jesus told them to feed their spirit, not their flesh because its truth that frees the spirit and leads to eternal life (of the spirit) -- John 6:26-27
Why are you so afraid of woke?
It is a modern term describing a consideration of the rights and feelings of others

Very Jesus like

Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination". Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial justice, sexism and LGBT rights.
Why are you so afraid of woke?
It is a modern term describing a consideration of the rights and feelings of others

Very Jesus like

Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination". Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial justice, sexism and LGBT rights.
Whose interested in POLITICS? :popcorn: I am interested only in 1 thing..........the actual content of the Holy Scriptures. me where Jesus came to earth to defend homosexuality, fornication, adultery.....etc. The term does not exist in the Word of God.

As a Christian I am commanded to "Test all Things......." -- 1 Thess. 5:21 To search the scriptures in order to compare what you are claiming as actually located in the Holy Scriptures. (Acts 17:11). The real question......why do you FEAR the actual content of the Holy Scriptures? Simple.........WOKE is not a concept of God, its a made up term based upon the traditions of men.

What you are experiencing is the outcome of everyone who attempts to engage the Holy Spirit of Truth in a battle of wit. Its frustrating when the Word of God cuts to the quick. The word of God is the only source to calibrate Truth from God. The word can be used as weapon against the precepts of this world.
Why are you so afraid of woke?
It is a modern term describing a consideration of the rights and feelings of others

Very Jesus like

Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination". Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial justice, sexism and LGBT rights.
It is a term for posers who think that adopting bastardized English is somehow charming or "hip". There is no advantage in devolving language.
The term "awakened" already existed for this application and is simply not in the vocabulary of ill-educated persons.
Jesus was not awakened because he was never asleep in that sense.
Whose interested in POLITICS? :popcorn: I am interested only in 1 thing..........the actual content of the Holy Scriptures. me where Jesus came to earth to defend homosexuality, fornication, adultery.....etc. The term does not exist in the Word of God.

As a Christian I am commanded to "Test all Things......." -- 1 Thess. 5:21 To search the scriptures in order to compare what you are claiming as actually located in the Holy Scriptures. (Acts 17:11). The real question......why do you FEAR the actual content of the Holy Scriptures? Simple.........WOKE is not a concept of God, its a made up term based upon the traditions of men.

What you are experiencing is the outcome of everyone who attempts to engage the Holy Spirit of Truth in a battle of wit. Its frustrating when the Word of God cuts to the quick. The word of God is the only source to calibrate Truth from God. The word can be used as weapon against the precepts of this world.
Woke is not politics
It is a social structure

You need to stop studying the words in scripture and start studying what Jesus was trying to teach you

Be considerate of others, stand up for the oppressed, protect those who are being mistreated

It is a term for posers who think that adopting bastardized English is somehow charming or "hip". There is no advantage in devolving language.
The term "awakened" already existed for this application and is simply not in the vocabulary of ill-educated persons.
Jesus was not awakened because he was never asleep in that sense.
Indeed, its simply the latest in vogue cause generated by yellow journalism. Its like the culture of "hip hop" .........where you find young teens running around with pants down low enough to show their cracks........spouting "POETRY" calling it rap. When I was a kid and attempting such a things, I'd still be hanging by my shorts in a gym locker somewhere. The Greatest Generation has created an entire generation of entitled cream puffs pretending to be thugs and gangsters.
Woke is not politics
It is a social structure

You need to stop studying the words in scripture and start studying what Jesus was trying to teach you

Be considerate of others, stand up for the oppressed, protect those who are being mistreated

And your point? Woke has created envy and strife to come upon you, just as warned by the content of the Holy Scriptures. You keep attempting to force your ideology upon others. Is that Christian Like? No........its politics because your ideology can't be found in the word of God.

The concept WOKE is still not found in the Word of God. Why don't you educate us by presenting the Book, Chapter and Verse and show us what Jesus is attempting to teach YOU? Because such would require............STUDY on your part. "Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of Truth." -- 2 Tim. 2:15
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And your point? Woke has created envy and strife to come upon you, just as warned by the content of the Holy Scriptures. You keep attempting to force your ideology upon others. Is that Christian Like? No........its politics because your ideology can't be found in the word of God.

The concept WOKE is still not found in the Word of God. Why don't you educate us by presenting the Book, Chapter and Verse and show us what Jesus is attempting to teach YOU? Because such would require............STUDY on your part. "Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of Truth." -- 2 Tim. 2:15
Jesus would have embraced Woke

He was the most Woke figure in the Bible
Jesus would have embraced Woke

He was the most Woke figure in the Bible

If your statement is true you should be able to document the truth by presenting the Book, Chapter and :deal:
Don't you grow weary of making yourself to appear as a LIAR? :dunno: You call yourself a "right winger" yet you claim to have the authority to speak for Jesus when the scriptures are silent on the subject? If it walks like a duck, talks like duck, swims like a duck.......its a Liberal. Simple may know the content and thoughts of YOUR MIND, but you can't speak for others..........especially God. You can be WOKE to hades and back, go for it. But only a liberal claims to KNOW WHAT'S BEST FOR EVERYONE. They tell us what we should eat, what to put in our bodies, what to teach our children......what bathrooms we must use.....etc. Now you telling everyone they should be WOKE invoking the name and authority of Jesus Christ? :abgg2q.jpg:

Only the Holy Spirit reveals the mind of God to man (1 Peter 1:10-12). If you are speaking with the authority of the Holy Spirit of God, who inspired ALL SCRIPTURE ( 2 Tim. 3:16-17).......then you should have the ability to preform miracles........i.e, signs and wonders to confirm that JESUS IS WOKE and you speak the truth as authorized by God (Hebrews 2;3-4)

You can never objectively demonstrate your ad hominem opinion to be the truth. The only way/method to know what Jesus the Son or God the Father "would have embraced" .....i.e, KNOWING THE MIND OF GOD is to read the revelations from God found in the Word of God. If you can read the mind of Jesus Christ......then you must have the ability of "TELEPATHY" to read the minds of men.

You are basically claiming the Gift of being a prophet with the ability to provide council in place of God.........when prophets no longer reveal the mind of God to men. "Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers (ancestors) by the prophets, but in these last days (which began in the 1st century--Acts 2) He (God) has spoken to us by His Son (Jesus).............." -- Hebrews 1:1-2

Who knows the mind of God? "For who has known the mind of the Lord? or who has been His counsellor?" -- Romans 11:34 "Even so the THOUGHTS OF GOD NO ONE KNOWS EXCEPT THE SPIRIT OF GOD." -- 1 Cor. 2:11
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If your statement is true you should be able to document the truth by presenting the Book, Chapter and :deal:
Don't you grow weary of making yourself to appear as a LIAR? :dunno: You call yourself a "right winger" yet you claim to have the authority to speak for Jesus when the scriptures are silent on the subject? If it walks like a duck, talks like duck, swims like a duck.......its a Liberal. Simple may know the content and thoughts of YOUR MIND, but you can't speak for others..........especially God. You can be WOKE to hades and back, go for it. But only a liberal claims to KNOW WHAT'S BEST FOR EVERYONE. They tell us what we should eat, what to put in our bodies, what to teach our children......what bathrooms we must use.....etc. Now you telling everyone they should be WOKE invoking the name and authority of Jesus Christ? :abgg2q.jpg:

Only the Holy Spirit reveals the mind of God to man (1 Peter 1:10-12). If you are speaking with the authority of the Holy Spirit of God, who inspired ALL SCRIPTURE ( 2 Tim. 3:16-17).......then you should have the ability to preform miracles........i.e, signs and wonders to confirm that JESUS IS WOKE and you speak the truth as authorized by God (Hebrews 2;3-4)

You can never objectively demonstrate your ad hominem opinion to be the truth. The only way/method to know what Jesus the Son or God the Father "would have embraced" .....i.e, KNOWING THE MIND OF GOD is to read the revelations from God found in the Word of God. If you can read the mind of Jesus Christ......then you must have the ability of "TELEPATHY" to read the minds of men.

You are basically claiming the Gift of being a prophet with the ability to provide council in place of God.........when prophets no longer reveal the mind of God to men. "Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers (ancestors) by the prophets, but in these last days (which began in the 1st century--Acts 2) He (God) has spoken to us by His Son (Jesus).............." -- Hebrews 1:1-2

Who knows the mind of God? "For who has known the mind of the Lord? or who has been His counsellor?" -- Romans 11:34 "Even so the THOUGHTS OF GOD NO ONE KNOWS EXCEPT THE SPIRIT OF GOD." -- 1 Cor. 2:11

Once again you are too wrapped up in literal scripture to understand Jesus’s message
Clyde154 knows nothing. Call him Clyde Snow. Jesus indeed was the most socially and culturally and religiously Woke person in the Bible.

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