Zone1 Was Jesus Woke?

2000 years ago there was no mechanism for taxpayers supporting the poor. Also, Governments of the day did not have social programs
Government needs to support the poor to stay in power. What kind of government might we have if people supported the poor among them with no government interference? I think it is quite possible our government would not be as stupid and weak as it is now. A strong people, who take care of each other, would elect a strong government to protect the nation and insure good roadways and transportation for trade, import, exports. That is ALL we need the feds to do. Local communities can handle the rest. The feds sure can't.
Narrow its focus to protecting the nation and transportation. People are capable of managing everything else at a community level.

we the people ...

have a national right as a government to be free from religious and other intrusions as a nation and not dependent on bigoted local, state officials but national standards everyone must concur.
Jesus was all about helping the very poor and destitute. That isn't being woke it's being a humanitarian. He was against Uber wealth because Uber wealthy people are greedy and full of hatred for the poor.
No jesus wasn't woke. He was more like a hippie. If he were woke he would be condemning people for being human, And making mistakes the way woke people do. He was more about forgiving people for their mistakes, And giving them a chance to be better people.
Jesus‘ teachings were consideration of others, helping the poor and sick, helping social outcasts like prostitutes and Lepers.
Jesus taught that you have an obligation to care for others and not judge them.

Was Jesus Woke?

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None of that is “woke”.

Woke is teaching lies, like there are more than two genders or that you can change genders.

Jesus did not teach lies or teach us to accept lies. We are to reject lies.
Jesus‘ teachings were consideration of others, helping the poor and sick, helping social outcasts like prostitutes and Lepers.
Jesus taught that you have an obligation to care for others and not judge them.

Was Jesus Woke?

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Jesus was the quint essential example of a "conservative"............He was born of woman, born under the Law, sent by God to redeem those under the Law (of Moses) -- Gal. 4:4-5
How did Jesus redeem all of mankind from the literal letter of the Law? God has made Him, who is without sin (Jesus, the Son of God) a sinless substitute for the sins of all mankind (2 Cor. 5:21). Jesus became the sacrificial Lamb of take away the sins of the world -- John 1:29

Jesus followed, in a literal fashion all the Law under the Law of Moses, He was born a Jew, walked as a Jew, died as a Jew without the first sin, the only man ever to walk the earth who can make that fact one of Jesus' last acts as a practicing Jew was to prepare for the Passover within the "feast of the unleavened bread" -- Matthew 26:17-20

Did Jesus show compassion for the poor? Of course, but His mission as God incarnate on earth was not to serve the poor, as Jesus stated clearly, "You will ALWAYS have the poor among you." -- John 12:8, Judas, the treasurer of Jesus' disciples....was asking Jesus if the money spent on expensive oil for Jesus would be better spent on helping the reality Judas was concerned that was less money that he could steal (John 12:4-7)

Jesus knew that poverty could never be totally eliminated from the human condition because poverty is caused by many "uncontrollable" circumstances. Acts of nature.........illness, injury, etc., some even choose to remain poor based upon the poor life decisions they continue to make.........the US proves that poverty cannot be eliminated by acts of law or man. There has been some 20+ Trillion spent on the war on poverty since the 60s..........almost 3x as much as spent on all the wars of US history collectively (approx. 7 Trillion)........and the poverty index as measured by the US Government itself demonstrates the poverty index has barely moved........all that is being accomplished by these laws are making generational poverty a reality.......with the poor becoming totally dependent upon government aid, with no personal incentive to provide for almost 50% of the US population now receives some type of aid from the Government programs established to eliminate poverty.

Jesus even "chastised" those who followed Him after the miracle of the fish and the loaves.........declaring they were not following Him because of the truth He represented.....but to simply fill their bellies again......Jesus stated that His purpose was to feed the Spirit of Man and demonstrate the path to eternal salvation.....not to feed the flesh as all things physical decay and rot by natural design, the physical is but a very brief reality, all things physical are but temporary. (John 6:26-27)

Jesus Himself stated His duty to the poor was to teach them the Gospel Truth (Luke 7:22) Jesus' very purpose on earth was not to teach anyone to become WOKE to the human condition was and remains to teach the TRUTH (John 18:37). Its the truth that sets you free. (John 8:32)

Are we as Christians to show compassion of those we clearly see in actual need? Of course.........but charity comes from the heart, its the Christian that witnesses the actual need of someone "locally"...........its not up to some Government Agency to declare who needs what when they are thousands of miles away, many that are serving the people supposedly have never had to actually work a day in their lives and they are so far removed from the reality that surrounds the common man they might as well be on the moon. But.........even if we are forced by such men and their laws..........we must give unto Caesar that which belongs to will find no picture the Christ on any government currency. (Matthew 22:21)

We are to do good as given the opportunity (Gal. 6:9-10)..........with more importance placed upon helping the brotherhood of Christ. No far away government knows who or what within a local congregation actually requires help from the church.

Did Jesus promote feminism? Hardly..........example: Jesus told the women at the well THE TRUTH and was not biased by her gender. " worship that which you know not.......salvation if for the Jews" -- John 4:22 She was from Samaria (John 4:9) Jesus informed her there was a time coming when salvation would be open to everyone (John 4:23) where all that is required is to worship God in Spirit and in Truth.
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Jesus was the quint essential example of a "conservative"............He was born of woman, born under the Law, sent by God to redeem those under the Law (of Moses) -- Gal. 4:4-5
How did Jesus redeem all of mankind from the literal letter of the Law? God has made Him, who is without sin (Jesus, the Son of God) a sinless substitute for the sins of all mankind (2 Cor. 5:21). Jesus became the sacrificial Lamb of take away the sins of the world -- John 1:29

Jesus followed, in a literal fashion all the Law under the Law of Moses, He was born a Jew, walked as a Jew, died as a Jew without the first sin, the only man ever to walk the earth who can make that fact one of Jesus' last acts as a practicing Jew was to prepare for the Passover within the "feast of the unleavened bread" -- Matthew 26:17-20

Did Jesus show compassion for the poor? Of course, but His mission as God incarnate on earth was not to serve the poor, as Jesus stated clearly, "You will ALWAYS have the poor among you." -- John 12:8, Judas, the treasurer of Jesus' disciples....was asking Jesus if the money spent on expensive oil for Jesus would be better spent on helping the reality Judas was concerned that was less money that he could steal (John 12:4-7)

Jesus knew that poverty could never be totally eliminated from the human condition because poverty is caused by many "uncontrollable" circumstances. Acts of nature.........illness, injury, etc., some even choose to remain poor based upon the poor life decisions they continue to make.........the US proves that poverty cannot be eliminated by acts of law or man. There has been some 20+ Trillion spent on the war on poverty since the 60s..........almost 3x as much as spent on all the wars of US history collectively (approx. 7 Trillion)........and the poverty index as measured by the US Government itself demonstrates the poverty index has barely moved........all that is being accomplished by these laws are making generational poverty a reality.......with the poor becoming totally dependent upon government aid, with no personal incentive to provide for almost 50% of the US population now receives some type of aid from the Government programs established to eliminate poverty.

Jesus even "chastised" those who followed Him after the miracle of the fish and the loaves.........declaring they were not following Him because of the truth He represented.....but to simply fill their bellies again......Jesus stated that His purpose was to feed the Spirit of Man and demonstrate the path to eternal salvation.....not to feed the flesh as all things physical decay and rot by natural design, the physical is but a very brief reality, all things physical are but temporary. (John 6:26-27)

Jesus Himself stated His duty to the poor was to teach them the Gospel Truth (Luke 7:22) Jesus' very purpose on earth was not to teach anyone to become WOKE to the human condition was and remains to teach the TRUTH (John 18:37). Its the truth that sets you free. (John 8:32)

Are we as Christians to show compassion of those we clearly see in actual need? Of course.........but charity comes from the heart, its the Christian that witnesses the actual need of someone "locally"...........its not up to some Government Agency to declare who needs what when they are thousands of miles away, many that are serving the people supposedly have never had to actually work a day in their lives and they are so far removed from the reality that surrounds the common man they might as well be on the moon. But.........even if we are forced by such men and their laws..........we must give unto Caesar that which belongs to will find no picture the Christ on any government currency. (Matthew 22:21)

We are to do good as given the opportunity (Gal. 6:9-10)..........with more importance placed upon helping the brotherhood of Christ. No far away government knows who or what within a local congregation actually requires help from the church.

Did Jesus promote feminism? Hardly..........example: Jesus told the women at the well THE TRUTH and was not biased by her gender. " worship that which you know not.......salvation if for the Jews" -- John 4:22 She was from Samaria (John 4:9) Jesus informed her there was a time coming when salvation would be open to everyone (John 4:23) where all that is required is to worship God in Spirit and in Truth.
Showing Jesus was Woke
Americans give the most to charity, you just have to disregard the fake people of Faith, be they Christian, Jewish or Islamic.

Years ago I watched a large gathering of inter-faith practioners, multiple people of various Faiths. There was debate within people of the same faith and also those of different faiths. One Jewish guy was debating a fellow Jewish woman and he said what I deemed the most profound, yet , simple statement as they discussed the prospect of an afterlife and her argument is focused more on keeping Shabbat, processes etc. It has guided me often.

He stated quite confidently, "practising works (my word not his) is nice but I cannot see any way in which a person can earn their way into heaven without commitment to charity". She was offended by how strongly he made this statement leaving nothing to guess about his conviction. It is a major mitzvh referred to as "Tzedakah" and I tend to agree with this man.

In short, there are plenty of fake people of Faith. Some even extreme or overly political etc. Stephen and many others have little interest in Faith of schools or government regardless, so why would he suggest you are a Christian nation?
Jesus‘ teachings were consideration of others, helping the poor and sick, helping social outcasts like prostitutes and Lepers.
Jesus taught that you have an obligation to care for others and not judge them.
Sure but he was also pretty big on accountability.


  1. a simple past tense of wake1.
  1. having or marked by an active awareness of systemic injustices and prejudices, especially those involving the treatment of ethnic, racial, or sexual minorities: In light of incidents of police brutality, it’s important to stay woke.He took one African American history class and now he thinks he’s woke.This generation of kids is trying to make woke choices in life.
Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial justice, sexism and LGBT rights.
So no Jesus isn't woke
Showing Jesus was Woke
Woke? Woke is a "slang" made up term that did not exist in the 1st century, there is no Koine Alphabet translation for a made up word. If you are suggesting that Jesus was no bigot based upon skin color nor was He some "misogynist"....then the scriptures agree. "There is neither Jew nor Greek, Male nor female......all are one in Christ" -- Gal. 3:28-29
Skin Color? Such does not matter, In fact there is a history of a man from "Ethiopia" that was converted to Christianity (Acts 8:27)

There is no bigotry in the true Church of Christ, "God made from ONE BLOOD EVERY NATION OF MEN TO DWELL UPON THE FACE OF THE EARTH.........." Acts 17:26. "For the life of the flesh is found in the blood....." -- Lev. 17:11

However Jesus was no progressive.........He was born into the culture of Judaism, lived as an Orthodox Jew, and Died as an Orthodox Jew who lived His life without sin as based upon the Holy Scriptures and the prophets, A Jew who chastised/scolded the Jewish leadership of His day (Mark 7:13, Matt. 23) for not following the scriptures but following man made traditions (such as you are attempting to inject the word/term WOKE:deal: into the historical record of Jesus....that does not exist, you made up the term WOKE based upon the practice of yellow journalism in use today)

The scriptures are clear. Truth is found only in the Word of God. Truth that the Christian is commanded to "sanctify" (John 17:17). IN FACT: no private interpretation is allowed (2 Peter 1:20).

To make it clear for slow minds: The Christian is not to go beyond what is written.....(1 Cor. 4:6). I defend the TRUTH found in the Holy Scriptures. TRUTH: The word WOKE nor its definition is located in the Word of God.

Why argue about the "hypothetical"? To quote something that is found in the Word of God. Christ addresses "THE FOOL"

"And everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not do them he will be like the foolish man who built his house on sand........and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against his house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it." -- Matthew 7:26-27)

What does this parable mean? The scriptures answer: There will always be the fools who reject the true teaching and doctrine of Christ and follow their own desires by adhering to those who agree with them.......even though the word of God rejects their false doctrine.....they will find teachers to tickle their ears.
Woke? Woke is a "slang" made up term that did not exist in the 1st century, there is no Koine Alphabet translation for a made up word. If you are suggesting that Jesus was no bigot based upon skin color nor was He some "misogynist"....then the scriptures agree. "There is neither Jew nor Greek, Male nor female......all are one in Christ" -- Gal. 3:28-29
Skin Color? Such does not matter, In fact there is a history of a man from "Ethiopia" that was converted to Christianity (Acts 8:27)

There is no bigotry in the true Church of Christ, "God made from ONE BLOOD EVERY NATION OF MEN TO DWELL UPON THE FACE OF THE EARTH.........." Acts 17:26. "For the life of the flesh is found in the blood....." -- Lev. 17:11

However Jesus was no progressive.........He was born into the culture of Judaism, lived as an Orthodox Jew, and Died as an Orthodox Jew who lived His life without sin as based upon the Holy Scriptures and the prophets, A Jew who chastised/scolded the Jewish leadership of His day (Mark 7:13, Matt. 23) for not following the scriptures but following man made traditions (such as you are attempting to inject the word/term WOKE:deal: into the historical record of Jesus....that does not exist, you made up the term WOKE based upon the practice of yellow journalism in use today)

The scriptures are clear. Truth is found only in the Word of God. Truth that the Christian is commanded to "sanctify" (John 17:17). IN FACT: no private interpretation is allowed (2 Peter 1:20).

To make it clear for slow minds: The Christian is not to go beyond what is written.....(1 Cor. 4:6). I defend the TRUTH found in the Holy Scriptures. TRUTH: The word WOKE nor its definition is located in the Word of God.

Why argue about the "hypothetical"? To quote something that is found in the Word of God. Christ addresses "THE FOOL"

"And everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not do them he will be like the foolish man who built his house on sand........and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against his house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it." -- Matthew 7:26-27)

What does this parable mean? The scriptures answer: There will always be the fools who reject the true teaching and doctrine of Christ and follow their own desires by adhering to those who agree with them.......even though the word of God rejects their false doctrine.....they will find teachers to tickle their ears.
Jesus cared for the less fortunate, cared for the sick, lepers, the elderly…….Woke

Jesus never told anyone to get government to rob someone else, and use the proceeds of that robbery to help the poor.

He told us to give out of what is rightfully our own to give, to help the poor.

A big problem with those of you on the left wrong is that you promote robbery, and fraudulently call it charity.
Jesus never told anyone to get government to rob someone else, and use the proceeds of that robbery to help the poor.

He told us to give out of what is rightfully our own to give, to help the poor.

A big problem with those of you on the left wrong is that you promote robbery, and fraudulently call it charity.
You don’t believe Jesus would have wanted government to help the poor instead of the wealthy?

You must be Conservative

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