Zone1 Was Jesus Woke?

But those who demonize the term “woke” need to realize it also applies to Jesus
It is a made-up term. And that is why it does not "apply" to Jesus. People who are desperate to dignify the term are trying to slap it on a known figure. They already recognize that on its own, it falls.
It is a made-up term. And that is why it does not "apply" to Jesus. People who are desperate to dignify the term are trying to slap it on a known figure. They already recognize that on its own, it falls.
Not really
There is no better example of woke than Jesus
Not really
There is no better example of woke than Jesus
Your version of woke, which again, is basically any act of benevolence.
Just like everything else the left does... rewrite/redefine/rephrase/re-invent anything and everything to support the new feel good exploitation they engage in to create a false sense of superior values.
Jesus‘ teachings were consideration of others, helping the poor and sick, helping social outcasts like prostitutes and Lepers.
Jesus taught that you have an obligation to care for others and not judge them.

Was Jesus Woke?

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He'd be caucusing with AOC if he were alive today.

Wait! He rose from the dead.

never mind

Jesus‘ teachings were consideration of others, helping the poor and sick, helping social outcasts like prostitutes and Lepers.
Jesus taught that you have an obligation to care for others and not judge them.

Was Jesus Woke?

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Leftwhiner is incapable of rational thought.

Preaching love isn’t “woke” or it’s alternative. It is simply preaching love.
Leftwhiner is incapable of rational thought.

Preaching love isn’t “woke” or it’s alternative. It is simply preaching love.
Meh... for whatever reason he likes to create troll threads here and there... and this thread is not meant to be taken seriously, just trolling.
Leftwhiner is incapable of rational thought.

Preaching love isn’t “woke” or it’s alternative. It is simply preaching love.

Advocating tolerance for the less fortunate, social outcasts, those suffering is as woke as it gets
Advocating tolerance for the less fortunate, social outcasts, those suffering is as woke as it gets
Blather. That’s just a deliberately false claim made by dishonest libturds who seek to lay claim to everyday virtues but who also seek to deny the existence of those virtues in their opponents.
Did Jesus favor a tyranny by the minority? Did he favor adults misleading children?
No, he called for punishment for those who do that would be as bad as having a millstone tied around their necks and being dropped into the ocean.

Clearly, Jesus was not woke enough to understand the importance of adults helping children with their developing sexuality, even if to rush it along.
You should be proud that Jesus was so woke
Wouldnt have Christianity without it
The "woke" are hypocrites worthy only of disgust. They want only to elevate themselves and have their own following. The attempt to lasso Jesus into following them is pitiful. Jesus serves, which is not true of anyone who claims a higher status for themselves. Their only purpose is to give themselves reason to look down on others. Their prayer is a loud and haughty, "Thank you, that I am not like all these other people..."
The "woke" are hypocrites worthy only of disgust. They want only to elevate themselves and have their own following. The attempt to lasso Jesus into following them is pitiful. Jesus serves, which is not true of anyone who claims a higher status for themselves. Their only purpose is to give themselves reason to look down on others. Their prayer is a loud and haughty, "Thank you, that I am not like all these other people..."
What is so offensive about Jesus being woke?

It shows he cares about the less fortunate

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