Zone1 Was Jesus Woke?

What is so offensive about Jesus being woke?

It shows he cares about the less fortunate
Grin. Now we are back to where this started. "Woke" is a label. Labels are only needed when it is not obvious what something--or who something--is. It's intent was to be some kind of badge of honor, elevating those who wear it above the great unwashed.

Want to guess who associated himself--and with--the great unwashed? ;)

A line in one of my favorite hymns: We are one body, one body in Christ, and we do not stand alone...

"Woke" is a kind of feeble attempt to separate an "us" from the "them." For me, it fails in so many ways. Especially when I've always been uncertain that its founders even meant well.
If I ever figure out what "woke" is, I may be able to answer the question that the OP asks. There are a lot of terms being used that I have no idea what is being talked about. I guess only the hip people understand it.
Jesus‘ teachings were consideration of others, helping the poor and sick, helping social outcasts like prostitutes and Lepers.
Jesus taught that you have an obligation to care for others and not judge them.

Was Jesus Woke?

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No, most of what he was conductig was a core tenet of Judaism which is the opposite of "woke", right? His teachings that went against the Torah were defiant, rejecting Shabbat, spreading the idea that everyone can eat as they please, but his positive, humane actions are simply fullfillment from within the Torah. The question will always be for me, "was he the son of G-d or even, gulp, G-d himself?" . If one cannot answer yes to these questions than we must conclude accordingly. It will not change the positive, warm influence he has been on true followers based on his words, but, this doesn't alone make him divine.
Jesus‘ teachings were consideration of others, helping the poor and sick, helping social outcasts like prostitutes and Lepers.
Jesus taught that you have an obligation to care for others and not judge them.

Was Jesus Woke?

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Very true

I have met so many Christian Republican's who refuse to help homeless begging for money. Their stance is they must be begging for drug money, they have a home somewhere and are faking it, if they need money why they don't just get a job... very cold, uncaring and unsympathetic responses. Not what Jesus taught... but you can't tell them that.
I have met so many Christian Republican's who refuse to help homeless begging for money. Their stance is they must be begging for drug money, they have a home somewhere and are faking it, if they need money why they don't just get a job... very cold, uncaring and unsympathetic responses. Not what Jesus taught... but you can't tell them that.

I used to be much more sympathetic toward panhandlers than I now am. Rather than write it all out yet again, I'll quote an old post of mine from elsewhere, to describe how I came to be so hardened against them.

I used to be more sympathetic to panhandlers, back when I lived in the Santa Barbara area, up to mid-2004. The panhandlers here in the Sacramento area seem to be a different breed, entirely than those I ever encountered before I moved here—generally more scary, and more clearly of unsound mental health, more prone to violent, dangerous, or otherwise unseemly behavior. It didn't take very long for me to become much more cynical, and much less sympathetic to panhandlers, once I began encountering the Sacramento variety of them.

My move to Sacramento was at an exceptionally low point in my life, and my career that saw me resorting to taking day labor jobs at Labor Ready to make my living. For a while, when I encountered a panhandler, I would try to tell him about Labor Ready. I figured that anyone who was willing to work as hard as I did, and to observe some very basic ethical standards, could make as much money as I was making, and as hard as I worked for such relatively meager wages, I saw no reason why I should share any of it with anyone that wasn't willing to work as I did, to earn his own. You'd be amazed how many of these panhandlers, generally younger than I at the time, and appearing to be stronger and healthier, had all sorts of excuses why they couldn't work as I did.

So, now on to my main story. This happened some time after I had fully changed to my more cynical, unsympathetic view of panhandlers. My wife and I along with a friend, were getting ready to make a car trip to Oakland. As we were heading to a gas station, the friend happened to take notice of a very thin, hungry-looking, female panhandler.

Now this friend is the sweetest, most loving woman one could ever know. She seems to have a relentless drive to see only good, and at times, seems to be incapable of seeing evil. Of course, on seeing a thin hungry-looking woman, she wanted to help. She happened to have a freshly-baked loaf of homemade bread in the car, which she asked me to hand to that woman.

As my friend went in to pay for the gasoline, I was not at all surprised by what happened next. The woman crossed the street, handed the bread to a male companion, who then came up to me and angrily confronted me. He was angry that I had given the woman that “stupid” loaf of bread instead of giving her money.
Children become increasingly capable of understanding and integrating information. They are not ready at 3 for what they can and have to learn at 15. Humanity is similar. What we could understand ten thousand years ago and what we can and must understand today are not the same.
Most of today's religions are a response to mankind's early stages. What we know now often obviates certain questions and fears our ancestors lived with. Jesus' message is an example of a more "adult" comprehension of existence.
Jesus‘ teachings were consideration of others, helping the poor and sick, helping social outcasts like prostitutes and Lepers.
Jesus taught that you have an obligation to care for others and not judge them.

Was Jesus Woke?

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Have you sold all your processions and given it to the poor yet?
Thats what Christ told the rich man to do

So put your money where your mouth is
Today we use taxes to provide benefits to the poor
Much more reliable than in Christs day

Jesus would approve
Today we use taxes to provide benefits to the poor
Much more reliable than in Christs day

Jesus would approve
Thats a cop out

Jesus DID NOT say “If you meet a hungry man on the road to Damascus form a political action committee and petition Caesar to give him food
Jesus DID NOT say “If you meet a hungry man on the road to Damascus form a political action committee and petition Caesar to give him food
Exactly. People are to take care of people. Government is to protect the nation, provide transportation for imports/exports, and stay out of the individual's business. If Government didn't rob the people of their giving power through taxes, everyone would be amazed at how giving people are. Example of this: Go Fund Me requests. That is not run by government. SMALLER GOVERNMENT! We need to recognize how stupid and weak government is. Narrow its focus to protecting the nation and transportation. People are capable of managing everything else at a community level.
Thats a cop out

Jesus DID NOT say “If you meet a hungry man on the road to Damascus form a political action committee and petition Caesar to give him food

There is not a single Christian faith that does not support tax dollars being used for the poor
There is not a single Christian faith that does not support tax dollars being used for the poor

I’m talking to you not some faceless “Christian faith”

Jesus preached individual charity not group action

So if you want to tell me whet to to get your own life in order first

I’m talking to you not some faceless “Christian faith”

Jesus preached individual charity not group action

So if you want to tell me whet to to get your own life in order first

2000 years ago there was no mechanism for taxpayers supporting the poor. Also, Governments of the day did not have social programs

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