Was Kamala from a middle-class family, or was it just another lie, one of many the moderators failed to check?

Shyamala Gopalan was a biomedical scientist who studied the progesterone receptor gene and breast cancer. She was the mother of U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris and Maya Harris,

They were also immigrants.

The father was a professor and economist.

The marriage did not last and the mother and girls moved to California

There is no reason to doubt her as its not as important as some seem to make it out to be

Harris was able to go to college and eventually worked in the DA office

So it was a broken family but both were professionals.

What is a lie is others who think they know best

Just an attempt to smear her.

Her conduct does that for the World to see. She is a moron. Before you start, I am not a Rump guy.

Vice President Kamala Harris claimed during Tuesday's presidential debate that she was raised in a middle-class household, sparking debate and fact-checking efforts.

However, fact-checkers have found this claim to be mostly false, as Harris grew up in an affluent neighborhood in Montreal, Canada, far from the modest life she suggested she knew, as Breitbart reports.

Harris made the comment while sidestepping a direct question about whether Americans were better off now than four years ago.

Instead of answering, she pivoted to her personal background, suggesting that her middle-class upbringing shaped her understanding of the needs of average Americans. Harris emphasized that her plan would uplift middle-class and working families.

Harris’ Focus on Middle-Class Solutions​

In an attempt to further align with the struggles of working-class families, Harris shared her belief in the dreams and ambitions of the American people.

She elaborated on her proposed “opportunity economy,” claiming that it would address the challenges facing many Americans, including high housing costs and insufficient support for young families.

The vice president's statements painted a picture of a person who understands the struggles of everyday citizens. She noted the shortage of affordable housing and the difficulty many families face in raising their children under current economic conditions. Harris positioned herself as someone who would deliver solutions to these issues.

Fact-Check Reveals Harris’ Wealthy Upbringing

However, a closer look at Harris’ background reveals that her claim of being raised in a middle-class environment may not reflect reality.

Breitbart News politics editor Emma-Jo Morris fact-checked Harris’ statements and reported that Harris grew up in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Montreal, Canada. Westmount, the area in question, is described by Jo-Morris as not only the most affluent area in Montreal but also one of the richest neighborhoods in all of Canada.

Harris’ home during her teenage years was located on Grosvenor Avenue, a prestigious street lined with Victorian homes. According to Harris’ high school friend, these homes often sell for over $1 million CAD. This stands in stark contrast to Harris’ portrayal of a modest, middle-class life.

Harris’ Friend Paints a Different Picture​

An op-ed written by Harris’ former high school friend further contradicts the vice president's claims of a struggling background. According to this source, Harris enjoyed a stable and comfortable upbringing, complete with family dinners and a secure home life. This depiction of her youth seems to conflict with the narrative of hardship and struggle that Harris implied during the debate.
OH NOES, couldn't be! She was a poor black girl from Oakland that was being bussed to school in 1970, six years after the CRA of 1964. SMFH. This bitch couldn't tell the truth if it was on a teleprompter.

Kamala Harris’s summer job at McDonalds is the latest thing under Trump’s skin

"Harris has repeatedly mentioned her brief stint holding down a summer job at the fast food joint while at college since she ascended to the top of the Democratic party’s ticket. And, for some reason, it appears to have gotten under Trump’s skin." - weird


fact: Harris briefly worked at a McDonald’s restaurant in Alameda during a summer back in California between college semesters in the early 1980s.

Except there's no evidence of her having worked at McDonalds, which she never mentioned until 2019.

Vice President Kamala Harris claimed during Tuesday's presidential debate that she was raised in a middle-class household, sparking debate and fact-checking efforts.

However, fact-checkers have found this claim to be mostly false, as Harris grew up in an affluent neighborhood in Montreal, Canada, far from the modest life she suggested she knew, as Breitbart reports.

Harris made the comment while sidestepping a direct question about whether Americans were better off now than four years ago.

Instead of answering, she pivoted to her personal background, suggesting that her middle-class upbringing shaped her understanding of the needs of average Americans. Harris emphasized that her plan would uplift middle-class and working families.

Harris’ Focus on Middle-Class Solutions​

In an attempt to further align with the struggles of working-class families, Harris shared her belief in the dreams and ambitions of the American people.

She elaborated on her proposed “opportunity economy,” claiming that it would address the challenges facing many Americans, including high housing costs and insufficient support for young families.

The vice president's statements painted a picture of a person who understands the struggles of everyday citizens. She noted the shortage of affordable housing and the difficulty many families face in raising their children under current economic conditions. Harris positioned herself as someone who would deliver solutions to these issues.

Fact-Check Reveals Harris’ Wealthy Upbringing

However, a closer look at Harris’ background reveals that her claim of being raised in a middle-class environment may not reflect reality.

Breitbart News politics editor Emma-Jo Morris fact-checked Harris’ statements and reported that Harris grew up in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Montreal, Canada. Westmount, the area in question, is described by Jo-Morris as not only the most affluent area in Montreal but also one of the richest neighborhoods in all of Canada.

Harris’ home during her teenage years was located on Grosvenor Avenue, a prestigious street lined with Victorian homes. According to Harris’ high school friend, these homes often sell for over $1 million CAD. This stands in stark contrast to Harris’ portrayal of a modest, middle-class life.

Harris’ Friend Paints a Different Picture​

An op-ed written by Harris’ former high school friend further contradicts the vice president's claims of a struggling background. According to this source, Harris enjoyed a stable and comfortable upbringing, complete with family dinners and a secure home life. This depiction of her youth seems to conflict with the narrative of hardship and struggle that Harris implied during the debate.
Who fucking cares? :dunno:
Harris has made this claim repeatedly over the years, and multiple reputable news outlets have reported on the story. But, aside from Harris' testimony itself, there is no evidence (such as a photo, employment record or confirmation from a friend or family member) to independently verify the claim

I must say I am impressed by what passes as investigative reporting among conservatives.
Harris cannot prove she worked at McDonalds 40 years ago…..so she must be lying.

When I worked minimum wage jobs in HS and College 50 years ago, I didn’t keep any pay stubs, have no pictures, don’t really remember the names of those I worked with and am kinda sketchy on my dates of employment.

So, I must be lying too

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