Was the 2020 election stolen? What do the stats say?

Votes did not come in at 3am, ShortBus. They were collected before and up to election day.
Optics showed otherwise, Fido. Hence 40% believe it was stolen. Maybe we should fix those optics? Funny VA did it and suddenly a state Biden won by 10pts went red.

Fido, go loot a store.
Or because the optics are bad, Fido. My dad has dual PhDs and he firmly believes it was stolen. He isn't gullible. He thinks I am an idiot for not agreeing with him. I think you're an idiot because you voted for someone who sucks and defend him nonstop. I think you're a liar too. And a pussy.

Such is life, lapdog.
Wrong, ShortBus, it's not optics which lied to Anericans -- it was Trump who lied day in and day out following the election and his retarded base believes him because they're too brainwashed to see reality
Wrong, ShortBus, it's not optics which lied to Anericans -- it was Trump who lied day in and day out following the election and his retarded base believes him because they're too brainwashed to see reality
What is an "Anerican"? Are you drunk posting again? The optics are bad. If you and I are competing and you are up by 20 votes and then suddenly 24 votes appear at 11PM and I win, the optics are bad. If those ballots are in at the same time as all others the optics are fine. I am not saying anything was done wrongly but the optics are bad, you fucking idiot lapdog, Fido.
% yes but absolute voter increase is notable, Fido. I agree its plausible. Never did I once say anything was "stolen". Idiot lapdog.

You moron, we also have a bigger population than we had in 2004. The percentage is what matters, not the nominal figures.

Of course, I'm trying to explain that to the forum retard who struggles with percentages, so there's that.


You moron, we also have a bigger population than we had in 2004. The percentage is what matters, not the nominal figures.

Of course, I'm trying to explain that to the forum retard who struggles with percentages, so there's that.

I am comparing 2020 to 201 not 2004, Fido. Keep up. Nice self portrait. 20% of 100 is 20. 20% of 1mil is 200k. %s may be deceiving at times.
Optics showed otherwise, Fido. Hence 40% believe it was stolen. Maybe we should fix those optics? Funny VA did it and suddenly a state Biden won by 10pts went red.

Fido, go loot a store.
No, optics didn't show otherwise. Only idiots who fell for lies believe votes turned up at 3am.

Looks like that includes you, ShortBus.

What is an "Anerican"? Are you drunk posting again? The optics are bad. If you and I are competing and you are up by 20 votes and then suddenly 24 votes appear at 11PM and I win, the optics are bad. If those ballots are in at the same time as all others the optics are fine. I am not saying anything was done wrongly but the optics are bad, you fucking idiot lapdog, Fido.


Retard, those are not "optics." Those were counting votes. Machines tabulated in-person voting throughout the day; providing prompt returns when the polls closed. Whereas mail-in votes had to be opened, validated, sorted and scanned in tabulators. Even worse in some states where laws prohibited beginning that process until after the polls closed.

Best of all for schmucks like you -- this was predicted even before the election. What was saw on election day was expected. Still, Trump capitalized on the ignorance and blind devotion of his followers and spun that into some nefarious evil plot to steal the election from him and of course, knowing his base, his brainwashed, idiotic acolytes swallowed every drop of jizz he fed them.
I am comparing 2020 to 201 not 2004, Fido. Keep up. Nice self portrait. 20% of 100 is 20. 20% of 1mil is 200k. %s may be deceiving at times.


You're a moron, ShortBus. 2004 shows you how an energized electorate turns out to vote. And in 2004, we didn't have the numbers of mail-in ballots we had in 2020. Yet in both of those election years, we saw an increase of about 16%. So not unique in 2020 and no direct correlation to mail-in ballots.
No wonder you vote Democrat. LOL

Dumb lapdog.

The national average salary for a computer programmer or coder is $48,381 per year.


You really suck with numbers, ShortBus.

The average salary is $118K

For those with at least 10 years experience, it's $150K

And I'm a level III senior software engineer/team lead with over 25 years experience.

You always hurt yourself whenever you play with numbers.


Retard, those are not "optics." Those were counting votes. Machines tabulated in-person voting throughout the day; providing prompt returns when the polls closed. Whereas mail-in votes had to be opened, validated, sorted and scanned in tabulators. Even worse in some states where laws prohibited beginning that process until after the polls closed.

Best of all for schmucks like you -- this was predicted even before the election. What was saw on election day was expected. Still, Trump capitalized on the ignorance and blind devotion of his followers and spun that into some nefarious evil plot to steal the election from him and of course, knowing his base, his brainwashed, idiotic acolytes swallowed every drop of jizz he fed them.
Guess you don't know what optics means. Thats OK, you're just a lapdog.

I can post 20 more.

Optics are bad, Fido. Troll elsewhere.

You really suck with numbers, ShortBus.

The average salary is $118K

For those with at least 10 years experience, it's $150K

And I'm a level III senior software engineer/team lead with over 25 years experience.

You always hurt yourself whenever you play with numbers.

Then why did you say you were a coder? So you make $150k? Is that right, Fido?

25 years experience plus so you're 60?

I see
Guess you don't know what optics means. Thats OK, you're just a lapdog.

I can post 20 more.

Optics are bad, Fido. Troll elsewhere.


All you're doing, ShortBus, is echoing what I said earlier. Those rightwingnuts are gullible idiots who fell for Trump's Big Lie. Had Trump never started his whole Big Lie campaign, the right wouldn't be crying now how the election was stolen from them.

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