Was The Iraq War All About Oil?

Well go ahead and thank Bush and the neocons. They were trying to reshape the entire Mideast and are still in the process of doing so.

Reshaping the ME isn't what I was talking about. What was in it for us? It sounds like there was something in it for the Iraqis, Iranis, Saudis, Kurds, Israelis, etc. What about us?

We got to sacrifice blood for ExxonMobile. What is more rewarding than that?

Are my shares in the mail? :dunno:
reshaping the me isn't what i was talking about. What was in it for us? It sounds like there was something in it for the iraqis, iranis, saudis, kurds, israelis, etc. What about us?

power and resources

How did we gain power and resources by expending a huge amount of ordinance and putting wear and tear on our military stock?

how stupid was that question?

war is big business, and you're a big idiot.
Well go ahead and thank Bush and the neocons. They were trying to reshape the entire Mideast and are still in the process of doing so.

Bush is trying to reshape the middle east? Bush hasnt been president or occupied any position for nearly 6 years.

But we need to keep reminding people whose fault it was that we went in without a definite plan for getting something tangible in return. That situation was like having a police force to ensure our safety, but not paying them for their service. It doesn't make any sense.

So you're criticizing Bush for not having an ulterior motive? Wow a new low in political expectations. And what did that have to do with his post or mine?
Well go ahead and thank Bush and the neocons. They were trying to reshape the entire Mideast and are still in the process of doing so.

Bush is trying to reshape the middle east? Bush hasnt been president or occupied any position for nearly 6 years.

But we need to keep reminding people whose fault it was that we went in without a definite plan for getting something tangible in return. That situation was like having a police force to ensure our safety, but not paying them for their service. It doesn't make any sense.

Look-----read about the Neocon plan for the Mideast and Israel. CLEAN BREAK.
power and resources

How did we gain power and resources by expending a huge amount of ordinance and putting wear and tear on our military stock?

how stupid was that question?

war is big business, and you're a big idiot.

How stupid was that answer?
The contention was we gained power and resources. How do you gain power and resources by expending significant amounts of money and materiel?
Bush is trying to reshape the middle east? Bush hasnt been president or occupied any position for nearly 6 years.

But we need to keep reminding people whose fault it was that we went in without a definite plan for getting something tangible in return. That situation was like having a police force to ensure our safety, but not paying them for their service. It doesn't make any sense.

Look-----read about the Neocon plan for the Mideast and Israel. CLEAN BREAK.

This thread turned out better than I expected.
The paranoid idiot low information libtards are vying to see whether they can blame Israel, the oil companies, George Bush, the Kurds, or anyone else for the war. It's like a retard fest.
How did we gain power and resources by expending a huge amount of ordinance and putting wear and tear on our military stock?

how stupid was that question?

war is big business, and you're a big idiot.

How stupid was that answer?
The contention was we gained power and resources. How do you gain power and resources by expending significant amounts of money and materiel?

The war's not over------haven't you noticed-----this is called the long war strategy. Quit flailing about and READ.

The Clique that Sold Us the Iraq War
But we need to keep reminding people whose fault it was that we went in without a definite plan for getting something tangible in return. That situation was like having a police force to ensure our safety, but not paying them for their service. It doesn't make any sense.

Look-----read about the Neocon plan for the Mideast and Israel. CLEAN BREAK.

This thread turned out better than I expected.
The paranoid idiot low information libtards are vying to see whether they can blame Israel, the oil companies, George Bush, the Kurds, or anyone else for the war. It's like a retard fest.

With you winning the biggest prize----weird how that happened. :lol:
Gee, who benefitted most? The IRaqi people? Iran? Oil has little to do with it.

BS ... the oil companies benefit from war in the mid east ..... Exxon makes 12$ billion a quarter and their CEO's get 400$ million dollar retirement packages. Both Bush and Cheney are ass deep in the oil business. I don't believe in coincidence.

I dont recall that oil companies had significantly higher earnings during the war than before or after. So it looks like another epic fail on your part.

you don't recall because you're an idiot

how stupid was that question?

war is big business, and you're a big idiot.

How stupid was that answer?
The contention was we gained power and resources. How do you gain power and resources by expending significant amounts of money and materiel?

The war's not over------haven't you noticed-----this is called the long war strategy. Quit flailing about and READ.

The Clique that Sold Us the Iraq War
The war isnt over? Didnt Obama declare the war was over when he withdrew the last of the troops?
You still havent explained how you get power and resources by expending both. Is this some weird code only you understand?
BS ... the oil companies benefit from war in the mid east ..... Exxon makes 12$ billion a quarter and their CEO's get 400$ million dollar retirement packages. Both Bush and Cheney are ass deep in the oil business. I don't believe in coincidence.

I dont recall that oil companies had significantly higher earnings during the war than before or after. So it looks like another epic fail on your part.

you don't recall because you're an idiot


Yup. That's what total low information failure looks like. Thanks for supplying it.
How stupid was that answer?
The contention was we gained power and resources. How do you gain power and resources by expending significant amounts of money and materiel?

The war's not over------haven't you noticed-----this is called the long war strategy. Quit flailing about and READ.

The Clique that Sold Us the Iraq War
The war isnt over? Didnt Obama declare the war was over when he withdrew the last of the troops?
You still havent explained how you get power and resources by expending both. Is this some weird code only you understand?

Hell no----the neocon plan to reshape the Mideast is going strong. Have you read it yet ? Have you heard the McCain and Graham begging to kill more and more ???
The war's not over------haven't you noticed-----this is called the long war strategy. Quit flailing about and READ.

The Clique that Sold Us the Iraq War
The war isnt over? Didnt Obama declare the war was over when he withdrew the last of the troops?
You still havent explained how you get power and resources by expending both. Is this some weird code only you understand?

Hell no----the neocon plan to reshape the Mideast is going strong. Have you read it yet ? Have you heard the McCain and Graham begging to kill more and more ???

So Obama is a neocon? Chuck Hegel is a neocon? Kerry? Do you even have the slightest fucking clue what you're talking about?
The war isnt over? Didnt Obama declare the war was over when he withdrew the last of the troops?
You still havent explained how you get power and resources by expending both. Is this some weird code only you understand?

Hell no----the neocon plan to reshape the Mideast is going strong. Have you read it yet ? Have you heard the McCain and Graham begging to kill more and more ???

So Obama is a neocon? Chuck Hegel is a neocon? Kerry? Do you even have the slightest fucking clue what you're talking about?

They are playing out the strategy perfectly......
I dont recall that oil companies had significantly higher earnings during the war than before or after. So it looks like another epic fail on your part.

you don't recall because you're an idiot


Yup. That's what total low information failure looks like. Thanks for supplying it.

try this one Goober ... recall later


03-08 ... gee.
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Hell no----the neocon plan to reshape the Mideast is going strong. Have you read it yet ? Have you heard the McCain and Graham begging to kill more and more ???

So Obama is a neocon? Chuck Hegel is a neocon? Kerry? Do you even have the slightest fucking clue what you're talking about?

They are playing out the strategy perfectly......
So your answer is No, you do not have the slightest clue.
If we wanted to get Iraq's oil flowing to world markets all we had to do was lift sanctions.
So that's a fail.

The war began in 1991. Because of the professed threat to 'our' oil.

The war ended with the ceasefire in 1991. Why did Bush invade Iraq in 2001? Was it because of Iraq's oil? If he wanted Iraq's oil wouldn't it have been cheaper just lift sanctions and buy it like everyone else?

We knew going in, Rabbi, that there was a danger of tipping the balance that was held in check with that madman Saddam Hussein, which is why no one touched it before 9/11 - the truth is Saddam Hussein was involved in the financing of terrorist activity - there were ties to Sudan and Bin Laden, he was also the one financing the suicide bombers going into Israel - those families were paid $15,000 - $25,000 to send a family member to be a suicide bomber to Israel - note the time line on when suicide bombers ceased from activity in Israel and you'll note it lines up perfectly with when the money was cut off. When was the money cut off? When Saddam was captured.

Moving forward to the other question on oil... OPEC used oil embargo in times before the war to pressure the world into a position of not supporting Israel. Later on with the creation of Hizbollah ( by Iranians ) based in Syria - the 70's, other Islamic groups which were formed in a global islamic meeting hosted by Iran - in the goal of uniting ME against Israel and the United States the stakes increased dramatically. ( today those meetings are held in Malaysia - 57 islamic nation conf.)

Consider OPEC being the financier of terrorism worldwide - these nations ruled by the bullet not the ballot box. Okay? Bush's plan - I believe was to bring down Saddam who was becoming a major player in the movement to Islamic terrorism against USA / Israel and was involved with Sudan and Bin Laden - there is one report that a Muslim Iraqi that trained the Oklahoma bombers was the mastermind behind that attack ( which preceded 9/11 mind you ) and when you have black gold financing terrorism with a neighborhood that could make the cost of oil skyrocket in no time at all - there was a danger OPEC had too much power and control over the price and if you will - imagine what happens when Iraq becomes a democracy and sells oil for $50.00 a barrel - the second largest oil producer out of the OPEC club - then the others lower their price or lose business. It is just that simple. Which is why insurgents moved to blow up those pipelines / sabotage those oil assets first -

But was that the reason for us going into Iraq? No. I do not believe it was but I do believe Bush realized the benefit of opening that country up to a democratic style govt that would give new definition to the word - competitive market - and with it an end to the opportunity to use black gold by OPEC to blackmail the western world with another embargo ( over Israel ) OR to finance islamic terrorism globally - so there is that.

Saddam was a monster who tortured his people mercilessly. The rape rooms, torture chambers, the horrific actions of his sons who bore the same evil fruit he did. Those people needed to be freed but the western nations always knew the risk that a democracy would not work in that region of the world because Islam depends upon the union of mosque and state not the separation of it - and therein the theocracy remained and democracy failed.

One last comment - we went into Iraq because of WMD's which even Hillary Clinton and others said were there. I saw arial photographs of weapons being moved out of Iraq to Syria and those photographs claimed to be of WMD's being shipped out of country once Saddam knew there was no keeping them there. There was a report that Bush Jr. also discovered yellow cake uranium that was found stored away in Iraq and that was for the making of WMD's. Also there was the report on a discovery of mustard gas, etc. I believe the report of the WMD's was based on factual evidence even though it was highly disputed later on.
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Professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt wrote in their controversial and critical "The Israel Lobby" article of March 2006, published in the London Review of Books that the Clean Break paper

called for Israel to take steps to reorder the entire Middle East. Netanyahu did not follow their advice, but Feith, Perle and Wurmser were soon urging the Bush administration to pursue those same goals. The Ha’aretz columnist Akiva Eldar warned that Feith and Perle "are walking a fine line between their loyalty to American governments ... and Israeli interests".[14]

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The war began in 1991. Because of the professed threat to 'our' oil.

The war ended with the ceasefire in 1991. Why did Bush invade Iraq in 2001? Was it because of Iraq's oil? If he wanted Iraq's oil wouldn't it have been cheaper just lift sanctions and buy it like everyone else?

We knew going in, Rabbi, that there was a danger of tipping the balance that was held in check with that madman Saddam Hussein, which is why no one touched it before 9/11 - the truth is Saddam Hussein was involved in the financing of terrorist activity - there were ties to Sudan and Bin Laden, he was also the one financing the suicide bombers going into Israel - those families were paid $15,000 - $25,000 to send a family member to be a suicide bomber to Israel - note the time line on when suicide bombers ceased from activity in Israel and you'll note it lines up perfectly with when the money was cut off. When was the money cut off? When Saddam was captured.

Moving forward to the other question on oil... OPEC used oil embargo in times before the war to pressure the world into a position of not supporting Israel. Later on with the creation of Hizbollah ( by Iranians ) based in Syria - the 70's, other Islamic groups which were formed in a global islamic meeting hosted by Iran - in the goal of uniting ME against Israel and the United States the stakes increased dramatically. ( today those meetings are held in Malaysia - 57 islamic nation conf.)

Consider OPEC being the financier of terrorism worldwide - these nations ruled by the bullet not the ballot box. Okay? Bush's plan - I believe was to bring down Saddam who was becoming a major player in the movement to Islamic terrorism against USA / Israel and was involved with Sudan and Bin Laden - there is one report that a Muslim Iraqi that trained the Oklahoma bombers was the mastermind behind that attack ( which preceded 9/11 mind you ) and when you have black gold financing terrorism with a neighborhood that could make the cost of oil skyrocket in no time at all - there was a danger OPEC had too much power and control over the price and if you will - imagine what happens when Iraq becomes a democracy and sells oil for $50.00 a barrel - the second largest oil producer out of the OPEC club - then the others lower their price or lose business. It is just that simple. Which is why insurgents moved to blow up those pipelines / sabotage those oil assets first -

But was that the reason for us going into Iraq? No. I do not believe it was but I do believe Bush realized the benefit of opening that country up to a democratic style govt that would give new definition to the word - competitive market - and with it an end to using black gold to finance islamic terrorism globally - so there is that.

Saddam was a monster who tortured his people mercilessly. The rape rooms, torture chambers, the horrific actions of his sons who bore the same evil fruit he did. Those people needed to be freed but the western nations always knew the risk that a democracy would not work in that region of the world because Islam depends upon the union of mosque and state not the separation of it - and therein the theocracy remained and democracy failed.

One last comment - we went into Iraq because of WMD's which even Hillary Clinton and others said were there. I saw arial photographs of weapons being moved out of Iraq to Syria and those photographs claimed to be of WMD's being shipped out of country once Saddam knew there was no keeping them there. There was a report that Bush Jr. also discovered yellow cake uranium that was found stored away in Iraq and that was for the making of WMD's. Also there was the report on a discovery of mustard gas, etc. I believe the report of the WMD's was based on factual evidence even though it was highly disputed later on.

well thought out post ... too bad you're full of crap

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