WashPost Media Reporter: Trump-Book Author Accused of Inventing Quotes

Polls are frequently wrong. Especially when used to push an agenda
No they’re not 100% accurate all the time but Nate Silver’s 538 uses a composite of a hundred polls and he’s usually right..
Gallup and PPP are accurate.
Rasmussen is very right leaning and the one you wingers use when the better polls don’t tell you what you want to hear..
Just read today Gallup gave trump his highest rating ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39% lol
And STILL the lowest rated prez in history. Just wait until this book gets to Middle America.
His approval ratings will drop backdown to the low 30’s where they were a few months ago.

Yeah, because they don't have internet in Middle America! When the GDP is up by 4%, Dims will be the ones who are crying.
lol yeah all the way to the bank
Probably, yes, and you will be cursing Trump the whole way there.
It didn't take long for the truth about the Wolff book to start leaking out. It shouldn't take long before it's totally discredited. I can hear the snowflakes crying already.

On the front of Thursday's Style section, Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi wrote a piece on blazing-hot author Michael Wolff and his Trump book Fire and Fury. The headline was "A whale of a Trump tale, but is it fishy?" Inside, the headline is "Wolff made up quotes, some of his sources say."

After recounting all the hot stories about Trump and his former aide Steve Bannon, that revelation is tucked inside on page C-4:

Wolff, for example, writes that Thomas Barrack Jr., a billionaire friend of Trump’s, told a friend that Trump is “not only crazy, he’s stupid.” Barrack on Wednesday denied to a New York Times reporter that he ever said such a thing.

Katie Walsh, a former White House adviser, has also disputed a comment attributed to her by Wolff, that dealing with Trump was “like trying to figure out what a child wants.”

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders added her own skepticism during her daily briefing on Wednesday. “We know the book has a lot of things, so far that we’ve seen, that are completely untrue,” she said. She was not specific, but Sanders added that Wolff’s characterizations of White House operations were “the opposite of what I saw.”

Wolff, 64, has said his book was based on 200 interviews with White House and campaign staffers, including Bannon. He didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment.

We should expect that NBC's exclusive interview with Wolff on Friday's Today will focus on the fake-news question. Farhi also found this pattern in Wolff's media columns for New York magazine:

Judith Regan, then a hotshot book editor who had been a classmate of Wolff’s at Vassar, vigorously disputed almost every paragraph of Wolff’s column about her. She said she hadn’t had a personal conversation with Wolff in 30 years.

Wolff’s response: “She doesn’t speak to me. . . . I suppose the world is full of people who no longer speak to me.”

New Republic columnist Andrew Sullivan accused Wolff of putting words in his mouth when Wolff wrote in 2001 that Sullivan “believes that he is the most significant gay public intellectual in America today.” Sullivan said he never made any such claim.

Farhi also thought it was fishy for Wolff to claim Trump didn't know who John Boehner was when Fox News boss Roger Ailes recommended him as a chief-of-staff pick. This is how the story ended:

Even Wolff’s anecdote about Trump being unaware of who Boehner was last year seems a bit suspect. The reason? Trump had tweeted about Boehner multiple times since 2011. In September 2015, for example, Trump tweeted this: “Wacky @glennbeck who always seems to be crying (worse than Boehner) speaks badly of me only because I refuse to do his show — a real nut job!”

Trump-bashers on MSNBC are already making excuses. Host Stephanie Ruhle championed the view that “Even if not all of it is true, the spirit of the book is."

:lmao: Isn't that what YOU guys always say when one of your smear jobs fails the fact test?

I think it's your side that's engaging in smear jobs.
It didn't take long for the truth about the Wolff book to start leaking out. It shouldn't take long before it's totally discredited. I can hear the snowflakes crying already.

On the front of Thursday's Style section, Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi wrote a piece on blazing-hot author Michael Wolff and his Trump book Fire and Fury. The headline was "A whale of a Trump tale, but is it fishy?" Inside, the headline is "Wolff made up quotes, some of his sources say."

After recounting all the hot stories about Trump and his former aide Steve Bannon, that revelation is tucked inside on page C-4:

Wolff, for example, writes that Thomas Barrack Jr., a billionaire friend of Trump’s, told a friend that Trump is “not only crazy, he’s stupid.” Barrack on Wednesday denied to a New York Times reporter that he ever said such a thing.

Katie Walsh, a former White House adviser, has also disputed a comment attributed to her by Wolff, that dealing with Trump was “like trying to figure out what a child wants.”

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders added her own skepticism during her daily briefing on Wednesday. “We know the book has a lot of things, so far that we’ve seen, that are completely untrue,” she said. She was not specific, but Sanders added that Wolff’s characterizations of White House operations were “the opposite of what I saw.”

Wolff, 64, has said his book was based on 200 interviews with White House and campaign staffers, including Bannon. He didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment.

We should expect that NBC's exclusive interview with Wolff on Friday's Today will focus on the fake-news question. Farhi also found this pattern in Wolff's media columns for New York magazine:

Judith Regan, then a hotshot book editor who had been a classmate of Wolff’s at Vassar, vigorously disputed almost every paragraph of Wolff’s column about her. She said she hadn’t had a personal conversation with Wolff in 30 years.

Wolff’s response: “She doesn’t speak to me. . . . I suppose the world is full of people who no longer speak to me.”

New Republic columnist Andrew Sullivan accused Wolff of putting words in his mouth when Wolff wrote in 2001 that Sullivan “believes that he is the most significant gay public intellectual in America today.” Sullivan said he never made any such claim.

Farhi also thought it was fishy for Wolff to claim Trump didn't know who John Boehner was when Fox News boss Roger Ailes recommended him as a chief-of-staff pick. This is how the story ended:

Even Wolff’s anecdote about Trump being unaware of who Boehner was last year seems a bit suspect. The reason? Trump had tweeted about Boehner multiple times since 2011. In September 2015, for example, Trump tweeted this: “Wacky @glennbeck who always seems to be crying (worse than Boehner) speaks badly of me only because I refuse to do his show — a real nut job!”

Trump-bashers on MSNBC are already making excuses. Host Stephanie Ruhle championed the view that “Even if not all of it is true, the spirit of the book is."

:lmao: Isn't that what YOU guys always say when one of your smear jobs fails the fact test?

I think it's your side that's engaging in smear jobs.

Most "tell all" books - this one, and the many your side has produced as well are a source of amusement at best, with a few kernals of truth in a questionable mass of allegations.

I don't know what is more amusing - reading through that schmuck or listening to your fervant claims that your side doesn't engage in muck.
I hope to see the comedy keep coming as does the rest of america. Party no matter. It's something to see our elected officials go through the garbage. If you don't like being ripped daily don't run...and don't fight back.

Why shouldn't he fight back, purely for your entertainment?
No they’re not 100% accurate all the time but Nate Silver’s 538 uses a composite of a hundred polls and he’s usually right..
Gallup and PPP are accurate.
Rasmussen is very right leaning and the one you wingers use when the better polls don’t tell you what you want to hear..
Just read today Gallup gave trump his highest rating ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39% lol
And STILL the lowest rated prez in history. Just wait until this book gets to Middle America.
His approval ratings will drop backdown to the low 30’s where they were a few months ago.

Yeah, because they don't have internet in Middle America! When the GDP is up by 4%, Dims will be the ones who are crying.
lol yeah all the way to the bank
Probably, yes, and you will be cursing Trump the whole way there.
Bri I just have something against a person I believe is a lowlife a crook ,a degenerate a master liar Please don't get angry with me Get angry with trump
The author was invited in the white house admin to write the book....this makes it even more comical.
It didn't take long for the truth about the Wolff book to start leaking out. It shouldn't take long before it's totally discredited. I can hear the snowflakes crying already.

On the front of Thursday's Style section, Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi wrote a piece on blazing-hot author Michael Wolff and his Trump book Fire and Fury. The headline was "A whale of a Trump tale, but is it fishy?" Inside, the headline is "Wolff made up quotes, some of his sources say."

After recounting all the hot stories about Trump and his former aide Steve Bannon, that revelation is tucked inside on page C-4:

Wolff, for example, writes that Thomas Barrack Jr., a billionaire friend of Trump’s, told a friend that Trump is “not only crazy, he’s stupid.” Barrack on Wednesday denied to a New York Times reporter that he ever said such a thing.

Katie Walsh, a former White House adviser, has also disputed a comment attributed to her by Wolff, that dealing with Trump was “like trying to figure out what a child wants.”

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders added her own skepticism during her daily briefing on Wednesday. “We know the book has a lot of things, so far that we’ve seen, that are completely untrue,” she said. She was not specific, but Sanders added that Wolff’s characterizations of White House operations were “the opposite of what I saw.”

Wolff, 64, has said his book was based on 200 interviews with White House and campaign staffers, including Bannon. He didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment.

We should expect that NBC's exclusive interview with Wolff on Friday's Today will focus on the fake-news question. Farhi also found this pattern in Wolff's media columns for New York magazine:

Judith Regan, then a hotshot book editor who had been a classmate of Wolff’s at Vassar, vigorously disputed almost every paragraph of Wolff’s column about her. She said she hadn’t had a personal conversation with Wolff in 30 years.

Wolff’s response: “She doesn’t speak to me. . . . I suppose the world is full of people who no longer speak to me.”

New Republic columnist Andrew Sullivan accused Wolff of putting words in his mouth when Wolff wrote in 2001 that Sullivan “believes that he is the most significant gay public intellectual in America today.” Sullivan said he never made any such claim.

Farhi also thought it was fishy for Wolff to claim Trump didn't know who John Boehner was when Fox News boss Roger Ailes recommended him as a chief-of-staff pick. This is how the story ended:

Even Wolff’s anecdote about Trump being unaware of who Boehner was last year seems a bit suspect. The reason? Trump had tweeted about Boehner multiple times since 2011. In September 2015, for example, Trump tweeted this: “Wacky @glennbeck who always seems to be crying (worse than Boehner) speaks badly of me only because I refuse to do his show — a real nut job!”

Trump-bashers on MSNBC are already making excuses. Host Stephanie Ruhle championed the view that “Even if not all of it is true, the spirit of the book is."

:lmao: Isn't that what YOU guys always say when one of your smear jobs fails the fact test?

I think it's your side that's engaging in smear jobs.

Most "tell all" books - this one, and the many your side has produced as well are a source of amusement at best, with a few kernals of truth in a questionable mass of allegations.

I don't know what is more amusing - reading through that schmuck or listening to your fervant claims that your side doesn't engage in muck.

Tell all books are only one kind of smear. The Russian Collusion conspiricy theory is nothing more than a huge smear. Then there all the spurned gold diggers who were paid to smear Trump.

Democrats have a thousand ways to smear Republicans.
The admin invited this smear job in to write the book. You can't make this stuff up. Book goes on sale tomorrow.
The author was invited in the white house admin to write the book....this makes it even more comical.
I have to admit that Trump is naive about the left. He thinks some of them actually have good intentions and they are honorable.

Isn't that a hoot?
Last edited:
It didn't take long for the truth about the Wolff book to start leaking out. It shouldn't take long before it's totally discredited. I can hear the snowflakes crying already.

On the front of Thursday's Style section, Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi wrote a piece on blazing-hot author Michael Wolff and his Trump book Fire and Fury. The headline was "A whale of a Trump tale, but is it fishy?" Inside, the headline is "Wolff made up quotes, some of his sources say."

After recounting all the hot stories about Trump and his former aide Steve Bannon, that revelation is tucked inside on page C-4:

Wolff, for example, writes that Thomas Barrack Jr., a billionaire friend of Trump’s, told a friend that Trump is “not only crazy, he’s stupid.” Barrack on Wednesday denied to a New York Times reporter that he ever said such a thing.

Katie Walsh, a former White House adviser, has also disputed a comment attributed to her by Wolff, that dealing with Trump was “like trying to figure out what a child wants.”

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders added her own skepticism during her daily briefing on Wednesday. “We know the book has a lot of things, so far that we’ve seen, that are completely untrue,” she said. She was not specific, but Sanders added that Wolff’s characterizations of White House operations were “the opposite of what I saw.”

Wolff, 64, has said his book was based on 200 interviews with White House and campaign staffers, including Bannon. He didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment.

We should expect that NBC's exclusive interview with Wolff on Friday's Today will focus on the fake-news question. Farhi also found this pattern in Wolff's media columns for New York magazine:

Judith Regan, then a hotshot book editor who had been a classmate of Wolff’s at Vassar, vigorously disputed almost every paragraph of Wolff’s column about her. She said she hadn’t had a personal conversation with Wolff in 30 years.

Wolff’s response: “She doesn’t speak to me. . . . I suppose the world is full of people who no longer speak to me.”

New Republic columnist Andrew Sullivan accused Wolff of putting words in his mouth when Wolff wrote in 2001 that Sullivan “believes that he is the most significant gay public intellectual in America today.” Sullivan said he never made any such claim.

Farhi also thought it was fishy for Wolff to claim Trump didn't know who John Boehner was when Fox News boss Roger Ailes recommended him as a chief-of-staff pick. This is how the story ended:

Even Wolff’s anecdote about Trump being unaware of who Boehner was last year seems a bit suspect. The reason? Trump had tweeted about Boehner multiple times since 2011. In September 2015, for example, Trump tweeted this: “Wacky @glennbeck who always seems to be crying (worse than Boehner) speaks badly of me only because I refuse to do his show — a real nut job!”

Trump-bashers on MSNBC are already making excuses. Host Stephanie Ruhle championed the view that “Even if not all of it is true, the spirit of the book is."

:lmao: Isn't that what YOU guys always say when one of your smear jobs fails the fact test?

I think it's your side that's engaging in smear jobs.

Most "tell all" books - this one, and the many your side has produced as well are a source of amusement at best, with a few kernals of truth in a questionable mass of allegations.

I don't know what is more amusing - reading through that schmuck or listening to your fervant claims that your side doesn't engage in muck.

Tell all books are only one kind of smear. The Russian Collusion conspiricy theory is nothing more than a huge smear. Then there all the spurned gold diggers who were paid to smear Trump.

Democrats have a thousand ways to smear Republicans.
When repubs have meetings with russians 19 times and forget them is dems calling them on that considered a smear?
Amrican politics is a good and the swamp isn't being drained...it's filling up with billionaires who are in it for love of country...wink wink
It didn't take long for the truth about the Wolff book to start leaking out. It shouldn't take long before it's totally discredited. I can hear the snowflakes crying already.

On the front of Thursday's Style section, Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi wrote a piece on blazing-hot author Michael Wolff and his Trump book Fire and Fury. The headline was "A whale of a Trump tale, but is it fishy?" Inside, the headline is "Wolff made up quotes, some of his sources say."

After recounting all the hot stories about Trump and his former aide Steve Bannon, that revelation is tucked inside on page C-4:

Wolff, for example, writes that Thomas Barrack Jr., a billionaire friend of Trump’s, told a friend that Trump is “not only crazy, he’s stupid.” Barrack on Wednesday denied to a New York Times reporter that he ever said such a thing.

Katie Walsh, a former White House adviser, has also disputed a comment attributed to her by Wolff, that dealing with Trump was “like trying to figure out what a child wants.”

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders added her own skepticism during her daily briefing on Wednesday. “We know the book has a lot of things, so far that we’ve seen, that are completely untrue,” she said. She was not specific, but Sanders added that Wolff’s characterizations of White House operations were “the opposite of what I saw.”

Wolff, 64, has said his book was based on 200 interviews with White House and campaign staffers, including Bannon. He didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment.

We should expect that NBC's exclusive interview with Wolff on Friday's Today will focus on the fake-news question. Farhi also found this pattern in Wolff's media columns for New York magazine:

Judith Regan, then a hotshot book editor who had been a classmate of Wolff’s at Vassar, vigorously disputed almost every paragraph of Wolff’s column about her. She said she hadn’t had a personal conversation with Wolff in 30 years.

Wolff’s response: “She doesn’t speak to me. . . . I suppose the world is full of people who no longer speak to me.”

New Republic columnist Andrew Sullivan accused Wolff of putting words in his mouth when Wolff wrote in 2001 that Sullivan “believes that he is the most significant gay public intellectual in America today.” Sullivan said he never made any such claim.

Farhi also thought it was fishy for Wolff to claim Trump didn't know who John Boehner was when Fox News boss Roger Ailes recommended him as a chief-of-staff pick. This is how the story ended:

Even Wolff’s anecdote about Trump being unaware of who Boehner was last year seems a bit suspect. The reason? Trump had tweeted about Boehner multiple times since 2011. In September 2015, for example, Trump tweeted this: “Wacky @glennbeck who always seems to be crying (worse than Boehner) speaks badly of me only because I refuse to do his show — a real nut job!”

Trump-bashers on MSNBC are already making excuses. Host Stephanie Ruhle championed the view that “Even if not all of it is true, the spirit of the book is."

:lmao: Isn't that what YOU guys always say when one of your smear jobs fails the fact test?

I think it's your side that's engaging in smear jobs.

Most "tell all" books - this one, and the many your side has produced as well are a source of amusement at best, with a few kernals of truth in a questionable mass of allegations.

I don't know what is more amusing - reading through that schmuck or listening to your fervant claims that your side doesn't engage in muck.

Tell all books are only one kind of smear. The Russian Collusion conspiricy theory is nothing more than a huge smear. Then there all the spurned gold diggers who were paid to smear Trump.

Democrats have a thousand ways to smear Republicans.

:lol: sure like the spurned gold diggers who were paid to smear Clinton right? Oh and Uranium One conspiracy theory and all that stuff right?
Are you calling the gop honorable? Yup..the fans are not honorable. Agreed. Now please tell me the gop is. Give me the laughable quote of the day.
The author was invited in the white house admin to write the book....this makes it even more comical.
I have to admit that Trump is naive about the left. He thinks some of them have actually have good intentions and they are honorable.

Isn't that a hoot?
Just like Putin knows, all you have to do to win trumps favor is say something nice about him
Just read today Gallup gave trump his highest rating ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39% lol
And STILL the lowest rated prez in history. Just wait until this book gets to Middle America.
His approval ratings will drop backdown to the low 30’s where they were a few months ago.

Yeah, because they don't have internet in Middle America! When the GDP is up by 4%, Dims will be the ones who are crying.
lol yeah all the way to the bank
Probably, yes, and you will be cursing Trump the whole way there.
Bri I just have something against a person I believe is a lowlife a crook ,a degenerate a master liar Please don't get angry with me Get angry with trump

We both know that you're a lying douchebag. Your claims about Trump are science fiction. Why should I care why you hate him?
Are you calling the gop honorable? Yup..the fans are not honorable. Agreed. Now please tell me the gop is. Give me the laughable quote of the day.

The GOP compared to the Dims is like Mother Theresa compared to a $10 hooker.
The author was invited in the white house admin to write the book....this makes it even more comical.
I have to admit that Trump is naive about the left. He thinks some of them have actually have good intentions and they are honorable.

Isn't that a hoot?
Just like Putin knows, all you have to do to win trumps favor is say something nice about him
All you have to do to get the approval of Dims is say something critical of Trump.
No one mentioned
Of course they did, as did you. You Trumpkins and "whataboutism" are the very best of friends.
You are a a brainwashed minion of the DNC. "Whataboutism" is their latest tactic for deflecting attention from their craven hypocrisy.
Again with the whataboutism.... Wait, you literally cant help it, can you? "Whataboutism Tourettes"...
"Whataboutism" is just a leftwing con. It was invented to deflect from your scathing hypocrisy.
It didn't take long for the truth about the Wolff book to start leaking out. It shouldn't take long before it's totally discredited. I can hear the snowflakes crying already.

On the front of Thursday's Style section, Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi wrote a piece on blazing-hot author Michael Wolff and his Trump book Fire and Fury. The headline was "A whale of a Trump tale, but is it fishy?" Inside, the headline is "Wolff made up quotes, some of his sources say."

After recounting all the hot stories about Trump and his former aide Steve Bannon, that revelation is tucked inside on page C-4:

Wolff, for example, writes that Thomas Barrack Jr., a billionaire friend of Trump’s, told a friend that Trump is “not only crazy, he’s stupid.” Barrack on Wednesday denied to a New York Times reporter that he ever said such a thing.

Katie Walsh, a former White House adviser, has also disputed a comment attributed to her by Wolff, that dealing with Trump was “like trying to figure out what a child wants.”

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders added her own skepticism during her daily briefing on Wednesday. “We know the book has a lot of things, so far that we’ve seen, that are completely untrue,” she said. She was not specific, but Sanders added that Wolff’s characterizations of White House operations were “the opposite of what I saw.”

Wolff, 64, has said his book was based on 200 interviews with White House and campaign staffers, including Bannon. He didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment.

We should expect that NBC's exclusive interview with Wolff on Friday's Today will focus on the fake-news question. Farhi also found this pattern in Wolff's media columns for New York magazine:

Judith Regan, then a hotshot book editor who had been a classmate of Wolff’s at Vassar, vigorously disputed almost every paragraph of Wolff’s column about her. She said she hadn’t had a personal conversation with Wolff in 30 years.

Wolff’s response: “She doesn’t speak to me. . . . I suppose the world is full of people who no longer speak to me.”

New Republic columnist Andrew Sullivan accused Wolff of putting words in his mouth when Wolff wrote in 2001 that Sullivan “believes that he is the most significant gay public intellectual in America today.” Sullivan said he never made any such claim.

Farhi also thought it was fishy for Wolff to claim Trump didn't know who John Boehner was when Fox News boss Roger Ailes recommended him as a chief-of-staff pick. This is how the story ended:

Even Wolff’s anecdote about Trump being unaware of who Boehner was last year seems a bit suspect. The reason? Trump had tweeted about Boehner multiple times since 2011. In September 2015, for example, Trump tweeted this: “Wacky @glennbeck who always seems to be crying (worse than Boehner) speaks badly of me only because I refuse to do his show — a real nut job!”

Trump-bashers on MSNBC are already making excuses. Host Stephanie Ruhle championed the view that “Even if not all of it is true, the spirit of the book is."

:lmao: Isn't that what YOU guys always say when one of your smear jobs fails the fact test?

I think it's your side that's engaging in smear jobs.

Most "tell all" books - this one, and the many your side has produced as well are a source of amusement at best, with a few kernals of truth in a questionable mass of allegations.

I don't know what is more amusing - reading through that schmuck or listening to your fervant claims that your side doesn't engage in muck.

Tell all books are only one kind of smear. The Russian Collusion conspiricy theory is nothing more than a huge smear. Then there all the spurned gold diggers who were paid to smear Trump.

Democrats have a thousand ways to smear Republicans.

:lol: sure like the spurned gold diggers who were paid to smear Clinton right? Oh and Uranium One conspiracy theory and all that stuff right?

Who was paid to smear Clinton? Are you claiming Uranium One isn't a real company?

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