Zone1 Watchtower Governing Body Clown, Stephen Lett

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Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2018
This guy is about as phoney as it gets. He obviously believes he's talking to stupid pawns.
I watched 1/2 of this video. I don't have a lot of time right now to see the rest but hope to.

As a victim of the IHateYourReligion thing... I will just say this one thing that comes to mind: It is easy to criticize those OUTSIDE our own sphere .. I'm sure most people here would agree that we also have to look at ourselves. I mean, I don't know one thing about that dude who is criticizing Lett

so there's that. No, he doesn't have to be the Second Coming in order for us to listen to him and he brings up interesting points. But I learned a long time ago that everyone is a hypocrite.. it's just a matter of degree and type.. We are sinners so we can't help being hypocrites. The thing is to stay focused on the big stuff and let the little stuff slide... I'm sure if we are not in mortal sin and therefore are capable of discerning the Holy Spirit, we will be led to know which is which..
I watched 1/2 of this video. I don't have a lot of time right now to see the rest but hope to.

As a victim of the IHateYourReligion thing... I will just say this one thing that comes to mind: It is easy to criticize those OUTSIDE our own sphere .. I'm sure most people here would agree that we also have to look at ourselves. I mean, I don't know one thing about that dude who is criticizing Lett

so there's that. No, he doesn't have to be the Second Coming in order for us to listen to him and he brings up interesting points. But I learned a long time ago that everyone is a hypocrite.. it's just a matter of degree and type.. We are sinners so we can't help being hypocrites. The thing is to stay focused on the big stuff and let the little stuff slide... I'm sure if we are not in mortal sin and therefore are capable of discerning the Holy Spirit, we will be led to know which is which..
The Watchtower isn't little stuff. They're a nasty religious cult that destroy families. I suggest some research into their shunning policies. There are numerous videos on YouTube by people who left and are now shunned by family members in the organization. It's sick stuff.
The Watchtower isn't little stuff. They're a nasty religious cult that destroy families. I suggest some research into their shunning policies. There are numerous videos on YouTube by people who left and are now shunned by family members in the organization. It's sick stuff.
I didn't mean to imply that you were doing small stuff criticizing the jws! not hardly

Anyhow, It's always sick stuff when people believe lies. The way to Hell is paved with lies. That's why all Christians should be in ONE Church, the one Christ founded.. At one time in history heresy was dealt with harshly by rulers, who listened to the Church. Now no one seems to listen to Christ's Church... although there are some who do.. .Some don't even realize that's what they're doing.. As Jesus said "If they are not against Me, they are for Me"
I didn't mean to imply that you were doing small stuff criticizing the jws! not hardly

Anyhow, It's always sick stuff when people believe lies. The way to Hell is paved with lies. That's why all Christians should be in ONE Church, the one Christ founded.. At one time in history heresy was dealt with harshly by rulers, who listened to the Church. Now no one seems to listen to Christ's Church... although there are some who do.. .Some don't even realize that's what they're doing.. As Jesus said "If they are not against Me, they are for Me"
I put all my faith in Jesus. He is my salvation. I understand where you're coming from.
The Watchtower isn't little stuff. They're a nasty religious cult that destroy families. I suggest some research into their shunning policies. There are numerous videos on YouTube by people who left and are now shunned by family members in the organization. It's sick stuff.

The bible says--do not even eat a meal with one called a brother( baptized) who became unrepentent. Jesus said members of ones own household would become their enemies. If they are Gods enemies one does not have anything to do with them. Friendship with the world is enmity with God. Jesus taught to be no part of this world. Apostates are like the lowest form on earth to Gods view, the rich are close to that. So its your view that is antiGod view--that is what is sick--One trying to speak about God things when they do not have a clue.
The bible says--do not even eat a meal with one called a brother( baptized) who became unrepentent. Jesus said members of ones own household would become their enemies. If they are Gods enemies one does not have anything to do with them. Friendship with the world is enmity with God. Jesus taught to be no part of this world. Apostates are like the lowest form on earth to Gods view, the rich are close to that. So its your view that is antiGod view--that is what is sick--One trying to speak about God things when they do not have a clue.
You equate turning away from Christ to rejection of the Watchtower cult. You're deceived. Pitiful.
I believe Jesus-John 20:17, Rev 3:12--its you who refuse.
i may not agree w/ BSF on a lot of things but he is the one who is correct here. I have no idea where you are coming from in that statement you made, which made sense .. until it didn't..
Whats it to you?

Why is this any of your business?
The answer to "Am I my brother's keeper?" is supposed to be Yes.

We are to care that people are on their way to Hell... esp in light of the fact that Jesus said FEW make it to Heaven... The canonized saints have said exceedingly FEW

We all need to do whatever we can to save people from Satan and the Hell that awaits if they serve that vile creature
The answer to "Am I my brother's keeper?" is supposed to be Yes.

We are to care that people are on their way to Hell... esp in light of the fact that Jesus said FEW make it to Heaven... The canonized saints have said exceedingly FEW

We all need to do whatever we can to save people from Satan and the Hell that awaits if they serve that vile creature
I am not a JW, but I would not call them vile

They are different but are not hurting anyone
i may not agree w/ BSF on a lot of things but he is the one who is correct here. I have no idea where you are coming from in that statement you made, which made sense .. until it didn't..

He isnt correct. Apostates do not speak truth. One sided stories are rarely truth.

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