Zone1 Watchtower Governing Body Clown, Stephen Lett

Only those doing powerful works in Jesus name think they are christian and Jesus' followers. And they surely believe.
Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.
Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.

Yes=the righteous- Jesus taught those would be FEW finding the road that leads off into life( be saved)-Psalm 37 is clear-The wicked will be cut off psalm 37:20)--then every knee will bow to Gods appointed king. There are only 2 kinds of people on earth to Gods view-The righteous and the wicked.
Jesus compared these last days to Noahs day( 99.9% mislead) at Luke 17:26)--about 99% now give or take.
Yes=the righteous- Jesus taught those would be FEW finding the road that leads off into life( be saved)-Psalm 37 is clear-The wicked will be cut off psalm 37:20)--then every knee will bow to Gods appointed king. There are only 2 kinds of people on earth to Gods view-The righteous and the wicked.
Jesus compared these last days to Noahs day( 99.9% mislead) at Luke 17:26)--about 99% now give or take.
Are you anointed? I am.
Only the little flock( Luke 12:32) are anointed=144,000= the bride of Christ. To rule as kings and priests, on thrones beside Jesus-Rev 1:6, Rev 20:6-- You are not one of them.
I'm part of the Church, the bride of Christ. Who told that lie about the 144,000? They're Jews and they're virgins. You've been lied to. Don't you have the Spirit of Christ?
Only the little flock( Luke 12:32) are anointed=144,000= the bride of Christ. To rule as kings and priests, on thrones beside Jesus-Rev 1:6, Rev 20:6-- You are not one of them.
You need to watch this one.
I'm part of the Church, the bride of Christ. Who told that lie about the 144,000? They're Jews and they're virgins. You've been lied to. Don't you have the Spirit of Christ?
Peter is one of the 144,000-he was married. Thus being virgin to a woman carries alternate meaning. like the harlot( False religion) could be pictured as a woman--It meant they had no support of the Harlot. As well Literal Israel is cut off( Matt 23:38-39) thus it speaks of spiritual Israel, not Literal Israel. Only the little flock are the anointed, These Jesus made a special covenant to sit on thrones as kings and priests by his side( the bride of Christ)--The great crowd of other sheep are not anointed.
You need to watch this one.

Yes Jesus is the way-By learning and applying and obeying everything he taught. And he appointed his real teachers on earth by Gods will. Luke10:16--So if one rejects those teachers they are rejecting God and Jesus at the same time. I know100% for sure-The JW,s are those teachers.
Peter is one of the 144,000-he was married. Thus being virgin to a woman carries alternate meaning. like the harlot( False religion) could be pictured as a woman--It meant they had no support of the Harlot. As well Literal Israel is cut off( Matt 23:38-39) thus it speaks of spiritual Israel, not Literal Israel. Only the little flock are the anointed, These Jesus made a special covenant to sit on thrones as kings and priests by his side( the bride of Christ)--The great crowd of other sheep are not anointed.
Who says being a virgin carries an alternate meaning? You're not aware that the organization originally taught that the 144,000 were all JWs. After a while there were too many JWs so they were forced to change their false teaching to the two classes, the Heavenly and earthly. Do the research and you'll see that I'm right. Go ahead, prove me wrong. Read this.
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Who says being a virgin carries an alternate meaning? You're not aware that the organization originally taught that the 144,000 were all JWs. After a while there were too many JWs so they were forced to change their false teaching to the two classes, the Heavenly and earthly. Do the research and you'll see that I'm right. Go ahead, prove me wrong.
Every true servant of the true living God is a Jehovah witness, always have been-Isaiah 43:10,44:8--Jesus is the #1 witness of Jehovah-Rev1:5--So again you reason falsely.
Yes Jesus is the way-By learning and applying and obeying everything he taught. And he appointed his real teachers on earth by Gods will. Luke10:16--So if one rejects those teachers they are rejecting God and Jesus at the same time. I know100% for sure-The JW,s are those teachers.
How do you know that the JWs are the true teachers?
Only the little flock( Luke 12:32) are anointed=144,000= the bride of Christ. To rule as kings and priests, on thrones beside Jesus-Rev 1:6, Rev 20:6-- You are not one of them.
How do you know? How does bsf know?

St Paul didn't even know if he was a-ok w/ God... said he wasn't aware of anything but that GOD was the Judge..
The teachings of Jesus and Facts of true God worship history back them.
But they're liars. Time after time after time. People are waking up. Too much information is now available. Leaving the organization doesn't mean you're leaving God. God's way to Him is Jesus. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me". Jesus never mentioned any organization.
There weren't any during the 4th century. When Nero started murdering the followers the religion went underground and died out.
Exactly. There was no Watchtower until a little over a hundred years ago. You're no different than the mormons.
But they're liars. Time after time after time. People are waking up. Too much information is now available. Leaving the organization doesn't mean you're leaving God. God's way to Him is Jesus. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me". Jesus never mentioned any organization.

No they are imperfect men who made errors, because it was not yet the proper time for certain truths to be revealed. But when God revealed truths, they corrected the errors. Liars wouldnt correct lies and the domestics wouldnt know the difference, but are told to listen to Jesus' appointed teachers just like it was listening to him.( Luke 10:16) By correcting errors, proves 100% truth is what they want.
Exactly. There was no Watchtower until a little over a hundred years ago. You're no different than the mormons.
Yes in these last days truth became abundant-(Dan 12:4)- Not by the religions that lived in their errors but by someone correcting all the errors , their own, and those made through the centuries. Otherwise no one could accomplish this-John 4:22-24.

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