We all downplayed this Virus

You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

It is convenient, but inaccurate. China screwed up and mislead, but I do not believe that would have changed the spread of something so contagious and asymptotic in it’s early stages or when people only have a mild case.
I believe China was not sure exactly what they had on their hands. They are a huge population and were thinking of themselves first. Not of the West.
I believe They knew it was very bad but chose to mislead and hide it and try to cover it up. Hopefully we get the eventual truth.
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

It is convenient, but inaccurate. China screwed up and mislead, but I do not believe that would have changed the spread of something so contagious and asymptotic in it’s early stages or when people only have a mild case.
Maybe but if they contained it in Wuhan and told the rest of the world how contagious it was we would have had a 2 month head start on remedies, research, lockdowns and travel bans.

this right here. They muzzled their own doctors who tried to warn the world. How sick is that?
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

It is convenient, but inaccurate. China screwed up and mislead, but I do not believe that would have changed the spread of something so contagious and asymptotic in it’s early stages or when people only have a mild case.
I believe China was not sure exactly what they had on their hands. They are a huge population and were thinking of themselves first. Not of the West.
I believe They knew it was very bad but chose to mislead and hide it and try to cover it up. Hopefully we get the eventual truth.
Doubtful, this is China after all...
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

We can and we do blame China for failure to be forthcoming. Blame the entire thing on China? Please!
If they were forthcoming there would not be anything else to blame them for.

True. So you can blame them for their lack of transparency. Bit not the pandemic. I think doing that feeds into our need to find a scapegoat. Sometimes there just isn’t one. Just like Trump isn’t to blame for it. Crap happens.

And, other than winning or losing elections, what does blaming accomplish? Better to focus on individual acts, policies, procedures...learn what to do differently for the next time. We are all in this mess together.
That is what I blame them for. Lack of transparency or to simplify, blatant lies. They are lying about the deaths in China to this day.
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

It is convenient, but inaccurate. China screwed up and mislead, but I do not believe that would have changed the spread of something so contagious and asymptotic in it’s early stages or when people only have a mild case.
I believe China was not sure exactly what they had on their hands. They are a huge population and were thinking of themselves first. Not of the West.
I believe They knew it was very bad but chose to mislead and hide it and try to cover it up. Hopefully we get the eventual truth.
Doubtful, this is China after all...
If they said “our error” and shared the true numbers of cases and deaths it would go a long way. But they won’t.
I don't play with diseases. Diseases tried playing with me but my anti-bidoes rejected them. I offered the diseases a cure but they sed no and it was over fairly quickly.

I don't think about this all that much, almost never actually. I guess some diseases are begging to be remembered.
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

It is convenient, but inaccurate. China screwed up and mislead, but I do not believe that would have changed the spread of something so contagious and asymptotic in it’s early stages or when people only have a mild case.
Maybe but if they contained it in Wuhan and told the rest of the world how contagious it was we would have had a 2 month head start on remedies, research, lockdowns and travel bans.

Possibly, but I am not sure they knew exactly what they were dealing with in those early days and more than likely it was already outside of Wuhan by the time they did. Keep in mind, the majority of people who get it, only get a mild case, like a flu or a cold. That said they could have been more cooperative earlier.
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

It is convenient, but inaccurate. China screwed up and mislead, but I do not believe that would have changed the spread of something so contagious and asymptotic in it’s early stages or when people only have a mild case.
Maybe but if they contained it in Wuhan and told the rest of the world how contagious it was we would have had a 2 month head start on remedies, research, lockdowns and travel bans.

Possibly, but I am not sure they knew exactly what they were dealing with in those early days and more than likely it was already outside of Wuhan by the time they did. Keep in mind, the majority of people who get it, only get a mild case, like a flu or a cold. That said they could have been more cooperative earlier.
But why are they lying now about the deaths and cases? I agree that most cases are mild. I am case in point.
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Going to corners will never end. My neighbor brought up the "do you think the Dems know they lost the election, the 2020 election, as an excuse?" I said, "when the 2020 election decides, until then it's not over." If Trump had one non-political thing to say it would help. Not who he is. That makes him the wrong person in charge. Fair game. Even Dr. Drew, the D&A doctor, apologized for his remarks. Some know their limits. Some just don't care.

Maybe so, but until this is over, we really can’t analyze the effects of what people did or did not do.

I don't think it's unfair or too early to analyze failures at the top. By the time we get to that it might be too late. People need to be informed and armed with FACTS ... not bullshit and disinformation. But I do admire your patience. :)

" People need to be informed and armed with FACTS ... not bullshit and disinformation. "

' People need to be informed and armed with ALL THE FACTS ... not bullshit and disinformation.'
I was one of those people who thought the shutdown was over kill.
Until the numbers started to come in. Then I started getting calls from my kids on the front lines.
I am both smart enough, and honest enough to admit I was wrong.
Now - anyone still trying to claim it isn't a big deal looks like a complete tool. And is.
I have a step grandson on the front lines. Of an empty hospital. As in empty hospital.
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

It is convenient, but inaccurate. China screwed up and mislead, but I do not believe that would have changed the spread of something so contagious and asymptotic in it’s early stages or when people only have a mild case.
Maybe but if they contained it in Wuhan and told the rest of the world how contagious it was we would have had a 2 month head start on remedies, research, lockdowns and travel bans.

Possibly, but I am not sure they knew exactly what they were dealing with in those early days and more than likely it was already outside of Wuhan by the time they did. Keep in mind, the majority of people who get it, only get a mild case, like a flu or a cold. That said they could have been more cooperative earlier.
But why are they lying now about the deaths and cases? I agree that most cases are mild. I am case in point.

same reason the Soviets lied initially about Chernobyl. That’s just what communists do. That’s why Reagan called it the Evil Empire
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

We can and we do blame China for failure to be forthcoming. Blame the entire thing on China? Please!
If they were forthcoming there would not be anything else to blame them for.

True. So you can blame them for their lack of transparency. Bit not the pandemic. I think doing that feeds into our need to find a scapegoat. Sometimes there just isn’t one. Just like Trump isn’t to blame for it. Crap happens.

And, other than winning or losing elections, what does blaming accomplish? Better to focus on individual acts, policies, procedures...learn what to do differently for the next time. We are all in this mess together.
That is what I blame them for. Lack of transparency or to simplify, blatant lies. They are lying about the deaths in China to this day.
China keeps bad things on the down low. Always have. Like mining deaths, earthquake deaths, etc. The Govt. does this to their own. Order and control of the people. Ring a bell?
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

We can and we do blame China for failure to be forthcoming. Blame the entire thing on China? Please!
If they were forthcoming there would not be anything else to blame them for.

True. So you can blame them for their lack of transparency. Bit not the pandemic. I think doing that feeds into our need to find a scapegoat. Sometimes there just isn’t one. Just like Trump isn’t to blame for it. Crap happens.

And, other than winning or losing elections, what does blaming accomplish? Better to focus on individual acts, policies, procedures...learn what to do differently for the next time. We are all in this mess together.
That is what I blame them for. Lack of transparency or to simplify, blatant lies. They are lying about the deaths in China to this day.
China keeps bad things on the down low. Always have. Like mining deaths, earthquake deaths, etc. The Govt. does this to their own. Order and control of the people. Ring a bell?
That is true but when it impacts the rest of the world they are obliged to inform other countries. They didn’t and now people are dying. There will be hell to pay. I am never letting them off the hook.
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

We can and we do blame China for failure to be forthcoming. Blame the entire thing on China? Please!
If they were forthcoming there would not be anything else to blame them for.

True. So you can blame them for their lack of transparency. Bit not the pandemic. I think doing that feeds into our need to find a scapegoat. Sometimes there just isn’t one. Just like Trump isn’t to blame for it. Crap happens.

And, other than winning or losing elections, what does blaming accomplish? Better to focus on individual acts, policies, procedures...learn what to do differently for the next time. We are all in this mess together.
That is what I blame them for. Lack of transparency or to simplify, blatant lies. They are lying about the deaths in China to this day.
China keeps bad things on the down low. Always have. Like mining deaths, earthquake deaths, etc. The Govt. does this to their own. Order and control of the people. Ring a bell?
That is true but when it impacts the rest of the world they are obliged to inform other countries. They didn’t and now people are dying. There will be hell to pay. I am never letting them off the hook.

Your Donald got the warning before he took office. Then he IGNORED his own intel, his own war games, dithered and downplayed for 70+ days. It would have gotten here anyway. We live on a planet, NOT in a vacuum. Blaming the whole thing on the Chinese is simplistic and you know better!
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

We can and we do blame China for failure to be forthcoming. Blame the entire thing on China? Please!
If they were forthcoming there would not be anything else to blame them for.

True. So you can blame them for their lack of transparency. Bit not the pandemic. I think doing that feeds into our need to find a scapegoat. Sometimes there just isn’t one. Just like Trump isn’t to blame for it. Crap happens.

And, other than winning or losing elections, what does blaming accomplish? Better to focus on individual acts, policies, procedures...learn what to do differently for the next time. We are all in this mess together.
That is what I blame them for. Lack of transparency or to simplify, blatant lies. They are lying about the deaths in China to this day.
China keeps bad things on the down low. Always have. Like mining deaths, earthquake deaths, etc. The Govt. does this to their own. Order and control of the people. Ring a bell?
That is true but when it impacts the rest of the world they are obliged to inform other countries. They didn’t and now people are dying. There will be hell to pay. I am never letting them off the hook.

Your Donald got the warning before he took office. Then he IGNORED his own intel, his own war games, dithered and downplayed for 70+ days. It would have gotten here anyway. We live on a planet, NOT in a vacuum. Blaming the whole thing on the Chinese is simplistic and you know better!
Hmmmm....saw many debates of the Democrats. Saw many investigations into Trump. Saw an impeachment. Not once did I see a Democrat run on a pandemic response. If anything they ran on more inclusion and the environment and globalism. Spare me that intel was ignored. If this were truly a threat then Democrats would have ran on it during the primaries. Yet not one did. How do you explain that?
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

We can and we do blame China for failure to be forthcoming. Blame the entire thing on China? Please!
If they were forthcoming there would not be anything else to blame them for.

True. So you can blame them for their lack of transparency. Bit not the pandemic. I think doing that feeds into our need to find a scapegoat. Sometimes there just isn’t one. Just like Trump isn’t to blame for it. Crap happens.

And, other than winning or losing elections, what does blaming accomplish? Better to focus on individual acts, policies, procedures...learn what to do differently for the next time. We are all in this mess together.
That is what I blame them for. Lack of transparency or to simplify, blatant lies. They are lying about the deaths in China to this day.
China keeps bad things on the down low. Always have. Like mining deaths, earthquake deaths, etc. The Govt. does this to their own. Order and control of the people. Ring a bell?
That is true but when it impacts the rest of the world they are obliged to inform other countries. They didn’t and now people are dying. There will be hell to pay. I am never letting them off the hook.

Your Donald got the warning before he took office. Then he IGNORED his own intel, his own war games, dithered and downplayed for 70+ days. It would have gotten here anyway. We live on a planet, NOT in a vacuum. Blaming the whole thing on the Chinese is simplistic and you know better!
Hmmmm....saw many debates of the Democrats. Saw many investigations into Trump. Saw an impeachment. Not once did I see a Democrat run on a pandemic response. If anything they ran on more inclusion and the environment and globalism. Spare me that intel was ignored. If this were truly a threat then Democrats would have ran on it during the primaries. Yet not one did. How do you explain that?

Dems were not privy to the intel Donnie had in November.
Some comments from high profile Democrats about covid-19.
February 2 New York city health commissioner Oxiris barbot stating the risk to New Yorkers for coronavirus is low there is no reason not to take the subway not to take the bus not to go to your favorite resturant and certanily not to miss the parade next Sunday.
February 25 Nancy Pelosi saying you should come to Chinatown we think it's very safe.
March 2 New York Mayor Bill de Blasio stating since I am encouraging New Yorkers to gon with your lives and get out on the town despite coronavirus I thought I would offer some suggestions making recomendations and encouraging New Yorkers to go to the movies.
Lets be clear you can find examples of Republicans downplaying this as well so how about people stop with this typical my side did everything to stop it your side did nothing partisan horseshit.

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