We all downplayed this Virus

That's what happens when you have been conditioned to trust International agencies, including the W.H.O, U.N and W.T.O. All in the tank for communist China. All hoping to see Americas demise on their watch, and replaced by the Communist party.

Whether it's allowing them free reign to do what they want in trade, never saying peep when they verbally threaten Japan or Taiwan, or literally threaten them by making artificial islands in the South China Sea, or, in this case, covering up for their reputation as a pandemic begins in Wuhan.

America in particular and in this instance, the entire world has been fleeced and abused. We are losing lives, livelihoods are all incurring massive debt. Bottom line citizens will be asking their politicians, "will there be consequences for the government of China?"
Better add in the big Pharma industry also as they do not all have clean hands. People have been led like sheep to the slaughter for years. China just capitalizes on all of that, used their own version of a virus for war against the west and most have played right into the hands of the enemies of humanity.

Dr Judy Mikovits PHD Fired, Jailed and Broke For Proof of Vaccine Injuries. She gave warnings early on about the vaccine industry and vaccines destroying health.

Facebook keeps removing this one.
A young doctor in New York is warning people now that the standard treatment for current respiratory issues that comes with this pandemic isn't working. They are doing more damage by forcing the lungs to expand.

China's virus this round was exposed in 2015

This virus has brought out the stupid in people that is for sure.
Right now there are people still trying to say it is no worse than a regular flu. Regardless that it has killed more people than H1N1 in one month. One damn month.
Trump has done a great job with the tools he had. Thank God we didn't have some ninny string puppet in charge that would have resulted in a massive-massive death count.
For what 1 month and 1/2 he told the US citizens nothing to worry about. Jesus he didn't stop EU countries from travel to the US till 3-11 and then didn't stop the UK.

And even after his China ban, there were so many loopholes that over 400,000 people came here from China anyway.
Unfortunately. If China didn't try to cover it up, it would have been contained and world would be good.

I'm willing to blame part of the problem on China's dishonesty. All of it? No way. It would have spread anyway. Pandemics have no respect for politics or for borders.

All of this. Every single case. Every single death worldwide is to be blamed on the Chinese Communist Party. Had they just been honest & forthright initially, none of this happens. Their evil knows no bounds. Communism always kills.
Stop blaming only Trump. Look in the mirror and I got this damn virus (cured and immune now). It sucked but I have has worse. Especially you Leftists, watch and then shut your damn mouths. The NYC Health Commissioner on Feb 6th said the risk of the disease in NYC is low and preparedness is high. So you want Trump to play doctor here but not play doctor now? Which is it? You people are a damn scourge.

it's not as bad as the MSM makes it out to be
Stop blaming only Trump. Look in the mirror and I got this damn virus (cured and immune now). It sucked but I have has worse. Especially you Leftists, watch and then shut your damn mouths. The NYC Health Commissioner on Feb 6th said the risk of the disease in NYC is low and preparedness is high. So you want Trump to play doctor here but not play doctor now? Which is it? You people are a damn scourge.

You can't reason with irrational people. TDS sufferers are not rational people.
This virus has brought out the stupid in people that is for sure.
Right now there are people still trying to say it is no worse than a regular flu. Regardless that it has killed more people than H1N1 in one month. One damn month.
Trump has done a great job with the tools he had. Thank God we didn't have some ninny string puppet in charge that would have resulted in a massive-massive death count.
For what 1 month and 1/2 he told the US citizens nothing to worry about. Jesus he didn't stop EU countries from travel to the US till 3-11 and then didn't stop the UK.

And even after his China ban, there were so many loopholes that over 400,000 people came here from China anyway.
Unfortunately. If China didn't try to cover it up, it would have been contained and world would be good.

I'm willing to blame part of the problem on China's dishonesty. All of it? No way. It would have spread anyway. Pandemics have no respect for politics or for borders.

All of this. Every single case. Every single death worldwide is to be blamed on the Chinese Communist Party. Had they just been honest & forthright initially, none of this happens. Their evil knows no bounds. Communism always kills.

NONSENSE - You're just like your Orange Overlord. Blame it on somebody else. Grow up please.
This virus has brought out the stupid in people that is for sure.
Right now there are people still trying to say it is no worse than a regular flu. Regardless that it has killed more people than H1N1 in one month. One damn month.
Trump has done a great job with the tools he had. Thank God we didn't have some ninny string puppet in charge that would have resulted in a massive-massive death count.
For what 1 month and 1/2 he told the US citizens nothing to worry about. Jesus he didn't stop EU countries from travel to the US till 3-11 and then didn't stop the UK.

And even after his China ban, there were so many loopholes that over 400,000 people came here from China anyway.
Unfortunately. If China didn't try to cover it up, it would have been contained and world would be good.

I'm willing to blame part of the problem on China's dishonesty. All of it? No way. It would have spread anyway. Pandemics have no respect for politics or for borders.

All of this. Every single case. Every single death worldwide is to be blamed on the Chinese Communist Party. Had they just been honest & forthright initially, none of this happens. Their evil knows no bounds. Communism always kills.

NONSENSE - You're just like your Orange Overlord. Blame it on somebody else. Grow up please.

This virus came from China. It was covered up by their government. The doctors there who bravely tried to get the word out were muzzled. This is all on them. Are you really this blind & ignorant?

You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

We can and we do blame China for failure to be forthcoming. Blame the entire thing on China? Please!
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.
He is listening to Fauci and Birx and Hydrox is proven. Sorry Doc.
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Going to corners will never end. My neighbor brought up the "do you think the Dems know they lost the election, the 2020 election, as an excuse?" I said, "when the 2020 election decides, until then it's not over." If Trump had one non-political thing to say it would help. Not who he is. That makes him the wrong person in charge. Fair game. Even Dr. Drew, the D&A doctor, apologized for his remarks. Some know their limits. Some just don't care.
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

We can and we do blame China for failure to be forthcoming. Blame the entire thing on China? Please!
If they were forthcoming there would not be anything else to blame them for.
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

It is convenient, but inaccurate. China screwed up and mislead, but I do not believe that would have changed the spread of something so contagious and asymptotic in it’s early stages or when people only have a mild case.
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Going to corners will never end. My neighbor brought up the "do you think the Dems know they lost the election, the 2020 election, as an excuse?" I said, "when the 2020 election decides, until then it's not over." If Trump had one non-political thing to say it would help. Not who he is. That makes him the wrong person in charge. Fair game. Even Dr. Drew, the D&A doctor, apologized for his remarks. Some know their limits. Some just don't care.

Maybe so, but until this is over, we really can’t analyze the effects of what people did or did not do.
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Going to corners will never end. My neighbor brought up the "do you think the Dems know they lost the election, the 2020 election, as an excuse?" I said, "when the 2020 election decides, until then it's not over." If Trump had one non-political thing to say it would help. Not who he is. That makes him the wrong person in charge. Fair game. Even Dr. Drew, the D&A doctor, apologized for his remarks. Some know their limits. Some just don't care.

Maybe so, but until this is over, we really can’t analyze the effects of what people did or did not do.

I don't think it's unfair or too early to analyze failures at the top. By the time we get to that it might be too late. People need to be informed and armed with FACTS ... not bullshit and disinformation. But I do admire your patience. :)
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

It is convenient, but inaccurate. China screwed up and mislead, but I do not believe that would have changed the spread of something so contagious and asymptotic in it’s early stages or when people only have a mild case.
I believe China was not sure exactly what they had on their hands. They are a huge population and were thinking of themselves first. Not of the West.
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Going to corners will never end. My neighbor brought up the "do you think the Dems know they lost the election, the 2020 election, as an excuse?" I said, "when the 2020 election decides, until then it's not over." If Trump had one non-political thing to say it would help. Not who he is. That makes him the wrong person in charge. Fair game. Even Dr. Drew, the D&A doctor, apologized for his remarks. Some know their limits. Some just don't care.

Maybe so, but until this is over, we really can’t analyze the effects of what people did or did not do.
In the end.
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

We can and we do blame China for failure to be forthcoming. Blame the entire thing on China? Please!
If they were forthcoming there would not be anything else to blame them for.

True. So you can blame them for their lack of transparency. Bit not the pandemic. I think doing that feeds into our need to find a scapegoat. Sometimes there just isn’t one. Just like Trump isn’t to blame for it. Crap happens.

And, other than winning or losing elections, what does blaming accomplish? Better to focus on individual acts, policies, procedures...learn what to do differently for the next time. We are all in this mess together.
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

It is convenient, but inaccurate. China screwed up and mislead, but I do not believe that would have changed the spread of something so contagious and asymptotic in it’s early stages or when people only have a mild case.
Maybe but if they contained it in Wuhan and told the rest of the world how contagious it was we would have had a 2 month head start on remedies, research, lockdowns and travel bans.
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

We can and we do blame China for failure to be forthcoming. Blame the entire thing on China? Please!

yes blame the entire thing on them. It was their government’s incompetence & utter disregard for human life that has gotten us to this point. When will you lefties understand that communism is evil? Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Mingh all have the blood of millions on their hands.

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