We are living through the latest example of democracy eventually failing.

never anywhere did I defend slavery, you are a fricken lunatic.
You're just a pussy. The 3% number, which again, includes slaves themselves and women and children who didn't own property, doesn't mean shit. It was calculated as a misleading defense of slavery. That was its intent. To say the South wasn't so bad and slavery wasn't important to them because only 3% of people owned slaves. It's an argument everyone but cowardly Bingos easily sees through.
You denied it when you tried to claim the slaver Founders weren't Tyrants. I don't know what backwards, backwoods, trailer park you were homeschooled in but slavery is tyranny, Moron. Also I was born in this country you Dipshit and I ain't complaining. A country full of soft ass whites who can't even stop their own demographic displacement in their own country? Like taking candy from babies who can't accept the fact that Washington was a tyrant. :laugh:
News flash jackass it wasnt 2024 then and if you want to not support slavery today throw out all your electronics and abandon your green energy.

You don't cause youre a virtue signaling faggot
You're just a pussy. The 3% number, which again, includes slaves themselves and women and children who didn't own property, doesn't mean shit. It was calculated as a misleading defense of slavery. That was its intent. To say the South wasn't so bad and slavery wasn't important to them because only 3% of people owned slaves. It's an argument everyone but cowardly Bingos easily sees through.
News flash jackass it wasnt 2024 then and if you want to not support slavery today throw out all your electronics and abandon your green energy.

You don't cause youre a virtue signaling faggot
Our energy requirements don't have to come at the expense of anyone's subjugation and it doesn't matter what year it is you dumb frail Bingo, slavery will always be tyranny.
The guardrails the Founders put in the Constitution to protect America from the well-known and inevitable decline of a democracy still require a moral and thoughtful citizenry. We have neither. Look at this list of reasons given for the decline of the Roman republic:

There Was An Imbalance Of Power Between The Aristocracy And The Rest Of Society
They Broke Into Factions Who Prioritized Their Own Aims Over Their Republic
Ancient Democracies Limited Voting To Select Citizens
Demagogues Were Able To Easily Persuade A Misled Populace
Political Campaigns Were Expensive And Mired In Controversy
Certain Individuals Had Their Own Personal Military
Senators Stalled Vital Legislation With Filibusters
Senators Began Using Violence To Get Rid Of Political Adversaries
Participation In Long-Running Wars Caused Regional Instability
Autocratic Powers Rigged Democratic Systems To Put Themselves In Power
All People Were Free To Live As They Pleased

As the Bible says, there is nothing new under the sun. The Founders tried to protect against the inevitable. They understood how fragile a democracy is and how dependent it is on the character of the citizens.

John Adams stated it this way, “Public virtue cannot exist in a Nation without private Virtue, and public Virtue is the only Foundation of Republics.

George Washington said: “Virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government,”[6] and “Human rights can only be assured among a virtuous people.”

Benjamin Franklin said: “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.”

James Madison stated: “To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical [imaginary] idea.”

Thomas Jefferson wrote, “No government can continue good but under the control of the people; and … their minds are to be informed by education what is right and what wrong; to be encouraged in habits of virtue and to be deterred from those of vice … These are the inculcations necessary to render the people a sure basis for the structure and order of government.”

Samuel Adams said: “Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt. He therefore is the truest friend of the liberty of his country who tries most to promote its virtue.”

Patrick Henry stated that: “A vitiated [impure] state of morals, a corrupted public conscience, is incompatible with freedom.”

John Adams stated: “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

I guess there is something cool about being witness to this shit show as it happens, but it's actually terrifying for those of us with children.
If you want to keep Democracy, vote for Biden. If you want a totalitarian executive branch with no respect for the rule of law, vote for Trump.
natural rights....like a right to life and liberty....liberty....freedom.
That description of natural rights doesn't make any coherent sense. It would mean people born into slavery don't have a natural right to liberty or freedom yet you insist they do.
That description of natural rights doesn't make any coherent sense. It would mean people born into slavery don't have a natural right to liberty or freedom yet you insist they do.
of course they do....only a tyrant would think they don't and they would have every right to defend that freedom by overthrowing their slavers.

THis is why so many socialist regimes end up falling apart, because the people rise up and fight off their slavers
of course they do....only a tyrant would think they don't and they would have every right to defend that freedom by overthrowing their slavers.
So then natural rights can't just be liberty because people born into slavery don't have liberty. Find a coherent description of your claim, if you can.
THis is why so many socialist regimes end up falling apart, because the people rise up and fight off their slavers
Crying about Socialists isn't the same as making a rationally coherent argument.
So then natural rights can't just be liberty because people born into slavery don't have liberty. Find a coherent description of your claim, if you can.

Crying about Socialists isn't the same as making a rationally coherent argument.
of course they have a right to liberty....just because they are enslaved by a tyrant at the time they are born, doesn't mean they have a right to liberty.....what the F are you talking about?

the fact you are too stupid to know what a right is, doesn't mean anyone is being irrational
of course they have a right to liberty....just because they are enslaved by a tyrant at the time they are born, doesn't mean they have a right to liberty.....what the F are you talking about?
So a right to liberty isn't the same as liberty itself. Then I'm back to not knowing what the fuck you're talking about. You either have liberty or you don't. Or you have a legal right to liberty or you don't. What is a natural right to liberty? A legal right to liberty is ensured through the force of government and goes away with government. What ensures natural rights?
the fact you are too stupid to know what a right is, doesn't mean anyone is being irrational
Blame yourself for being unable to give a coherent description.

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