We are Trump Supporters

And it wasn't going to happen.
If Pence were corruptible and he recognized the fake electors on J6 the election goes to the House and Trump Pence wins. The election is not decided by voters; it is decided by House Republicans. And it’s all because Trump attempted to commit fraud but he needed Pence to pull it off for them. But he would not participate in fraud.

There is no basis in reality for the things that you are writing.

Can you explain in writing the precise basis for your conclusion? I go by what Trump said from the Trump White House website as it matches what I saw and heard on J6. He says he was going to win if Pence does the right thing.
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If Pence were corruptible and he recognized the fake electors on J6 the election goes to the House and Trump Pence wins. The election is not decided by voters; it is decided by House Republicans. And it’s all because Trump attempted to commit fraud but he needed Pence to pull it off for them. But he would not participate in fraud.

Can you explain in writing the precise basis for your conclusion? I go by what Trump said from the Trump White House website as it matches what I saw and heard on J6. He says he was going to win if Pence does the right thing.
Context is everything and your statement is lacking context.
If Pence were corruptible and he recognized the fake electors on J6 the election goes to the House and Trump Pence wins. The election is not decided by voters; it is decided by House Republicans. And it’s all because Trump attempted to commit fraud but he needed Pence to pull it off for them. But he would not participate in fraud.

Would not have happened.

To many circuit breakers.

The last on being that many of his supporters would have turned on him in the ensuing trial.
Context is everything and your statement is lacking context.
What do you think Trump meant when he said “if Mike Pence does the right thing we win.”

In what context does “we win” mean we don’t win.

If you are rejecting my context, why don’t you give me what you think the correct context is?
OhPleaseJustQuit can you tell me what Trump meant here?

“All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN.”

"States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!"
January 6, 2021

Fraud is intentional deception. Conversely, it is clear that Trump believed the election was stolen for the reasons mentioned and sought what he believed to be legal means to appropriately challenge the results. Historically, countless similar challenges have been made, and it's apparently a feature of a functioning democracy.

I'm a mind reader now?
Trump didn’t think that. He told it to the mob using the English language. If you are an English speaking conscious person with 6th grade or higher language comprehension skills then mind reading is of no necessity her. A presidential election is a rather straightforward contest with very specific rules that contestants understand going in, The outcome is also straightforward. A candidate either wins or loses. Trump told his supporters that he could win when there was absolutely no way to win after all states certified their electors in three weeks before January 6th. Trump is your guy, He lost the 2020 Election and by the Constitution he ran out of time to challenge his loss. But he organizes a mob to be in DC and he tells the mob that if Mike Pence does the right thing He wins.

Jim H - VA USA said: Fraud is intentional deception. jvmhvvvsv.23.12.15 #311

Are you aware of the phrase “safe harbor”Saint Jimhvausa?

If not see POST nf.23.10.27 #292 to fvvn.23.10.27 #290

An excerpt: NotfooledbyW in #292 said: December 14 in 2020 was by law the deadline for states to certify their elections by naming the winner of the most votes and selecting the electors to choose the winner by name and political party to become Prez and VP on Jan6. There ARE NO court challenges by the loser party to be entertained for the purpose of changing a certified slate of each states’ electors after that “safe harbor” date. nf.23.10.27 #292

nf.23.22.15 #317
to jvmhvvvsv.23.12.15 #311
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In case anyone is confused. Trump supporters do not worship Trump.
It has never been about a man. It has always been about an idea.
We support free speech, the Constitution, the Second Amendment, and America.
We support freedom, not a man. We are not Trump supporters we are freedom supporters and that will never change. It doesn't matter who is in charge. We will never be silenced.

Getting this thread back on track.

Agreed with you 100%.




Enough said.

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