We Finally Know the Case Against Trump, and It Is Strong

But this silly fantasy is irrelevant anyway. Cohen's felonies are a matter of record. Not of debate. Sorry.


Cohen convicted after being charged by the DOJ in the Stormy Daniels illegal campaign finance case.

And David Pecker paying a $187,000 fine to the FEC for an illegal campaign contribution in the Karen McDougal case.

Not the first time someone has plead guilty to a crime they didn't commit to make prosecutors happy and get a lesser sentence and won't be the last. A decent judge would have rejected that count.

Well that's a moot point now.
A decent judge made different decision.
Exactly. That's why hiding it isn't illegal.
For a business setting or an individual, hiding and NDA, is not illegal. However in an election campaign there are laws that can led to illegal action in the process of hiding it. For example:
  • If a candidate pays hushmoney, it is considered an election contribution and a campaign expense. Both of which are required to be reported to the FEC. This becomes a public record so there is no veil of secrecy in regard to the payment or the NDA. This is what Trump hoped to avoid by using Cohen to cover it up.
  • If an individual other than the candidate, pays hush money or any payment to further the election of the candidate, and the source of money is actually coming from the candidate, then that becomes and illegal election contribution and if it exceeded $2700, then it becomes a second violation. This was the two election violations that Cohen pleaded guilty. The purpose of this is clearly to conceal the hush money, NDA, and the actual source of the payment.
If you read the press release by the DOJ (The United States Attorney Office) which covers the charges Cohen plead guilty, you can see how convoluted the scheme was to hide the hush money payments and who funded it. I think Bragg is going to fill in the blanks of who woman 1, woman2, excutive1, chairmen1, editor1, Attorney1, Attorney2, ect. Then this document is going implicated Trump in the scheme that I believe will lead to a charge of conspiracy or if not a charge, then the underlying crime needed to make the falsification of business records a felony.

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Cohen convicted after being charged by the DOJ in the Stormy Daniels illegal campaign finance case.

And David Pecker paying a $187,000 fine to the FEC for an illegal campaign contribution in the Karen McDougal case.

If you look at the Campaign Finance Violations in the DOJ press release of the Cohen case, you can see that it includes McDougal, the payoff to keep the Enquirer from publishing her story, and the Stormy Daniels payoff. Bragg is going to try to connect the dots and Trump is going to have a real problem.

Well dummy, falsification of business records is a misdemeanor in NY "unless" it is done in the furtherance of a separate crime. The indictments hint at another, crime but doesn't name it. That's a violation of the 6th amendment.

No, because the the crimes are named in the indictment.

Whether or not they are elevated from misdemeanors to felonies can be determined later, per NY law.

Biden failed like a big dog....dems know they have nobody that can beat trump a second time no matter how many bogus votes they mail in

Biden got the historic infrastructure bill passed in his first 100 days, which trump, who paid lip service for four years, couldn't get it done.

Inflation is fading, and there's a year and a half between now and the election.

We shall see about that.
It really comes down to the concept of “aiding and abetting ”

If you are guilty of aiding and abetting… you are not charged with the crime you aided.

Do you understand that?

Trump is was an unindicted co-conspirator in a scheme to hide hush money from his campaign.

That's not 'aiding and abetting', do you understand that?
The "F" in FEC stands for federal.

Trump was indicted under State law for business record violations which have nothing to do with Trump and the FEC.


The reason they are violations because they were designed to conceal a federal crime.

Since Trump is not being indicted for a Federal Crime, your point is moot.

Yes, it is legal for Bragg to use a federal crime as the 'enhancement' required of NY law to bump a misdemeanor to a felony.

Precedent has been established since in NY they have used crimes committed in other states to bump up misdemeanors, there is no
reason they can't use a federal crime. Since the enhancement crime is not in the indictment, it doesn't matter if the statue of limitations has run out.

Cohen convicted after being charged by the DOJ in the Stormy Daniels illegal campaign finance case.

And David Pecker paying a $187,000 fine to the FEC for an illegal campaign contribution in the Karen McDougal case.


When is the last time the Washington Post paid an FEC fine for influencing an election?
Not the first time someone has plead guilty to a crime they didn't commit to make prosecutors happy and get a lesser sentence and won't be the last. A decent judge would have rejected that count.

:thankusmile: as always,the op gets his ass handed to him on a platter with shit on his face in embarrassment,he cant deal with reality the deep state is terrified of trump and wants to keep him from being potus again.:abgg2q.jpg:
How is paying off a bimbo a campaign violation?
Campaign finance violation
Title 52, United States Code, Section 30101

Causing an unlawful corporate campaign contribution
(Title 52, United States Code, Sections 30118(a) and
30109(d) (1) (A), and Title 18, United States Code, Section 2(b}

Excessive campaign contribution:
Title 52, United States Code, Sections 30116(a) (1) (A),
30116(a) (7), and 30109(d) (1) (A), and Title 18, United States
Code, Section 2(b)

Cohen convicted after being charged by the DOJ in the Stormy Daniels illegal campaign finance case.

And David Pecker paying a $187,000 fine to the FEC for an illegal campaign contribution in the Karen McDougal case.


A FEC fine is civil, not criminal.

Not the first time someone has plead guilty to a crime they didn't commit to make prosecutors happy and get a lesser sentence and won't be the last. A decent judge would have rejected that count.


He claims he didn't commit the other crimes in the indictment, but he admitted to the hush money election fraud crime.

That one fact is all that is needed for the Bragg indictments to be elevated to felonies.
:thankusmile: as always,the op gets his ass handed to him on a platter with shit on his face in embarrassment,he cant deal with reality the deep state is terrified of trump and wants to keep him from being potus again.:abgg2q.jpg:
My reply to your 'thank you' to Oktexas was:

He claims he didn't commit the other crimes in the indictment, but he admitted to the hush money election fraud crime.

That one fact is all that is needed for the Bragg indictments to be elevated to felonies.

What was that about shit being handed to me?

Well, right back atcha, pal.
For a business setting or an individual, hiding and NDA, is not illegal. However in an election campaign there are laws that can led to illegal action in the process of hiding it. For example:
  • If a candidate pays hushmoney, it is considered an election contribution and a campaign expense. Both of which are required to be reported to the FEC. This becomes a public record so there is no veil of secrecy in regard to the payment or the NDA. This is what Trump hoped to avoid by using Cohen to cover it up.
  • If an individual other than the candidate, pays hush money or any payment to further the election of the candidate, and the source of money is actually coming from the candidate, then that becomes and illegal election contribution and if it exceeded $2700, then it becomes a second violation. This was the two election violations that Cohen pleaded guilty. The purpose of this is clearly to conceal the hush money, NDA, and the actual source of the payment.
If you read the press release by the DOJ (The United States Attorney Office) which covers the charges Cohen plead guilty, you can see how convoluted the scheme was to hide the hush money payments and who funded it. I think Bragg is going to fill in the blanks of who woman 1, woman2, excutive1, chairmen1, editor1, Attorney1, Attorney2, ect. Then this document is going implicated Trump in the scheme that I believe will lead to a charge of conspiracy or if not a charge, then the underlying crime needed to make the falsification of business records a felony.

Really, then how are congresscritters getting away with the execution of NDAs using public funds to hide derogatory information from the voting public. Last I heard it would be illegal for the US treasury to make campaign contributions.

That Cohen committed two campaign finance felonies is, indeed, a fact. And if Trump's lawyers say or imply that it is not, their comments will be stricken, and they will be warned by the judge.

It's three that were listed in the Cohen indictment, not two, and I think they were listed as felonies because of the amount

Campaign finance violation
Title 52, United States Code, Section 30101

Causing an unlawful corporate campaign contribution
(Title 52, United States Code, Sections 30118(a) and
30109(d) (1) (A), and Title 18, United States Code, Section 2(b}

Excessive campaign contribution:
Title 52, United States Code, Sections 30116(a) (1) (A),
30116(a) (7), and 30109(d) (1) (A), and Title 18, United States
Code, Section 2(b)
Really, then how are congresscritters getting away with the execution of NDAs using public funds to hide derogatory information from the voting public. Last I heard it would be illegal for the US treasury to make campaign contributions.


You have made a claim.
Can you back it up?

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