We had to say goodbye to Bud today.


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
4th Cleanest City in the World-Minneapolis
My wife rescued Bud from a shelter seven years ago. We could never understand why he was abandoned. We are very sure he was abused. True, he was hard of hearing and almost blind, but what a nice dog!
He was a "kids dog", kids just loved him and he loved kids. Whenever we had kids over to our home, Bud would just go and hang with the kids. They would hang all over him, climb on him and the smaller ones would ride on his back. And all that time his tail would be wagging. Kids would come to our house, just to play with Bud, no lie.
Did I mentioned he only barked about five times (a single bark), except when he got into his hound dog mode when we had a bear on our lake cabin's yard? Otherwise he was quiet as a mouse. He didn't make much of a watch dog, like I said he didn't bark. To top it off he was really friendly. If someone would have broken in the house, Bud would have greeted them with his tail wagging.
Plus Bud was hilarious. I could go on and on about the crazy things that Bud did, but I won't.
It's really sad when pet owners abandon their pets. But we gained so much by someone else's credulity. Bud was a wonderful, wonderful dog and pal. We were so lucky to have found Bud. Bud was treated like royalty.
We found out about three months ago that Bud had a tumor growing around his hind leg. The vet all they could do is amputate his leg. Well, Bud was already 13 and he was already fading, so we opted to do the best we could as far as taking care of him, making him comfortable and happy. We brought him back to the vet a couple of weeks ago and
the tumor had grown and was now threatening his organs. It was clear that he was fading quickly. So we decided that today he would leave us. Yesterday Bud and I went for a walk down his favorite trail, we went for a long car ride and last night Bud had a steak dinner.
Today he left us.
My wife and I are so blessed to have found Bud and had him become part of our lives. He was family and our home was his home.
RIP Bud. I love you.


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My wife rescued Bud from a shelter seven years ago. We could never understand why he was abandoned. We are very sure he was abused. True, he was hard of hearing and almost blind, but what a nice dog!
He was a "kids dog", kids just loved him and he loved kids. Whenever we had kids over to our home, Bud would just go and hang with the kids. They would hang all over him, climb on him and the smaller ones would ride on his back. And all that time his tail would be wagging. Kids would come to our house, just to play with Bud, no lie.
Did I mentioned he only barked about five times (a single bark), except when he got into his hound dog mode when we had a bear on our lake cabin's yard? Otherwise he was quiet as a mouse. He didn't make much of a watch dog, like I said he didn't bark. To top it off he was really friendly. If someone would have broken in the house, Bud would have greeted them with his tail wagging.
Plus Bud was hilarious. I could go on and on about the crazy things that Bud did, but I won't.
It's really sad when pet owners abandon their pets. But we gained so much by someone else's credulity. Bud was a wonderful, wonderful dog and pal. We were so lucky to have found Bud. Bud was treated like royalty.
We found out about three months ago that Bud had a tumor growing around his hind leg. The vet all they could do is amputate his leg. Well, Bud was already 13 and he was already fading, so we opted to do the best we could as far as taking care of him, making him comfortable and happy. We brought him back to the vet a couple of weeks ago and
the tumor had grown and was now threatening his organs. It was clear that he was fading quickly. So we decided that today he would leave us. Yesterday Bud and I went for a walk down his favorite trail, we went for a long car ride and last night Bud had a steak dinner.
Today he left us.
My wife and I are so blessed to have found Bud and had him become part of our lives. He was family and our home was his home.
RIP Bud. I love you.

Ohhhh, how very sorry I am for the sad times you are going through. Losing a beloved animal, is like losing an arm or a leg, as the heart breaks into.

May you heal with time. And RIP dearest sweetest Bud. :) You were so loved and you brought such loving memories to many children and adults. :(
My wife rescued Bud from a shelter seven years ago. We could never understand why he was abandoned. We are very sure he was abused. True, he was hard of hearing and almost blind, but what a nice dog!
He was a "kids dog", kids just loved him and he loved kids. Whenever we had kids over to our home, Bud would just go and hang with the kids. They would hang all over him, climb on him and the smaller ones would ride on his back. And all that time his tail would be wagging. Kids would come to our house, just to play with Bud, no lie.
Did I mentioned he only barked about five times (a single bark), except when he got into his hound dog mode when we had a bear on our lake cabin's yard? Otherwise he was quiet as a mouse. He didn't make much of a watch dog, like I said he didn't bark. To top it off he was really friendly. If someone would have broken in the house, Bud would have greeted them with his tail wagging.
Plus Bud was hilarious. I could go on and on about the crazy things that Bud did, but I won't.
It's really sad when pet owners abandon their pets. But we gained so much by someone else's credulity. Bud was a wonderful, wonderful dog and pal. We were so lucky to have found Bud. Bud was treated like royalty.
We found out about three months ago that Bud had a tumor growing around his hind leg. The vet all they could do is amputate his leg. Well, Bud was already 13 and he was already fading, so we opted to do the best we could as far as taking care of him, making him comfortable and happy. We brought him back to the vet a couple of weeks ago and
the tumor had grown and was now threatening his organs. It was clear that he was fading quickly. So we decided that today he would leave us. Yesterday Bud and I went for a walk down his favorite trail, we went for a long car ride and last night Bud had a steak dinner.
Today he left us.
My wife and I are so blessed to have found Bud and had him become part of our lives. He was family and our home was his home.
RIP Bud. I love you.

I am sorry for your loss, Kiwiman. :(
What a sweet old face Kiwi - I'm so sorry for your loss :(

It's good he finished his life with the love of your family - he was one lucky pup :)
That is a major drag. We went through this with our Sheeba. She was with us 14 years. We miss her dearly, as she was as much a part of this house and we are.

Sorry to hear of your loss and hope that you will enjoy the memories of Bud, like we do Sheeba.


Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...
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My wife rescued Bud from a shelter seven years ago. We could never understand why he was abandoned. We are very sure he was abused. True, he was hard of hearing and almost blind, but what a nice dog!
He was a "kids dog", kids just loved him and he loved kids. Whenever we had kids over to our home, Bud would just go and hang with the kids. They would hang all over him, climb on him and the smaller ones would ride on his back. And all that time his tail would be wagging. Kids would come to our house, just to play with Bud, no lie.
Did I mentioned he only barked about five times (a single bark), except when he got into his hound dog mode when we had a bear on our lake cabin's yard? Otherwise he was quiet as a mouse. He didn't make much of a watch dog, like I said he didn't bark. To top it off he was really friendly. If someone would have broken in the house, Bud would have greeted them with his tail wagging.
Plus Bud was hilarious. I could go on and on about the crazy things that Bud did, but I won't.
It's really sad when pet owners abandon their pets. But we gained so much by someone else's credulity. Bud was a wonderful, wonderful dog and pal. We were so lucky to have found Bud. Bud was treated like royalty.
We found out about three months ago that Bud had a tumor growing around his hind leg. The vet all they could do is amputate his leg. Well, Bud was already 13 and he was already fading, so we opted to do the best we could as far as taking care of him, making him comfortable and happy. We brought him back to the vet a couple of weeks ago and
the tumor had grown and was now threatening his organs. It was clear that he was fading quickly. So we decided that today he would leave us. Yesterday Bud and I went for a walk down his favorite trail, we went for a long car ride and last night Bud had a steak dinner.
Today he left us.
My wife and I are so blessed to have found Bud and had him become part of our lives. He was family and our home was his home.
RIP Bud. I love you.

When you love so hard you end up paying the price of pain.

I say its worth the tears. And all the pain of losing them.

We owe them for loving us when we are most unlovable. Being crabby with a head cold; bazooka barfing with the flu. When no one else wants to come near you, your devoted one will hang in there with you when you're on knees praying to a piece of porcelain. :eusa_angel:

I spent thousands for my girl towards the end. Worked out to 10 dollars a day for all the life she gave me. Nothing intrusive. Just a couple of operations. Every day was precious.

My children agreed. Family. I couldn't afford Christmas AND her treatment. Not one kid minded. No Christmas presents but Ruby Starr got to be with us for a few more months. That was Christmas enough.
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My wife rescued Bud from a shelter seven years ago. We could never understand why he was abandoned. We are very sure he was abused. True, he was hard of hearing and almost blind, but what a nice dog!
He was a "kids dog", kids just loved him and he loved kids. Whenever we had kids over to our home, Bud would just go and hang with the kids. They would hang all over him, climb on him and the smaller ones would ride on his back. And all that time his tail would be wagging. Kids would come to our house, just to play with Bud, no lie.
Did I mentioned he only barked about five times (a single bark), except when he got into his hound dog mode when we had a bear on our lake cabin's yard? Otherwise he was quiet as a mouse. He didn't make much of a watch dog, like I said he didn't bark. To top it off he was really friendly. If someone would have broken in the house, Bud would have greeted them with his tail wagging.
Plus Bud was hilarious. I could go on and on about the crazy things that Bud did, but I won't.
It's really sad when pet owners abandon their pets. But we gained so much by someone else's credulity. Bud was a wonderful, wonderful dog and pal. We were so lucky to have found Bud. Bud was treated like royalty.
We found out about three months ago that Bud had a tumor growing around his hind leg. The vet all they could do is amputate his leg. Well, Bud was already 13 and he was already fading, so we opted to do the best we could as far as taking care of him, making him comfortable and happy. We brought him back to the vet a couple of weeks ago and
the tumor had grown and was now threatening his organs. It was clear that he was fading quickly. So we decided that today he would leave us. Yesterday Bud and I went for a walk down his favorite trail, we went for a long car ride and last night Bud had a steak dinner.
Today he left us.
My wife and I are so blessed to have found Bud and had him become part of our lives. He was family and our home was his home.
RIP Bud. I love you.

I am sorry for your loss, Kiwiman. :(
I second what Jeremiah said.
My wife rescued Bud from a shelter seven years ago. We could never understand why he was abandoned. We are very sure he was abused. True, he was hard of hearing and almost blind, but what a nice dog!
He was a "kids dog", kids just loved him and he loved kids. Whenever we had kids over to our home, Bud would just go and hang with the kids. They would hang all over him, climb on him and the smaller ones would ride on his back. And all that time his tail would be wagging. Kids would come to our house, just to play with Bud, no lie.
Did I mentioned he only barked about five times (a single bark), except when he got into his hound dog mode when we had a bear on our lake cabin's yard? Otherwise he was quiet as a mouse. He didn't make much of a watch dog, like I said he didn't bark. To top it off he was really friendly. If someone would have broken in the house, Bud would have greeted them with his tail wagging.
Plus Bud was hilarious. I could go on and on about the crazy things that Bud did, but I won't.
It's really sad when pet owners abandon their pets. But we gained so much by someone else's credulity. Bud was a wonderful, wonderful dog and pal. We were so lucky to have found Bud. Bud was treated like royalty.
We found out about three months ago that Bud had a tumor growing around his hind leg. The vet all they could do is amputate his leg. Well, Bud was already 13 and he was already fading, so we opted to do the best we could as far as taking care of him, making him comfortable and happy. We brought him back to the vet a couple of weeks ago and
the tumor had grown and was now threatening his organs. It was clear that he was fading quickly. So we decided that today he would leave us. Yesterday Bud and I went for a walk down his favorite trail, we went for a long car ride and last night Bud had a steak dinner.
Today he left us.
My wife and I are so blessed to have found Bud and had him become part of our lives. He was family and our home was his home.
RIP Bud. I love you.

I'm so sorry, Kiwi. You're lucky to have had him for seven years, he knew he was loved for sure.
Losing a pet is like losing a child. They tear out our hearts when they go. I am so sorry for you. If only our beloved pets could live for 50 or so years!
Dogs are gifts from God. There's no other explanation for why they are such beautiful creatures and companions.

So sorry for your loss.
Thank you everyone.
People have compared losing a pet is like losing your own child and that's pretty close. I have a 21 year old cat and I still call her one of the kids. Today our home remains in mourning and I'm sure it's going to be sad around here for quite awhile.
The thing about Bud is had a very strong lovable quality, everybody loved Bud.
We have a pretty large contingent of family and friends. My wife put up a memorial posting of Bud's death and her post received several dozen responses to those who knew Bud. A couple parents mentioned that when they told their kids, the kids cried.
The goods news is, all dogs go to heaven. Again, thank you everybody.
Bud was very fortunate to land in your home, KM, and to be so loved.

Condolences on your loss.
I had a persian cat that lived to 20 years. He was always my little man. I like to think that he's still with me. He was the only man in my life that ever took care of me. He was always there when I needed him and gave me a neck rub every day when I came home from work.
Having had several pets who were rescue and those with special needs it is truly heartbreaking to lose them. The work, the effort, the soul you put into these wonderful creatures when they come to your home can never be measured in time, but in memories, those moments alone when they just come to you unexpectedly in your thoughts.

My heart goes out to you Kiwiman, you did something very wonderful, something miraculous in your pet's life.
Sorry to hear this. A dog is more than just an animal he's a companion a best friend sometime the corner stone of the family, lot of time everything revolves around him. The pain will never leave it will be there just as his memory. You had 8 wonderful years with him I suspect.

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