We have to keep this in our minds about the right.

One thing I hope people will remember is the fact that who Trump is and what Trump is is what they right wants for this country, that can not be forgotten. If that doesn't move you simply look at Paul Ryans Budget proposals over the years and it will reiterate the same thing. What the right wants for us is ugly. Even though business is on a tare in this country , profits are at a all time high and the percentage of gross that is profit are at a all time high and the fact that only one small group in this country has gained anything from this and the gains are massive in the last 35 year. Add in the fact that every dime of the new wealth of the richest country in the world has gone only to the top. No one else. Along with the highest corporate profits in history, Paul Ryan wants to transfer more to corporations and the rich, the money will all come from programs for the needy ,the old and the sick and also from Education. Thats what the right wants for this country. Like I said it's ugly.
There has never been a time in my life time (71 years) that so many have voted against their best interest.
Therein lies the problem with the country. Voting for personal interests, i.e. what can I get for nothing, and not for Constitutional principles.
Coming from a party that thinks there's only one Amendment the 2nd and the rest just get in the way, I always get a kick out you clowns who think they are the patriots and good Christians and in reality they are the total opposite. They take names in forums like turd the patriot and in God we trust Harald. It also is interesting to watch the hate party self destruct and it won't be long until they are gone gone gone.
One thing I hope people will remember is the fact that who Trump is and what Trump is is what they right wants for this country, that can not be forgotten. If that doesn't move you simply look at Paul Ryans Budget proposals over the years and it will reiterate the same thing. What the right wants for us is ugly. Even though business is on a tare in this country , profits are at a all time high and the percentage of gross that is profit are at a all time high and the fact that only one small group in this country has gained anything from this and the gains are massive in the last 35 year. Add in the fact that every dime of the new wealth of the richest country in the world has gone only to the top. No one else. Along with the highest corporate profits in history, Paul Ryan wants to transfer more to corporations and the rich, the money will all come from programs for the needy ,the old and the sick and also from Education. Thats what the right wants for this country. Like I said it's ugly.
There has never been a time in my life time (71 years) that so many have voted against their best interest.

As if you know what my best interests are.
What are your best interests and how can they be served by maintaining the vast majority of wealth among such a small percentage of our nation?
One thing I hope people will remember is the fact that who Trump is and what Trump is is what they right wants for this country, that can not be forgotten. If that doesn't move you simply look at Paul Ryans Budget proposals over the years and it will reiterate the same thing. What the right wants for us is ugly. Even though business is on a tare in this country , profits are at a all time high and the percentage of gross that is profit are at a all time high and the fact that only one small group in this country has gained anything from this and the gains are massive in the last 35 year. Add in the fact that every dime of the new wealth of the richest country in the world has gone only to the top. No one else. Along with the highest corporate profits in history, Paul Ryan wants to transfer more to corporations and the rich, the money will all come from programs for the needy ,the old and the sick and also from Education. Thats what the right wants for this country. Like I said it's ugly.
There has never been a time in my life time (71 years) that so many have voted against their best interest.

As if you know what my best interests are.
What are your best interests and how can they be served by maintaining the vast majority of wealth among such a small percentage of our nation?
They just can't get this through to their brain, just give them something to hate and all the rest just disappears and they can be pulled in any direction by the ring in their nose.
One thing I hope people will remember is the fact that who Trump is and what Trump is is what they right wants for this country, that can not be forgotten. If that doesn't move you simply look at Paul Ryans Budget proposals over the years and it will reiterate the same thing. What the right wants for us is ugly. Even though business is on a tare in this country , profits are at a all time high and the percentage of gross that is profit are at a all time high and the fact that only one small group in this country has gained anything from this and the gains are massive in the last 35 year. Add in the fact that every dime of the new wealth of the richest country in the world has gone only to the top. No one else. Along with the highest corporate profits in history, Paul Ryan wants to transfer more to corporations and the rich, the money will all come from programs for the needy ,the old and the sick and also from Education. Thats what the right wants for this country. Like I said it's ugly.
There has never been a time in my life time (71 years) that so many have voted against their best interest.

As if you know what my best interests are.
What are your best interests and how can they be served by maintaining the vast majority of wealth among such a small percentage of our nation?

My best interests are nunya, and can best be served by tossing the Democrats and their idiot minions face down into a political ditch.
I'll give you a little tip, it's called demographics and it guaranties that your hate parties life span from now will be very short.
One thing I hope people will remember is the fact that who Trump is and what Trump is is what they right wants for this country, that can not be forgotten. If that doesn't move you simply look at Paul Ryans Budget proposals over the years and it will reiterate the same thing. What the right wants for us is ugly. Even though business is on a tare in this country , profits are at a all time high and the percentage of gross that is profit are at a all time high and the fact that only one small group in this country has gained anything from this and the gains are massive in the last 35 year. Add in the fact that every dime of the new wealth of the richest country in the world has gone only to the top. No one else. Along with the highest corporate profits in history, Paul Ryan wants to transfer more to corporations and the rich, the money will all come from programs for the needy ,the old and the sick and also from Education. Thats what the right wants for this country. Like I said it's ugly.
There has never been a time in my life time (71 years) that so many have voted against their best interest.

As if you know what my best interests are.
What are your best interests and how can they be served by maintaining the vast majority of wealth among such a small percentage of our nation?
Satisfying envy is not the best interest of anybody. It will feed more envy, more confiscatory taxes and more restrictions on freedom.
I think you better learn something, so I'll teach it to you, you can't take away the incentive of capitalism without it dying. Simply look at both the distribution of wealth and who are the only people that have gained for the last 35 years and tell us how that is good for the country. The micro minds of the right can be told how and what to think and made to do things that are totally against their best interest.
One percent GDP growth in a near zero interest rate environment for Obama's entire 8 year reign

Good point, Ethiopia had an 8.70 GDP growth last year....Why can't we be more like Ethiopia????/....LOL
We have, I believe, the highest corporate taxes in the world (highest that matters anyway).

I would like to ask ONE right winger to answer this simple question......

Name FIVE american corporation that are actually PAYING the maximum 35% of taxes that are on the books.......Go on, it should be interesting (check with hannity)
One thing I hope people will remember is the fact that who Trump is and what Trump is is what they right wants for this country, that can not be forgotten. If that doesn't move you simply look at Paul Ryans Budget proposals over the years and it will reiterate the same thing. What the right wants for us is ugly. Even though business is on a tare in this country , profits are at a all time high and the percentage of gross that is profit are at a all time high and the fact that only one small group in this country has gained anything from this and the gains are massive in the last 35 year. Add in the fact that every dime of the new wealth of the richest country in the world has gone only to the top. No one else. Along with the highest corporate profits in history, Paul Ryan wants to transfer more to corporations and the rich, the money will all come from programs for the needy ,the old and the sick and also from Education. Thats what the right wants for this country. Like I said it's ugly.
There has never been a time in my life time (71 years) that so many have voted against their best interest.

As if you know what my best interests are.
What are your best interests and how can they be served by maintaining the vast majority of wealth among such a small percentage of our nation?

My best interests are nunya, and can best be served by tossing the Democrats and their idiot minions face down into a political ditch.
So you cannot define your best interests. Okay. Lack of articulate arguments is nothing new for you. But you seem to look at our democracy the way football fans look at their rivals. I would like to see Michigan tossed face down in a ditch, but not the Republicans. Nothing would be more dangerous than one party or one ideological rule.
That won't happen anyway , even after their parties impending death there will be another conservative party put together , they just won't be able to call it the republican party anymore because by then that name will be total poison. The one that will be created will govern , base their future on something other then hate and stop this regressive program that distributes all the new wealth to 1% of the population.
What the right wants for us is ugly.
YEAH! adhering to that old Constitution and stuff! Who the hell does he think he is!
That's maybe the biggest bullshit line of this election cycle. A party that only knows about one amendment to the constitution, the second and the rest just get in their way and ignored. The clown act marches on.
One thing I hope people will remember is the fact that who Trump is and what Trump is is what they right wants for this country, that can not be forgotten. If that doesn't move you simply look at Paul Ryans Budget proposals over the years and it will reiterate the same thing. What the right wants for us is ugly. Even though business is on a tare in this country , profits are at a all time high and the percentage of gross that is profit are at a all time high and the fact that only one small group in this country has gained anything from this and the gains are massive in the last 35 year. Add in the fact that every dime of the new wealth of the richest country in the world has gone only to the top. No one else. Along with the highest corporate profits in history, Paul Ryan wants to transfer more to corporations and the rich, the money will all come from programs for the needy ,the old and the sick and also from Education. Thats what the right wants for this country. Like I said it's ugly.
There has never been a time in my life time (71 years) that so many have voted against their best interest.

As if you know what my best interests are.
What are your best interests and how can they be served by maintaining the vast majority of wealth among such a small percentage of our nation?

My best interests are nunya, and can best be served by tossing the Democrats and their idiot minions face down into a political ditch.
So you cannot define your best interests. Okay. Lack of articulate arguments is nothing new for you. But you seem to look at our democracy the way football fans look at their rivals. I would like to see Michigan tossed face down in a ditch, but not the Republicans. Nothing would be more dangerous than one party or one ideological rule.
That won't happen anyway , even after their parties impending death there will be another conservative party put together , they just won't be able to call it the republican party anymore because by then that name will be total poison. The one that will be created will govern , base their future on something other then hate and stop this regressive program that distributes all the new wealth to 1% of the population.

stop this regressive program that distributes all the new wealth to 1% of the population.

The one the Senate that Obama and Clinton were part of, as a majority, did nothing to correct?

The one that the House under the Leadership of Pelosi, did nothing to correct?

and the Dems have been far closer to a majority than the Right has in decades

Bud, until the Left stops doing the same thing the Right is doing, you ain't got a leg to stand on
One percent GDP growth in a near zero interest rate environment for Obama's entire 8 year reign

Good point, Ethiopia had an 8.70 GDP growth last year....Why can't we be more like Ethiopia????/....LOL
Biggest corporate profits in history, with the highest percentage of gross that is taking out for profit in our history , a market and stock market that went shit with the highest profit margin in history increase total profits to the highest in history, as in make less earn more.

As if you know what my best interests are.
What are your best interests and how can they be served by maintaining the vast majority of wealth among such a small percentage of our nation?

My best interests are nunya, and can best be served by tossing the Democrats and their idiot minions face down into a political ditch.
So you cannot define your best interests. Okay. Lack of articulate arguments is nothing new for you. But you seem to look at our democracy the way football fans look at their rivals. I would like to see Michigan tossed face down in a ditch, but not the Republicans. Nothing would be more dangerous than one party or one ideological rule.
That won't happen anyway , even after their parties impending death there will be another conservative party put together , they just won't be able to call it the republican party anymore because by then that name will be total poison. The one that will be created will govern , base their future on something other then hate and stop this regressive program that distributes all the new wealth to 1% of the population.

stop this regressive program that distributes all the new wealth to 1% of the population.

The one the Senate that Obama and Clinton were part of, as a majority, did nothing to correct?

The one that the House under the Leadership of Pelosi, did nothing to correct?

and the Dems have been far closer to a majority than the Right has in decades

Bud, until the Left stops doing the same thing the Right is doing, you ain't got a leg to stand on
Off course that would be stupid to say because they did. as did Clinton when he was in office. If you need the list I'll give it to you but you can't do what Reagan did with the trickle down lie, lower CAP gains tax that is income, from the income tax level, to less then half that of income. and you can't give the wealthy a tax break from 70 to 28% , with a massive tax break to corporations ,Corporations at one time paid in 1/3 of the federal tax total and then allow them to only have to pay 9% of the tax total fed. taxes and then expect that there wont be a problem.
One percent GDP growth in a near zero interest rate environment for Obama's entire 8 year reign

Good point, Ethiopia had an 8.70 GDP growth last year....Why can't we be more like Ethiopia????/....LOL
Biggest corporate profits in history, with the highest percentage of gross that is taking out for profit in our history , a market and stock market that went shit with the highest profit margin in history increase total profits to the highest in history, as in make less earn more.
Are you colored blue with envy? That's the base for class warfare...envy is the driving force behind it. It has nothing to do with fairness. Fairness is when everybody contributes the same percentage.
What are your best interests and how can they be served by maintaining the vast majority of wealth among such a small percentage of our nation?

My best interests are nunya, and can best be served by tossing the Democrats and their idiot minions face down into a political ditch.
So you cannot define your best interests. Okay. Lack of articulate arguments is nothing new for you. But you seem to look at our democracy the way football fans look at their rivals. I would like to see Michigan tossed face down in a ditch, but not the Republicans. Nothing would be more dangerous than one party or one ideological rule.
That won't happen anyway , even after their parties impending death there will be another conservative party put together , they just won't be able to call it the republican party anymore because by then that name will be total poison. The one that will be created will govern , base their future on something other then hate and stop this regressive program that distributes all the new wealth to 1% of the population.

stop this regressive program that distributes all the new wealth to 1% of the population.

The one the Senate that Obama and Clinton were part of, as a majority, did nothing to correct?

The one that the House under the Leadership of Pelosi, did nothing to correct?

and the Dems have been far closer to a majority than the Right has in decades

Bud, until the Left stops doing the same thing the Right is doing, you ain't got a leg to stand on
Off course that would be stupid to say because they did. as did Clinton when he was in office. If you need the list I'll give it to you but you can't do what Reagan did with the trickle down lie, lower CAP gains tax that is income, from the income tax level, to less then half that of income. and you can't give the wealthy a tax break from 70 to 28% , with a massive tax break to corporations ,Corporations at one time paid in 1/3 of the federal tax total and then allow them to only have to pay 9% of the tax total fed. taxes and then expect that there wont be a problem.

If you need the list I'll give it to you

.envy is the driving force behind it. It has nothing to do with fairness

True.....we should ALL have had a rich father, and helped to pass laws where we could avoid taxation for a couple of decades while flying around in a private jet......

Some people, like this poster, have been getting screwed for so long, they don't even notice the poke anymore.
.envy is the driving force behind it. It has nothing to do with fairness

True.....we should ALL have had a rich father, and helped to pass laws where we could avoid taxation for a couple of decades while flying around in a private jet......

Some people, like this poster, have been getting screwed for so long, they don't even notice the poke anymore.
Remember "E Pluribus Unum" should guide you and not envy.
Remember "E Pluribus Unum" should guide you and not envy.

Yes, from many we are one....wait for your invitation to take a crap in trump towers' gold plated bathroom.

How old were you when Obama invited you to the WH, or on one of his Hawaiian vacations?

How old when Clinton invited you to the WH, or to the housewarming in NY?

They're as elitist as Trump ever was

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