We just can't quit you Donald

A proven conservative publication is basically calling MAGA Trumpers idiots.
MAGA is not conservative.
MAGA is a group whose purpose is to increase the power of Donald Trump and to overturn any loss he has by any means possible. Trump above party and country.
To me it is trying to keep promises. His promises were not draconian. At least to American citizens of all backgrounds. We are seeing the RINOS at work right now as the lame duck congress finishes up. There is no way that as we continue to be deconstructed as a nation that the social welfare system as it is, will stay the same.
A proven conservative publication is basically calling MAGA Trumpers idiots.
MAGA is not conservative.
MAGA is a group whose purpose is to increase the power of Donald Trump and to overturn any loss he has by any means possible. Trump above party and country.
It's a proven publication for establishment bootlicker, swamp bottom feeders since WFB passed.

And you couldn't give a single shit about the GOP, so shut your liberoidal douchebag mouth.
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The National review captured the sheer lunacy of this self-destructive MAGAt cultism in this piece today.

Well said!

Trump’s lying, of course. He said what he said, and now he’s trying to back out of it. The more interesting question is why anyone is helping him do it. Week in, week out, this is what the guy does. On Monday, he’ll say that “people with red hair ought to be drowned in butter.” On Tuesday, normal people will say, “that really doesn’t sound like a good idea,” which, because our politics is stupid, will prompt Trump’s fans to say, “actually, what America needs — and what it’s always needed — is for us to drown people with red hair in butter.” On Wednesday, Trump will say that he “actually never said that we ought to drown people with red hair in butter,” but merely “suggested that butter would have red hair if it drowned, which it must, if America is to be great again” — and, at this signal, the people who’d defended him on Tuesday will pretend that this is what they’d understood him to mean all along, and then insist that the real villains of the story are the people who heard him say “people with red hair ought to be drowned in butter.” On Thursday, Trump will say the original thing again, in slightly different words.
Aren’t You All Tired of This Crap? Aren’t You All Tired of This Crap?
It matters because what the silly piece argues isn’t “truth.” It is sophomoric anti Trump sophistry.

Insert “orange man bad” into any periodical or newspaper and it doesn’t matter what its reputation. The vapid nature of such partisan discourse makes it what it is: Stupid and Irrelevant.
It just danced around the basic of trump saying it, then trying to say he didn't say it, though everybody had seen it, typical for him. In other words, the truth.
All Real Americans should be anti-Trump
You misspelled Biden. And / or anyone the socialists nominate.

Though I would agree with a more measured statement: Trump certainly shouldn’t be anyone’s first choice as a nominee to defeat said socialist party.

Well, let’s say one cannot support and defend the Constitution and democracy while also supporting Trump.
No we can support the Constitution just fine, whilst noting as the Founders did that democracy sucks ass, and if Trump is the nominee, holding’s one’s nose and noting correctly that he is better than anyone your shitty party puts out is valid.

For fuck’s sake, your trash dementia-addled President thinks abortion is somehow a Constitutional right and wants to ban all semi-automatic firearms from sale. Don’t dare talk to us about the Constitution…
A proven conservative publication is basically calling MAGA Trumpers idiots.
MAGA is not conservative.
MAGA is a group whose purpose is to increase the power of Donald Trump and to overturn any loss he has by any means possible. Trump above party and country.

There is no MAGA group.
They're called voters.

Unlike you boneheads who say antifa isnt an organization it's just an idea.
You misspelled Biden. And / or anyone the socialists nominate.

Though I would agree with a more measured statement: Trump certainly shouldn’t be anyone’s first choice as a nominee to defeat said socialist party.

No we can support the Constitution just fine, whilst noting as the Founders did that democracy sucks ass, and if Trump is the nominee, holding’s one’s nose and noting correctly that he is better than anyone your shitty party puts out is valid.

For fuck’s sake, your trash dementia-addled President thinks abortion is somehow a Constitutional right and wants to ban all semi-automatic firearms from sale. Don’t dare talk to us about the Constitution…

Anti America
Attacks our Democracy
Wants to TERMINATE the Constitution
The National review captured the sheer lunacy of this self-destructive MAGAt cultism in this piece today.

Well said!

Trump’s lying, of course. He said what he said, and now he’s trying to back out of it. The more interesting question is why anyone is helping him do it. Week in, week out, this is what the guy does. On Monday, he’ll say that “people with red hair ought to be drowned in butter.” On Tuesday, normal people will say, “that really doesn’t sound like a good idea,” which, because our politics is stupid, will prompt Trump’s fans to say, “actually, what America needs — and what it’s always needed — is for us to drown people with red hair in butter.” On Wednesday, Trump will say that he “actually never said that we ought to drown people with red hair in butter,” but merely “suggested that butter would have red hair if it drowned, which it must, if America is to be great again” — and, at this signal, the people who’d defended him on Tuesday will pretend that this is what they’d understood him to mean all along, and then insist that the real villains of the story are the people who heard him say “people with red hair ought to be drowned in butter.” On Thursday, Trump will say the original thing again, in slightly different words.
Aren’t You All Tired of This Crap? Aren’t You All Tired of This Crap?


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