"We Know in 2001 Cell Phones Worked Up To 50,000 Feet and..."

I have said several times I've never accused the mays of lying so why are you lying you fucking shitbag? You've even quoted my posts when I've answered but now you want to claim I've never answered? Thass a great example of your dishonesty.

so now that we agree that the Mays are not lying and they actually received a phone call from their daughter aboard flight 77 what is the point of arguing about how well cell phones work at 50,000 feet?

considering that the official government stance is that airphones were used, as stated in the moussaoui trial, what is your point?

I never said it is a fact they got a call from their daughter from 77 and you know that but you are such a dishonest dickwad you will lie every chance you get if you think it will help your position.

Show us the phone records from the Commission Report proving calls from 77 were made. Since you guys always claim it was a full investigation I'm sure it will be no problem to produce the CR's evidence of the phone records.
Typical twoofer; just won't take a stand on anything. Stays in the middle of the road...with the long line painted yellow like the streak down her back. I just laugh at her and thank goodness that I was born with backbone.

I have taken a stand but your typical dishonesty overrides everything. Isn't it about time you lick fizz's shit off of divecon's dick to clean it before you bend over for him?
what stand have you taken except to call anyone in touch with reality an OCTA'r

There has never been a full investigation into 9E.
I have said several times I've never accused the mays of lying so why are you lying you fucking shitbag? You've even quoted my posts when I've answered but now you want to claim I've never answered? Thass a great example of your dishonesty.

so now that we agree that the Mays are not lying and they actually received a phone call from their daughter aboard flight 77 what is the point of arguing about how well cell phones work at 50,000 feet?

considering that the official government stance is that airphones were used, as stated in the moussaoui trial, what is your point?

I never said it is a fact they got a call from their daughter from 77 and you know that but you are such a dishonest dickwad you will lie every chance you get if you think it will help your position.

Show us the phone records from the Commission Report proving calls from 77 were made. Since you guys always claim it was a full investigation I'm sure it will be no problem to produce the CR's evidence of the phone records.

the phone records arent in the commission report. neither is a receipt for atta's underwear. it doesnt mean he wasnt wearing any.

you cant have it both ways...... either you believe the mays are lying and never got a phone call from their daughter or they actually did.

so which is it?

taken from prosecution evidence here....
U.S.D.C. Eastern District of Virginia
I have said several times I've never accused the mays of lying so why are you lying you fucking shitbag? You've even quoted my posts when I've answered but now you want to claim I've never answered? Thass a great example of your dishonesty.
you have IMPLIED that they are lying

Never implied they were lying. Thass your dumbass repeating the art of stoopid assumptions.
if you claim there were no calls made, then you IMPLY they are lying
so now that we agree that the Mays are not lying and they actually received a phone call from their daughter aboard flight 77 what is the point of arguing about how well cell phones work at 50,000 feet?

considering that the official government stance is that airphones were used, as stated in the moussaoui trial, what is your point?

I never said it is a fact they got a call from their daughter from 77 and you know that but you are such a dishonest dickwad you will lie every chance you get if you think it will help your position.

Show us the phone records from the Commission Report proving calls from 77 were made. Since you guys always claim it was a full investigation I'm sure it will be no problem to produce the CR's evidence of the phone records.

the phone records arent in the commission report. neither is a receipt for atta's underwear. it doesnt mean he wasnt wearing any.

you cant have it both ways...... either you believe the mays are lying and never got a phone call from their daughter or they actually did.

so which is it?
the 9/11 comission report didnt include Atta's underwear?????
i'm SHOCKED, SHOCKED i tell ya
we need a NEW investigation
There is an aspect to the calls I've not seen discussed. The hijackers had obviously done research to execute their plans so knowing they were planning to fly 77 into the Pentagon, which means infiltrating the world's most heavily guarded airspace, why would they let two people on 77 make phone calls? Those calls could have alerted air defenses to intercept so is it reasonable to assume the hijackers would simply let passengers the opportunity to ruin their mission?

They knew turning the xponder off would at best buy them some time but in no way make the 757 invisible heading towards the pentagon. They also knew New York would have been attacked roughly the same time they hijacked 77. It doesn't make sense they would let anyone make a call.
first i would like to see your proof to back that one up

I don't give a fuck what a prick troll like you wants. You're a fucking worthless runt.
:lol: You'd be more convincing if you admitted your mistakes.
first i would like to see your proof to back that one up

I don't give a fuck what a prick troll like you wants. You're a fucking worthless runt.
:lol: You'd be more convincing if you admitted your mistakes.

I don't care what you think. You're the dumbass that posted an opinion from a professor and ignored what the phone companies themselves think.

You guys are so fucking transparent it isn't funny. You don't know how to address what I said about the hijackers letting people make calls so you obsess over the "world's most heavily guarded airspace" phrase to ignore the real point.
Never implied they were lying. Thass your dumbass repeating the art of stoopid assumptions.
if you claim there were no calls made, then you IMPLY they are lying

You're so stoopid. I never said no calls were made you ignorant fool.

Let's go over this again. In your OP you said this:

For flight 77 the first claimed cell call occurred at 9:12 am. According to the flight path by the 9E CR, flight 77 would have been too high and traveling too fast for calls to be possible.

I have no doubt nobody can prove cell phones were capable of conversational operations on 9/11 on flight 77 at 9:12 am. Is there anyone who can prove that was possible? I've provided evidence it was not possible. I anticipate two usual events: the usual dickless whiny wonders of fizzbitch, Snitch Bitch, Diveass, and Candyass will do nothing but try to distract and nobody will provide actual evidence showing the cell call from flight 77 at 9:12am was technologically possible.

You have provided direct evidence to refute the claim that cell phone calls were made at 9:12 am from glight 77. This means you are calling anyone who claims to have made a call at this point a liar BECAUSE, per your EVIDENCE, it was not possible.

Correct? Or are we misunderstanding you yet again? If we are, please clarify what point you are trying to make with you above quote.
I don't give a fuck what a prick troll like you wants. You're a fucking worthless runt.
:lol: You'd be more convincing if you admitted your mistakes.

I don't care what you think. You're the dumbass that posted an opinion from a professor and ignored what the phone companies themselves think.

You guys are so fucking transparent it isn't funny. You don't know how to address what I said about the hijackers letting people make calls so you obsess over the "world's most heavily guarded airspace" phrase to ignore the real point.
The hijackers were stoopid and/or their intent was to terrorize so the phone calls were allowed.

You don't care what anyone else thinks...fine, then stfu you certainly aren't convincing anyone but your choir.
so now that we agree that the Mays are not lying and they actually received a phone call from their daughter aboard flight 77 what is the point of arguing about how well cell phones work at 50,000 feet?

considering that the official government stance is that airphones were used, as stated in the moussaoui trial, what is your point?

I never said it is a fact they got a call from their daughter from 77 and you know that but you are such a dishonest dickwad you will lie every chance you get if you think it will help your position.

Show us the phone records from the Commission Report proving calls from 77 were made. Since you guys always claim it was a full investigation I'm sure it will be no problem to produce the CR's evidence of the phone records.

the phone records arent in the commission report. neither is a receipt for atta's underwear. it doesnt mean he wasnt wearing any.

you cant have it both ways...... either you believe the mays are lying and never got a phone call from their daughter or they actually did.

so which is it?

Since you sucked atta's dick in a bar I respect your opinion on whether or not he was a fan of underwear. Did you keep a pair of his to make a pillow case? Is that why you place his underwear on the same level of importance of 9E victims and evidence of what happened?

Thank you for admitting the CR is incomplete and since it does not have the phone records it does not support its own claims with hard evidence.

As for the Mays, you idiots really need to learn the meaning of the fallacy of a false dilemma. But as I pointed out months ago, you're so simple minded you live in a bipolar world.
if you claim there were no calls made, then you IMPLY they are lying

You're so stoopid. I never said no calls were made you ignorant fool.

Let's go over this again. In your OP you said this:

For flight 77 the first claimed cell call occurred at 9:12 am. According to the flight path by the 9E CR, flight 77 would have been too high and traveling too fast for calls to be possible.

I have no doubt nobody can prove cell phones were capable of conversational operations on 9/11 on flight 77 at 9:12 am. Is there anyone who can prove that was possible? I've provided evidence it was not possible. I anticipate two usual events: the usual dickless whiny wonders of fizzbitch, Snitch Bitch, Diveass, and Candyass will do nothing but try to distract and nobody will provide actual evidence showing the cell call from flight 77 at 9:12am was technologically possible.

You have provided direct evidence to refute the claim that cell phone calls were made at 9:12 am from glight 77. This means you are calling anyone who claims to have made a call at this point a liar BECAUSE, per your EVIDENCE, it was not possible.

Correct? Or are we misunderstanding you yet again? If we are, please clarify what point you are trying to make with you above quote.

Is there anyone claiming they made a call with a cell from flight 77? I thought they were all dead?

Anyone who claims successful cell calls were made from 77 around 9:15am is going to have a tough time providing evidence it could or did happen. We already know the CR doesn't have an ounce of hard evidence proving any calls from 77 were made.

taken from prosecution evidence here....
U.S.D.C. Eastern District of Virginia

That's not a phone record. Do you know what one looks like you dumb fuck?

Where's your proof that cell phone calls could not have been made at 9:12 am from flight 77?

You keep providing us with quotes and links that discuss 30,000 and 20,000 feet. Was flight 77 at 30,000 or 20,000 at 9:12 am.? What altitutde WAS it at Curvelight?

You mean you don't know what the CR says? The OP link answers your question.

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